Chapter 2, first half

Lin Clan.

“This time thanks to you, Yan Yan.” Lin Biao said with a smile.

“Everyone has been in the friendship for so many years, saying that these are too convenient.” Lin Yan caressed the long hair, hehe and said.

In the place of bloodline inheritance, no one knows that the two played a double-spring, making the remaining eight Lin Clan expert ‘乖乖’ obedient. Regardless of reputation and status, Lin Yan is a ‘representative’ among the remaining nine people. It is like a weather vane. Lin Yan is pushed out to represent their wishes and decisions.

Suddenly, Lin Yan and Lin Biao cooperated with each other very tacitly.

“On that day, did Patriarch blame the old man for not standing on your side?” Lin Yan’s eyes flashed.

“I know that Yan will have a plan.” Lin Biao smiled heartily.

Lin Yan smiled lightly. “I don’t know Patriarch. On that day, I actually thought that you lost. Instead of holding it together, it would be better to leave me with this remnant. Maybe you can still find a way to save Patriarch, but you didn’t expect…” The eyes flashed, lightly mumble, “Lin Feng was born, breaking all the rules and tears and turning things around.”

“I didn’t think of it.” Lin Biao was in a good mood, nodded with a smile, “I want to come to Lin Biao to dying with a grievance.”

“Nature is.” Lin Yan caressed the long beard. “In fact, the most important thing is that I am old bones, and I can still fight and kill.”

Lin Biao smiled lightly, he did not blame Lin Yan.

On the strength, Lin Yan is not even ranked in the top ten in the family, and participating in the battle does not help.

It would be better to be a weather vane, so that other elders and elders remain neutral, but he did not expect that the final ‘wind vane’ could help stabilize the situation, but it was an unexpected surprise.

“Lin Zhongxian, Lin Shi, and Lin Mo are three people who have been imprisoned in prison for the crime of rebellion.” Lin Yan said with a sigh of relief, and the lineage of Lin Biao was also the key to the closure. The downgrade, this civil war is The end is complete, but…”softly sighed, Lin Yan said, “This campaign. My Lin Clan is badly hurt.”

Lin Shilin Mo and two people do not mention, as a too elder, Lin Zhongxian this lineage is inextricably. Extremely huge.

Lin Biao is the deputy Patriarch. He is not only a pillar refining division, but also the best one in the family. It is better than Lin Yan. Including Lin Zhongxian, in the family, tool refining comprehensive strength is second only to Lin Yan.

It can be said that the two people died and died, and they had a great impact on Lin Clan.

“That’s no way. The branches and leaves must be cut off.” Lin Biao lightly sigh. The eyes are deep. “The most troublesome thing at the moment is that the family has a civil strife. County City will definitely send someone to check it out. I don’t know if it will be blocked in the past. The tool refining division is also quite troublesome. Lin Zhongxian and Lin Biao are after all a tool refining division. member……”

“The tool refining division will be handed over to me.” Lin Yan caressed long, said with a slight smile. “I’m talking about the old bones, it’s a bit of a weight. It’s hard to suppress this thing.”

“Then it is troublesome to get old.” Lin Biao nodded with a smile.

However, Lin Yan was modest, and with his qualifications and status, in the Union of Tool refining divisions in Shilo County, it was a statement.

Tool refining The division of the division is solved, but I don’t know what the people of County City will be. After all, the civil strife is strictly contrary to the ‘rules’ formulated by the saints. However, there is nothing to be done at the moment, only one step at a time.

“Hu~~” Lin Biao grew a sigh of relief. It feels like a few years in the past few days, exhausted.

Fortunately, the storm of civil strife finally subsided, and he should also go to see the ‘initiator’ of this storm–

Lin Feng.

Lin Feng House.

“has seen Patriarch.” Guan Zhong was arched and surprised.

He didn’t even think about Lin Biao, who is a Patriarch, and he will come.

“Don’t have to be polite, Lin Feng?” Lin Biao waved his hand, did not put any shelf, a plain martial clothes, no one behind to follow. His relationship with Lin Feng is ‘secret’, and it is already a contract, and the command is released. Except for everyone in the place of bloodline inheritance that day, no one knows.

“Young Master he seclusion.” Guan Zhong replied truthfully.

“seclusion ?” Lin Biao frowned.

“Yes.” Guan Zhong nodded and spoke slowly. “Young Master asked me to tell Patriarch three words.”

“Oh?” Lin Biao’s hearing this eye, “What three words?”

“Lin Xiaotian.” Guan Zhong word by word read out.

Time –

Hey! Lin Biao complexion stop and change, wide eyes.

The name, in the family, also closed the command. According to the age of Lin Feng, I can’t know the ‘name’. The most important thing is, at this moment, Lin Feng tells him the name, what is the point? Lin Biao chest constantly ups and downs, and my heart is getting brighter.

Combined with the scene in the blood pool, Lin Feng’s strange behavior, plus the mysterious origin, and Lin Clan’s direct bloodline identity, he is almost certain of a fact.

Lin Feng, the eighty-nine is the son of Lin Xiaotian!

And his mother is an ancient woman who caused a huge family storm 20 years ago.

Jia Ya Zhu!

“I don’t think it is true.” Lin Biao muttered.

Although there have been doubts before, I have not been sure.

Now, finally get the answer.

“Screaming Heavens Xiaotian, I really can’t think of it.” Lin Biao helpless sigh.

“Twenty years ago, I personally sent you away. I didn’t expect your son to come back to me after more than 20 years.”

“And, it was a big storm. Did I owe you a family in my life?”

Long sigh, Lin Biao feels helpless, remembering the things of the year, is still fresh fresh in one’s memory.

When the ancients did not know how to get the news, they came to arrest Lin Xiaotian and Jia Ya Zhu. It was he who personally hid the two in the tunnel, and then arranged for the two to escape, and in the name General Lin Xiaotian expelled Lin Clan to protect the family.

In fact, there are not many people who know the identity of Jia Ya Zhu.

“Lin Feng left seclusion, tell him to come to me.” Lin Biao slowly said.

“Okay, Patriarch.” Guan Zhongying said.

Lin Biao sighed, and even if he turned and left, it seemed as if he was a lot old.

He would not sell Lin Feng, just as he did not sell Lin Xiaotian’s husband and wife on that day, even if Lin Feng did not sit on the same boat with him, he would not do so. As a Patriarch, it should be unselfish, but Lin Biao is really isn’t a man of ignorance, he has his bottom line.

not to mention. Selling Lin Feng What can he get?

What can you get from the family?

Lin Feng House, cultivation room.

Surrounding time energy continuously penetrates into Lin Feng’s body, forming an invisible whirlpool.

Time energy!

“The basic ability of Xingyi is ‘simulation’, which belongs to the special eye of the imitation system.”

“But where has seen the move. The ability, will be deeply simulated in the mind, and will continue to play back in slowdown.”

“And this. It is in response to the star’s ‘Dao’, slowing down Dao of Time.”

“The road’s comprehend, decide everything.”

Lin Feng is immersed in the encirclement of time.

Life Soul’s full, stronger Life Soul, the more powerful the insight time, and the comprehend realm of the ‘time of the road’ is equally vital. It is like the constellation sensitivity. The stronger the constellation sense ability. The ability of insight Dao of Time is stronger.

And the strength of Life Soul. It is equivalent to the amount of energy in the constellation.

“The second gear has to reach the 3rd layer to be able to comprehend ‘Dao’.”

“But a glimpse of the eye, as long as the 2nd layer, can start comprehend.”

“And I, should… can only be a half.”

Lin Feng is scornful.

After all, his own star is half lost.

“I thought it was just twice as much cultivating time…” Lin Feng was lightly mumble.

In fact, at least several times the efficiency is reduced, and it is not considered to be cultivating separately from the stars and stars. The sensitivity is reduced by a full 50%, and the efficiency of cultivating has been reduced by half. Fortunately, the combination of the two is really good, but also to make up the gap.

The self-state is counted as ‘top grade’, even if it is just 2nd layer, it is better than the 3rd layer. Even if it is compared to the fourth layer, it can be a little better.

As for the second gear, not to mention, even the 6th layer can be defeated. On that day, the 2nd layer’s self-state can win the 5th layer of Lin Biao, which is visible. And you know, Lin Biaodi’s ‘Life Soul ‘strength is far better than Lin Feng.

However, the class gap is too large.

“If you can use the ‘time engraving array’ just fine.” Lin Feng feels helpless.

I originally thought that I could slowly cultivating in the engraving, but obviously it wasn’t. In the engraving array, the environment is completely changed, Dao of Time is disordered, just as tool refining can’t be done in time engraving, comprehend Dao of Time can’t.

Only the cultivating of the star technology, there is no obstacle.

Because the star technique is just a simple comprehend, it is the immersion of consciousness.

Unlike the current cultivating, it takes one of the four cores hidden in time –

Time energy.

In the blood pool.

“Hey!” “Hey!~” The blood of the blood pool is constantly churning.

The Lin Biao site sits in the blood pool of the Fire Element, and its potential is constantly being developed. Now his eyes are no longer pale, but like Starry Sky. Just like Lin Feng’s eyes, the feeling of space is quite strong.

“Sayong lost his horse, knowing that he is not a blessing!” Lin Biao was very happy.

“The cultivating of a pair of eyes is so difficult. Lin Biao’s old fox star is just 3rd layer.”

“And my second-level eyelids ‘white Muyu’ cultivating to 5th layer, now, the second excitation of the blood pool, making Bai Muyu advanced into a ‘star sky’, even the level will be retained, as long as complete transformation Transform, when…”

“I can have a copy of the 5th layer of the star’s sky!”

“Who can stop?”

Lin Biao thought of it, he was very excited, and the ugly face was even more fierce.

Indeed, whether it is a special eyelid or a special bone, the higher the grade, the harder it is to cultivating. The first eye is better than the second eye.

“Unfortunately, it takes a long time to convert the white and white of the 5th layer into a star sky.”

“Just let you live a little longer.”

Lin Biao landed coldly and laughed, didn’t care.

This ‘Time’ is almost negligible compared to the comprehend cultivating to the 5th layer.

Nowadays, you don’t need cultivating, every moment –

He is all in comprehend!

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