Those who fade are white-haired, and those who are ashes are white-haired. Currently, those who are recognized by the rock attribute are all white-haired.

Could it be that if I have a chance to awaken in the future, it will also be a rock attribute?

Tallulah checked her face, got out of the cover of her mobile phone, and asked Zhongli curiously.

Ahem, the awakening of the Eye of God has little to do with the gods.

Zhongli's expression changed slightly, he coughed twice, and explained to everyone.

According to Zhongli, the attributes of the Eye of Awakening God are not actively chosen by the gods, but are decisively related to the character. Both the Faded One and Ashes regard it as their responsibility to protect the fire-prevention woman, and have the belief to protect the people or things around them. Naturally, Yan Attributes.

Otto awakens to the thunder attribute, and Fireproof Girl has the water attribute. This is also because of their distinct character traits, but it is unclear how credible they are.

After all, people's personalities are multi-faceted and cannot be explained by just one or two words.

Maybe the rock attribute itself loves white hair.

So I'm pretty pure.

Seeing that everyone didn't believe it, the fireproof girl noticed Zhongli's embarrassment and tried to smooth things over.

Zhongli immediately cast a grateful look at the fireproof girl. He had never been very good at dealing with topics about himself.

Yes, very pure.

Hearing this, the Faded One couldn't help but scolded her. She and Ashes had been in each other's arms for so long. Even the Straight Girl had figured it out, right? As a result, the person in front of me was almost indescribable, but he was indeed quite pure.

It’s hard to say anything.

Um, hello?

Just when everyone was still talking about the issue of the Eye of God, a crisp voice came from the side of several people.

Then everyone discovered that the traveler who had just had an unpleasant meeting with the fire prevention girl approached them.


Unexpectedly, the traveler actually came to the door himself.

I was a little surprised why this girl came. Under the eyes of everyone, the fireproof girl who translated that the other party was looking for me looked at the somewhat hesitant traveler and asked: Do you need to share a table?

Ah, no, no.

The traveler who was still organizing the language quickly waved her hand. She still had to go to the Adventurers Association to submit a task. She had spent almost all her money along the way. When she got the mora and came to the Wanmin Hall to dine, there would be fewer people.

I'm here to apologize. I'm sorry for looking at you like that. I accidentally mistook you for one of those fools.

After talking to Xiang Ling, the traveler also knew that this was a guest who came to Liyue and was not a dangerous group of fools. Knowing that he had made a mistake, the traveler came to apologize.

How polite.

The fireproof girl was a little surprised. She didn't expect that this child would actually apologize for such a trivial matter. Although the hostile and vigilant expression looked cute, she smiled.

This is not a big deal. The reputation among fools is indeed not very good. Similar attire will naturally attract strange looks. Hey, even us travelers from the Winter Country are often troubled by this.

I'm really sorry.

【Ding dong~】

The fireproof girl was still thinking about whether she should reward this good child for being civilized and polite. At this moment, the notification tone of the chat group came, distracting her attention.


After reading the content, the fireproof girl cast a vague glance at Zhongli, who was calmly drinking tea. She always felt that this man was possessed by Merlin.

【That's not good? 】

【Just leave it to me to compensate. 】

[Okay, you are the employer. 】

Come here, come closer.

After receiving the things sent by Zhongli and observing a moment of silence for Miss Traveler, the fire prevention girl waved to greet the somewhat anxious girl.

Excuse me, what should I call you?

Ah, just call me Ying.

As she got closer, she realized that this eldest sister was really tall. Even when she was sitting upright at the table, she could still look at her level.

Is Miss Ying planning to stay in Liyue, or is she here to invite the immortal ceremony?

Not paying attention to what the girl was thinking, the fireproof girl asked.

I am a traveler, and I came here to invite the immortal ceremony.

Ying replied quickly, wondering why the other party would ask this.

If you are a traveler, that would be perfect.

The fire prevention girl breathed a sigh of relief, as if something had been settled.


Ying heard a little confused.

Ah, as you can see, we are travelers from the east.

Seeing the confusion on Miss Ying's face, the fireproof girl pointed at Otto and the others and briefly introduced them, and then explained the purpose of their visit.

We had already been looking forward to seeing the body of the Rock King. This trip was also to invite the immortal ceremony. Alas, it's a pity that the plan couldn't keep up with the change.

The fireproof girl pretended to sigh in disappointment, which made Ying couldn't help but ask with concern.

Did an accident happen?

It’s the flavor of commission.

She often encountered similar things in the first country she traveled to. Whenever people in that country had any problems that couldn't be solved, they would go to trouble the knights there. Similarly, as an honorary knight, Ying could not take over any problems. Delegate less.

However, these requests are hard to describe. For example, just asking her to help catch a cat. There are also many materials that she can be asked to help find that can be obtained by just turning around.

Ying really wonders if the knight leader is so tired because of these people who have to feed even food.

indeed so.

The fireproof girl explained to Ying: Our official duties are so busy that even travel has to be dealt with, and we can't even catch up on meals.

As she spoke, the fireproof girl pointed to the large number of documents stacked on the edge of the table.

‘Is she asking me to help with this? ’

Ying's eyes widened as she looked at the document, which was as thick as her own legs.

‘You can ask me to do some physical work, but how can I possibly do this kind of thing? ’

Hahaha, I didn't ask you to help us deal with this.

Seeing the girl's eyes immediately became horrified, the fireproof girl guessed what the girl was thinking and couldn't help but chuckle. Then she flipped her wrist and took out a Liyue-style invitation card and handed it to Ying.

This is?

Ying did not take it.

This is an invitation from the Immortal Invitation Ceremony.

The exquisitely crafted invitation was turned over in her hand, shining with golden light. The fireproof girl organized her words according to the message sent by Zhongli.

As we all know, the ceremony of inviting immortals every year is grand, with countless outside spectators, including many wealthy businessmen, who want to see the emperor's holy words. But the Jade Capital Terrace is so big, so naturally, there will always be people because of various reasons. The reason was that it was too late to find the ideal location.”

After looking at the surrounding guests, the fire prevention girl lowered her voice and spoke to the traveler.

And this invitation will allow the holder to go directly to the area designated in the center of Yujingtai. Not only can he pay homage to the Rock King Emperor up close, but he can even have the opportunity to talk to him.

‘Can you talk to the rock god? ! ’

Ying's eyes suddenly brightened up, but she still didn't accept the invitation. If this thing could be given special privileges, it must be extremely precious, and she couldn't take it for free.

Hey, traveler, since everyone gave it away for free, then just accept it. Even if you don't use it, this thing can definitely be sold for a lot of money, right?

Before Ying could make a decision, the white creature that had been floating next to her made a sound, and a soft and waxy voice came out.

Stop it, Paimon.

Pressing Paimon's mouth, Ying glared at her, and then asked the fireproof girl apologetically.

What do you need me to do?

What responded to her was the fireproof girl's soft refusal.

No, you don't have to do anything.


Ying instinctively sensed that something was wrong. When she fell asleep, someone would give her a pillow. How could such a good thing happen in the world?

No need to be so vigilant.

The fireproof girl smiled warmly.

Our work is really tight. We will leave Liyue tomorrow and we can no longer catch up with the ceremony of inviting the immortals. Even though this invitation is precious, it is of no use to us.

We originally planned to keep it as a souvenir, but it is rare to meet such a polite child, so I will give this invitation to you. It can also be regarded as leaving you with a better memory.

As she said that, the fireproof girl reached out and rubbed Ying's head.

But, this...

A warm feeling came from the top of her head, and Ying blushed a little. Everyone was talking about this, and she didn't know how to refuse for a while.

Then I will accept it on behalf of the traveler~

Paimon, who broke free from the restraints, was not polite and stretched out his hands to take the invitation, as if he was holding some treasure.


If you feel sorry for yourself, then so be it.

Rubbing her smooth chin and pretending to think for a while, the fireproof girl took out the photo camera produced by Zhidong Kingdom and handed it to Ying.

This is a photo camera that can leave a moment's image. The emperor is generous, so naturally he won't mind someone taking it.

I ask you to record the grand ceremony of inviting immortals and send it to the Hall of Purity. My friends will return it to me.

This is the reward I ask for, how about it?

Well, then, thank you very much.

She glanced helplessly at the delighted Paimon. Now that the matter was over, Yingya had no choice but to agree. She really needed this invitation. She raised her hand to take the photo camera, and then bowed to thank her.

Not so polite.

Seeing Ying's skirt still stained with grass blades, the fire-proof girl had a thought in her mind.

Want to have dinner together?

no, I'm fine.

Ying waved her hands quickly, how could she have the nerve to stay for dinner after accepting such a big favor.

Oh, that's such a shame.

I still have some personal matters to deal with, so I'll take my leave now.

After bowing repeatedly, Ying said goodbye, pulled Paimon, who wanted to agree on her behalf again, and walked out.

Ying was a little overwhelmed by the kindness that flowed like water. This friendliness that did not seem to be fake made her have a good impression of the fireproof girl.

This big sister is so nice.

I hope you can have an unforgettable invitation ceremony.

Thank you!


Sister Suer is really good at coaxing people.

Tallulah stared at all this blankly, biting her chopsticks, and couldn't help but sigh.


The faded one nodded in agreement, feeling deeply about this.


Ignoring the crowd's admiration and watching the traveler leave quickly until she was submerged in the crowd, the fire-proof girl withdrew her gaze and looked at Zhongli helplessly, full of guilt for cheating an honest child. feel.

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