Your request is really embarrassing for me.

If it didn't cause any irreparable impact, she would definitely not help Zhongli do this.

The destined person must search the seven kingdoms and leave his mark in the mortal world. This is what fate dictates.

Speaking in words that no normal person could understand, Zhongli replied calmly: I will make amends afterwards.

It was obvious that Zhongli knew some unknown secret.

As long as you have an idea.

Chapter 154: Question, what is the punishment for assassinating Emperor Yanwang?

As the time for the Immortal Invitation Ceremony gets closer and closer, the atmosphere in Liyue Port becomes more and more lively.

For Liyue, this is the most important annual ceremony. Every year for the Immortal Invitation Ceremony, Emperor Yanwang will come to Yujingtai to make plans for Liyue's development in the next year.

Similarly, because Liyue is a trading country, the emperor's words will also point out many directions for the merchants, allowing them to avoid many detours.

On the day of the Immortal Invitation Ceremony, the originally noisy market seemed much quieter.

There were only a few scattered people left in the lively and crowded streets, which seemed quite empty. Most of the people walking in the streets and alleys were locals from Liyue. Most of them did not choose to buy these products, which are highly overpriced during the holidays, but simply bought them. Playing around, experiencing the aftertaste after the hustle and bustle.

As for the Yujing Terrace located on the upper level of Liyue, tourists who came from far away from other countries to see the emperor's grace, as well as businessmen who wanted to obtain the golden words from the rock god, all gathered here under the scorching sun.

Many people are looking forward to it.

Traveller, don't be in a daze. If you continue like this, all the seats will be taken up.

The noisy voice coming from the white float interrupted Ying's thoughts. The girl opened her eyes and glanced at Paimon out of the corner of her eyes, feeling helpless.

Don't worry.

Seemingly unaware of the growing number of people gathering around the high platform behind her, as the people in front of her who made wishes left, Ying came to the incense burner, solemnly put one hand on her heart, and made the praying posture in her memory.

‘I hope I can find my brother soon. ’

According to the message left in the invitation, on this day, if you make a wish to the incense burner enshrining immortals in Yujing Terrace, you will be imbued with immortal energy, and the emperor and the immortals of Liyue will bless them.

Being idle is also idle, so with the idea of ​​trusting her faith and not suffering any loss, she came here to make a wish.

Paimon also calmed down and followed suit. As the traveler made his wish, the incense burner lit up with an orange light from inside, outlining the complex and gorgeous lines in the bronze body.

The wish is fulfilled.

Ying put away her wish-making gesture, and Paimon also opened his big eyes, wandering to follow the girl.

Stop! Seven Stars invites immortals. Unrelated people should stay away for the time being and cannot move forward.

Relying on her slightly petite body, she squeezed to the front of the steps. As soon as Ying wanted to step forward, she was blocked by a spear.

This is an invitation.

Ying did not panic, but took out the invitation and handed it to Qian Yanjun who was blocking the way.

Qian Yanjun's expression changed slightly when he saw the invitation. He raised his hand to take it and read it carefully.

It turns out that we are distinguished guests here. Please forgive me for not being able to welcome you from afar.

After confirming that the invitation was correct, Qian Yanjun folded it and handed it back to Ying solemnly, with a much more polite attitude.

Please come in. Guests are free to visit the Jade Capital Terrace, but please do not disturb Master Tianquan who is preparing for the ceremony to invite the immortal.

Obviously, this invitation is very useful.


The spear in front of him had been withdrawn. Ying nodded expressionlessly, raised his legs and stepped onto the steps. He did not choose to look around. He found an open position and stopped moving.

That invitation is really useful.

The lively Paimon looked around and saw the delicacies stacked on the table, and couldn't help wiping his saliva.


Ying turned her head, and across the clear pond, there was a huge crowd below. On the stage, apart from the staff of Qixing and Liyue, there were only a few scattered people.

It's really a big favor.

Seeing such a posture, Ying couldn't help but feel more and more grateful to the elder sister who gave her the invitation.

The crowd is so crowded and there are Qianyan Army guarding them. If they really come directly to ask for the Immortal Ceremony, then if they want to talk to the Rock God, they will probably have to go through a lot of trouble.

Now that I can face the emperor directly, after the business is over, I won't be embarrassed to ask him. Moreover, according to word of mouth from the locals in Liyue, Emperor Yanwang is also a very friendly god, so he won't embarrass himself.

This trip to Liyue was much smoother than before. I didn't expect that within a few days of arriving, I would have the opportunity to meet the Rock God and achieve the purpose of this trip.

Ying waited quietly and did not intend to disturb the busy people. She was not worried about what might go wrong.

Liyue's ceremony of inviting immortals lasted for more than three thousand years, and the Rock God would come every year. She couldn't have an accident this time, right?

I hope I can get clues about my brother from Yan Shen.

Looking forward to the things that were gradually being arranged in front of her, the girl's eyes were filled with anticipation.

The anticipation of her brother's trace seemed to have made her forget that there seemed to be no trace of those so-called businessmen on this empty high platform.

Regardless of whether they are wealthy or penniless, those who come here to invite the immortals to perform rituals are all waiting obediently below the high platform.


Zhongli, don't you need to go there in person?

To the east of the coast, on the top of Tianheng Mountain, where Liyue Port rests, the Fire Guard Girl stood on it, staring at the Yujing Terrace below, and asked Zhongli who was sitting at the table.

It's not difficult for me to do two things at once.

Zhongli took a sip of the wine from a foreign country, savoring the taste. He shook his head slowly and moved his eyes slightly, only to see that there were only a few people on the top of the mountain.

Ashes and faders stick to the fire girl's side every day.

Gilgamesh was drinking with Zhongli and seemed to be in good condition, but the fire-proof girl did not forget the thick dark circles under his eyes when he first arrived.

With the help of everyone, Gilgamesh no longer plans to wait for the judgment of fate, but actively mobilizes the residents of Uruk to try to master new technologies and powers. Now there are no more raging monsters in the Mesopotamia. threaten.

It's just that Gilgamesh's workload has skyrocketed. He not only has to learn many things himself, but also has to teach people.

I really doubt Gilgamesh will survive until Tiamat comes.

There were only so many people on the top of the mountain, and the rest were gone.

By the way, where are the others?

It's down there.

The fireproof woman pointed to the crowd below. At the edge of the square, Ainz and his party were standing on a high platform. The humanoid body was more than two meters tall. He was carrying Fujiwara Chika, who was holding the camera high. Tallu pulled up the steps beside him. Holding a parasol.

Kratos and Doom stood upright in the square with arms as big as those next to them. With a vacuum circle of about one meter around them, they were both a little afraid of these two fierce men.

Renault and his wife were lying in another corner, and Merlin was still telling stories to hide from Gilgamesh, but he had clairvoyance, so he didn't need to be there in person.

After releasing his spiritual thoughts and confirming that the lively group members did not give him any trouble, Zhongli also breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the sun that was gradually moving to the middle of the sky, and said.

Sul, the auspicious time has come and we can begin.


The current situation of writing books on major websites.jpg

Chapter 155: The Rock King Died in a fight with the Fireproof Girl

The annual ceremony of inviting immortals is naturally extremely grand because its ultimate purpose is to invite immortals and to highlight the status of Emperor Yan as the ancestor of all immortals.

The process is complicated enough to keep the organizers busy for some time.

Everything is ready, Lord Ningguang.

The busyness on the Yujing stage finally came to an end. After the last review was correct, the secretary in plain clothes came to a white-haired beauty and bowed slightly.

Ning Guang, who was still frowning in thought, raised his head when he heard the words, covering his forehead with one hand, with the vermilion tassel hanging down, looking at the sun hanging high in the sky.

It was actually a little earlier.

Thanks a lot.

A satisfied smile appeared on her cold face, and Ningguang raised her hand to signal to the secretary, her long and wide sleeves hanging down naturally and fluttering in the wind.

It's still a few hours before the emperor arrives, so let's take a rest first.


The secretary bowed and resigned, directing everyone to return to their posts and stand by, leaving the seat in front of the desk to Ning Guang.

They didn't dare to go to rest directly. Not to mention that Ning Guang, who was the host of the ceremony, was still standing under the scorching sun, and the emperor would come later. It would be outrageous to rest for a while and then return to work.

Standing behind Ningguang, the secretary took out his handkerchief, wiped the thin hair on his temples, and straightened his appearance.

‘Today’s sun doesn’t seem harsh. ’

This is not the first time that the secretary has experienced the ritual of inviting an immortal.

I don't know why, but this year's sun is not as strong as in previous years. It doesn't look harsh when it shines on the body. It just makes people feel warm, which makes their work progress a lot faster.

Even after working around the altar for a long time, I was just tired and sweating a little.

‘Perhaps the emperor favors Lord Ningguang. ’

The secretary couldn't figure out the reason for a while. He looked at Ning Guang, who was still standing there with an extraordinary temperament, and this thought came to his mind unconsciously.

The head of the seven stars, Tianquan condenses the light.

She is a talented woman who understands people's hearts and is good at talking. She is both wise and beautiful. She is in the position of Seven Stars at a young age. She is also a leading businessman and has made great contributions to the prosperity of Liyue Port.

No one would despise this Tianquan star, and there were even rumors that many businessmen were willing to spend tens of millions of molas just to be able to dine at the same table with Ningguang.

From this, it can be seen that Ningguang is much more high-profile than the other seven stars who don't like to show off.

Because of this, there are almost no people in Liyue who don't know this Lord Tianquan.

As the officials took their places, they waited solemnly.

Under the deliberate guidance of the locals in Liyue, the crowds in the square gradually stopped talking among themselves. For a while, the originally noisy Yujing Terrace became silent and became solemn.

The seven rulers in the world are called the Seven Gods, and they are the most noble existences on the earth. For the people of Liyue, Emperor Yan Wang is the supreme authority and cannot tolerate any blasphemy.

Traveler, traveler.

Paimon's call brought back Ying Piaofei's thoughts.

What's wrong?

After coming back to his senses, Ying looked at Paimon in confusion, noticed that everyone around him was silent, and asked in a low voice.

It's a video camera, the one the elder sister gave us.

Stomping her feet in the air, Paimon reminded her that despite this little guy's usual unreliability, she still remembered the key things.

Ah, yes, I almost forgot.

Ying patted his head and quickly took out the photo camera, preparing to record the grand arrival of the Rock King later.

That eldest sister had helped her so much, and it would be shameful if she couldn't even fulfill this request.

After a while, until the sun was hanging in the middle of the sky, Ning Guang made some moves.

The auspicious time has come.

Ningguang, who was dressed in gorgeous clothes, realized that the time had come. He moved lightly with lotus steps and walked towards the center of the altar. The eye of god on his waist lit up.

The rich rock elements were wandering around her body, connecting with the ancient magic circle that had been passed down for thousands of years under her feet. Four crystal clear gems rotated around her. With the condensed light, she raised her hand and flew towards the incense burner surrounded by offerings, embedded in it. in the reserved groove.


The brilliance flows, and as the gems carrying huge energy are embedded, the incense burner shoots out powerful light, reaching up to the sky, until it penetrates the clouds.


The clouds formed a vortex, blocking the sunlight, and then turned into a misty mist, clinging to the golden beam of light all the way down. The clouds were bright and brilliant.

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