Episode 12 Heavenly Treasure World Chapter 3 Big Brother

Time, day by day.

Just as the Fire of Devour and Fire of Rebirth comprehend are not easy, the same is true.

Although Lin Feng aptitude is really good, insight really isn’t done in a moment. If not, the Star King Level will not be upgraded to the Star Territory Level, the ratio will not be so rare, which requires a strong comprehension, a deep insight into Dao of Time.

Lin Feng, after all, is just a beginner.

“Time energy absorption is already abundant enough.”

“The upgrade of Life Soul, the star has arrived at 2-layer top grade, now –”

“Only owed comprehend breakthrough!”

Lin Feng looks calm and meticulous.

But the more anxious, the harder it is to comprehend.

After all, this really isn’t like the increase in the energy of the star, changing with the constant absorption of time energy.

This requires a ‘quality change’!

“What’s worse?”

“What’s still almost…”

Lin Feng’s brows are tight, and in the mind, all the information about the stars is constantly emerging, but only for display and cultivating. As for how comprehend seems to be different from personal creation. It is in-between pondered in one’s thought, Lin Feng suddenly startled, in the mind information is erased.

Everything, pause in an instant.

Memory, back to the day of the bloodline inheritance.

I finally defeated Lin Zhongxian with Patriarch Lin Biao, and I used to be a sense to a point…

“Yes, the star’s strength!”

“The kind of energy that changes the surround control time control!”

Lin Feng squinted and stood up.

I laughed and shook my head, and I felt a bit funny.

Let’s put a good opportunity in front of you. Why don’t you have to cover your head?

“Patriarch is also a cultivating star, and his star ‘Dao’ is much better than me.”

“If you can watch his show up close. Even the words and deeds, I will benefit from it. Moreover, my star sky is a special eye of the ‘learning department’.”

“Having basic skills -“


Inner city.

“Trouble to Patriarch, Lin Feng for advice.” Lin Feng spoke openly.

“Lin Feng?” The two guarded clansman looked at each other but never heard of the name.

“You are…” One of them said with hesitation.

Suddenly ——

“He is the family of the Martial Artist, Lin Feng with VIP treatment.” Inside the hall. Xu Xu stepped out of a healthy figure. A blue-and-white armor, extremely sturdy, slender and straight body with a hearty aura, that face and Lin Biao are a bit like, and the most eye-catching, undoubtedly his eyes.


It is as bright as a star.

“Stars?” Lin Feng’s eyes lit up.

For the stars, I am familiar with them, just like seeing someone wearing the same clothes as myself.

The identity of the coming person is coming out, in Lin Clan. There are only two people who own the stars.

Lin Biao, and his eldest son Lin battle.

“Don’t be here, let’s talk while walking.” Lin war smiled to Lin Feng, smashed Lin Feng’s shoulder, bright eyes with bright light.

“Hey.” Lin Feng was surprised, but he and Lin war only met for the first time.

But he, obviously, is a bit too ‘passionate’.

“Is it…” Lin Feng’s heart slammed.

“How to see, your age should not be big. I will call Big Brother later.” Lin Zhan was facing Lin Feng and smiled. “Although you and I are really isn’t the same mother and parents, but the same blood always flows, do not need to see, go, I will take you to know the second brother ‘Lin Yi’ and Xiaomei ‘Lin Lan’.”

“Sure enough.” Lin Feng said lightly.

However, Lin Zhan really regarded himself as Lin Biao’s ‘illegitimate child’.


“How do you know?” Lin Feng is good surprisingly.

Although there is no impenetrable wall in the matter, how to see Lin Biao will not promote the matter everywhere.

Lin war is chuckled. “It happened to be overheard. I thought he didn’t know if I didn’t say it. It was too small to watch my forest battle.” Lin war flashed and smug, “I also heard him discuss with Yan. I want to accept you as a son, and return a clever name. According to me, I don’t know what it is, what is unspeakable, really.”

Lin Feng smiled, but the personality of Lin Zhan was more free and easy than his father.

Straight, heroic, at a glance, I know nothing.

“I don’t care.” Lin Feng smiled lightly.

The eyelids flashed lightly, but in my heart I understood the motivation of Lin Biao.

To accept yourself as a son, the name is the father-son relationship, whether it is true father and son is no longer important.

At least, it can confuse the audience.

“Hey, I said the younger brother.” Lin war looked up and down Lin Feng, jokingly said, “You are too big, change to me, hey, this old man doesn’t recognize me, I don’t want to recognize him!” Lin war can not help but shake his head, a pair of Lin Feng speechless appearance.

Lin Feng smiled dumbly. “Right, Lin Zhanxiong, where is Patriarch going?”

“Also called Patriarch?” Lin war brows a show, “The change is called ‘爹’, and should call me ‘Big Brother’, hear it?”

“Okay, Big Brother.” Lin Feng said with a slight smile.

It’s not a bad thing to have one more ‘Big Brother’.

It seems quite interesting to be a son, at least a lot of friends, no, it should be said that brothers and sisters.

Lin war nodded, a scorpion can teach the expression, and said: “After a while, there was no civil strife, the family changed greatly, and the Deputy Patriarch and Great Elder were all detained. The County City government came, it seems to investigate It seems to be very troublesome to look at this matter.”

“Trouble?” Lin Feng was amazed.

“Yes, the saints have made the rules, and the Yulu County is in the middle of the area and the central area, and it is not allowed to use force.” Lin war started talking, “violator…” stopped, thinking for a long time, the forest war did not think, suddenly looked Lin Feng, “What about the offender, my brother?”

“How do I know.” Lin Feng laughed.

“It’s not a good thing anyway.” Lin Zhan muttered a few times. “Take him, anyway, this will be dealt with, and walk away.” But laughing, Lin Zhanxuan even throws things at the topmost clouds, “See you.” I am very happy to be here. She is finally not the smallest one, haha!”

Lin Feng smiled, but it was quite helpless for this ‘Big Brother’ forest war.

When it’s really to feel unconcerned and let matters rest, Lin’s character is really free and easy.


“I don’t know if it will be really troublesome?” Lin Feng brows.

Lin war can not care, but he can’t turn a blind eye. After all, this matter is closely related to oneself.

A bad deal, no matter whether it is for the family or for yourself, it will be very troublesome.

“Wait, people in County City?” Lin Feng blinked and stopped.

“What happened, brother?” Lin war back, astonished.

“Take me to Patriarch, Big Brother.” Lin Feng gently opened his mouth.

“Ah?” Lin war startedled.

Lin Feng smiled. “Maybe, I can help ‘爹’ solve this trouble.”

In the lobby.

“I will say it again, take me to Heavenly Prison.” heavy like voice Powerful, with arrogance, it is a gorgeous man. Carrying his hands, slightly lifting his head, the symbol of ‘County City’ is printed on his chest, intended for identity and status. Aloof and remote.

“This… I’m afraid it’s not very convenient, Sir.” Lin Biao took care. Not afraid to offend.

Although he has absolute power in the family, he faces the envoy of ‘County City House’ but has no choice to whisper.

Perhaps, this envoy does not have real power, or how strong the power is, but he represents ‘County City House’. The representative is in charge of the entire Shiro County –

County City Lord.

“Don’t tell me these nonsense.” Huafu envoy eyebrows slanted, coldly said, “I care what family you forbidden forbidden land, there are no places where County City can’t enter the county! You have to bring today If I go, it is against the order of the County City Lord.”

“What should be sin!” Huafu envoy screamed, the voice was very bright.

Lin Biao and Lin Yan brows tightly, but they feel very tricky.

It’s not a move now, it’s not a retreat.

“There is.” Huafu envoy mouth cold strokes, disdainful fingers than the golden box on the side, “to put away these unnecessary “meetings”, I am not here to greedy you for these stupid money, want to buy me? “Huafu envoy deep like a glimpse, booth eyes pick up, “I see you, definitely do something that people can’t see!”

Like a thunder violent shout, Lin Biao’s cold sweat on his forehead.

I thought that I could use the money to kill it, but I didn’t expect the other party to even look at it.

Quite troublesome.

Lin Biao and Lin Yan were mutually taking a glance, eye contact, feeling helpless.

In this way, they can only take a backup plan. As early as before, they had already sent people to disguise themselves as Lin Zhongxian and others. If they were unfamiliar in the County City envoy, they should be able to cross the sea. But in front of this person, you can shout out the name of ‘Lin Zhongxian’, and it must be known.

Can you get it?

Lin Biao did not have a little grasp.

Once the backup plan fails, they have to bear the crime of ‘spoofing’.

Quite serious!

Moreover, in order to kill Lin Zhongxian and others in addition to the after-have have no choice, this move is undoubtedly harmful to others, and has no harm to the family, but it has no choice to cover up the secret. At that time, in the face of the severe punishment of the County City Lord, facing the family once again civil strife.

I am afraid……

Lin Biao did not dare to think.

Only for fear of Lin Clan, it was so ruined in his hands.

As a Patriarch, every step of the line must be conscientious and considerate, but now he has no choice to walk on the wire, the danger is very good.

If one is wrong, it will be full.

“Is it better?” Huafu envoy brows tight, impatient shouted.

Lin Biao’s eyes changed dramatically, but at the moment it was nothing to do. Although he was reluctant, he nodded and his voice was slightly hoarse. “Okay, envoy.”

The sound just fell, suddenlyly ——

“Hey!” The familiar voice sounded, and Lin Biao suddenly started.

Looking at the gaze, I saw that Lin Zhan was waving and greeting him with a smile.

The most astonishing is in the body of Lin war, the figure wearing black martial clothes, very familiar. Lin Biao’s eyes are very horrified.

Lin Feng?

What is he doing! ?

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