However, we still have to face a large number of advanced deep seas and the four deep sea queens. Nuclear weapons have limited lethality against them based on the Luhang Base.

The command level is too chaotic.

After listening to the report from the command ship, the commander chewed the special fuel rod, closed his eyes, shook his head, and said in a deep voice.

If we decide to use nuclear weapons for attrition from the beginning, we should be allowed to evacuate to land in an organized manner for deployment and intercept the consumed deep sea, instead of letting us face enemies dozens of times our size in the open sea, and then Now we, who have become a remnant, are left to continue our mission.

This is extremely dangerous behavior.

It’s been so long since I’ve had a fight that I don’t even know how to make decisions.

Hey, I don’t know how many people will die because of this mistake.

Is it true that there won't be any more support?

Beside the command ship, Annan, a supply ship girl, asked timidly.

Maybe there will be, maybe not, but since it still maintains the airdrop capability, there is still room for it.

The commander patted the supply box next to him. He also tried his best to find something better to say. This would at least give everyone hope of persisting in resistance and a reason to persist.

The final order from above is to ensure the safety of people's lives and property at all costs.

The command ship was the first to recover. She has been in a relatively safe position at the rear. Except for Cambridge being hit by an aerial bomb, there was no serious problem.

Yes, we will ensure the safety of people's lives and property at all costs. Maybe the property cannot be saved, but we must protect their lives.

Standing up from the food stall chair, the commander stretched, his pitch-black baseball bat with a purple halo flickering on and off.

This is a weapon made from the sharp horn on Fukami Yamato's chest. It has a lot of damage ability to the ship's hull. It was a trophy his mother obtained on the battlefield back then, and it is considered his main means of self-defense.

The other half is displayed in the museum and is regarded as one of Donghuang's glory against the deep sea.

Let's start arranging the battle now. This location is not bad. I have just tested the structural strength. It will take a lot of effort for Shenhai to dismantle this place from the outside.

Commander, we can also help with that.

A supply ship lady said hesitantly.

Find a shelter to hide, or go to the rear to help them transport supplies and demolish walls.

The commander said to the supply ship ladies.

It's not that he looks down on these supply ships, but the supply ships are really useless. Don't look at these supply ships as they all look like big sisters. They are all thin-skinned and big-hearted. They can only eat a deep-sea cannonball or get hit by one. The oil leaked and exploded due to uncertainty.


You guys, you can't even compete with me, so don't cause trouble on the battlefield.

The commander patted the supply ship lady on the head.

Good boy, we'll have to ask you to prepare a celebration banquet for us later.

Okay, okay.

The supply ship lady led the team away with her face flushed.

‘Maybe you’ll have to help us collect the bodies later. ’

Looking at the supply ships turning back in three steps, the commander sighed in his heart, and then asked Ding'an beside him.

Ding'an, did the signal we sent get a response?

Well, the password has been obtained and the remote connection has been completed. If we cannot stop Deep Sea Qiji within the scheduled time, the furnace core at the port will be overloaded and activated.

Ding'an nodded. As the most advanced ship girl since the war, she has many permissions and the ability to adapt to many operating systems.

That's good.

Standing in the port area, which was twisted into a rugged terrain due to the misalignment and overloading of the internal power furnace, the commander opened his communication range to the maximum and focused on sending messages to the deep-sea queens who had broken through the nuclear blockade area.

What it means is nothing more than——

In the deep sea, I am waiting for you in this port module. If you dare to come, your head will be blown off.

Direct and effective.

In response to this provocative behavior of turning up the sound to the maximum level and shouting at his ears, Shenhai, after a brief pause, changed the momentum of his flat advance, focused his attack direction on the origin of the signal, and quickly advanced away.


Waves of sea breeze blew by, and the gravel on the ruins rolled and fell slowly.

deep sea.

Apart from the same beautiful appearance, these depraved and terrifying creatures have nothing in common with ship girls. Their bodies and souls are ruthless and cruel, and they pour out their desire for destruction towards all existences that represent civilization.

They are the minions of darkness and the mortal enemies of civilization.

Covered in dirt, the commander emerged from the sewer, grabbed the body of a deep sea, and buckled a lead barrel on the deep sea's head that could isolate a large number of signals, greatly hindering the deep sea's ability to perceive, and what followed was Together with the ship girls, he was greeted with a slap of sticks all over his face.

Next target.

After asking his comrade who was responsible for attracting the main firepower to hold on for a while, the commander shook off the motor oil on the baseball bat and led the team to the next target without stopping.

There will be more and more people in the deep sea. Before they are completely gathered, it will be profitable to kill as many enemies as possible before they are completely exposed and engage in hand-to-hand combat.

And all this was seen by the chatting crowd who stood quietly on the tall building.

A tough guy.

Doujiu Bai looked at the holographic screen and was beating the deep sea warship's head like a baseball.

Are the humans in your world so powerful?

The offspring of humans and ship girls will have better physical fitness to a certain extent.

Yixian explained; But this commander should be an exception.

Well played.

Ashes stood high up, watching, and commented like this.

Dismissal is very ungrateful, but very effective.

I quite like him. Can I get him to join the group later?

Doujiu Baiduo made a speech that made the villains around him turn green.

That idiot Huang Ji, why didn't he choose this one when he chose a time traveler to be the leader of the group?

Without joining the discussion, the fire-proof girl held her face in boredom and thought in her heart.

After a heart-to-heart exchange with Huangji on the moon, the fireproof girl also learned that Huangji was actually one of the shareholders of the original chat group, but because he was too good at producing anything, he was finally assigned to choose the group leader. Quota.

Then he brought a group leader with amazing wisdom to the chat group and kicked him out directly.

Who knew that a time-traveler's brain would be damaged after traveling through time? It was obviously normal when he was in the orphanage next door, okay?

Huangji's speechless voice rang in the fireproof girl's mind. After signing the contract, Huangji was considered a half member of the chat group, and could finally use the rules of the chat group to hold conversations.

How pitiful God is, he is also one of the founders of this chat group after all!

You would rather trust a time traveler who doesn't know the details than trust the child you have seen growing up.

Fireproof Girl suddenly discovered that there was a reason why Huang Ji, one of the original investors of the chat group, was like this.

I was smart enough to find a time traveler with amazing wisdom as the group leader.

Its astonishing operational capabilities directly caused it to dissolve into Honkai energy on the spot, and seriously affected the subsequent unlocking of the chat group function, causing the chat group to enter an idle state for a considerable period of time.

If the subsequent members of the group hadn't raised their hands, this chat group could have been declared scrapped.

I admit that I have read too many novels.

The yellow chicken actively admits his mistakes.

Smelling the stench brought by the turbulent sea breeze, which makes people inexplicably want to associate it with the abyss, the fireproof girl and the yellow chicken chatted one after another, but their thoughts fell on these deep seas. .

These deep seas are like the darkness in her body, but they have turned into tangible objects and become the opposite of civilization.

I think of my own Dark Souls theme park, which is currently being played by Miyazaki veterans from all over the world and being reasonably optimized.

An idea appeared in the fireproof girl's head.

After dividing the darkness later, with no worries, can she designate an area in Lordran and turn the darkness into similar tangible objects to serve as Lothric's opponent in peacetime, so as to keep Lothric alive? The combat effectiveness of the army and the daily dark consumption methods.

Just follow these deep sea templates and make them.

After all, in the foreseeable future, gods like the Fireproof Girl will put more energy on the maintenance and upgrading of the world. The work of hunting souls, ahem, and inviting the Salary King will still have to be suppressed by Lothric's violent institutions. On the other hand, a strong army is still very necessary.

Do you think it's feasible?

I shared the ideas in my head with Huang Ji.

Isn't this appropriate?

Huang Ji didn't expect that the fire prevention girl just glanced at the deep sea invasion and was already thinking about how to torture the children under her hands.

It won't be long before your children live a good life.

Why doesn't it fit?

The fireproof girl asked back, not to mention that Huangji, the eldest brother who was currently torturing his own children, had no right to laugh at her second brother. She actually thought it would be good to complete a few dark copies for the troops under her command to practice.

Otherwise, the Lothric Knights and Black Knights are living a peaceful life now. The Silver Knights have degenerated into an urban management brigade, and the guys from the Frank Undead Team have almost completely degenerated into a street dance group because they have no work to do. .

It's really unnecessary.

Yellow Chicken is not very optimistic about the idea of ​​fire prevention girl.

You are fighting with yourself. Light and darkness cancel each other out. You are completely consuming yourself here. You are just idle and tossing around. You are not making any profit.

That's it.

The fire prevention girl was a little disappointed. She thought she could carry out macro-control on her own.

But can you really make something exactly the same as those in the deep sea?

After a moment of silence, as if he remembered something, Huang Ji spoke again and confirmed to the fire prevention girl.


The fireproof girl had burnt several deep seas before when she was dealing with Honkai crystals. She had been soaking in the big library for so long and it was not in vain. Naturally, she used the first fire to complete the deconstruction, and it was very easy to recreate it.

Otherwise, she would not have chosen to propose this plan to Huangji.

Stably activate darkness, tsk tsk...

Huang Ji said with emotion.

What bad idea are you planning?

Fireproof girls have always been very sensitive to emotions.

What a bad idea, I just thought of an opportunity to make a fortune.

Yellow Chicken chuckled.

Tell me?

As soon as she heard that there was money to be made, the fire prevention girl immediately became interested.

The fireproof girl is also a money addict.

There is no way, after all, there have been too many poor days in the past.

I'm telling you, I have a way here to send these deep seas to other worlds.

Huangji's voice lowered, as if he was afraid that someone would be listening.

We all know the details of those worlds, we can do this-

You provide me with the deep sea, and I will quietly put a certain amount of it into the deep sea, just enough for them to need help, but without causing too much impact. At that time, I will use my authority to recommend you to take charge of handling it.

In this way, you deal with the darkness, earn rewards, and win twice.

If you are held accountable, then blame Huanmeng again, perfect.

How about it? Do you want to do it?

The fireproof girl opened her eyes wide. What Huang Ji said once again refreshed the lower limit of the world's will in her mind. She couldn't help but despise Huang Ji in her heart.

When it comes to being immoral, it has to be you.

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