Chapter 19: Heteroptera Converse

South of the city, quiet valley.

At this time, the sky is still not fully lit, and the feeling of sorrow is hidden between the valleys, and the fog is heavy.

This valley has beautiful scenery and unique beauty. It is indeed a beautiful place to enjoy life.

“Tread!” In the void, a figure arc fell.

Burning eyes pass a point of bright light, Lin Feng eyes deep pond, like a deep black hole. The faint killing intent was exposed outside the body, and there was a trace of blood in the eyes, raising his head, Lin Feng watched the huge plaque, and he wrote the four characters of ‘The Valley of the Valley’.

“It’s been a long time…” Lin Feng vision are bright.

“I’m coming.”

The low voice is with a little cold, this time –

Quite dangerous!

“Hundreds of dead, 10 of them are Star Sea Level Martial Artist!” Lin Feng has a deep eye. “With Ding Hong of Star Sea Level 3rd rank, Ding Ding of Star Sea Level 4th rank, there are twelve Star Sea Level Martial Artist.” In my heart, because of the help of Weihai, I am clear about the strength of the enemy.

“You can’t care, according to the opinion of the sea Senior, Ding Ding alone, it is no worse than Ji Xia.” Lin Feng looks awe.

On the same day, in the war with Li Ming, he was once seen Ding Ding, sitting in a wheelchair like a lonely old man, unremarkable.

I can’t think of it, it is a powerful person!

“There are people who can be saved, but…”

“You can’t blindly save.”

Lin Feng snarls in his heart, the enemy lays inscapable net and waits for himself, if he is himself, he will plant it.

That can be really a life of nine deaths!

“Wing!!” Lin Feng left eyebrows instantaneously shining.

The red-green light flashed out, and a bright red, tall plant like a mandala flower appeared, and it was more than ten meters long. Swinging and swaying, landing is rooting. The secluded valley is full of land, which is most suitable for plant life.

“Recovery is good.” Lin Feng slightly smile.

After a period of rest, the strength of the wing has been restored to two, 30%.

“Boss, what do you want me to do the danger?” Wings want to cry without tears.

Every time I recovered a little, I was recruited by Lin Feng. The worst of the last time, it is hard to restore 70% strength. The result was called out when the cannon fodder resisted the Mangwu family, and the result was almost invisible. However, the signing of the contract became the exclusive spiritual thing of Lin Feng, but the wing did not have a choice.

“This time for you… it should be a good thing.” Lin Feng eyes.

“Hey?” Wings were shocked. “You didn’t lie to me, boss?”

“Of course.” Lin Feng said with a faint smile.


Quiet valley. The entrance must pass through the mountain road.

There were hundreds of dead ambushes on both sides. At this time, I am waiting patiently for Lin Feng’s visit.

The weakest are Star River Level 7th rank and above, and there are ten more Star Sea Level experts, especially the two captains ‘Cheetah’ and ‘Leopard’, all of which are up to Star Sea Level 2nd rank. The strongest captain, ‘The Wild Leopard’, not only has the strength to reach the Star Sea Level 3rd rank, but also the Insight Star Force, and the ‘Star Control’ has two gears!

Stronger than Ding Hong, only inferior to Ding Ding.

In order to kill Lin Feng. Lu Family is a bloody one.

“What happened? Why didn’t Lin Feng come in!” The mad leopard frowned coldy.

“I don’t know, he just stood quietly at the mouth of the valley, and he didn’t move.” The cheetah’s face was blank.

“Maybe he is tempted, waiting for us.” The leopard eyes burned.

The mad leopard is coldly snorted, and the sustained light is in the eye. “It’s quite cautious. Is it more patient than us? Just play with you and see who can’t hold it!”

For his own men, the mad leopard is very confident. Each of them has been trained by a professional sergeant.

Ambush, wait, ten days and ten nights are no problem!

Among the sunken mountains, one man wearing a black clothed masked masked aura hidden and half-naked. Especially the strong fog, it is the perfect concealment of the figure. One hundred dead men form a huge circular encirclement, like a big belly round bottle, just open a top.


They are waiting for prey to come to the door. I don’t know myself, I have become prey.

“Sure enough. There are really ambushes in the dead.” Lin Feng’s eyes are slightly bright.

Sharing the vision of ‘Biraffe’, for themselves, the so-called ‘ambush’ of these slayers is simply a joke.

Rather than being an ambush, it is better to say that it is a ‘food’ that will not move one after another.

At the time, Lin Feng’s eyes glowed in the cool glow.

When people enter a foot, I will enter.

Since the enemy is bent on making himself die, then…

I will not be merciless!

“Get started, wing.” Lin Feng shouted.

It was the black clothed squad who held the ambush of Aura, and it did not move like a stone.

Suddenly ——

Right foot giant hemp, black clothed death complexion change instantly, has not yet reacted, the left foot is also a while, the body suddenly fell to the ground, a painful attack. Looking away, I saw a foot-foot ankle is already a pitch-black, like a corrosion, very terrifying terrifying!

The most touching thing is the black poisonous insect at the bottom of the foot!

The back arched, with a spike, biting his flesh, as if eating food.

“Ah!” black clothed The screaming screams.

At this time, the shouts of the heart and the lungs sounded one after another.

Almost at the same time, a hundred dead soldiers were attacked by ‘Biawing’ at the same time!

The ‘Bingbug’ that once broke the Lin Feng defense with no difficulty, to break the defense of Star River Level Martial Artist, simply with no difficulty!


“no, do not want!”


The shouts rang through the valley, and all the demons were complicated.

No one thought that if you didn’t wait for prey, you would wait for these terrifying poisonous insects! !

The venom penetrates into the blood, and the worms produce the larvae instantly, and along the blood vessels, they follow the passage and gradually eat the whole body. At the beginning, Lin Feng had almost nothing to do with the ‘Bingworm’. For the first time, it really showed its might!

Attack by in the the body!

Extremely terrifying! !

“damn it, what a strange thing!” The mad leopard gnashing teeth, very stunned.

Strength qi vomiting, one foot to death only than the wingworm, the mad leopard complexion is now ugly to the extreme.

This little thing, although not biting his defense, but…

At this point, he is a man, but he is suffering!

“Batbug’s attack power is 10% of the ‘wing’ itself.” Lin Feng’s expression is light.

Star Sea Level 6th rank. Can break the defense below Star Sea Level 3rd rank.

Hundreds of dead, except one, all in the middle!

The poisonous spread is extremely fast, rising rapidly from the legs, with the body entering more than the wingworm. The faster the body function is destroyed. In the field of view of the worm. Lin Feng saw the sorrows and sorrows, screaming and soaring throughout the valley, faintly heard.

It was a real human tragedy.

Winged by Wings!


“This is what you are looking for.” Lin Feng eyes is very cold.

Since the war, I will not be soft-hearted. If you don’t kill them, die –

It is yourself.

In the manor.

“What’s the sound outside?” Ding complex complexion slightly changed.

“The battle has begun.” Ding Hong’s mouth was cold with a smile. “Lin Feng seems to be tenacious.”

“Hey, a hundred dead soldiers, I see how he died!” Ding Hao’s eyes were filled with a deep hatred.

“Don’t underestimate the enemy.” Ding Ding said with a frown. “That Lin Feng can beat Ji Xia, there are a few brushes, have no choice.” In the mouth, Ding Ding flashed a ray of light, and Li Ming that war he saw with his own eyes, this Lin Feng has A treasure that can ‘magnetic explosion’ is very dangerous.

“Just let the dead people take the lead.”

“Even if Lin Feng can pass the first test, it is already an arrow at the end of its flight.”

“When it comes. Stretch a hand and grab it !”

Ginger is old and spicy, Ding Ding has already calculated clearly.

Plan, the arrangement of dripping does not enter!


Plan, never catch up with change.

In particular, Lin Feng’s means, but also the wind and the valley can be guessed.


“Help me. Help me!”

The hundred dead soldiers, this time is completely panic.

“He damn it, what the hell is this!” The mad leopard screamed in his hair, hysterical.

Both detoxified medicine and Immortal Fruit do not work. Qi of Heaven and Earth can’t stop the invasion of giant poison. The body gradually becomes numb and even slowly destroys the central nervous system. Spread with blood. Extremely fast, from childhood legs to thighs, from thighs to lower abdomen, poisonous crazy invasion!

In addition to him, the remaining ninety-nine dead soldiers are all recruited!

Even the Star Sea Level 2nd rank cheetahs and spotted leopards are equally devastated, just a little better than the other hunters.

In fact, really isn’t no solution.

It’s just this poisonous, the real source is the ‘winged larva’, really isn’t toxin.

On that day, Lin Feng’s Fire of Devour was just able to restrain.

But the dead, but there is no such ability.

Except for the leopard, what the rest of the Martial Artist can do is to do everything possible to run Qi of Heaven and Earth, which hinders the slowing down of the spread of the larvae, but…

Unable to remove the root!

As time goes by, energy is spent, the call of death –

It is getting closer and closer.

“No, don’t!” The voice was full of trembling, and a dead complexion was completely whitish.

The chest black beetle is extremely creepy, and devour is his internal organs. He is not afraid of death, but the death of this sac is too awkward!

“Peng!” He fell to the ground, and even the heart was bitten by devour, and the dead man had no life.

The skin of chest was broken, revealing a black beetle with only fierce, and the little eyes were cold and without any feelings.

Almost at the same time, one by one, the dead in the valley fell.

No blood, some, just black corpse.

The remaining flesh is bitten by the newly born larvae, and the scene is extremely horrifying. With more and more larvae, corpse blinks and is smashed, not to mention bones, that is, half of the dust is not left, and the walls are clear.

“what happened!”

“What’s the matter?!”

The mad leopard clenched the fists, the blue veins were exposed, and the eyes were filled with angry flames.

He has never been seen in such a strange situation.

Really, panic.

And at this time –

“chi!” A terrifying cold glow descends from the sky.

Like an assassin in the dark, a ghost, with a very astonishing aura, broke through the air.

Killing intent!

(first more ~~)

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