
What did you say?!

Your Excellency Guyun has a sealed demon god. I want to see if the mortals in Liyue can resist the demon god's power.

As he spoke, the young master had an obscure smile on his face, as if he was happy that he could win back a victory.

And can Morax, who is unknown where he is, continue to stay behind the scenes and watch the show peacefully?

As if to confirm what the young master said, a loud thunder suddenly came from the sky.

Look, this is my last struggle.

How will you respond?

Ying Leng sweatdropped.

I'm not going to mess this up, am I?

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Chapter 167 Bad news: everything went wrong; good news: it was all expected

Tick ​​tock~

It's the sound of raindrops falling.


The blowing wind was depressing, and light rain poured down from the sky.

Under a platform, Zhongli stretched out his hand, and cold raindrops fell on his hand. Feeling the resentment in it, Zhongli sighed.

In this world, hatred is the only thing that can last forever.

here we go.

As the young master unlocked the Hundred-No-Taboo Record, Zhongli also took advantage of the situation to release Lord Guyun's seal.

Now, not only the whirlpool demon Osel, but also those existences whose names have been lost in the long river of history will also reappear in the world at this moment.

That's right.

The fireproof girl nodded, let go of her control over the celestial phenomena, and briefly gave the sky to the resurrected demon gods.

Black clouds piled up, and among the resurrected demons, Osel was the most powerful. Therefore, the anomalies transmitted from the sky were also dominated by him.

In the Qunyu Pavilion, the Seven Stars and the immortals who were still coordinating the matter of inviting the immortals hurried out.

What's going on? Wasn't the sky clear before?

Noticing the unusual weather, everyone followed the source of elemental power and looked in the direction of Guyun Pavilion, with a bad premonition in their hearts.

It's the devil's resurrection.

The immortals have been fighting with the emperor for many years, and have also experienced the era of demon wars, so they are naturally extremely sensitive to such powers.

Devil? Why at this time?

Ning Guang raised his eyebrows. It was really a wave of unrest, and he finally suppressed the internal turmoil in Liyue. Before he could take a few breaths, the devil's sledgehammer swung again.

Report, Your Majesty the Traveler, please see me.

A Qianyan Army hurried over, his iron boots leaving obvious marks on the wooden steps.

Let her menstruate quickly.

Ningguang raised her hand and quickly asked someone to invite her over.

Qianyanjun took the order and retreated. After a few breaths, Ying rushed in with a nervous look on his face.

Ningguang, the executive officer of the Fools, used the copied Hundred-No-Taboo Book to break the seal of Guyun Pavilion.

Ying didn't say any more nonsense and spoke directly, with a look of shame on her face.

Sorry, it was my negligence.

Sure enough, everyone present showed understanding, and the news brought by Ying also confirmed their suspicions.

It doesn't have to be like this, traveler. The top priority is to think of countermeasures and tell us everything you know.

Ningguang shook his head. Now is not the time for accountability. Since things have already happened, let's concentrate on thinking about countermeasures against the devil.


The traveler calmed down a little and quickly told everything he knew.

Including the young master's speculation that the emperor is not dead, and the enemies he wants to release.

It's unreasonable, it's unreasonable, that Tangtang Liyue would be in such a dangerous situation because of a foreign mortal.

Under Ying's brief and straightforward explanation, everyone also knew the ins and outs of the matter, and the deer-shaped True Lord Xieyue Zhuyang stamped his hoof vigorously.

Are these fools like some kind of lunatic? Just to confirm their conjecture, do they want to drag a city's mortals to be buried with them?

Regardless of whether the emperor is safe or not, he is still safe. The person who faked his death was already planning to end the contract to protect Liyue.

Now that the ritual of inviting immortals has not started yet, something like this happened. Doesn't it mean that Liyue can no longer survive without the emperor?

Xianjia, please calm down. Our top priority is to think about countermeasures against the devil.

Ning Guang persuaded in a low voice.

If it's just a demon god and the seal hasn't been broken yet, we still have a chance.

Mandrill, who has been dealing with the demon fragments for many years, whispered in a low voice, but there was no panic in his words. He cleared the wind element to push aside the increasingly violent wind and rain, and expanded it slightly to include the fire prevention girl, Zhongli and his party.

However, I think you have to prepare for the worst.

The fireproof girl said softly: After all, Your Excellency Guyun, there is more than one demon god.

The immortal looked surprised. He didn't know where he got such secrets.

Sorry, it's all my fault.

Ying's mood instantly dropped and she couldn't help but apologize.

No, it's not your fault. No one knows where the heart of God is. If the young master can't find the heart of God from beginning to end, then he will make such a judgment sooner or later.

After comforting Ying, Ning Guang's brain was running rapidly and he began to think of countermeasures.

Gan Yu, you return to Liyue and coordinate the evacuation of the people. We must prepare for the worst. Now Liyue is short of manpower, so we can only trouble you.


The blue-haired girl with unicorn horns on her head nodded seriously.

Then Ning Guang looked at the immortals.

Fellow immortals, we, Qixing, ask you to go to Guyun Pavilion with us to resist the devil.

Liyue is the emperor's hard work. As long as I am still alive, I will not let Liyue be threatened.


Ning Guang made arrangements in an orderly manner and quickly assigned everyone's responsibilities. At the same time, the fire prevention girl also spoke.

Your Excellency Ningguang, let's follow Gan Yu back to Liyue Port.

With that said, the fireproof girl pointed at herself and Zhongli.

We have been studying knowledge for a long time and have neglected martial arts. We are really not good at fighting. Why don't we assist Gan Yu in organizing the evacuation of the people of Liyue.

If you are not good at fighting, then who am I?

Ning Guang squinted his dead eyes and looked at the fire-proof woman in front of him who was telling lies with her eyes open.

To be honest, she really didn't want to let the fire girl go.

As one of the culprits of the emperor's death, although it was not stated clearly, in Ningguang's opinion, the fire-prevention girl was definitely above the average immortals.

And if the fire-prevention girl really kills the emperor, there is no need to worry. First worry about what will happen to the emperor and the demon gods below who cannot win.

......All right.

Ningguang opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't say anything to save him. Thinking about it from his perspective, there was a fire prevention woman who could watch over Liyue Port, and there was more protection there.

Moreover, didn't she also keep the two guards who were also invisible to everyone?

Then I'll take my leave.

Seeing that Ningguang had agreed, the fire-prevention girl followed Zhongli and left.

Did I screw up.

When passing by Ying, an anxious voice reached the fireproof girl's ears.

Don't worry, don't think too much.

Looking at the frightened and lovable face of the girl, the fireproof girl couldn't help but smile reassuringly.

That you're going to screw up is also part of the plan.


Ying opened her red eyes wide.

Is this all I see in your eyes?

Yes, you are a little fool. You are naive and silly. You are easy to fool from the first sight.

The fireproof girl pursed her lips, remembering that soft voice from the bottom of her heart.

Hey?! Why are you like this?

Haha, isn't this good? I'm always crying and sad. What's the use except lowering the pressure of the team?

Girl, go and try to witness the miracle.

With her back to Ying, the fireproof girl waved her hand.

see you later.

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Chapter 168: The Sustainer of the First Fire: Ending the Demonic God’s Transgression Here


Thunder flashed in the sky and heavy rain poured down.

With the help of the Hundreds of Taboos, the demon gods suppressed in the sea were able to escape, and they poured out their millennium-old resentment towards their surroundings.

Swirl clouds of various colors appeared, and under the influence of the devil's power, stirred everything around them, forming a storm, swaying around wantonly, declaring their existence.

Some quickly moved away from Liyue, thinking of escaping overseas, while others stayed where they were, looking at Liyue who was very different from what they remembered, with fire of hatred burning in their eyes.

Among them, there is a force that is so conspicuous. The sea rises and falls under its will, becoming more and more turbulent with his increasingly strong breathing.

This is not a power that ordinary people can understand.

Thousands of years have passed, and the legendary power to move mountains and reclaim seas has long since disappeared, and the battle between gods has gradually evolved into one between humans.

Most of the strongest people that humans can see are holders of the Eye of God.

Now, if humans are allowed to face the devil again, how will the outcome be different?


The sound of the huge group of jade pavilions falling resounded throughout the sky.

It's really a big scene. Without us here, half the people in this city wouldn't be able to survive.

The birth of the devil is a great misfortune for mankind. The fire prevention woman calmed everyone's panic and started to evacuate the crowd.

On the other side of the sea, with Ashes and the others there, it would be difficult for anything to happen.

The demon god comes to the world. If it is not restrained, it will be difficult for humans to survive, let alone a powerful demon god like Osel.

Although there are differences between demon gods, in Zhongli's view, Osel is not weak.

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