Young Master also reacted very quickly. The two quickly exchanged several moves and both knew each other's methods.

That's a good move.

The flowing water pushed aside Ying's sharp blade, and the young master turned sideways to deflect the incoming sweeps, and then a smile appeared on his face.

He admitted that the travelers had superb skills, which also ignited his competitive spirit.

Hurry up, the thief is here. Travelers can't let him escape by dragging him down.

Just as he was about to continue fighting, the young master looked around and saw the Qianyan Army who had already surrounded the entire hall at some point.

There is also a recording tube with a photo camera, taking pictures of myself.


Seeing Ying who was not surprised at all, the corner of Young Master's mouth twitched.

Are you connected to Qixing?

You can choose to surrender.

Ying shrugged, looking very relaxed.

Very well, it seems you have made your choice.

The situation is urgent, and the young master does not want to spend any more time in the golden house, especially after it is confirmed that the traveler is an enemy.

But with these few people and you, I'm afraid I can't stop me.

The eye of the water attribute god on his waist flashed, and the flowing water turned into an obstacle and pushed Ying to the edge of the hall, then closed it up to protect him.

Did you make some kind of deal with Qixing? Or are my actions under your control from the beginning?

The flowing water dispersed, revealing the thunder conceived in it, as well as the greatly changed young master.

Are you sure you want to fight me like this?

The scattered thunder seemed to ignore Ying's existence and went straight past her, as if Ying herself was part of the thunder.

Glancing at the pendant that was hung as a bracelet on his left wrist, Ying looked at the young master in this state and couldn't help but reveal a strange smile on his face.

Even the look he looked at the young master showed a little pity.

This person is out to get plotted.

Ying wouldn't believe it if the fireproof girl didn't consider the young master's existence when she gave her something.

Stop talking nonsense and come on! You can't beat me!

The young master who had changed his equipment looked a lot more grumpy. With a wave of his double-headed gun blade, the brewing thunder exploded again with him as the center.

If it was a few days ago, that would be true, but now—

Bathed in the thunder and lightning, Ying didn't feel any discomfort. He took out more than ten rings from the pendant, strung them together on a chain and hung them around his neck.

As we all know, there is no upper limit on equipment in reality.

Lifting her still soft bangs, feeling the surge of power in her body, she rushed towards the young master who wanted to talk about the defeat of the upper echelon of the Golden House.

Can't win? Sorry, I don't understand.

Chapter 166 Young Master: Watch out, this is my last struggle


Wielding the double-headed long blade made of thunder, the attack like a violent wind enveloped the petite traveler.

The young master who wanted a quick victory had no intention of holding back. Even though Ying was an opponent worth fighting, he could still distinguish between work and selfish desires.

After condensing the most exquisite skills of the young master, he has reached the strongest power he can bear, as if he wants to swallow the girl completely.

The light of lightning is like a shadow left behind by a practicing hero, and the offensive is like a vast and boundless force.




Try harder, sir.

He didn't care at all about the elemental power that was spreading everywhere. He only had to focus on dealing with the slashing and stabbing attacks that could cause physical damage, and he should be very capable.

Yes, there is indeed some means. No wonder the lady chose to sneak attack you in Mondstadt.

Facing such an opponent, the young master found it extremely difficult. He had already activated his strongest power, but he couldn't even break through Ying's defense.

It's as if his thunder element is a special effect, with no effect other than creating eye-catching visual effects.

If his body hadn't been hit by the thunder element and was about to reach its limit, he would have suspected that this was a fake.

Elemental immunity... is really tricky.

As we all know, in the huge Teyvat, except for the elemental life composed of thunder element, there is nothing immune to elemental damage.

‘Are you specifically preparing for me? ’

Young Master frowned, he felt very strange now, let's just say he was unhappy, the fight was really hearty, few people could withstand his offensive.

To put it bluntly, I always feel that my strength has been wasted. It's like I spent a long time wandering around the kiln and finally found someone who looks right. However, during the battle, I tried my best to find that the person opposite me was a stone girl. I felt an inexplicable feeling of embarrassment.

Who is this unknown traveler?

Excluding the difference in elemental power, the level between him and Ying is roughly the same, and his skills are even inferior to Ying's.

Moreover, he can control elemental power without using the Eye of God. This kind of ability has only been seen in those Qiu Qiurang.

The key is to have many kinds.

What a wonderful man. It seems that this news must be reported to Her Majesty the Queen.

His eyes sharpened at this moment. The young master raised his gun blade, forced Ying back, and looked around, looking for a breakthrough.

The thunder element wandering in the body evaporated the sweat, and steam floated out along the body. The young master, who had cooled down from the hot blood state, his brain started to work rapidly at this moment.

He must not be able to deal with this traveler today. If he continues to be entangled, his body will be dragged down by the evil eye. How can he break the situation?


Better run away.

The clever little mind immediately made the most appropriate judgment for the current situation.


When Young Master Yu Ying collided with him again, he lost his strength. Ying only felt a slight force from his hand, which directly knocked Young Master away.

Using the lightning speed, Young Master quickly distanced himself from Ying and hung on the wall of the Golden Room.

Haha, that's it for today. I will definitely pay you a visit on a good and auspicious day in the future.

To put it bluntly, you have to be careful when you are alone. Don’t get caught by me!

For the young master, there is no shame in running away. If you can't defeat the opponent this time, then continue next time.

Hmph, I want to run!

Seeing that the young master wanted to escape over the wall, Ying was not slow to react and threw out the invitation that had been tied into a rice dumpling for her during the invitation ceremony.

Following the method given to him by the fire-proof girl, Ying locked the young master and then threw the invitation away.


The invitation decomposed in mid-air and turned into several golden streams of light. The young master instinctively felt that something was wrong, and followed the lightning flashes all the way up.

But this invitation is unyielding. It always remembers its mission. As an invitation, it is to invite the people it invites to where they should go.

No matter how the young master tried to dodge, he was still drawn to the young master like a magnet, and then golden veins extended out, connecting with each other, and instantly tied the young master tightly.


With no help, the young master fell straight from the ceiling and landed on his face, creating a pothole on the floor of the golden house.

Hey, you won't fall to death, right?

Paimon asked worriedly. She quite liked this guy who liked to treat guests to dinner.

How can it be.

He glanced at Paimon, who was still an executive of the Fools after all, and not a demon hunter. How could he fall to his death from such a height?

As he said that, the naughty little girl stepped forward and poked the young master's ass with the tip of the Windless Sword.

Hey, young master, he's not dead yet.

The feeling of blunt contact coming from the buttocks made people feel a chill. The young master instinctively struggled away and found that the restraints were not moving at all. He tilted his head to take a look.

Isn't this the rope used to bind the emperor in the Immortal Invitation Ceremony?

A flash of understanding flashed through Broken Mask's eyes.

Ahem, I see. I understand. Is this the trap you set with Qixing? Or is it a contract with the Rock God?

Looking at the familiar rope, the young master gradually understood everything.

Why would Yinghui come in such a hurry to invite the immortal ceremony?

Why was Ying able to escape from the hands of Qixing after committing the crime of killing gods?

Why would you be waiting for me here so specifically?

There is only one answer, and that is that Ying was the one who set up this chess game from the beginning.

I just said how could this happen? You weren't surprised when I found you. I should have thought of it.

He fell to the ground and was tied up tightly. The young master thought he had been trapped.


Ying Wuyan, she couldn't say that she was also the one who was fooled, but it was this expressionless look that made the young master confirm his judgment.


Did you think this was over?

Whatever Her Majesty the Queen wants, we will do whatever it takes to get it.

Qian Yanjun slipped up with one hand, and Jianying smiled and waved to him, but the young master still did not give up the struggle.

There is a premise for you to set up these plans, that is, the emperor is not dead, otherwise Qixing will not agree and the immortal will not cooperate with you.

At this moment, the young master's superb intelligence, which is rarely remembered by others, played a decisive role in quickly analyzing the information he had received.

And this is my chance.


Ying was slightly startled, she couldn't show any abnormality, it would be a big deal if these Qianyan Army knew the truth of everything.

If Lord Yan hadn't faked his death, and he had not told her the clues about his relatives in a fit of rage, the pain would have been gone.

An opportunity to force the rock god who is hiding behind the scenes to the front of the stage.

Taking advantage of Ying's attention being attracted by his words, the young master took out the Book of All Taboos from his sleeve and activated it directly.

Originally, I disdain to use such methods that would affect the weak, but as a fool, I always have to do things I don't like because of orders.

All in all, I'm still not strong enough.

If he could have the power to crush everyone present, he wouldn't be in this situation.

Really, what are you thinking about so much at this time? Just do it!

The young master shook his head slightly, suppressing the sadness in his heart, and completely released the all-taboo way to unlock the demon god's seal.

As we all know, the emperor is one of the victors of the Demon God War. Those who were once losers either fled to the end of the sea or were suppressed under the rock gun.

And I happen to know the location where a demon god is sealed.

The matter has reached this point, even if it is too late to stop it, the young master explained to Xianying without hesitation.

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