The surrounding weeds had already been cleared away by a petite slime-like substance, and the mottled walls took on a new look as they decomposed and gnawed away.

Slimes don't just decompose. Wherever they pass, they will be replaced by another group of companions of different colors, leaving behind warm white marble walls and beautiful pruned green plants.

This is a little life that the fireproof girl immigrated from Soy Milk Baidu. It is said that it was born in the testing ground of an ancient civilization. Because it looks so cute, the group unanimously decided to name it Slime.

They are slime-like objects that are normally about the size of a bowling ball. They live in groups and like light. They roam the streets of Lothric and can basically be found in areas with sufficient lighting.

It can freely differentiate and aggregate most substances to a certain extent. The color will change according to the elements it is synthesizing, and it can reorganize and edit substances to a certain extent.

He has a gentle temperament and a high IQ. He can understand text and various knowledge. Unfortunately, he is not very good at fighting. His own strength is not high. Although he can simulate various life forms, he still has a greater distance from the person being imitated. The gap can be regarded as an optimization target in the future, but despite its flaws, this type of creature can still bring a lot of convenience to Losric.

And because of the characteristics of this kind of little life, after they came to Lothric, they took over most of the town's maintenance work.

No, look at the exterior wall of Stonewell today, with the bright Lothrik Double Dragon flag fluttering in the wind. Even the rightful owner has not taken care of this. Looking from the outside in, it seems that this city already has the surname Gwen.

He patted the little slime who was trying to fish at a torch. The soft and elastic feel made people addicted to it. He stuffed the little guy with a ball of light energy to encourage him.


Seeing it trembling with excitement, its interior was filled with brilliant light. Then, after rubbing the palm of the fire girl's hand affectionately, it disappeared into the wall to share the delicious meal with the tribe.

The power of the Furnace Hundreds has been obtained, and the original owner of Stonewell has someone to deal with it. The fireproof girl is not in a hurry to rush there, since the big rune will not run away on her own anyway.

After leaving the Furnace Knight to the care of the slimes, the Fireproof Woman stepped onto the newly woven carpet and walked slowly towards the city.

Let's go and have a look.


The Fire Guard Girl was not in a hurry, and Ashes was even less anxious. He was happy to have such a leisurely time, and there was one less light bulb. He put his arm around the Fire Guard Girl's shoulders and walked along the road to admire the brand new city.


In the school field area inside the town, there was the sound of metal colliding with each other. The fire prevention girl had no intention of disturbing these soldiers, but the power blooming in the battlefield made her feel extremely familiar.

This caused the fireproof girl to focus a little more on that battlefield.

I thought there was only one Knight of the Crucible here.

The fire girl was a little surprised.

In the field at this moment, a black knight was dueling with the Furnace Knight, surrounded by knights who were watching. As the town fell, the subsequent handling of prisoners of war was also handed over to the priesthood. These knights who had nothing to do and started to camp heard about this. I came here to watch the movement.

Among them are high-ranking knights such as Richard, the Knight Commander of Lothric, and Elton, the Black Knight Commander. They are staring intently at the battlefield at the moment. It is obvious that they are very interested in this powerful knight from another world. .

Several Lothric knights were lying on the ground, indicating that this battle seemed to have been going on for a while.

One was beheaded directly, and his head was being held by his colleagues to watch the battlefield. Another's head was directly pressed into the bricks, and his limbs were stretched weakly on the ground. Another's whole person was hit hard and embedded in the wall. He would twitch twice from time to time, with different 'dead' shapes.

Although this is not a fatal injury to them, the duel between the knights is not over yet, and these defeated ones can only lie on the ground in shame and pretend to be dead.

After gathering his breath, he pushed aside the tall knights who were blocking him, indicating that they did not need to salute. He felt that his iconic eyepatch was too conspicuous, so he simply took it off. The fireproof girl and Ashes arrived at the edge of the battlefield.

How long have they been fighting?

The fireproof girl looked at the two people who were still fighting back and forth below, glanced at her left and right arms, and asked in a slightly lowered voice.

She saw the ground cracking as the Crucible Knight trampled it, and a small slime jumped out from the cracks in the ground. It looked very confused, and then was blown away by the cloak that was lifted up with great force. He went out and bounced on the ground a few times before finally landing. He jumped up and down in protest. In the end, he found that it was useless and crawled back into the soil angrily.

It's just the beginning.

Richard replied subconsciously, and then saw the Black Knight staggering slightly under the attack of the Furnace Knight, with a happy face: Good start, Elton, it looks like I'm going to win.

Oh, a short-term disadvantage cannot determine the outcome of the battle.

Elton glanced at the expressions of his colleagues and tugged at the corner of his mouth with disdain. Based on his experience, the Black Knight on the field was just temporarily unsuitable for the Furnace Knight's extraordinary attack rhythm. There was not much difference between the two sides. , how can the winner be determined so quickly?

However, the gradually tightening of his palms also showed the tension in his heart.

Oh, it looks like the bet is a bit big?

Hui Jin seemed to sense the amusement, pinched his throat, and asked curiously. Public gambling is never allowed in the military, but it doesn't matter if friends compete with each other in their spare time, such as posting stickers, and gambling and eating. .

What kind of bet is it? I'll take part in it too.

His Majesty made the snacks.

Watching the situation closely, Richard lowered his voice as if to guard against thieves.

If you don't have one, you can't enter. I asked for leave several times before I got one.

This sneaky look shows nothing of the Knight Commander of Lothric.

Facing Hui Jin's smiling gaze, the fireproof girl spread her hands openly.

It's okay, acceptable.

At least they don't gamble with holy water like those idiots in the Holy Temple.

It’s no secret that the fireproof girl likes to eat, and she prefers to make her own food. Anyone who knows her well knows that she can never stand Lothric’s barren food. When she was a child, she often encouraged and got close to Lothric. There is no shortage of delicious food in existence.

Later, I don’t know why Lothric spread the hobby of fire-proof women, and then a food craze started. Countless people chose to delve into food in order to let their majesty eat the most delicious food.

Its influence was so great that at first it made the fire-proof girl think that some strange cult had popped up, but when she finally found out the cause and effect, she couldn't laugh or cry.

However, in order not to suppress the people's creative enthusiasm and promote the development of Lothric food culture, the fire prevention girl did not organize their activities. Instead, she brought her entire family to participate. As a result, the event was turned into a annual festival.

In order to eliminate meaningless waste, the food after the event will be distributed to the public every year, and what the fire prevention girl did is no exception.

Therefore, this has resulted in the people being extremely fond of this kind of delicacies. They are reluctant to eat them. If they really get the delicacies made by His Majesty, they would like to have them at home and serve them every day.

Yes, of course I do.

With a playful smile on her lips, Hui Jin replied, Would you like something freshly made?

It's a joke, if you can have it ready-made, I'll make it on the spot——

When Richard heard this, he couldn't help but turn his head, wanting to see who dared to say such words, but he saw Hui Jing's familiar face.

why you?

Ashes, I'm an old acquaintance, His Highness the Prince of Lothric people, public enemy, basically inseparable from the fire girl every day for 365 days a year.

Therefore, since the ashes are here, Your Majesty...

Richard moved his eyes, and then saw the fireproof woman next to Hui Jin, whose presence was infinitely reduced because she took off her blindfold.


Richard was stunned for a moment, but after all he had seen the big scene before. He faced the teasing look of the fireproof girl, bowed and saluted, and showed an awkward but unfailing smile.

Good day, Your Majesty Gwensul.

Everyday astringency.jpg

Chapter 227: Lothric seems to be seriously ill now

When the sun, obscured by dark clouds and tree crowns, reluctantly shed its long-awaited rays of light onto the ground, the lingering wind also calmed down a lot.

The sound of the clash of sword blades echoed in the school grounds of King Stonewell's court.

No need to be polite.

The fireproof girl nodded, her eyes slightly moved to notice the small table filled with various snacks that was blocked by Richard, and she shook her head helplessly.

If you want to eat, just ask me. You are the knights who follow me. I will reward you for your bravery and loyalty. Why are you not even willing to give me food?


Richard looked very embarrassed.

The fireproof girl smiled and handed a bracelet to Richard: I do this during my free time. Remember to give some points to the soldiers.


You two, don't swallow it all yourself.

The fireproof woman warned, and then called to Elton, who was much more stable than Richard: Remember to watch him.

As you command, Your Majesty.

You guys.

The fireproof girl sighed.

The Fireproof Girl knew why they all liked to bet on things that happened to her.

Is there anything missing in Lothric today?

In fact, there is no shortage of anything. Since there is a relatively large source of souls, basically everything you want is available. Even if the living space is compressed due to the growing population, the fire prevention woman can regularly open up the space outside of chaos.

As a result, there is no shortage of anything, which results in Losric not having much desire to pursue the material itself, but caring more about the meaning of this thing.

Therefore, things made by the fire-prevention woman are the objects that all the residents of Lothrik covet, such as food, holy marks, and the like.

This is really not a big deal. It would be nice if those problem children in Lothric could be dealt with as easily as the army.

That is to say, Lothric now organizes these knights, and they do not need to be expanded like the Silver Knights who need to maintain law and order and the Church Knights who need to supervise the sages. These old people who have withstood the baptism of cruel time can be considered reliable.

How to put it, for a country that has achieved theoretically unlimited resources, many things can be easily solved. Social stability is inevitable. The so-called system can no longer be evaluated by first or not. After all, it has a very magical power blessing. With.

After all, the effort you put in to pressure a group of people to create value for you is faster than taking the time to look through the magic book and do it yourself.

But, if you don’t wear a watch, there will be no problem. As any society develops, problems will continue to be exposed. Although Losric is now

As a typical example, a big thing that the Fireproof Girl has been pressing about recently is that Lothric has caused quite a problem due to his high pursuit of spiritual needs.

Because of the ideological impact brought about by the exchanges in the world of group friends, there are always people who are too idle and do some extremely outrageous things.

including but not limited to--

People gather together to have sex in order to satisfy the physical pleasure.

It’s understandable that you feel lustful when you’re full and warm, but you still can’t be astringent!

In order to pursue the pleasure of death, they organized like-minded friends to enter Gulongding illegally and fed themselves to flying dragons to experience their slow death.

It’s understandable that you pursue excitement, and you can be resurrected anyway, but it’s not okay to be so indifferent to life!

In order to satisfy his own pleasure of exploiting others, he deceived a group of guys who were so idle that they wanted someone to exploit them, and then blatantly opened a cotton planting area according to the configuration mentioned in the book.

No, who will sell the cotton you grow? !

The key is that many people responded out of curiosity.

And in order to show that there is only one sun in their hearts, Gwensuer, under the banner of the fire prevention girl.

How should I put it? It’s just like a joke. Because I have too much leisure, education is widespread, my mind is full of all kinds of strange ideas, and I have abundant material resources. I saw the curiosity written in the book, so I decided to use some subjective ideas. The initiative is completely different.

This is not a good idea.

Not to mention some outrageous fire-prevention girls, they are all basically caused by the pursuit of sensory stimulation due to their good living standards.

I haven't even connected to the subspace yet, so why has this Slaanesh trend begun to poison the youth of the empire?

When the fire prevention girl first saw those reports, she simply didn't notice. Similar phenomena widely exist among the youth groups born after the flames were rekindled.

Think about when she stepped into the campus that represents youth and the future, and saw that social practice turned into reversing history, and playground drills turned into military battles, and then she pushed open a mobile classroom and found that yinpa was being played inside, thus forming a Losli Gram's unique landscape.


Don’t do that kind of thing!

It has only been a few years. Even if the fire prevention girl intends to push Rodlan's time flow rate, taking into account the problem of initial fire consumption, it has only been fifty years.

At any rate, it was just a budding phenomenon, but it had not yet reached a large scale. The iron fist of the fire-prevention woman directly suppressed these unhealthy tendencies.

But it doesn’t matter if it is always blocked. It must be unblocked. If you hold it in forcibly, it will easily lead to more serious problems.

In the end, the fire prevention girl thought about it and decided that she really had to find something for them to do to vent their strong energy.

The fire-prevention woman had considered setting up some kind of code to restrain the people, at least to regulate their behavior within a framework that she thought was reasonable. However, because she had no reference, she would not directly experiment with Rodran, fearing that she would directly use Lothrik's People are suffering from dementia or whatever.

Therefore, the fireproof girl chose to think of a way to deal with it first. Those little bastards who couldn't dance could either stay peacefully as normal Lothric citizens, or contribute to the eternal continuation of Lothric.

The yinpa must not be opened, and the fire-proof girl is also afraid that the group of people will get involved with the weirdos of the Holy Church, so she can only come around one of the main pillars of Lothric - the sage lineage.

Most of those guys whose hands-on abilities are as outrageous as their brain-power go into the sage's big library to use their whimsical ideas.

If you want to manage people, go report to the Church Knights. The sage camp that just expanded needs someone to supervise it, supervise it hard.

It’s so tiring, but I still have to worry about these little guys.

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