Chapter 194 Fireproof Girl: You will never guess who I met


It seemed that the warning that the Fireproof Woman was calling him to come was not an alarmist statement.

The demigods in this area can indeed cause harm to them.

Wuming held the spear that was used as an arrow. The sand and dust beside him were splashed in all directions until the energy given to it dissipated. He threw it into the sand beside him and looked at the slightly steaming man. Qingyan's palm.

Jielian looked at the battlefield from a distance, with a look of astonishment on his face. In his reflection, except for the legendary kings of Elden, no one seemed to be able to catch the arrow that was enough to knock down the dragon so easily.

He turned around, wanting to show his surprise at the arrival of this uninvited guest, but found that the fireproof woman had also disappeared silently.


It reminds me of Gove, we fought side by side a long time ago.

Shaking his numb palm, the unknown king took out the dragon hunting spear and shot another arrow away. He would not choose to catch it with his bare hands.

That soldier, does he have a name??

Since he was about to fight, he couldn't not know who the other party was, and the other party's condition was very wrong. Wuming did not hide his curiosity about this strong man, and asked the fire-proof woman who came to his side.

His name is Latarn, and he was the former ruler of this land.

The fire-proof woman opened her lips lightly and recounted Latarn's story.

Pathetic warrior.

Wuming finally understood why this warrior was like a mindless beast.

Also a very good shooter.

It is very powerful, but unfortunately the material of the arrow does not have the ability to break the immortal dragon scales, Wuming commented.

What do you need me to do?

Wuming seemed to be at ease,

As a powerful warrior, he can detect the opponent's energy. The warrior standing on the high red sand slope is obviously acting according to instinct. As long as he does not step into a certain range, he only needs to resist the regular arrows.

No matter how fast the arrow is, as long as there is a process of launching it to hit the target, the influence of light magic will be in a slow state. Whether it can be resisted depends entirely on whether the caster's body can withstand the impact of the slow state. load.

Obviously, Wuming can bear it.

The fireproof woman has excellent control over time, and her various abilities are convenient and practical. Times are advancing, and Wuming is also learning. After all, these skills can also provide great help to warriors.

For example, slow-time spells greatly increase the reaction time in high-intensity melee combat, allowing warriors to observe the opponent's movement trajectory during the battle, make adjustments, and deliver a fatal blow to the opponent.

Similarly, this has also led to the prevalence of variations and counterattacks during competitions with Lothrik's high-end combat power. Often, after getting close to the high-intensity variation of moves, they find that the opponent has no flaws and stop, and then they can only start over, and in the end it evolves into The endurance competition depends on who can't persist in the slowdown and loses.

As a result, everyone found that it was easier than using powerful spells to wash the ground. Now many warriors began to go to the big library to study magic spells, waiting for the next sparring session to directly cover the entire field with a forbidden spell. Flip over to the opposite side.

Uh, I got it wrong, the top priority right now is still Latarn.

This demigod can still be saved. I signed a contract with his former people, but the treatment will take some time.

The fireproof girl replied: I need you to hold Latan down for a while and try not to let him get close to me.

Because what I'm going to do next may make the other person - a little violent.

Tallulah and Bianca are on the outer defense line, and their own territory is guarded by Serious Disease. Next, they only need to trust Wuming.

The unknown king nodded, indicating that he understood. He took a breath, raised his sword and spear to his side, and stepped towards Latarn.

The various rules at the junction are called laws. According to Lance Sanks, the so-called laws are the prerequisites for becoming a god. When the partner of the god-man becomes the King of Elden, the laws possessed by the god-man It will be recognized and become the mainstream in the border area.

Everything will operate under the law, and anyone who disobeys it will be expelled or even killed.

It is equivalent to gaining administrator rights and getting the privilege of kicking others out.

The Fireproof Girl has been trying to structure the so-called laws of this world for a long time. Unfortunately, the golden laws are broken and there are no samples. The small golden tree in Galede has no reference value.

Then the fire prevention girl set her sights on the Corruption Families. Unexpectedly, the Corruption Law is also a thief. She took the initiative to show weakness and she could not succeed. Instead, the Corruption Families broke away from the Corruption Law and became part of the ecology of the First Fire Domain. .

But this time, the Firebender doesn't think the corrupt laws will give up on a corrupted demigod so easily.

However, the reality was as she expected.

When the holy seal penetrated Latarn's body, the two forces began to confront each other in this battered body. The fire-proof woman did not care about the ownership of this body, she cared more about the source of this corrupt law.

This is not the first time she has hit someone along the network cable. With the momentary hesitation of the other party's will, the fireproof woman's consciousness quickly came to where she wanted to go.

What comes into view is a strange country.

In front of you is the eye-catching pink, with colorful butterflies flying, and white outlining the frame among different shades of red, as if you have arrived in a beautiful red forest.

However, beauty is just an illusion. If you look closely, you will see that the butterfly has sharp claws, clinging to the pulsating pipes, sucking the rotten juice. On the branches with texture like coral, there are microorganisms twisting with the scarlet wave, transforming these The horror of the forest is fully revealed.

Corruption and mania seem to be draining the earth of its nutrients and turning it into a forest rich in microorganisms.

This was the feeling she received in this endless scarlet courtyard.

The next moment, she felt countless laments and roars, and the accumulated anger and pain rushed towards the fire-proof woman who was already quite sensitive to soul fluctuations.

They were the innocent souls who were unable to return to the tree due to the scarlet devastation.

The fire girl has a realization.

This scarlet law seems to be incomplete, or in other words, this scarlet corruption only represents a part of the complete ecology, a part of the decomposer, and when this part is displayed alone, the results will be catastrophic.

Or the creatures were stained with scarlet and rotted, and were forced to decompose. They watched their flesh and blood being chewed up and replaced by microorganisms, mutated into zombies, and their bodies died.

However, scarlet corruption cannot bring true death. Their souls are trapped in the corruption, neither dead nor alive. Their consciousness is tortured in the corrupted body until they are completely lost in pain.

Walking in the red forest, the fire-prevention woman saw countless crouched human figures, their bodies almost integrated with the microorganisms, and red butterflies surrounded them, sucking juice from the gaps.

This is a manifestation of their consciousness. These people, like their bodies in the outside world, are no longer saveable.

The illusory kingdom is a reflection of reality and truly embodies the real scene.

Mixed with it are countless negative emotions.

The fireproof girl turned her gaze away. Everything she saw was scarlet and filled with sad souls. A low voice sounded from the bottom of her heart, hoarse and containing unconcealable madness.

[All life will return to the corrupt kingdom. ]

[The scarlet law will return to the golden tree again. ]

The God was nagging, but it could also disturb her thoughts. The fireproof girl ignored the voice in her head and walked forward. She needed to find Latarn. She would not let Scarlet Corruption desecrate this respectable warrior again.

[You, don’t try to stop me. ]

[Also, don’t even think about leaving. ]

shut up.


Crossing the river, the fireproof girl shook her black skirt. The so-called scarlet law could not corrode her yet.


The domain of the Scarlet Law is vast and boundless, and it is easy for people to lose their way. Many techniques are useless here, and only will can be displayed most completely here.

A humanoid figure was vaguely visible, but it was quickly lost in the flames.

The fireproof girl crossed the decaying and bubbling swamp, waded through the poisonous lake, passed through the jungle where corpses were piled up, and came to an area wrapped in butterflies.

The fire girl vaguely discerned the appearance of a church.

After killing the corrupt relatives who dared to stand in her way, the scarlet butterflies scattered, and she frowned. The fire-proof girl vaguely sensed the existence of souls that were different from other souls.

Is it Rattan?

Walking into it, the fireproof girl looked up at the man with a look of surprise. She thought she would see a smaller version of Latarn.

Unexpectedly, it was a girl.

A one-armed girl kneeling.

Corruption abounds, but there are still people who can maintain their posture for a long time?

Crouching down, the fireproof girl came to the one-armed girl and looked at it carefully.

There were scarlet butterflies clinging to her disheveled red hair, and her face was sickly pale. The girl's eyes were slightly closed, her brows were furrowed, and she listened carefully to the painful murmurs conveyed between her roars.

In her body, the fireproof girl also sensed the extremely strong law of corruption.

The goddess of corruption?

The fireproof girl frowned.

But it shouldn't be, the goddess of corruption cannot be so weak, and the consciousness of the person in front of her is peaceful and not mixed with madness.

Ugh, who are you?

As if sensing a strange person appearing beside her, the girl opened her golden eyes and met the face of the fireproof girl who was very close at hand.


The girl was startled.

Please, please don't come near me.

Subconsciously, she leaned back and found herself pressed against the wall. The weak girl wanted to get up, but she couldn't even straighten her legs.

The fireproof girl wanted to help the sickly beauty, but the girl moved her body to avoid her.

I'm sorry, can you please stay away from me? There is scarlet corruption squirming in my body - this is a curse, not something that can be touched at will.

No matter what reason you are here, please leave, otherwise corruption will soon catch up with you.

The girl turned her head away with difficulty and warned, assuming a posture of refusing everything. Her dark red hair hung down, making her expression unclear.

Oh, he seems to be a good boy.

Hello, you can call me Fireproof Girl.

The fireproof girl became slightly interested, sat down sideways, and put a hand on the other person's shoulder.

You look like you need help.

My name is Millicent... Come on, let go.

Millicent was stunned and wanted to break away, but she could not rely on the control of the fire-proof girl. She was helpless and looked at the fire-proof girl every time, which made the fire-proof girl inexplicably think of herself as if she was bullying the sick little sister next door. Guilt.

No, this is a terminal disease that cannot be cured, at least, it cannot cure me.

Millicent knew that she was special. She could resist the erosion of corruption. Similarly, the corruption deposited in her body was greater and caused more pain.

She tried to thwart the firebender's attempts, hoping the kind lady would leave quickly.

How will you know if you don't try?

The palms of her hands lit up with a light golden glow. The fire-proof girl tried to peel off the connection between Scarlet Corruption and the girl, but found that the connection between the two parties was too deep. It seemed that they were born to be one. The fire-proof girl was afraid of losing Millicent's soul directly. Torn apart.

After trying to go back a bit, the Fireproof Woman discovered that Millicent seemed to be born with scarlet corruption.

In desperation, he had to temporarily change his strategy and deconstruct the scarlet corruption, while soothing Millicent's pain.

It's really a bit troublesome.

Seeing Millicent's expression visibly relieved, the fireproof girl also breathed a sigh of relief, finally not making a fool of herself.

If it weren't for Millicent's firm will to fight against the scarlet corruption, the fireproof girl would have doubted whether the child was conjured by the goddess of corruption to prank her.

Not long after, as the fireproof woman relied on her research on the soul to alleviate the pain caused by the scarlet corruption to Millicent, the girl's frown relaxed.

Fortunately, she had gone to Ludos for further training and could not remove the scarlet corruption, but she could still slightly modify her perception without causing destructive effects on her consciousness.

How's it going? Do you feel better?

The fire-proof girl waved her hand at Millicent, whose eyes gradually returned to clarity, but found that Millicent's face was not surprised after she was freed from the pain, but looked at the palm of the fire-proof girl waving in front of her in horror.

You, your hands.

The sharp pain like needle pricks came from her fingers, and the fire-proof woman noticed that there was actually a little scarlet spreading.

Sooner than expected.

The fireproof girl knew that her real body was infected, and the Corruption Goddess couldn't do anything to her, so she wanted to take the opportunity to corrode her body.

You should just leave. Corruption will only bring misfortune to you.

What should I do? I heard that there are monks who can control the flames and can expel corruption. There are also dew drops. The dew drops of the Holy Grail can also buy some time.

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