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Chapter 163: Ying: If you don’t give me something this time, you will definitely not be able to coax me.

This street is so quiet.

Zhongli walked among the neighborhoods and saw that many shops were still empty after opening, and he couldn't help but feel doubtful.

Why is there no anger among the neighbors even though Liyue's government decree has been issued?

Because no one is here.

The fireproof woman held a handful of excellent-looking neon flowers with one hand, and wiped the mouth of the ugly-looking faded man with one hand.

Where is that?

Zhongli, don't you know? Many residents have recently gone to the port.

After wiping off the dirt on his chin, the faded man took out a large skewer of squid covered in chili oil from the oil paper bag, stuffed it into his mouth, and replied vaguely: The seafood these days is very cheap. A lot.

Due to some 'unknown reasons', the marine life in the waters around Liyue has become extremely active. Many creatures have come to the offshore, and some have even climbed onto the docks, port foundations, and many anchored in the port. The ships also suffered varying degrees of damage, seriously affecting the operation of the terminal.

The fire prevention girl took out a Huyan community bulletin she had just received from a Qianyan army and read it.

As a result, Seven Star mobilizes all Liyue residents to jointly maintain the safe handling of seafood in Liyue. The seafood will be recycled by the Seven Star Chamber of Commerce. Once it is determined to be harmless, it will be imported into the market at a low price.

So they all went?

Of course.

The Fireproof Girl asked Ashes to hold the Faded Man to prevent him from collapsing the wall when he turned a corner.

These are all good ingredients. Deep-sea creatures that are rarely seen in ordinary times can now be stepped on in the port within a few steps. Everyone says they are the emperor's legacy, and they are all busy collecting them.

There are not many outsiders in Liyue now, and there are not many people coming to the store just like this. It is better to gather these people who are bored and start to feel sad about the spring and autumn to have a gathering.

In this way, the people of Liyue got an opportunity to relax and create income for themselves. The port solved the problem of a large amount of seafood affecting the lifespan of port facilities. Qixing successfully resettled the people and was able to deal with the next things. It's a good win.


Zhongli was speechless, and then his expression darkened.

No matter how much Yi Ze, a rock god, would never give him seafood, Qixing made up this excuse.

He loosened the seal that sealed the Demon God in Guyun Pavilion in order to give some warning to Liyue's senior management to prevent them from having unnecessary conflicts. As a result, just a little bit of the Demon God's power escaping caused the current situation. .

The slimy seafood crawled everywhere around the port. Fortunately, it was not big and could not hurt anyone. After being inspected by Qixing, it was found to be non-toxic. However, I did not expect that this hand would make me sick.

I just hope Qixing won't be fooled by this appearance.

After all, Zhongli couldn't let go of the people in Liyue. After discovering that Liyue was still unable to get on the right track, and hearing from Ying about the estrangement between Qixing and the immortals, Zhongli chose to explore the dreams of several current Liyue bosses at night. The mental state of these people.

The results are reassuring.

Qixing, as a mortal, did not understand the truth about everything, but the immortals who had followed him for thousands of years also discovered something was wrong after they calmed down.

As the Demon God, if Zhongli died unexpectedly and the power of the rioting Demon God spread, the entire Liyue Port would be buried with the deceased Rock God. However, after the emperor's death, he would just leave a corpse like a common mortal.

The immortals do not intend to continue the quarrel at this moment. In any case, the most important thing at the moment is to preserve Liyue's foundation.

It is unclear to the immortals when the emperor was planning, but the emperor's move must have deep meaning.

As for the Seven Stars of Liyue, he might not even need to mention it. The smart people among them might have guessed some of them.

However, what is distressing is that Yuheng Xing Keqing and Gan Yu have been unable to sleep due to work reasons. In desperation, Zhongli stopped forcing it.

I am bored.

Since most of the major restaurants now focus on seafood, Zhongli went back to cook, leaving the fireproof girl and her group wandering aimlessly.

Wow! It's that very bad big sister.

Halfway through, there was a familiar shouting. Everyone looked for it, and it turned out to be Ying and Paimon.

At this time, Paimon was dragging a large bag of cooked seafood, and the flying altitude had dropped a lot. Ying on the side was busy covering her mouth that couldn't even be covered by food.

Long time no see, Ying. How have you been lately?

Meeting these two living treasures again, the fireproof girl smiled and stepped forward under Ying's wary eyes.

Thanks to you, I'm living a good life.

The word # appeared on her forehead, and Ying suppressed her anger. She had never been angry during the days when she was taking the blame, especially in the first few days after she was arrested. Ningguang said that it was impossible to escape the death penalty, and he pressed her 007 for three whole days. sky.

After that, he was driven out of Yujingtai before his butt was warm, and was chased by Qianyan Army. The broken mask was of no use at all. He had to meet the young master before he had time to have a meal. After that, it was a long journey of survival in the wilderness. .

The wind among the clouds is really noisy.

Sure enough, the bigger the breasts, the worse the woman is!

This one is the worst!

Don't be so vigilant. I am also entrusted by others.

The fireproof girl acted extremely gentle and stretched out her hand.

Let me formally meet you again. You can call me Su'er. I will now take up the position of Guest Minister in Liyue Rebirth Hall.

Isn't it another deceptive identity?

Ying had seen the fireproof woman in Ningguang's office, but she still couldn't help but be suspicious.

At least for a short time.


Ying could not help but retract her hand that had just reached halfway.

At least I won't do anything to hurt you again. I swear this is the last time. I will definitely compensate for the harm I caused you before.

Seeing Ying's cute expression, the fireproof girl couldn't help but cover her mouth and chuckle. She noticed Ying's inner uneasiness, and then explained aloud.

If you think about it carefully, you have nothing to lose, right? You are connected with the Seven Stars of Liyue, you are acquainted with the immortals, and you have established a bond with this land along the way. These are all benefits gained during the journey.


‘That seems to be the case. ’

Ying recalled carefully and found that apart from being tossed back and forth by the two elder sisters, she didn't seem to have suffered any physical pain.

But can you please stop playing tricks on me like this in the future? If there's anything you can't talk about, I can also cooperate.

After thinking about this, besides the fact that he had a big fist, and he also lowered his posture to apologize and said he would make amends, Ying thought about it and finally chose to forgive him.


After shaking her soft little hand, the fire-proof girl really wanted to have a good relationship with this child, and asked tentatively: It's getting late, why don't you go to dinner first, I'll treat you, you can eat as much as you like.

Okay, okay!

When it comes to eating, Paimon is no longer sleepy.

There happens to be a fish banquet at Wanmin Hall. How about we go there, dear sister.


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Chapter 164 Bad luck will not disappear, it will only transfer

The fire prevention girl and her party were wandering around the streets doing nothing because the matters related to the ceremony for inviting immortals were completed too quickly due to the unremitting efforts of everyone.

What's interesting is that I didn't expect to meet Ying and Paimon who had just returned from Cloud Zero while walking down the street.

Moreover, it was Paimon who attracted the attention of the fireproof girl who was focusing on the faded one.

Look, what is fate?

This is the fate.

The meeting was fate, and the fire-proof girl who had long been thinking about rekindling a relationship with this child naturally accepted this unexpected joy with a smile.

So after getting to know each other again, he took them to Wanmin Hall for dinner.

The scenery among the clouds is quite nice. The wild boar in the mountains looks delicious at first glance. Even though I was being hunted all the way, I didn't have time to eat, uh, look at it.

Paimon was holding a cheese-like cod, his mouth full of oil.

My legs are going to break from exhaustion.

But Paimon, don't you fly?

Phantom limb, do you understand? Even if I use it to fly, my phantom limb will be tired.

Paimon stomped Jojo in mid-air, very unhappy with the opponent's trouble.

Ying and Paimon were singing like a double recital about what they had seen and heard along the way, and the fireproof girl listened quietly while feeding Ah Di.

She loved hearing these stories.

We originally thought that the immortals were all independent and lonely, but we didn't expect that each of the immortals had their own personalities.

Yes, yes, I remember it most clearly. The white-haired crane master was so interesting.

He obviously doesn't speak well, but he looks like he doesn't care, and he always likes to help me travel in the mountains. Every time we are about to fall, the wind will drag us up.

There is also Zhenyue Zhuyang Zhenjun, who talks about how unreasonable this is every day. Ever since I informed the emperor of what happened, he has come to Liyue to ask for punishment. How can it be unreasonable all day long? How unreasonable...

Especially after hearing these two comments about those immortals and a bunch of weird nicknames, the fireproof girl couldn't help but laugh out loud, and couldn't help but think about what Zhongli would look like if he came here.

Out of professional ethics, the fire prevention girl notified Zhongli before coming.

Zhongli first heard that the fire-prevention girl was planning to treat a guest and said he wanted to come. However, when he heard that it was an all-fish banquet, he stayed in the hall of the dead and cooked for himself.

The last dish is boiled blackback seabass.

Xiang Ling from the kitchen finally finished her work and walked out with the dishes. Unexpectedly, after the event started, the first wave of customers to come would be these three people.

Really are.

Noticing the mess on the table and the empty bowl in front of the fireproof girl, Xiangling couldn't help but raise her eyebrows and couldn't help but scold softly.

Even if it's Sister Su'er treating us, you can't do this.


Ying turned her head away and looked at Xiang Ling with confusion.

Do you know each other?

Sister Su'er is a regular customer of our store. Although she has just arrived in Liyue not long ago, she has outstanding appearance and is willing to help others.

Many people in Liyue have received more or less favors from Sister Su'er. Everyone knows that there is a kind-hearted guest in the Rebirth Hall.

Xiangling patted her chest, as if to praise herself.

It's a pity that Sister Su'er is not responsible for funeral arrangements. At that time, many people came to the Hall of Purity to sign contracts, hoping that Miss Su'er would preside over their funerals after their death.

Is what she said true?

The food in his mouth was swallowed alive before he could chew it. His eyes widened and he looked at the fire prevention girl.

Just a little help.

The fire-proof girl pretended to be reserved and smiled.

There was nothing I could do about it. The fire prevention girl had a lot of leisure time when she came to Teyvat. After being taken for a tour by Zhongli, she went out on her own every day and helped her when she encountered something that she liked.

It didn't take long for him to become famous.

Co-author: Most of Liyue knows you? !

Then why didn't you talk to me then?

Ying suddenly felt like she was really stupid and asked Xiang Ling.

I see that you are very familiar with each other, and you even collected the things directly. I thought you already knew about these things.

Xiangling tilted her head in confusion.

what happens?

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