That hunter's dream of yours? Speaking of which, are you also a hunter?

After releasing the Great Recovery and treating the injuries of these people, the fire-prevention woman asked them to go outside the settlement to find the servant army responsible for maintaining order, walked down the stairs, and asked.

No, strictly speaking, I am a nun there, responsible for saving people.

Ashes shook her head and said in denial. Tired of killing, she went to a church to become a nun at the beginning of her dream. Unfortunately, madness and killing seemed to be chasing behind her, and she could not get rid of it no matter what.

Oh~ you seem to have experienced a very different experience?

I'll tell you if you like.

Holding the fireproof girl's hand, Ashes replied seriously. She still remembered the things in the dream more clearly than the blurred immortal life.


The pistol presented by Ashes is called Evelin. The weapon she first obtained in the dream world can fire bullets as long as a medium is injected into it. Whether it is blood, soul, or the fireproof girl's own power, as long as it is injected into it, the bullets fired will Have different effects.

One shot killed the little slave who was hiding in the corner waiting for a sneak attack. He was naked, with thin limbs and a bulging belly. This was a sign of long-term malnutrition. The hat he wore was very similar to the thief named Glarete.

The fireproof girl finally understood the reason why Galat was willing to risk being hacked to death by the soldiers to go to the high wall.

The corpse turned into fly ash as time passed, and when the wind blew, it brought an unpleasant rancid smell that lingered around the tip of the pen, and the fire prevention girl couldn't help but frown.

Pushing aside the rags that blocked his sight, he came to a balcony.

In front, beside a skinny old tree, a bonfire burned corpses, and corpse oil seeped into the soil. The rotting smell came from there. Under the command of a fat aunt holding a black book in her hand, several strong men, Wearing white work gloves, they dragged an elderly woman and hung her from a rope.


Shooting each of the two villagers a fire-attribute bullet, the fire-proof girl called out. Ashes understood, hugged the fire-proof girl's waist and rolled over the wooden house, then flew forward, like a predatory eagle, catching the old woman.

The sword blade cut the rope, and the obtrusive self-portrait teacher disappeared under the attack of the club. Ashes emerged from an inconspicuous cloud of dust, and handed the old woman to the fireproof woman.

Are you Loretta?

Noticing the bones in the old woman's arms, the fireproof woman asked. She had not forgotten the commission that Glarat had given her.

Yes, thank you for your life-saving grace, your kind-hearted fire-prevention female highness.

Following the sound, she met the fire-proof girl's exquisite eyepatch. Loretta quickly broke away from the fire-proof girl's support. The identity of this generation of fire-proof girls was not a secret in the church, and they were not those simple civilian girls. She could do it. After a salute, he replied tremblingly.

A thief named Glaret asked me to give this to you. Are you from Kalim Church?

After handing the ring back to Loretta, the fireproof girl continued to ask. When she accepted the ring, she noticed Loretta's name engraved on the silver edge.

...Exactly, Your Highness.

After hesitating for a moment, recalling that she had never had any interactions with the fireproof girl in the past, Loretta breathed a sigh of relief and admitted.

Then why do these mentors plan to kill you?

Your Highness doesn't know something——

Loretta explained that after the Autobiography Fire Sect lost power, the Angelic Cult was classified as a heresy, the Saint was missing, the Kalim Church disappeared, and most of them fled back to the land of ghosts, Londoer, and the Church of the Deep returned in Eldridge. Later, for some unknown reason, they lost contact with the Immortal Settlement.

The mentors whose ambitions emerged relied on the new faith established by the ancient trees, their own force and the support of the villagers to rule the place.

As a senior member of the Kalim Church, even a retired senior official, Loretta had the task of monitoring the undead settlement for the church in the past. Now the mentors who have tasted the sweetness of power naturally plan to take action on her.

Just when the fireproof girl asked Loretta about the information she knew, the battle on the Ashes side was coming to an end.

With the Dark Sword in hand, he chopped off the arm of a villager wielding a guillotine, then burned the fire paper and threw it on the gunpowder barrels piled in the warehouse. I don't know what these villagers were thinking, actually placing the explosives in such an obvious place. The place.


After a burst of continuous explosions, the house collapsed as flames shot into the sky, and the ground was covered with charred corpses. Wooden thorns and other debris flew everywhere, forming a honeycomb for nearby villagers.

Ashes threw away the villagers he used as a shield, then stood up and sidestepped to avoid the flame pot thrown at him. The fat instructor also climbed up from the flames. He didn't know if it was because of the excessive fat and formed a Due to her natural protection, she did not suffer much damage from the explosion just now.

She swayed and opened her arms, the flames igniting from her body and howling towards the ashes.

Be careful, don't get caught by her, it's a spell flame.

Loretta reminded kindly, but Ashes had his own ideas.

A shotgun appeared in his hand, and he fired when the fat aunt was about to rush in front of her, blocking her sprint. The bullets that penetrated her body violently corroded her body, and the intense pain swirled in her body, so much so that She was unable to move or even maintain the spell any longer.

A faint stream of air appeared at Hui Jin's feet. She flashed behind her mentor, stretched out her arm, directly penetrated the thick fat layer, and inserted it into her abdominal cavity.

Visceral attack!

The technique Ashes learned in the dream that connects to another world can cause the opponent's body tissue to explode through physical contact, which can cause huge trauma to humanoid creatures.


The instructor was torn into several pieces by the explosive force, his fat internal organs flew everywhere, his two meaty legs were stretched straight, and he fell to the ground like this, which looked very funny.


Hui Jin glanced at the greasy fat left on her hands with disgust. She wanted to show the fire prevention girl an execution technique that she had never seen before, but she didn't expect that she couldn't even touch it now.


The fireproof girl was rubbing her chin, and the ashes' style didn't look right.

Chapter 25 The Conjurer Korkus

Your Highness, this is.

The sound of the gunpowder barrel exploding attracted the Black Knight who had been wandering near the fire girl. Elton stepped on the flaming wooden frame and hurried over. He was relieved when he saw the fire girl who was unharmed.

This is Loretta from Kalim Church. Leave her to Richard to arrange.

Your Highness, you have brought troops?

Loretta was surprised to see the black knight who had passed through the flames with a few sparks of fire remaining on his armor. She had already prepared for the worst when she saw the ashes awakened by the sound of the bell and even the fire-prevention woman who had left the sacrificial site. Guess, didn't you expect that Lothrik now still has the energy to send out troops?


Without explaining too much, the fireproof girl planned to hand over the old woman to the Luoqi and take her to Glarat. No matter what she was like in the past, she was just an ordinary old woman who was remembered by others.

...Your Highness, go along the road and cross the broken bridge. It is the residence of a large swamp magician. That person knows some fire spells and may be able to help you.

Loretta naturally had no objections. She seemed to know that something had appeared in Lothric, so she alerted the fire prevention girl, and then she came to the side of the black knight.

Nodding to show that he listened to Loretta's words, and handing her over to Elton, the Fireproof Girl and Ashes continued to move forward.

The flames spread.

It dispelled the cold atmosphere of the settlement, but also made the disgusting corpse odor more intense. Black oil seeped out from the warm ground, and a disgusting sticky feeling could be felt even through the armor. I don’t know how long it took to deal with this. Where the body was, every step forward stepped on the dirt filled with sin.

This place reminds me of the Asylum of the Immortal.

Ashes held up a shield and walked to the right of the fire-proof girl. In this position, she could protect the fire-proof girl's attacks as quickly as possible. She stepped across the shed building and looked up. The only thing she could see was that she was locked in an iron cage. , a living corpse with its thin limbs struggling to stretch out.

The imprisonment and abuse of the undead in a lonely environment will only accelerate the process of becoming living corpses. It is obviously just a normal phenomenon caused by the decline of the First Fire, but it is regarded as a curse by them, or used as a research sample by careerists.

The wandering knight in the cage reaches out his hand in despair. The badly worn armor tells the story of his journey. Even the villagers are unwilling to take away the broken sword. Perhaps the undead seeking peace on the long journey never expected his ending. That's it.

His movements were frozen at this moment, the fire of the soul in his eyes had dimmed, and that miserable look brought back bad memories of Ashes.

The Immortal Curse is something that appeared before the Autobiography Fire. The specific origin has been lost in history and cannot be verified. It is said that since the birth of the flame, this curse has appeared with the flame. Whenever the flame dims, the Immortal Curse will emerge, and the undead It will spread like mushrooms after rain. They are still living people, but they have decayed like corpses.

I was locked in a cell waiting to die until... who came? I shouldn't forget him. That person threw me a key...

In ancient times, the gods established prisons to hold the undead. Ashes told about his vague past. The fireproof girl listened quietly. A villager with a stooped back walked in front of him, carrying a large vat of minced meat. Ashes swung his sword and cut it. His arm was stuck to the vat, drowning him in the thick plasma inside.

Hey, Ashes over there!

There were shouts from above. Ashes looked up and noticed a cage hung high on the top of the house.

Yes, it's you. Thank God. I didn't expect that in this cursed village, I could still see someone with a burning fire in his soul. Is the person next to you, I'm sorry I can't see clearly, your companion?

When he felt Ashes passing his gaze, a shout of surprise came from the cage. He seemed relieved and asked anxiously.

She's my fire girl.

Ashes took the fireproof girl's hand and protected it behind her back.

Ha, what a wonderful combination. Forgive me for speaking too much. I really haven't communicated with normal people for too long.

Iron Cage quickly expressed that he had no ill intentions, explained quickly, and then requested.

Can you please come upstairs so we can get acquainted formally.


The fireproof girl nodded to signal Ashes' agreement, and then she responded and opened the door below.

The spellcaster's house contains many books, as well as many specialties from Smokey Lake. There is a thick stack of notes on the stone table with ancient totems drawn on it.

It seems that this magician is quite studious?

After getting rid of a few little slaves who were hiding in the corner, trying not to destroy the books inside, the fireproof girl carried the ashes all the way up to the iron cage hung on the top of the building.

Aha, are you just...the ashes of Wuhuo?

Ignoring the conjurer's greeting, Hui Jing noticed the bright light on the corpse beside him. When it turned on, he went forward to search and found that it was just an ordinary hand axe.

After putting it back in his backpack in disappointment, Hui Jin noticed this skinny guy with his eyes covered with a piece of cloth and wearing a coat made of a combination of bronze ornaments and animal fur.

What are you talking about?


The fireproof girl covered her mouth and snickered. She didn't intend to answer the question, and this sorcerer didn't even say hello to her.

...Ah, I'm rude. My name is Korkus, a magician from the Great Swamp. This is the fireproof girl?

Finding that this duo seemed to be dominated by the fire-prevention woman, he saluted to the fire-prevention woman again and took out a green blade of grass from his pocket. Korkus chewed it, and the bitter taste stimulated him to ignore the embarrassment. This was Common plants produced in the Dispense Forest can have a refreshing effect.

Hello, just call me Fireproof Girl.

After returning the salute, the fireproof girl still stood firmly in place.

Did you cause the explosion just now?

Korkus wanted to hold the bars of the iron cage, but he stopped as if he was afraid of something, and asked nervously.

That's right.

The fireproof girl nodded and noticed that the iron bars of the cage were covered with transparent liquid.

With all due respect, this is not a wise decision. If those mentors have not been overwhelmed by their fat, I am afraid they have already organized a siege against you.

Korkus reminded, but the two people in front of him looked calm and not panicked at all, which made him very puzzled.

It's really organized.

The location of this house in Korkus is really good. It can overlook most of the area. Standing here, the fire prevention woman can see the fat aunts who organized the counterattack being blocked in the alley by the Luoqi and being used as watermelons. Every time they cut it, they were yellow. The red fat inside.

The tall villager, who was carrying a thick wooden board on his back and holding a guillotine in his hand, recklessly provoked the black knight who was rescuing the undead. His head was grabbed and pressed directly into his chest.

Their organization really facilitated the speed of our encirclement and suppression.


Chapter 26 It’s onions, I added onions

I see, it seems the flame has been rekindled?

After the fireproof woman's explanation, Korkus learned that they were an army from Lothric, responsible for dealing with the rebels of the undead settlement. He instinctively thought that Lothric had already solved the problem of spreading fire.

So be it.

The tone of the fireproof woman's ambiguous answer made Korkus relax and kick the iron cage, making a rare joke.

As you can see, this is my home now, an iron cage.

I have read your notes. You should have mastered the spell of fire. Why are you trapped in an iron cage?

To be honest, the fire-proof woman had doubts about the combat effectiveness of this magician. If the magician really mastered the magic flame, there was no reason that he would be helpless against steel.

Because they smeared kerosene on the cage, which is extracted from immortal grease through a special method. It has no smell. They smeared it all over my residence while I was resting. They were afraid that I would fight back and cause too much damage. Locked me here.

Korkus replied with a wry smile. As an accomplished conjurer, it was really embarrassing to be threatened by a group of villagers and imprisoned here, but he had nothing to do. After all, these people did not destroy his research. As a result, he even gave him meals every day.

Reality forced him to compromise.

If I release a spell in the cage, I will be the first to be ignited.

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