The fingertips ignited a flame, and when they touched the iron cage, the flames spread immediately. The fireproof woman pinched the lock of the cage with one hand and pulled him out.

These magicians are really desperate. No wonder they all study spells that can send their enemies and themselves into the sky together.

Ahem, Fireproof Lady, are you willing to accept the allegiance of a spellcaster?

After demonstrating the spell, he coughed out a few puffs of black smoke, fearing that the fire-prevention woman would not agree, Korkus added.

If your team needs a spellcaster, bring me with you - and the threshold for learning spells is very low, and you can quickly develop combat effectiveness.


Nowadays, the entire Lothrik talent pool is withering, so it would be nice to have someone who can be taught and used. Fireproof Girl doesn't mind the origins of these guys, as long as they are not evil people with twisted minds in the apocalypse.

Corkus of the Great Marsh, please give me your advice.

After receiving the promise, Korkus quickly got up from the ground and bowed deeply.

Let's go and pack your things first. There is very little noise from the fighting. Basically, those books and notes are left behind. The army will be responsible for clearing out these villagers.

The one-sided situation of the settlement was no longer interesting. The fire-proof woman pulled the ashes and then signaled to Korkus that it was time to go down.

Thank you so much.

Korkus saluted repeatedly, as if the fireproof girl was his reincarnated parent, and ran downstairs.

How long have you been here?

the firebender asked as she walked downstairs and noticed the date on Korkus' note.

Yes, I came to the Undead Settlement to study the ancient trees here. Unexpectedly, something went wrong when I first came to Lothrik and I lost contact with the Undead Settlement. You have also seen what happened after that. The villagers were no longer restrained. They will no longer hide their malice.”

After carefully arranging the books and stuffing them into a package, Korkus lit a flame with his fingers and determined that the place could be lit. He heated a pot of water and threw a few green flowers and plants into it.

How's it going outside?

The fireproof girl asked as she pulled up a chair and sat down.

You mean the Forest of Punishment? It has become a hell.

Korkus squatted nervously by the fire, recalling the scene when he arrived.

The lake water is rotten and smelly, the trees are growing poison sacs, crabs several people tall are acting as predators in them, and there are also those werewolf things, the flames are dim, everything is going crazy.


The fire prevention girl was speechless. It looked like it had become a cesspool, but she still had to go there.

Your Highness!

Richard knocked on the door, and the Fireproof Woman had a mark on her body that allowed him to locate the Fireproof Woman.

Please come in.

Korkus spontaneously stepped forward and opened the door. The tall Richard squeezed in from the outside, keeping a distance from the fireproof woman. His body was covered with blood, his sword was full of gaps, and his cloak was soaked in blood. Colkus couldn't help but feel heartache when he accidentally touched a package full of books.

how is the progress.

Thinking about not smearing the knowledge she had gained with blood and sweat, the fireproof girl got up and followed Richard to the door, where she saw several wounded people being sent to the wall.

They seemed to have been attacked by some kind of large blunt object, their armor was deflated, and blood seeped out from the gaps. If they wanted to be treated, they needed to find time to take off their equipment and release the miracle.

The clearing from the river square to the cliff has been completed, but when passing the birch trees we were attacked from the watchtower.


The fireproof woman knelt down and performed miracles for several injured knights. Their damaged armors were restored together with their bodies, earning the envious looks of those around them.

It should be a giant archer. Your Highness, do you need us to go to the watchtower to deal with him first?

The thick arrows that were pierced dozens of centimeters deep into the wall. Apart from the Silver Knights of the Royal City, only giants could pull a large bow that could cause such damage. Richard asked the fire prevention woman for instructions.

There's no need, the giant has an easier way.

The fireproof girl shook her head, searched in the small vault, and found out a tender white branch that she didn't know when she put it in. It seemed to be given to her by the judge who stayed in Huanyin City. This thing is very popular with giants. Giants are very simple and can be friends as long as they give each other gifts.

Let's go solve the giant problem, Richard. Guard all passages and start searching for and rescuing victims in the controlled area. Wait for my notification.

As commanded.

Richard led the people to retreat. As for Korkus, the fire-prevention woman gave him a return bone fragment and gave it to the old maid at the sacrificial site for arrangement.

After pulling up the ashes, they left Korkus' hut and walked across the square. There was a door leading to the interior of the church. Unfortunately, it was locked and could not be opened from the outside. So they went straight to the elevator. Here There should be direct access to the upper level of the tower.


The room was full of debris, but there were many footprints stained with the characteristic mud of the Undead Settlement. Walking back and forth, the gaps were filled with ash squeezed out by the movement of the elevator. It was obvious that the elevator had been used many times not long ago. Pass.


This was good news. Hui Jin breathed a sigh of relief. She had an instinctive fear of heights and didn't want to climb a tower dozens of meters high.


But before they stepped forward to step on the mechanism, the elevator suddenly triggered and moved upwards. The gears rotated and the second elevator took its place, followed by a knight in round clothes.

The armor is curved, very thick, and the defense is not low at first glance, but the onion-like helmet and the round white armor pieces make the person wearing the armor look inexplicably honest and cute.

The knight from Catalina...

The dusty memory was triggered again, and he pulled the fireproof girl's hand and reminded her.


As if he was thinking about something and lost his mind, Catalina's knight walked straight out of the elevator. The two stepped aside, only to see him move straight forward, and then fell headlong into a solid wall. , fell flat on his butt.

Sorry, I was too absorbed in thinking.

After straightening his crooked helmet, Catalina's knight stood up from the ground and bowed to the wall to apologize.


Looking at this idiot who was very similar to the figure in his memory, Hui Jin was speechless and held his forehead. The fire prevention girl who was covering her mouth to suppress laughter couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Chapter 27 Under the Tower

Oh~ you are here, hello, I am Jack Baldo, a knight from Catalina.

Scratching his smooth helmet, Jackbaldo followed the laughter and turned to face the fireproof woman. A simple and honest voice came from the helmet and said hello to the two of them.

Hello, I'm the fire girl and she's the ash.

Were you also at the birch tree and were attacked from the tower?

Jackbaldo carried the sword and asked, the giant's bow and arrows are not that simple. Even if they don't hit directly, the rocks and gravel they throw away can still cause terrible damage.

There were obvious scratches on the eggshell white armor, which had obviously been attacked. However, the armor from Catalina had excellent defense against puncture and slashing damage, and he himself did not suffer any injuries.

Yes, that's exactly why we're going to come over and take a look at the situation.

The fireproof girl replied with a smile. Ashes had already relaxed her vigilance when she discovered that he was the Knight of Catalina. She leaned against the wall and looked at this guy with interest.

Honestly, I think so too. I think no matter who it is, as long as they can communicate well, it will be fine - but I'm very troubled now.

Jack Baldo kicked the elevator shelf with a very resentful tone.

I have been here for a long time. I want to go up to the tower, but I can't find a way to go up. This elevator can only go down.

Is there a possibility that, I mean, this elevator is double-decker?

Looking up, a bright elevator board was right in front of me. It was really rude to laugh in front of others, but the fireproof girl really couldn't help it.

What should I do?

This is really a difficult problem in the world. Jack Baldo sat near the elevator with some dejection, staring at the elevator, trying to figure out the reason.

He's a fool.

Indeed, he is an idiot~

Judging from his speech, the fireproof girl and Ashes looked at each other vaguely, thinking that this man's IQ was very problematic.

Let's go down first and let him stay here. He should be able to understand it, right?

The fireproof girl poked Ashes' arm and asked in a low voice.

have no idea.

After trying hard to recall, the two guys he knew in his memory didn't seem to be so stupid. Hui Jin replied confidently.

You go down there and I'll give him instructions.

The fireproof girl was also made unconfident by the ashes and said.

If it's your request, I will fulfill it.

Hui Jing nodded and walked towards the elevator honestly. At this moment, Jack Baldo stopped her.

You have to be careful. Although you can defeat the villagers all the way here, which is enough to prove that you are warriors, there is a beast below with an ice sword. It is very powerful. Don't provoke it.

After saying that, Jack Baldo unconsciously touched the frostbite on his buttocks. Don't ask, it means he was beaten.

If you need help, I can go down.

This onion is quite warm-hearted.

Just stay here, Ashes is very powerful.

Fireproof Girl asked Jackbaldo to stay so that he wouldn't be alone and didn't know how to get up there. Although he hadn't gone through much strengthening, he had come all the way from the settlement and felt reassured by Ashes' current combat power.

see you later.

Stepping on the elevator, the gears rotated, and the hook pulled the platform down. Ash waved his hands reluctantly, and began to sink, out of sight of the fire prevention woman. Then the elevator that filled the elevator shaft was the elevator descending from the upper level. .

Oh, oh! So that's it. There's another floor above. Someone needs to step on the elevator to go down, and then I can step on it to go up. Does it take two people to crack this mechanism? I totally understand. Thank you very much, fire girl.

No, you don't get it at all.

Mr. Jackbaldo, you can go up first. I will come up with Ashes later.

The Fireproof Girl pushed the dumb Onion Knight onto the platform, and the Giant was basically dumb and stupid. Even if the two idiots put them together, they couldn't fight.

Oh~ I'll wait for you up there.

After stepping on the mechanism, the fire-proof woman exited the lifting platform. As the platform rose, Ashes did not appear, and the sound of ping-ping-pong-pong-pong was faintly heard below.


He tilted his head and waited for the platform to stop for a while. After the mechanism popped up, the fire prevention girl stepped forward, intending to go down and see what happened.



The straight sword with ice mist was waving violently like a wild beast. The knight wearing the exquisite Irushil war knight armor took on the appearance of a wolf and lay on the ground, his beastly eyes staring at the empty elevator in front of him. well.

She had been sent here to guard the underground passage leading to the living sacrifices for some time. After killing a few guys who wanted to force their way in, no one dared to go to this passage anymore, and she was happy and free. Sleep in a quiet passage every day.

But this peaceful life was broken with the arrival of a guy.

Seeing the elevator shaft going down again, he quickly stepped forward with his sword and slashed straight at the person's neck with one move.

His grandma’s, it’s endless, right?

She's been playing in the elevator all day, and the creaking sound hasn't stopped. She can't sleep here at all. She wears such thick armor, and runs away as soon as she attacks her. She's just trying to make fun of her, right? ?

When he thought of one of his attacks on the white onion, he fell headlong into the elevator shaft and was covered in dirty mud. The ice knight was furious. He had turned into a beast, but he pursued purity in his bones. Her elegant instinct still made her feel angry for no reason.

She couldn't bear the grievance.

The strength of swinging the sword became a little stronger.

Still missed.

Full of malice.

The chill of the freezing air rushed towards him. Ashes dodged the attack, passed through the ice knight's interception, and appeared from the entrance of the elevator shaft.

About a minute later, the elevator touched the bottom. She remembered Jack Baldo's reminder. Unexpectedly, she was attacked as soon as she came down. However, she had experienced this kind of squatting technique more than once, and she quickly avoided it. This time it was a sneak attack.


After missing a hit, the Ice Knight roared angrily, sprinted forward, and swung his sword three times, but still missed.


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