Fire God Forbidden Land Chapter 18 The anger of Lin Feng

In the quiet valley of the south of the city, in a huge manor.

“Is Lin Feng still not moving?” Ding Ding eyes cold light radiate all around in a wheelchair.

“There is still no news.” Ding Hong brows and wrinkles, holding the communicator.

Dingqing slowly said, “Maybe the people of Cai Zongzong are only indispensable to him, and it is not worth his life.”

Ding Wei coldly snorted, “This scorpion killing people like scything flax, cold-blooded, and color 翡 那些 those people who use each other only. Until now, this strategy may have failed.” Ding Wei can not help but snoring There was a bit of disdain and disgust in the eyes.

“Stupid!” Ding Ding shouted, Ding Qing and Ding Yi complexion surprised.

“You don’t look at how many precious treasures are in the little dolls of Cai Zongzong!” Ding Ding’s eyes are fierce, “I don’t want to use my brain!”

Ding Qing and Ding Yu’s lips, nodded, indeed, if Lin Feng does not care about those who are the color sects, why should they send such a big gift.

The treasures found from several of them are worthy of thousands of battle spirit coins!

“Let’s wait.” Ding Hong said slowly, the corner of the mouth was lightly stroked. “Even if Lin Feng does not come, we have no loss. Selling these spirit treasure weapons, you should be able to get nearly a thousand battle spirit coins, against the wind. Yanggu has great help.”

“He will definitely come.” Ding Ding eyes cold light 粼粼.


Reflection Building, 7-star Suite.

The door of the martial arts hall slowly opened and Lin Feng stepped out.

“It’s a bit unaccustomed.” Lin Feng laughed and laughed. Every time I came out, I could always hear the sound of snoring, but now it’s empty. Vision gaze towards the window, at this time the sky is almost dawning, with a faint red glow, but it is almost dawn.

“A blink of an eye. Three days have passed.”

“Today’s noon is the day when the green smoke secrets are opened every year.”

“I really look forward to it.”

Lin Feng had a faint smile on her face and was in a good mood.

The Fire of Devour doubled again and reached the forty-fifth weight, one point closer to the Fire of Rebirth.

Go to the living room and look at it at random. Lin Feng can’t help but snoring.

In the middle of the living room, the large circular ‘signal light’ is shining, like a fiery red lantern. Lin Feng took a slight suspicion and immediately pressed it very fast. In less than ten seconds, the knocking sound was ‘咚咚’.

Opening the door is an angry face.

“What’s the matter?” Lin Feng is good surprisingly.

“This is the case, Mr. Lin Wen. Someone brought something to you.” An Ying’s eyes are full of color, and watched Lin Feng’s look is completely different. In these three days, Lin Feng and Ji Sha Na war have spread all over the streets of the Green Cigarette City. Everyone knows that everyone knows that Cai Lan has a heaven defying ‘genius’.

After receiving the envelope and sword scabbard handed over by An Ying, Lin Feng blinked inexplicably.

However, look closely at the sword scabbard, Lin Feng heart suddenly shocked.

“This is…!” Lin Feng’s eyelids are instantaneous cold light radiate all around.

Xiaolu’s sword scabbard!

Sword scabbard. The symbol of the color pipa is clearly visible.

“There is something wrong!” Lin Feng’s heart is ‘squeaky’, complexion greatly change. Look up, “Can the person who sent the letter know?”

An Ying blinked, as if he understood something, but shook his head.

“Okay, I know.” Lin Feng said solemnly.

An Ying micro display said with hesitation, “Mr. Lin Wen. Is there any An Ying can help?”

“No, thank you.” Lin Feng declined.

This matter is coming to oneself, there is no need to regenerate the festival.

What’s more, he and An Ying are not very familiar. The less people know about this kind of thing, the better.

“Good. If there is a need, An Ying is always willing to help.” An Ying gently smiled, even if it is understanding and retreat, close the door.

Burning like gaze’s watched sword scabbard, Lin Feng knows what’s going on.

For Martial Artist, the weapon is the right hand.

The sheath does not leave!

“pā !~” Open the stationery, and Lin Feng’s eyes are red.

“If you want to make a lot of people live, go to the valley in the south of the city.” There is no signature in the letter, and the handwriting is scribbled. It seems that I am afraid that others will recognize it. At the end of the letter, a bloody red finger touched the heart, although the letter did not say anything, but…

Everything is already very clear.

“pā tà !” Lin Feng squeezed the letter paper tightly, his eyes filled with anger.

Obviously, the other party is coming from oneself, and the people of Caisong are suffering from innocent disasters.

Hey! !

Fire of Devour is burning wildly, burning the letter paper into ashes.

Lin Feng eyes fierce Like a demonic, the cold killing intent invades and suffocates.

“No matter who you are, I will make you pay the heaviest price!” Lin Feng’s ‘giggle’ biting his teeth.

This time, he is really angry!

Quiet valley, in the manor.

“He is coming.” Ding Hong put down the communicator, and his eyes were bright clear.

“Good!” Ding Ding said coldy, holding the tiger’s head in the wheelchair in his right hand, killing intent to reveal, “new hatred and old hate, this time settled together!”

“Never let the Sister Senior Brother die!” Ding gnawed angrily said.

Only the eyes of Ding Qing flashed a hesitant light, not snoring.

“Love?” Ding Ding said with a doubt, “Is it okay?”

“Nothing to Grandfather, I know what to do.” Ding gently nodded.

“Know it.” Ding Ding clanging, “This time may not be used by you and your nephew, but if you are in a critical juncture, don’t let your heart be soft and drag the entire action plan.”

“Yes, Grandfather.”


“sōu!” Lin Feng is like a sharp arrow that pierces out.

The blood red pond in the eye is like the blood of hell, Lin Feng looks calm, and there is a thick killing intent between the eyebrows.

You must be rescued from the sorcerer’s house.

If not, you will regret your life.

After all, this thing starts with oneself!

Hate completely broke out!

The thick suffocating air wrapped around Lin Feng’s body, above the green smoke city, roaring.

The madness of the fluctuations caused the other Martial Artists to let go, and the flamboyant arrogance would dare to block.

“That, isn’t that Lin Wen?”

“You got it wrong! How could it be him!”

“Oh… maybe it’s a dazzling look.”

Lin Feng’s speed is too fast, and the ordinary Star River Level expert can only see a touch of afterimage. When it is time, it disappears.

Star Stone Level’s strength fluctuations make the other Martial Artists retreat from three feet. Although they are confused, no one can say anything. Very fast, Lin Feng flew straight out of the reflection building out of the green smoke city, the noise in the ear suddenly disappeared, and there was a huge empty space. The road ahead is smooth.


“Wait, Lin Feng!” The familiar and rushing shouts sounded.

Lin Feng slammed startled, bloody eyes flashed a ray of light, and stopped when he was squatting.

That is……

“Sea Senior?” Lin Feng looked at him and watched people.

Come here is Weihai!

“Call, I almost didn’t catch up.” Wei Hai gasped and squinted brightly, “Lin Feng, don’t go. This is a trap.”

Deeply watching Wei Hai, Lin Feng eyes, slowly started talking, “Is it Feng Yang Gu?”

Going to the secluded valley, except for your own knowledge, only the murderers know!

“Yes.” Wei Hai did not hesitate, straightforward nodded and said, “is the Senior Brother they did. Deliberately open me, let me go back to the wind in advance.” Said. Weihai deep like shaking his head. “Senior Brother knows that you and I are very close, and I am afraid that I am broken.”

Lin Feng clenched his right fist and angered his eyes.

I can’t think of the fact that I didn’t kill the ring in the wind, but it was so troubled!

“Ding Hong!” Lin Feng tightly clench one’s teeth, hate straight into the Heavenly Spirit cover.

“Hey. Senior Brother, he changed.” Weihai said with a light sigh, “I wanted to learn together and build Fengyang Valley together. I didn’t expect the Senior Brother to become a sect master, and gradually became influenced by power and became selfish. Lie. Greed the power.” Wei Hai’s eyes are full of desolateness. “In the past, he would never do such an offend against Heaven and reason.”

“People will always change.” Lin Feng said heavily.

If you walk along the way, why not change it.

To adapt to the world, to live, to survive, you must change!

“Don’t go, Lin Feng.” Weihai said resolutely, “Besides the Senior Brother, there is a great influence behind you to deal with you. As far as I know, there are already one hundred dead soldiers lying in the secluded绫Valley, you have to make you die, if you go, I’m afraid inauspicious!”

“It’s an honor.” Lin Feng laughed at himself.

I can’t think of when I was offended by one after another.

“Mu Xiu will be destroyed by Lin Feng.” Weihai lightly sigh, “Brother Lin is too sharp, it is inevitable to be coveted, the most important thing is…”

Wei Hai eyes bright, “There is no influence behind you, all of them are unscrupulous.”

Influence !

What a heavy word.

At Battle Spirit World, there is an endless stream of influence throughout. Even a small green city, there are large and small nearly a thousand sects, gangs, families and so on. A chopstick is easy to fold, and hundreds of chopsticks are not easy to fold. Everyone understands.

The power of one person alone is limited.

“Many thanks you, Sea Senior.” Lin Feng said resolutely.

I have no power and no power, but Wei Hai is willing to stand up and help myself. This friendship is rare.

We must know that Weihai’s position in the Fengyang Valley is quite high.

His move is no different from betraying sect.

“You’re welcome, I just do my duty.” Wei Hai said, “When I was a student, the master said that self-conduct can’t bury his ‘heart’. The behavior of Senior Brother is far from the right path. The purpose of establishing Fengyang Valley on the day of violation.”

“I can’t stay in Fengyanggu, and I don’t want to stay again. I will go back to my Big Brother after I have to pick it up.” Weihai looked stunned, watched Lin Feng, “Brother Lin may also follow me. There is also a good care for each other.”

Lin Feng shook his head indifferently.

Wei Hai was disappointed, but he didn’t care. “That Brother Lin, you…”

“many thanks Senior.” Lin Feng showed a grateful color. “This love, Lin Feng is in my heart.”

“But… secluded valley, I have no choice!” Lin Feng blinked in the blink of an eye. “The color scorpion was caught, because of me. whoever hung the bell on the tiger’s neck must untie it, this is me Responsibility, my obligation!” Lin Feng looked firm and bitten, “I, I must not bury my ‘heart.'”

“Lin Feng you…” Weihai complexion shocked.

“Reassured, Sea Senior.” Lin Feng had a direct light in his eyes. “I won’t be in trouble.”

“I will let them know what it is to provoke me.” Killing intent puff like Now, Lin Feng eyes are as bloody as Shura.

“They are dead!”

(Fill up, yesterday I was shocked by the sorrow, oh, directly hit the little one from the top of the cliff to the bottom. Anyway, continue to work hard!) (.)

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