What are you thinking about?

Ashes waved his palm, interrupting the fire-proof girl's thoughts, and then stretched out his hand to block the fire-proof girl. Seeing that she was still a little stunned, Ashes chuckled, and held it a few times with one hand, revealing his intention. Nothing left.

If you don’t give me food, I will eat you.

We have to fight for this.

Here you go, give it to you~

The fireproof girl rolled her eyes at Hui Jin and put a bag of snacks into Hui Jin's hand.

Ashes, who received the gift, also ended his harassment.

If you need any help, just tell me.

Eat your food, it's not your turn to worry about it yet.

The fire-proof girl glared at her and behaved as she got an advantage.

Hui Jin was not annoyed and happily took the snack and started eating it.

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Chapter 228 Otto: Why does it feel like this body is going to disappear?


A brilliant wailing brought an end to the siege that did not last long.

Wails came from the castle, accompanied by sporadic commotions, but they were quickly suppressed.

The slimes who had completed the renovation of the castle gathered around the burning candlesticks on the roadside and consciously made decorations. Occasionally, a few slimes fought for the warm light and got into a ball. Rolled into the sewer.

The fireproof girl left the school grounds and began to head towards the depths of the royal court where Greg was.

Along with the wailing sound that represented Greg's defeat, the exciting fighting in the arena also came to an end.

The Knight of the Furnace stopped as he had fulfilled his duty.

If Greg died, it was because he failed to live up to his expectations. You don't see that the real master is still here to watch the gladiatorial fight without making a move. If you are willing to fight with these knights, you are worthy of King Gefulei.

With this thought in mind, the Furnace Knight no longer cared about Greg and left with his companions whose lives were spared by the Fireproof Woman.

Today's arena is now replaced by the Knights of Lothric and the Black Knight, who are PKing in the Imperial City. Various dragon hunting miracles are flying all over the sky, just to compete for the honor of being able to fight the Crucible Knight head-on in the future.

Walking along the interior of the castle, which was part of the limb-attachment ceremony, the fire-prevention woman saw a group of strange-looking dignitaries who were chased away by the Lothric knights.

In order to avoid the knights, these nobles and dignitaries rushed into the royal court with varying numbers of arms, shouting - Our army is defeated, our army is defeated.

The dry voice sounded like the wail of an old crow that resounded through the castle, hoping to seek protection from Greg.

After entering the royal court, the sound of the collision of horse hooves and skulls was heard, and a headless corpse like a kite with a broken string flew out. These dignitaries who seemed to have seen something terrifying swarmed out of the gate. ran out.

Knowing that the situation was over, they finally gave up their illusions of resistance and approached the Lothric knights who were still hunting for fish that had escaped the city. They shouted, Heroes, spare our lives, we surrender.

It's really funny.

The Fireproof Girl knows why these ridiculous looking dignitaries are like this.

Now that the rule of the golden tree has been shaken, the eternal cycle of returning to the tree has been destroyed. These nobles who still retain their wisdom do not want to give up their precious and long lives, nor can they accept the loss of blessings after resurrection. A mindless walking corpse.

She did not choose to waste too much attention on these powerful people. After these guys stopped blocking the passage, the fire prevention woman walked directly into the courtyard.

A big tree was broken, and the headless flying dragon body was crushed together with the trunk, hanging on the ground.

It was obvious that a great battle had taken place here. Tombstones with unknown records on both sides of the road were smashed to pieces, and a piece of rancid dough was nailed to death in front of the main hall engraved with golden sacred patterns.

They all use black abyss white flowers.

The fireproof girl noticed that a black and white spear was constantly destroying the crazy face.

She wasn't worried that there was no Honkai energy leaking out of this world.

In order to ensure the combat effectiveness and personal safety of the Valkyrie sent by Destiny, Otto has developed a different world application technology for Honkai energy. As long as the Honkai energy is released, it will be 100% consumed and there will be no residue. That guy researched it Things can still be trusted.

Of course, use less or use less. Although many successful experiments have been carried out, no one can guarantee that it will be fine, right?

Sister Su'er.

Bianca was stroking a fully armored horse at the moment, looking absent-minded. When she saw the fireproof girl, she waved hello.

Tallulah said she had a sparring partner and came.

She was quite serious at first, thinking about whether she could help the fire girl fight out something, but after finishing the fight, she found that there was nothing at all. If it weren't for that terrifying face that couldn't be beaten, she would have been able to solve the battle quickly.

I just didn't expect that, facing that face that couldn't be killed, the power of the stigmata would awaken inexplicably.

Thank you, Bianca.

Pretending to be relaxed could not hide the fatigue in her eyes. The fireproof girl looked at the black face in order to restrain the face that still retained its vitality.

Glancing at the metal war horse that turned into armor after her arrival, the fire-proof woman's eyes slightly wavered.

This is?

This is Krishna.

Hollandale patted the armor on his body, looking puzzled.

Do you know Sister Su'er?

It does look familiar, this isn't...wait a moment.

Jinhui gathered in his eyes and looked at the girl. The fireproof girl was stunned for a moment, thought for a while, took out her phone from the chat group space, opened Honkai Impact 3, and checked the plot about this outfit.

Oh, I see.

I spent some points to synchronize the different world network to update the version. I quickly went through the plot with the switch on and off. I also went to the forum to browse around. I posted a photo of Bianca and attracted a lot of people's lemons. The fire prevention girl nodded clearly. head.

Do you remember everything?


Bianca responded softly, lifting her uniformly dyed white hair in front of her forehead, revealing her forehead that was dripping with sweat. It seemed that this battle was indeed a bit thrilling, but what shocked her heart even more was what was in her mind. The memory becomes clearer and clearer.

It seems that you need to rest for a while.

Looking at the absent-minded girl, the fireproof girl knew that the archbishop who raised her was the culprit who destroyed her family. Anyone who suddenly encountered this would not be able to accept it for a while.

To put it simply, a certain unscrupulous thing tore up the family and restored the child to factory settings to become a Valkyrie of Destiny. Now the memory of the past has been retrieved.

Yes, Sister Su'er, I plan to take a leave.

Bianca lowered her head slightly, her face hidden in the shadows, and said softly: Please send me back.

Go ahead and punch that guy in the face a few more times.

Anyway, they are all soul steel bodies, beating them to death! That guy Otto didn't behave like a human being in this matter, so he deserved the beating.

Don't be too sad. Believe that everything will turn around. If things go wrong, I will still be there.

The fireproof woman comforted her, then opened the chat group, and in response to Otto's questions, she turned on Bianca's repatriation function.

‘Mr. Otto, it’s not my fault. I didn’t reveal it at all. People thought of it on their own. ’

I know, thank you, Sister Su'er.

Bianca forced a smile and waved goodbye to the fire girl.


See you.

When Bianca's figure disappeared, the fireproof girl retracted her hand, shook her head and walked towards Greg.

Some wicked guy is about to get his comeuppance.

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Chapter 229: Stonewell’s Follow-up (End of this volume)

This girl...

It wasn't until Bianca left that the fire girl realized that she didn't seem to have brought her maid or weapons with her.

Your maid is still waiting for you to go back for dinner.

That guy Otto is really cheap.

Without the part where Soul Steel's body was penetrated by Black Abyss White Flower, to be honest, Fireproof Girl was still a little disappointed.

The fireproof woman pulled out the white flower from the black abyss and replaced it with a standard spear. The time-traveling field trapped this wriggling jet-black face to its most vulnerable stage.

The fireproof woman was not so surprised by this strange creature that seemed to have nothing to do with Greg. The soul-based boss battle was only in the second stage. It was not uncommon for him to directly replenish you with another one after passing a boss.

Thinking back then, she managed to get past Eldridge, but was teleported directly to the dancer by the old woman from the Green Church. She used her hands to touch the ladder, and was directly sent back to the campfire by the dancer's windmill to read the message.

Why don't you give it to me? It seems like your fist can't hit Otto's soul-steel face. No, Bianca can hunt dragons miraculously, but it's rare to see Otto deflate.

Elton, who had been responsible for teaching Bianca before, said that Bianca's dragon hunting miracle has been completed, and she has mastered the energy conversion method without the support of the king's soul.

But does it seem too wicked to come to someone's doorstep to provide them with weapons and services even though they know they are going to be in trouble?

The fire-proof girl thought about it for a while and finally decided that this was someone else's family matter and it was better not to get involved in it.

Although Otto being beaten was something that everyone in the group was happy to see, ever since Beng San became popular in the group, everyone likes to tease Otto when there is nothing wrong. If someone has a conspiracy or something bad is discovered, in the group Riichi said it was 'Otto did it'.

After all, since Otto completed the new plan and determined the future direction, in order to distance himself from the group of friends and seek more help, Otto directly chose to open up the plot of the collapsing world, allowing everyone to see it from the perspective of a bystander Come and get to know what kind of person he is.

If there is anyone in the group who can directly resurrect Kallen, he can give up everything except Kallen.

Otto himself doesn't care about the negative comments about him, he only cares about his Karen.

Most of the friends in the group are good people, and because of this, the fastest way is to treat each other with sincerity and communicate with each other heart to heart.

After knowing Otto's bottom line, he naturally no longer has to worry about facing conspirators when trading technology. Otto can also smoothly carry out his plan, making the world where Kallen will exist in the future a better place and a win-win situation. situation.

The existence of the chat group is to bring more convenience to each other, and there is no need to develop into a place for intrigues.

‘Just laugh at it in the group, and celebrate that Mr. Otto’s plan went awry, causing the soul steel body to be scrapped early. ’

Thinking like this, imagining the deflated appearance of the guy under Otto's control, the fireproof girl couldn't help but bring up a wicked smile again, and slowly walked to the side of a certain golden king who was hammered to the point of leaving only one breath. .

Is this Greg?

The Golden King Greg inherited his name from his immediate elder, Golden Godwin, and the center of gravity of his position, Rune, was also inherited from Godwin.

His life history includes that he fled to Stonewell disguised as a woman because of fear of the Allied forces during the Siege of Rodel.

At the end of the Shattered War, because its location, Stonewell, was located at an important junction, it was easily attacked by the Valkyrie Malenia who was heading to Galede. In the end, she chose to kiss the opponent's soles to survive.

Nowadays, because of his past experiences and his obsession to return to the Golden Tree, he chooses to have limbs grafted to enhance his strength. He is nicknamed the King of Limbs. For this reason, he even begins to massacre the faded ones in order to get the best. limbs.

Then he was wiped out by Bianca as well as the mobs, and his real combat power was not as good as the face hung on the wall.

Oh, speaking of this face, could it be the face that Greg brought out when he escaped from Rodel and belonged to Godwin himself?

I don’t know if this golden family has any special customs. They are willing to bear the shame of their deceased family members when they run for their lives?

Impossible, this, impossible. The power of our compatriots should push my power and status to new heights.

At this moment, Greg's limbs were all broken, and he fell to the ground as if he had lost all his bones. He murmured in disbelief, as if he could not accept the outcome of his defeat.

The fireproof girl looked up and down at Greg's appearance.

Well, how should I describe it, a strange looking meat ball with many arms and talking?

It's really hard for you to follow him.

Shaking the weight of the rune in her hand, the fireproof girl said with a smile, not sure whether the rune fragment could be understood.

Pale, corrupted, and twisted, he looked a little like a leader.

If Gilgamesh knew that such a thing had the same name as him, he would be furious to death on the spot.

Seeing Greg's miserable appearance, the fireproof girl smiled unscrupulously and still had time to tease her friends in her head.

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