Millicent stood up in a hurry, murmuring in a low voice, forgetting her pain for a moment, and moved quickly, trying to find the dew drops in the church that could relieve the pain, but found that she did not seem to be in the familiar church.

On the contrary, it was the fire-proof girl who was stained with scarlet corruption, and she didn't seem to be panicked at all.

Because everything is expected.

You don't want to know what's inside me.

Contrary to Millicent's anxiety, the fireproof girl had a wicked smile on her face.

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Picture 195 First Fire: Hiccup, the corrupt goddess tastes good

Wuming paused in the fight with Latarn, and the sword blade he swung suddenly stopped. He focused on defense and did not allow the violent warrior to go any further. He turned his eyes to the fire-proof woman behind him.

There is a strong will that tries to occupy this body when its owner's consciousness is vacant.

[Your body is mine! ]

The scarlet law is spreading, and it is difficult to find a qualified incarnation to pour out its own law, hoping to gain the right to control this body.

Wuming blocked Latan's attack. The warrior's consciousness was ignorant and he relied solely on instinct, and did not show the threat he should have.

As for the existence that wants to get involved with the carrier of the First Fire, Wuming has nothing to do with it, and has already pronounced it a dead person in his heart.

Humph, it’s too natural to want a dove to occupy a magpie’s nest.

[I will get this body and I will return to the golden tree. ]

‘Hey, this is just a small trick. ’

It should be said that it is worthy of the caution of a loser.

The fireproof girl curled her lips. She had already reached the door of the house. She didn't even have the courage to confront her head-on. Instead, she wanted to steal the house.

Do you really think you are an interstellar player?

Your home is a forest of pipes, and I have a fully charged Xel'naga artifact there.

[No, this is, how is this possible, this is epilepsy - ahhhhh! ]

The voice suddenly turned from excitement to fear, and her movement of pouring out the law paused, as if she had encountered something frightening.

‘Now that you’re here, let’s stay. ’

The soul that has accumulated for thousands of years is the best tonic, and the madness and resentment in it will only make this aging wine more intense.

[No! ! ! ]

So after a few short seconds, the fireproof girl felt a horrified and angry roar coming from her body.

‘It’s so miserable. ’

Anyway, Chu Huo is having fun eating.

I just ate too fast, so not much of the Scarlet Law was instilled.

The fire-proof girl shrugged helplessly, who said Chuhuo was the boss? He was willing to stay quietly in his body, even if he burned high incense, he wouldn't ask anything from him.

Let’s see if there is a chance to do the rest. Anyway, if you gain something, it won’t be a loss.

Are you OK!

When the attention was withdrawn from her body, the fireproof girl opened her vision and found that Millicent was looking at her with a worried look. She did not dare to get too close because she was afraid of the corruption she possessed.

I have nothing to worry about.

After touching the side of her face, the fireproof girl put down her palm, and the corrupt features on her body quickly faded under Millicent's surprised gaze.

It's you, are you feeling better?


After being reminded by the fireproof girl, Millicent took a closer look at herself, and unexpectedly discovered that the devastation from the scarlet corruption had disappeared.

This is an illusion, just an illusion caused by the reduction in pain, because the lesions are still there and the pain has not gone away.

Am I dreaming? This should be unexplainable...

Millicent's voice was full of disbelief. In her vague memory, there had never been a time when corruption could be cured.

This is not a cure.

I tried to weaken your consciousness' perception of corruption. Although for some reason, the corruption in your body is already deeply rooted, at least here, you don't have to bear the pain.

Fireproof Girl cannot directly capture Millicent's position in reality, but here, it can be easily done to ease the girl's perception of pain.

Thank you so much. How should I repay you?

Millicent bowed deeply to the fire girl.

No matter what it is, although my meager swordsmanship cannot be used due to incompleteness, as long as you ask, I will do my best.

'I want you. ’

The fireproof girl looked at Millicent up and down, and an idea flashed through her mind.

This pale-skinned girl was in much better condition after she had overcome the pain. She stood up straight, showing off her outstanding figure. She looked very heroic and had a very good foundation in martial arts.

However, the excessively pale skin under the deep red radiance, the amputated right arm, and the faint sadness lingering between her eyebrows gave the girl a sense of frailty that was contrary to her heroic spirit.

Speaking of which, he just happens to have a weak and strong-willed beautiful girl under his command.

But she still said nothing, just shook her head slightly.

You being able to live well is the greatest reward for me - of course, I do encounter some difficulties and need your help.

What is it?

Have you ever noticed anything unusual in this world, such as a sudden roar or something else?

Fireproof Girl explained.


Millicent tried hard to recall. Her consciousness had always been hazy, but she had been awakened several times.

It was a roar filled with the warrior's surging will.

There have been, very passionate sounds, it seems to be coming from that direction.

The memories gradually became clearer, and Millicent pointed out the direction for the fireproof girl.

Is that there?

That's the direction I came from.

Thank you so much.

The fire-proof girl felt lucky for her good deed, otherwise she would have found the Year of the Monkey and the Moon of the Horse.

Are you leaving?

That's right.

The fireproof girl nodded. Now that she had a direction, the first priority was to quickly fish out Rattan.

According to Millicent, even though the Broken Star general's consciousness sank to this point, he did not give up the fight against the Crimson corruption.

Ah, then I wish you a safe journey.

Millicent felt slightly disappointed, but did not show it, and sent her sincere blessings to the fire prevention girl.


The fireproof girl didn't plan to stay too long in this world that disgusted her, but she had one more thing to do before leaving.

What about you, Millicent? Where are you in the real world?


Millicent was a little hesitant, as if she didn't want to cause more trouble to the fire prevention girl.

tell me.

I only know that I am on the east side of the continent, in a church of the goddess Malika.

Very well, then I'll leave.

Now that we have discovered that there are beings who can maintain themselves despite corruption, every one of them can be saved.

Well, if you need to do something, go ahead.

Millicent let out a small breath.

As for me, you don't have to worry about me.

It was obvious that Millicent sensed what the firebender was trying to do.

Millicent is not the kind of person who expects more favors from her benefactor. She is just grateful for the fireproof girl's help.

It cannot swallow me until my will is destroyed.

Well, remember to wait for me.

Meeting the girl's golden eyes, the fireproof girl's eyes softened, she stretched out her palm and rubbed the girl's head.

I'll come find you.

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Chapter 196 Latarn’s Will

The fireproof girl finally arrived at her destination.

What caught his eye was a muddle-headed beast in the scarlet swamp.

However, it seems wrong to say that it is just a beast.

[I will defeat corruption. ]

A glimmer of light shone in the hazy eyes, which was the deep mournful roar of a warrior, demonstrating his will to fight corruption to the end, repelling the scarlet corruption around him that tried to corrode him.

General Shatterstar?

The fireproof girl looked away, and she could tell just by his voice that this person must be a brave person.

Corruption connected the body and wanted to carve into the soul. Latarn struggled to tear it apart. The strong body belonging to the demigod was useless here. The only thing that could resist corruption was the tenacious soul.

It's hard to imagine how this warrior could persevere for such a long time.

The warrior's desire to win is so strong that it has not weakened after many years of testing. In this regard, the fire prevention girl will not be stingy with her help and immediately lends a helping hand.

As the will of the Corruption Goddess was wiped out, the Fireproof Woman intervened to interfere with the erosion of the Corruption Law and cut off its continuous outward erosion. The pressure from the Scarlet Corruption gradually began to weaken.

[I will defeat corruption! ]

Instinctively, a golden light flashed across the eyes of the giant who was overwhelmed by corruption. At this moment, his confused soul suddenly burst out with unprecedented power.

Now that the decline of the Scarlet Corruption is imminent, he must seize this opportunity, because he has to consider whether this is the only opportunity in his life.

[I will win! ]

Latarn's roar became passionate, and the invisible force drove him. For the first time, he broke free from the shackles of corruption, and he tore the scarlet vines.

The soles of his feet hit the ground, and the purple stance spread, tearing apart the corruption around him that was trying to surround it again.

A fish that slipped through the net took advantage of the gap in the fight to turn into bits and pieces, attaching to its body and spreading rapidly.

But a weakening of the soul is no reason to surrender.

[Come again! ]

Undaunted, he ran into the wave of corruption.


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