Episode 12 Heavenly Treasure World Chapter 27 Blood Pool

“Cracking, you want to be clear, non-family direct Martial Artist enters the ‘blood pool’, is an insult to the blood of the ancestors.” Lin Yan said resolutely.

Blood pool, only the family direct Martial Artist can enter. In the blood pool, there is the blood of the ancestors, hiding the mysterious strength, but the direct family of the bloodline pure family, after entering the blood pool, with the body bloodline will be aroused, the potential is completely erupted, the strength is greatly increased.

Any family direct family will enter the blood pool when entering the Star King Level.

This is Lin Clan’s clan rules, which is also a benefit.

However, all the children who enter the blood pool can more or less explore the potential. As for the strength, the actual number does not have an accurate answer. But one thing is certain, according to records, only the pure Lin Clan bloodline can stimulate the mysterious energy of the hemorrhage pool.

The blood pool is designed for Lin Clan’s direct Martial Artist.

For other Martial Artists, there is no more benefit, but there will be life danger!

“The land of bloodline inheritance has come in, and there is nothing to think about.” Lin Zhongxian’s mouth is not salty or not, obviously standing on the side of Lin Biao.

“As I said just now.” Lin Biao’s bone pupils stared at Lin Biao, coldly opening. “If Lin Feng is not your illegitimate child, you can’t stimulate the mysterious energy of the blood pool… I, Lin Biaodi, get up and down Under the position of Patriarch, and subject to clan rules, bear all the consequences!”

The sound 铿锵clanging, overshadowing all the sounds of the surrounding.

Everyone’s arguments have nodded, only Lin Feng looks like a non-stop.

“The illegitimate child? I… is the illegitimate child of Patriarch?” Lin Feng secretly thought, but I feel ridiculous, I do not know how I can cause such misunderstandings. Although I don’t know what the end of the story is, but I can see a lot of things, I heard the people just said that the vagueness can still sort out many ‘messages’.

Obviously. This so-called ‘blood pool’ can only be entered by a family of direct children.

“I have a starry sky, the younger brother is star-studded, no doubt.” Lin Feng blinked.

Although I don’t know how father’s family status before, but his own bloodline is absolutely pure, Lin Clan has only two eyes. They are star scorpion and star scorpion, which are extremely rare. Today, only Patriarch Lin Biao and his son ‘Lin Zhan’ have a star.

This alone shows the ‘pure’ of my bloodline.

“It seems…the situation is quite subtle.” Lin Feng nodded thoughtfully, his eyes flashing.

Right now, it’s like playing a complicated game. Everyone has their own thoughts, and they are sandwiched in the middle. There seems to be no retreat.

However, it is not a bad thing.

“Sometimes, change is not necessarily a ’cause’.” Lin Feng’s mouth is lightly stroked.

When you think about it, you can count on your heart!

Blood pool.

Really isn’t a pool made of blood.

Lin Guang burning like gaze, as Lin Clan came to the place of bloodline inheritance, the surroundings were surrounded by a layer of clouds. It looks like a natural presence, with a pool of red light shining in front, a burning swells the senses the senses.

temperature. Quite high!

Ordinary Martial Artist, absolutely can not resist this heat.

But the weakest presence is the Star King Level. It is a ‘Phoenix seat’ that is good at manipulating the flames, and doesn’t care.

“pū! ””pū!” The flaming bubbles are constantly emerging and look very strange.

However, this really isn’t is ‘blood’.

The blood of the ancestors?

Lin Feng’s eyes are light, even if it is the blood of the ancestors, how many years have passed. It has already evaporated to dryness. The ‘blood pool’ in front of it contains a unique sense of energy. Aura is violent and terrifying, as if suppressing a certain strength, like a beast.

Dangerous, great!


“It should be for outsiders.” Lin Feng was scornful. The eyelids flashed.

The blood pool gives me a feeling of being gentle, just like a bloodline, this unique feeling is enough to prove my bloodline –

With the blood pool, quite compatibility!

“What are you still hesitating?” Lin Biao flashed a cold light in his eyes, deep like an opening.

Lin Biao and Lin Yan looked at each other and nodded. They looked at Lin Feng and Lin Biao was open. “Reminder, Lin Feng, I will save you before you have a life danger.” Oh, but Lin Biao knows that Lin Feng really isn’t his own illegitimate child, but it is difficult to ride the tiger at the moment.

Although he is Patriarch, he is really isn’t monopolizing power, and he also needs to explain to clansman.

“Good.” Lin Feng is just indifferent, not to say much.

The situation at hand is like a labyrinth for yourself.

However, as in the case of the ‘Clouds of the Clouds’ at that time, there is always a potential way out. Moreover, once you find this way out, you can get a lot of things out of this maze. Especially the message that I have been eager to get, but I can’t get it.

The most important message!

At that time, what happened in the end!

Right now, it is an excellent opportunity not to be missed!

“In succession and defeat, just look at this time.” Lin Feng blinked and his heart turned sharply.

The blood pool is a key to yourself. Open the stable situation and open the secret key twenty years ago!

This time, there is no loss!


“Hey!” Lin Feng flashed into the blood pool.

At that time, the blood pool changed, and the pool water seemed to be boiling. With the entry of Lin Feng, the water of the blood pool surged from all directions, like a group of piranhas. The astonishing heat wave broke out completely, and a few of the less powerful elders had a brow, and they stepped back a few steps.

The blood pool is not a joke.

Lin Biao and Lin Biao, eyes fixed on the blood pool, bright light burning.

At this time, Lin Biao is already holding the double fist, the faint aura’s surging, quite strong, bright light 璀璨 eyes are dazzling. As Patriarch, he has the responsibility to protect the blood pool and Lin Feng, one can not let the blood of the ancestors be tarnished, and the second Lin Feng is a talent.

“Lin Biao, don’t worry.” Lin Biao landed coldly and looked at the blood pool. “Good play, it will start soon.”

Bone barely fell, the blood pool changed in an instant.

The violent heat wave, madly rushing to Lin Feng in the middle of the pool, instantly set off a huge wave. Everyone’s pupils are all enlarged, especially Lin Biao, completely staying in the same place, only seeing Lin Feng’s body shining with light, forming a faint aura, and actually ‘shield’ the blood of the blood pool.

Just like the body, it has a natural protective layer.

“Hey!” “Hey!” The blood of the blood pool, the heat waves rolling, full of joy.

Form a strong vortex, tighten Lin Feng into a ring, non-stop rotation. The fiery red shines brightly and is completely integrated with Lin Feng’s body. It is like a blood-like feeling. The vortex is full of vortex pressure, and the wind of hū hū forms a fire in the surrounding.

The fog is boiling and the blood pool is completely open!

Everyone, with all eyes wide open, is extremely shocking.

Especially Lin Biao, a tiger eyes is full of incredible, constantly shaking his head, “Impossible, how is this possible!”

Don’t say that Lin Feng is an outsider. Even if the bloodline is not ‘pure’, the non-Lin Clan straight Martial Artist can’t open the blood pool and stimulate the energy contained in the blood pool. But the sight in front of him, as Patriarch, he is familiar.

“haha, Hahahaha!” Lin Biao was laughed loudly, and the laughter was full of sternness.

Everything is as expected, and he is not wrong at all!

“Lin Biao, what else do you have to say!” Lin Biao’s eyes are cold light, ice-cold voice, “Is it? The powerful ability to stimulate the blood of the blood pool, enough to prove Lin Feng’s bloodline, In line with your lineage! A good bastard, look at the richness of this blood pool water fog, oh, bloodline is not ordinary purity.”

In the tone, with a little sly color, Lin Biao’s look fierce flashed past.

“Hey!~”surroundings The elders are elders, and the elders are reacting at this time, whispering non-stop.

Seeing is believing, everything, as Lin Biao said!

In the blood pool.

“Good energy.”

“The water in this blood pool contains a lot of pure essence.”

Lin Feng closed his eyes and his body was completely relaxed at this time. Although the heat wave was rolling, the water in the blood pool did not have a bit of ‘maliciousness’ for himself. The rich energy is tumbling into your skin, nourishing bones, meridians, blood, and every tiny cell.

A feeling of comfort that has never been seen before.

It is like returning to childhood, mother is in the arms.

It seems to return to the place where I was born and return to the origin of life, warm and moist.

“so comfortable.”

“And, the physical fitness is greatly improved.”

Clearly feels everywhere in the body, Lin Feng feels amazed.

In the Thousands of Snakes, so many ‘snakes’ and star fruit are absorbed. I thought that the body has reached the limit, but now it is like a dry plant that absorbs water madly. The speed of lifting is quite terrifying, every second, every one. In an instant, the body is constantly changing.

Astonishing is incredible!

“Lin Biao, what else do you have to say?” Lin Biao’s eyes showed a dense chill, aggressive.

Close to his lips, Lin Biao recovered from the shock at this time. Although I don’t know what the blood pool is all about, whether it is done by hands or feet, Lin Feng really has a ‘pure’ bloodline, which is not so important at the moment. The important thing is that everyone is witnessing it!

This is an unchangeable fact.


“Lin Lin, you seem to have forgotten one thing.” Lin Biao looked back and looked at Lin Biao.

“Oh?” Lin Biao’s mouth is lightly stroked.

“The blood of the blood pool, as long as Lin Clan’s pure bloodline can be opened.” Lin Biao looks calm, said indifferently, “Direct Martial Artist, the family does not seem to be only my lineage?” Finger to Lin Biao, Lin Biao eyes Bright clear, “I can say that Lin Feng is your illegitimate child, why not!”

Surrounded by a voice of discussion, everyone agreed with Lin Biao.

However, Lin Biaodi is like a smile. “The old fox is indeed an old fox, and the reaction is fast enough, but…”

“I expected you to have this one.”

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