Episode 12 Heavenly Treasure World Chapter 28 He is really my son?

Confronted with each other, Lin Biao and Lin Biao are not fuel-efficient lamps.

In particular, Lin Biaodi, this Xu Sheng is not allowed to lose, he has already prepared for perfection.

At this time, the surroundings were screaming. Lin Biao and Lin Biao heard the sound of the place, suddenly stunned, very incomparable. I saw only a short skill, the blood pool has changed, and the Dragon Dragon Transformation is a dragon.

With Lin Feng as the center, the water pool swirls in the mist.

The thick blood mist is surrounded by the blood pool, which is extremely strong. It forms a fiery red Phoenix, and the dragon is alive!

“Heavens, Phoenix, real purebloodline!” Lin Yan’s faint eyes are shining, full of unbelievable looks, including the elders ‘Lin Zhongxian’, Great Elder ‘Lin Shi’ and others. The scene gave a shock.

These visions have been recorded in the genealogy of Lin Clan.

The purer the bloodline, the stronger the fog of the blood pool, and the point at which the ‘Phoenix True Body’ appears. It is recorded that there is only one person.

That is the originator of the founding of Lin Clan –

Lin Yuhuang.

Now, the second one has appeared.

In the blood pool.

Lin Feng is bathed in a warmth.

Feeling, with the body has a lot of energy surges, countless meridians through, the penetration of the blood pool, so that the sleeping strength of the body seems to wake up, incomparably full. The changes in cells, the increase in activity, drive the qualitative changes of the entire body.

There is no pain, only the strength of strength is constantly improving.

It’s like…

This was originally its own strength!

“The family’s bloodline, it turns out.” Lin Feng scorned.

It’s no wonder that many of the Martial Artists in Shiro County have improved their strength so quickly, and this is the case. XXXXX years old is already a Star Territory Level expert. I want to be inferior to Lin Clan in her family inheritance. ‘bloodline’.

“Body. Greatly improved.”

“The strength rank has not changed, but it doesn’t matter.”

Lin Feng smiled lightly, and he had already reached the peak of Star King Level. The absorption of constellation energy was not in a hurry.

Into this blood pool, there is one biggest change –

Constellation sensitivity!

“With the Phoenix constellation, it feels like a lot of compatibility.”

“Since fusing with the blood of the Phoenix. My constellation sensitivity is far beyond the ordinary Martial Artist, I can’t think of it today…”

“Can still be greatly improved!”

Lin Feng was amazed.

The strong sense of its own constellation, originally already expected.

Other Martial Artists, who have just entered the Star King Level, can only claim one or two constellations, but they can sense to all seven main stars. what does this mean? Not only can I more easily inspect the superior star skills of the seven main stars, the absorption of constellation energy is farther than other Martial Artists!

For the Martial Artist above Star King Level, the constellation sensitivity and comprehension are tied for the first place!

But comprehension is born. And the constellation sensitivity, but has unlimited possibilities for improvement, right now…

Suddenly, ushered in qualitative change!

Some people, the potential of the body is excavated fast, and the early outbreak, this kind of person is called ‘genius’. Lin Feng, obviously not in the list. Perhaps in Heavenly Martial Continent, but it is only because of Heavenly Martial Continent’s ‘martial level’ and so on. Compared to the Martial Artist in Jiuzhou, Lin Feng is called ‘Mei Cai’.

Before the fusing with the blood of the Phoenix, according to Duo Duo’s bloodline evaluation, the limit of Lin Feng is just the Star Sea Level.

And this is just the average standard of Martial Artist in Jiuzhou. In the land of Jiuzhou. As long as you have money, you can take a star, spirit fruit, and Immortal Fruit. You can promote a Martial Artist that doesn’t know anything to the Star King Level!

Really genius, it should be Lin Yun.

Stars wake up early. On both sides of the wall, the light of Lin Feng is greatly enhanced by the change of eyes.

But in fact, Lin Feng’s real bloodline ‘Star Sky’ has been sleeping.

Until a few days ago, Star Cangwu had just begun to ‘recover’!

This hides the giant dragon in Lin Feng’s body.

“pā,pā.” The clapping sounds.

“Patriarch is not a loss of Patriarch, the purity of bloodline is indeed the strongest in the family.” Lin Biao’s eyes flashed a jealousy, smile cold and bone.

“What do you want to say?” Lin Biao tightened his eyes, his eyes changed, and the vagueness was already feeling a bit of trouble.

Lin Biaodi did not pay attention to Lin Biao, and he looked around all around and drank. “You, everyone can remember why Lin Biao was able to sit on the ‘Patriarch’ position?” The crowd nodded slightly, whispering, and between .

“It’s bloodline purity! It’s a star!” Lin Biao’s eyes are white and moving.

“As everyone knows, my Lin Clan inheritance bloodline has been around for a long time, with three eyes, the purer bloodline has the stronger eyelids.”

“And when I reached the first eyelid, that is, the 1st grade bloodline, there was only one person in the year.”

“That is you, Lin Biao!”

Lin Biao’s words were slashed and smashed.

All eyes and time are all concentrated on Lin Biao.

The first eyelids, the stars and the stars, the star’s bloodline is almost cut off, and the star’s bloodline, in today’s entire Lin Clan, only Lin Biao, and its eldest son Lin war own ! He is definitely the purest line of Lin Clan bloodline.

Close to his lips, Lin Brow was deeply raised.

Although I don’t know Lin Feng’s identity, Lin Feng’s bloodline is pure, and the blood pool ‘validation’ is confirmed.

The ‘Phoenix True Body’ can be seen, and the purity of these bloodlines is even worse than that of the family’s 1st grade bloodline. Now everyone’s spearhead points to him, really isn’t unfounded. The so-called Longshenglong, Fengshengfeng, the family now has only two people in the 1st grade bloodline –

He, fighting with eldest son.

But Lin war, less than thirty.

The scene is quiet and everyone is watching Lin Biao.

Absolute silence !

All sorts of skeptical eyes, all kinds of complex looks, gaze, and at this time, the bone pupils of Lin Biaodi are full of white light, violent shout, “Lin Biao, you still don’t recognize?!” Fingers to the blood pool, Lin The sound of the earth suddenly increased. “Look at yourself. What is that!”

Lin Biao turned his head and looked wide.

Watched The changes in the blood pool at the moment, Lin Biao’s chest severe ups and downs, very incomparable.

A sharp flash of light flashed in the pupil, like a star shining, echoing the shiny starlight in the blood pool. Sense is profound!

“No, it’s impossible.” Lin Biao muttered, his expression is extremely complicated.

Originally, he also doubted whether this was a bureau, and it was the delicate bureau of Lin Biao.

But now, all doubts are exhausted. At this time, in the sky above the blood pool, the huge stars are shining, enveloping Lin Feng, making the fog that is agglomerated by the blood mist more vivid. That Phoenix seems to have come alive.

No one is more familiar with him than these visions.

When Eldest son entered the blood pool and opened the star, it had the same view.

Far more profound, once he entered the blood pool, the opening of the star is also such a shocking view, in Lin Clan, this one!

Just shaking his head. Lin Biao’s expression is very wrong, he can’t figure it out…

Lin Feng. How can I have a star!

Is it really his son?

What Lin Biao doesn’t know is that this view is really onlyn’t only when the star is awakened, and the awakening of the star sky is the same. Only in Lin Clan, the existence of the star is almost completely forgotten, and the stars have never appeared in dozens of generations. Who would want to get it?

Only the records of the family file, only to know that Lin Clan has two first-eyes.

However, with the generation of the family bloodline generation, the purity of the generation is weaker than that of the first generation, and it is no longer the case that Lin Clan is in full bloom.

The delivery of bloodline will be degraded.

Lin Clan is brilliant. There are over one hundred clansman with stars and stars.

Today, only Lin Biaolineage is left.

At this time in the blood pool.

Lin Feng, but also did not expect his own star sky is actually transformation.

The stars and the stars, like a growing Divine Beast, the first awakening, playing the strength, just like being born; and this time the transformation, the real sense of awakening, is like growing up into childhood.

Star sky, you can start cultivating.

“Hey!~” Lin Feng’s brainstorming, countless messages are constantly emerging.

As if to witness a book, the content of the book read very rapidly is very clear.

Feeling, never been deep!

“This, this is?!” Lin Feng complexion has changed.

All along, I am looking for cultivating of 瞳 ,, but I can’t start.

I didn’t expect to find what I was looking for, and I always wanted to get something that was close to me.

Star celestial cultivating, display. .

Everything is everything!

“Great.” Lin Feng was overjoyed.

Greedy absorption, memory, insight, this opportunity can not be met, but it still manages whether the outside world is already noisy. Even if it matters to you, right now, you have to put it aside.

Treat yourself, absorb it completely.

Indeed, it is already a noisy day.

But the scene is quite ‘quiet’ and there is a feeling of chill and chill.

All eyes focused on Lin Biao, including Lin Yan, who has always supported Lin Biao, and his eyes flashed a bit of suspicion. At this moment, the ironclad is like a mountain, and it is impossible for Lin Biao to retire half a point. The vision of the star appears, and there is no semicolon.

Not to mention other Lin Clan executives, Lin Biao himself…

They all began to doubt.

However, it is not important at the moment.

Because, even if it is not, at this time, he is not allowed to recognize it.

Even if he denies, who will believe?

“Lin Lin.” Lin Biao’s eyes are deep, stopped, tiger eye is burning, “In fact, I am very curious, even if you prove that Lin Feng is my Lin Clan clansman, even he is my illegitimate child.” Surroundings a piece of sorrow, Ran Lin But it is a blind voice, and it sounds like a voice. “What about that?”

“Men’s romantic is very normal, you don’t have three small cockroaches?” Lin Biao coldly snorted, cold said with a smile, “In addition, one more mylin Clan descendant bloodline, and so pure 1st grade bloodline, Even if it’s coming out…”

“I don’t think anyone cares.” Lin Biao looked around all around.

Everyone nodded, indeed, one more bloodline pure child, for the family has many advantages and no disadvantages.

At this point, the problem was once again thrown back to Lin Biao. However, Lin Biaodi is a dense smile. “Is it finally confessed? Old fox, old fox, you won’t be able to live for a while, but also want to fish in troubled waters? Twenty years ago, do you think you can cross the sea?” ”

“heaven’s net is wide, and none can escape its mesh, now the appearance of Lin Feng, I see how you deny it!” Lin Biao’s eyes, bright light radiate all around.

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