We spend tens of billions every year, so your exercises should just be a formality.


If the soy milk was poured out in vain, it was like a heavy hammer hitting Yixian's heart, making her breathless. This was one of the most annoying things to her.

Look, the deep sea has arrived.

The defense was breached three standard hours later than expected.

Doujiu Bai looked at the artillery fire getting closer and closer in the distance, and the black figures stacked under the artillery fire.

The combat effectiveness of the ship girl is really good. The combat effectiveness of this army is better than that of other established interstellar powers.


The big traitor nodded in agreement. The individual combat capabilities displayed by the ship girls inside the planet were very rare in the interstellar era.

If I had known that the money would be used to build the ship, at least the ship girl would be obedient.

When will your fleet arrive?

Looking at Yixian who had turned gray and white from the blow, the fireproof girl couldn't bear to shake her head and asked Doujiao Baiduo.

The fleet is not coming.

The soy milk was poured out and spread on my hands.




Feeling a little restless under the death stares of several people, Doujiao Baidao quickly added.

Although the fleet will not come, the parliament sent a giant statue to give you a little materialistic shock when the time comes.

The treacherous villain showed his face unexpectedly.

It seems that you attach great importance to this cooperation.

No, actually I just want to play.

Doujiu Bai scratched his head: After all, it has been built for so long. Apart from experimental activities, it has not really been fired yet. I just plan to bring the Colossus over to play.


The evil traitor is even more incomprehensible.

How could your council approve such an outrageous request?

Doujiu Baibai raised a holographic image, which showed the frenzied voting process of the people in the parliament.

I told them that we had arranged for Su'er to consecrate the Colossus, and the council unanimously approved it.

If it weren't for this rare opportunity and the equipment still needs to be debugged, they could just drive the Colossus over right now.

...Do you still believe this?

The traitor had a speechless expression on his face as he consecrated the Colossus weapon. Fortunately, the soy milk was poured out in vain. This guy could figure it out.

Su'er's blessing is useful. Why not use it if it is useful?

Doujiu gave the traitor a white look and continued to observe the battlefield with the holographic screen. He also needed to record the battle data of the ship girls, so that he could gain more firm support in proposing the proposal to popularize ship girls.


The situation along the coast was dire.

Ding'an looked at the sky, his mood at this moment becoming more and more depressed with the gloomy sky. The rain falling from the sky dripped along the outline of his face, outlining a bitter face.

She had just withdrawn from the coastal defense line and was responsible for understanding the evacuation situation of the city residents. In such a short period of negotiation, the deep sea had already arrived.

The huge fleet composed of several deep sea queens, relying on the increase of black mist and the baptism of nuclear weapons, finally set foot on the land belonging to Donghuang after more than ten hours.

The deep breath of the deep sea dyed the sky into filth.

A disturbing light shines in the deep darkness.

The countless deep seas are silently stepping onto the land that will be ravaged by them, and silently walking towards the city that they hate from the bottom of their hearts.

It won't be long before they can reach the city and use their artillery fire to destroy everything that represents civilization.

In the city, ignorant people are at a loss and want to follow the flow of people into the already overwhelmed shelter facilities.


The deep-sea fighter jet with its tail swept off fell crookedly and crashed into the overpass connecting the two ends of the road. Then with an unstoppable momentum, it crashed into the lower floor of a high-rise building. After losing the superior deep-sea command, it expanded into a huge ontology.


High-rise buildings collapsed in an instant, deep-sea fighter jets sprayed artillery fire wantonly, and the biomass's big mouth was full of sharp fangs, chewing everything around it.


The shrunken jet fighter made a terrifying roar, and bullets rained down like fire, tearing the deep-sea fighter into pieces.

Ding'an, how is the retreat from the rear?

After Ding'an dealt with the deep sea who planned to continue pouring artillery fire on the crowd, a communication from the commander rang.

Ding'an shook his head, shook off the remains of the corpse on his face, and walked down the wet steps. The body's fuel continued to spill out along the cracks in his body, leaving colorful traces along the footprints, which were then washed away by the flowing rain.

This city brings together more than 80 million people, Commander.

Ding'an pursed his lips and said somewhat vaguely.

...how is the situation?

Facing the commander's question, Ding'an was silent for a while and then spoke tactfully.

We are still in the preparation stage of organizing crowd evacuation.

After a deathly silence, Ding'an sighed as he listened to the ping-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong sound on the other end of the communication.

She didn't quite understand what the people at the back were doing when they were blocking the deep sea at the front. Unfortunately, what she could do at the moment was very limited. Now that the deep sea was about to push into the city, she could no longer waste time dealing with it. There's a security issue.

Help me pass on the order to dismantle and transfer the core city. I have this right.

In a battlefield where the sky is completely obscured and the breath of the deep sea dominates all battlefields, it would be impossible to stop such a large number of deep sea attacks.

The commander knew from the beginning that the city could not be defended, but he did not expect that they would not be able to evacuate people after such a long delay.

Damn it, are all these years of practice just acting? The average record of four hours to evacuate a city's population is a fart.

I just asked the relevant person in charge that it will take time to start the city block.

It was an important decision, so Ding'an had no time to care about the commander's blood pressure and answered the information he received honestly.

The core section of the city is stuck due to aging equipment and is still undergoing maintenance. People who want to move have to return to the road. It is impossible to separate and evacuate the sections in a short time.

Ding'an knew that the deep sea would destroy everything belonging to civilization, including humans and the cities they built. Through the experience accumulated in the long past, abandoning some city blocks could stop the deep sea's offensive to a certain extent and gain time for civilians to evacuate.

“The municipal maintenance people can go eat shit.”

Ding'an was so embarrassed that he didn't know what to reply.

What about the specific evacuation time? How long do we need to hold on?

After taking a few seconds to calm down, the commander continued to ask.

Ding'an dialed the communication, waited for a while, and then cautiously spoke to the commander.

They said they weren't sure.

Not sure?! I (Donghuang swears)

The muscles on the commander's face were tense, and he paced back and forth in the command room with clenched fists. Maintaining a high-intensity command network for a long time, coupled with the stimulation from the crouching dragons and phoenixes behind him, made it really difficult for him to manage his emotions.

They're kidding with our lives!

The things on the table had been thrown away. He wanted to punch the wall with his fist, but also thought that this was his ship's wife's hull. The commander's fists were clenched and loosened, and finally he sat back down with an unlucky look on his face. own position.

Not sure. Did we answer that we were unsure when they asked me if I could keep it for four hours? Did we answer that we were unsure when they asked me if I could keep it for eight hours? It's ten hours now!


An aerial bomb broke through the air defense network and landed near the command tower. The battleship quickly turned into a blue Rubik's Cube. The commander and the ship's wife, who were all covered in black, supported each other and left the command location.


The roar was getting closer and closer. Ding'an used the cover of high-rise buildings to rush towards the outskirts of the city. Most of her fighter jets had been shot down.

Until the command network linked to her again.

Commander, how is the situation?

Ahem, it's okay.

Commander, can we request support?

Although they really wanted to hold on, when most of their colleagues were beaten into mental Rubik's cubes, their rationality told Ding'an that they could not hold on for much longer.

Ahem, there is no possibility of support. All lines of defense are in emergency. We are not the first to be penetrated.

After dragging the seriously injured ship girl onto the shore, the commander wiped the blood from his mouth and replied that strictly speaking, it was surprising that he could still maintain contact with the headquarters.

so what should I do now?

Ding'an asked nervously.

If we continue to maintain the peripheral defense line, we can last for a few dozen minutes at most, and everyone will die by then.

Evacuate to the port section and engage in street fighting. The people there should be almost gone, and the section structure is durable enough to be demolished. I will maximize the command network and attract those deep-sea beauties over.

The commander made a decision.

Thankfully, my mother is also a ship girl. At least it can be of some use to me when fighting on the street.

Copy that, Commander.*N

Several sparse responses came from the command channel.

By the way, Ding'an, haven't you always wanted to go to Chongying's Expulsion Academy for tactical exchanges? I have approved this, and all my colleagues who are still in the network, whatever you want to do after the war, just do it, I will Approval.

I can also accompany you if necessary.

Commander, isn't it a good time to set up a flag like this?

Before the other ship girls could reply, Ding'an spoke.

This is not a flag.

The commander smiled sadly.

I just feel like I'm really going to die this time. I controlled you too strictly before, but now I have to fulfill your wishes before I die.


Damn it, if I want to survive this time, I will definitely not let the people in the municipal government have an easy time.

Chapter 257 Fireproof Girl: I choose to refuse

Coastal core city, within the outer port.


Among the ruins where the module was overturned, the commander looked around at the ship girls who were looking somewhat embarrassed, with a gloomy expression.

It seems we are really in trouble this time.

Although he had been mentally prepared when he disconnected from the command network, there were not many comrades left who had really seen each other day and night, and the commander's heart was still full of sadness.

Each unit carried out supplies, the aircraft carrier maintained airspace blockade, and the command ship began reporting.

Dragging a pitch-black baseball bat, the commander wiped away the fragments of the deep sea on his body, then dragged a stall chair with a broken edge and sat down.

There are currently four fleets led by Shenhai Qiji in the central coastal area. Because we still retain most of the communication methods, the firepower strikes of the missile forces still curb their advancement to a certain extent.

A solemn atmosphere filled the surrounding area, and the surrounding ship girls also seemed depressed due to the passing of their comrades. In front of the commander, the ship girl as the command ship calmly reported the information she received.

As the deep-sea forces have gradually approached the coastal areas, Shangfeng is now planning an intensive nuclear strike on the coastal areas, so our future pressure can be reduced a lot.

The most powerful destructive ability of nuclear weapons is actually the shock wave caused by the explosion in the atmosphere, so they cannot be used on a large scale in the outer sea areas. Otherwise, before the deep sea is bombed, human beings' own cities will be swept away by tsunamis.

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