Chika Fujiwara spread her hands and said that this little thing was not as big as the effort she put into gathering CP.

I heard that it was a tradition in his hometown. God wanted to build a tall statue.

So, have you gone through the process?

Do you think it's possible to go through the formal process?

But there are still a lot of treasure thieves on the mountain, so...

Hu Tao also wanted to ask why no one stopped her, but she swallowed the words before she could say anything.

I hope everyone is okay.

At this moment, the little girl who was responsible for entertaining guests walked in.

Master, a guest is here and wants to see Mr. Zhongli.

After glancing at Zhongli and thinking about who would come to see his guest at this time, Hutao asked aloud.

Did he identify himself?

He calls himself 'Master'.

Chapter 162 According to legend, the plan to assassinate the emperor was made by Zhongli and Fireproof Girl

Young Master? You are a rare visitor.

Hu Tao was stunned for a moment, then a look of joy appeared on his face.

As Zhongli's exclusive external wallet that often shared his firepower, Hu Tao was always thinking about the young master's visit.

After looking at Zhongli and seeing that he had no objection, Hutao replied.

Let him come in.

Asking the hostess to invite people to the guest room, Hutao rubbed his hands. This time, he had to ask the young master to sign the funeral agreement no matter what.

Do I need to avoid it?

The fire-proof girl asked Zhongli, and they all came to her door. It seemed that it was something important.

You should know that the young master would never go near the Hall of Rebirth on weekdays, because a certain hall master who was always looking forward to his death often appeared nearby.

No need.

Zhongli shook his head slightly, as if he had guessed why the young master came.

After a while, the young master dressed in Liyue's usual clothes walked in and said hello to everyone.

It can be seen that these fools have been stared at very hard during this period.

Hey, everyone is here, what are you busy with?

We are dealing with the ceremony of sending immortals.

As the leader of the hall, Hu Tao was the first to answer: You came at the right time. You came right after we finished the work. You are a guest from afar. Why don't you pay a fee and I will make arrangements for you too?

Ahem, Hall Master Hu is joking. I think I can live quite a long time.

After coughing lightly, the young master smiled helplessly, wondering why Hutao always thought about his funeral.

I came here today to invite Mr. Zhongli. I heard that the Palace of Purity is responsible for delivering rituals to immortals. I have been coveting Liyue culture for a long time, so naturally I am also interested in it.

Trying to ignore Hu Tao's chirping, the young master faced the fireproof girl who was another client.

I wonder if I, an outsider, can let me know the specifics of the ceremony of sending immortals.

Fools really can't take a nap.

The fire prevention girl sighed suddenly.

The intelligence capabilities of Fools are really good.

As soon as they stepped out, this group of people knew what was going on. No wonder the fools were able to thrive in all the countries in Teyvat.

Hehe, generally speaking, the Purity Hall has been responsible for delivering rituals to immortals since ancient times. Although it has been hundreds of years since the last time, it is not a secret. You can know it with a little understanding.

No need to think about it, it must be Zhongli who knows.

The people of Liyue are very secretive about the ceremony of sending immortals, and even regard it as a festive festival. Who would talk about such an unlucky thing as sending immortals, basically only Zhongli would take the initiative to mention it.

But I don't know much about the specific matters of sending immortals, so I want to find out more about it from professionals like you.

You fools don't have any crazy plans, do you?

Hu Tao's big eyes rolled around, and Hu Tao's eyes immediately became sharp.

How can it not be possible? Qixing and the dog that had a stolen chicken are trying to bite anyone they see. I don't dare to get into trouble.

The young master waved his hand naturally. Although everyone is smart, there are some things that cannot be explained too clearly.

It's one thing for others to know, but it's another thing for you to admit it yourself.

I wonder if you can satisfy my curiosity?


Zhongli winked, and the fire-proof girl understood that the money and affection the young master usually spent on Zhongli were just for this time.

The ritual of giving to immortals is actually not very complicated. The general process is nothing more than preparing the things that the immortals loved during their lifetime, as well as some rare things. For example, as the emperor is a rock god, it is naturally suitable to use good stone amber.

After pausing for a moment, rubbing Hu Tao's head and signaling the girl not to interrupt, the fire-prevention girl continued: The next step is to choose a good and auspicious day, summon the people of Liyue to Yujing Terrace, and use a special memorial method to say goodbye.

The fire-preventing girl said that she knew a lot about the Xian Dian Yi. Although she had only been in contact with it for a few days, she was involved in it after all, and she knew the process thoroughly.

In the final analysis, it is just a funeral for an immortal. Except for the grand scene, it is no different from the mortal ceremony.

I see, what will happen to the immortal's remains in the end?

The young master then asked aloud.

Nature is returning to heaven and earth.

To put it bluntly, it means integrating the power from the Immortal's shell into the earth's veins.

Where was the immortal's body stored before the ceremony?

This is a trade secret.

The fireproof girl said she didn’t want to take the blame.

I generally understand.

After getting what he needed, the purpose of this trip was achieved. The young master faced Zhongli and invited: Mr. Zhongli, I have a dinner party here. The shop in Liyue has been closed for a long time. I got this with great difficulty today. I want to Don’t you want to come together?”


A flash of surprise flashed in Zhongli's eyes, and he suddenly thought of the young master's financial resources backed by Beiguo Bank.

When a sum of money cannot achieve its purpose, it must be that there is not enough money.

Zhongli didn't understand whether this phenomenon was good or bad for Liyue.

Hall Master?

After all, Hu Tao was also there. Even if Zhongli had some thoughts, he still had to ask Hu Tao for his opinion.

Although I knew that the young master had some personal matters with me, it was rude to just run away like that.

Go, go, you're of no use anyway, just leave Sister Su'er to me.

Hutao waved her hand pretending not to care. God knows what double act these two old people were singing. She didn't bother to think about it. Zhongli could just go and do whatever he wanted.

Now that there are so many capable people in the family, there is no need for Zhongli, a freeloader, so he can be given to the young master to be raised for a while.

Then I'll take my leave.

Come and play more if you have time.

Hutao was still thinking about the young master, a nouveau riche, and looked very reluctant to part with him. The fireproof girl couldn't help but chuckle and called out to the young master.

Mr. Young Master, have you forgotten anything?

After pausing, the young master turned around in confusion.

Is there anything else?

Mr. Gongzi came here to improve the relationship between Zhidong and Liyue. We are deeply grateful for the support of the Immortal Sending Ceremony, but it is only verbal support. I am afraid that it will not convince the people of Liyue.

The fireproof girl spoke up.

Ah, yes, how could I forget this?

The young master is not an idiot. He patted his forehead and looked annoyed.

The fireproof girl has made it so obvious. If he doesn't understand, then he is not worthy of being the executive officer of this fool.

Let me see......

The young master held his chin and thought for a while, then took out a pack of mola and put it in Hutao's hand.

This is 20 million moras raised in my own name. Subsequent funds raised from the Solstice Kingdom will be sent by the Northland Bank.

Thank you so much. The people of Liyue will remember Zhidong's contribution.

It doesn't have to be this way.

He breathed a sigh of relief and gave the fire girl a grateful look. The young master turned around, waved his hand gracefully, and left with Zhongli.

After seeing the young master off, the fireproof girl planned to go back to the house, but saw Hu Tao staring at her blankly.

Out of curiosity, the fireproof girl stepped forward and waved in front of her.

Why are you dazed?

Sister Su'er!

Hutao took the fireproof girl's hand with a serious expression, as if she had something important to say.

What's wrong?

How about you and Zhongli switch and stay in the Hall of Rebirth?

...What about Zhongli?

The fire prevention girl couldn't laugh or cry.

Zhongli will go and spend time with the young master. Out of filial piety, I will visit him often.

Hu Tao put his hands behind his back and smiled.

Zhongli will be sad when he hears this.

Ignoring the girl's cute expression, the fireproof girl raised her hand and poked Hu Tao's forehead, then turned and walked towards the back room.

Then can't the two of us stay together?

Hu Tao quickly followed and asked, she really liked this big sister, and it felt really good to be treated as a junior.

Zhong Li, a retired old man, and I are different. We are usually very busy. When I come back this time, I will just help my old friend with some errands. I will leave soon.

‘I knew that these recent things must have something to do with you. ’

Hu Tao had already guessed that there was something fishy about the emperor's assassination, especially when the two immortals around her didn't react at all. At that time, she was no longer panicking.

Anyway, if something goes wrong, there will be someone higher up to support it. Even if they can’t withstand it, they can’t do it either.

Although she thought so in her heart, Hu Tao didn't tell anyone. Some things would be hard to talk about if they were revealed.

Will you come back in the future?

Of course, I hope Hutao can grow up a little by then.

The fireproof girl rubbed Walnut's head again and teased.


Hu Tao wanted to fight back, but was held down by the fireproof girl with one hand. She moved her hands back and forth, but only hit the air.

Ha ha ha ha.

Wow, Sister Su'er, you are so mean.

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