Fire God Forbidden Land Chapter 7 Elite Contest, open!

“Look, he is Lin Wen.”

“It turned out to be a kind of cockroach. I was scared by the butcher. I didn’t even dare to let it go.”

“Cripple is a well-deserved name, specializing in cripple, haha!”

Surroundings, everyone said a word, with a smile, pointing.

The three red complexes of the blush are pale, and everyone’s words are like a piece of acupuncture needles stuck into the ear, which is very uncomfortable. However, watched Lin Feng, but still expressionless, as if an outsider, is not affected by half.

“Lin Feng you!” Blushed red face, but was trying to move forward but was caught by Yan Qing.

During the time, the blush closed his mouth and stopped talking. Lin Feng in front of him was not Lin Feng at this time, but their Junior Brother.

Lin Wen.

Pā ! ~Lin Feng opened his eyes and brought a bright light.

In the ear, there was a constant stream of sarcasm, Lin Feng was at ease, watched the three women in front of the complicatedion, and smiled lightly. “Why care about this gossip.”

The light voice was like a breeze, and the three women’s impatience was suddenly calmed down. The blush was akimbo and sighed. “How can you not care? You are now a person of our color, and he insults you.” Insult the entire color sect.”

Lin Feng looked away from the distance, and the back of the butcher was gradually faded away. “He deliberately provoked.”

“Ah?” The three women of the blush were startled, and suddenly they suddenly realized that “the original, the elder sister last year was unbearable, and the result was a fiasco.”

When the voice fell, the cheeks were hot and the cheeks were hot. “I, I have it!”

Everyone laughed and laughed, and the atmosphere eased a lot.

“He’s afraid that he’s suffocating now.” Lin Feng stunned. “The 150battle spirit coin puts him under great pressure, so I want to come to me to vent.”

“Big Brother Lin, you are so good.” cover青cover one’s mouth light said with a smile, “The big man is now in a state of mind, it is difficult to maintain calm. At that time, the game will be difficult to play, so that our chances of winning are even greater. “The words contain joy, even the blush and Xiaolu eyes are all shining.

Lin Feng smiled and smiled.

In fact, he is too lazy to argue with him.

When the game begins, who is strong and who is weak. It’s time to know!

Time, one minute and one second passed.

No matter the ‘6 area’ is also good, the entire Kowloon martial field also good, the participating Martial Artist is gradually coming.

No one wants to end up late in the annual event.

“Look, it’s Jue Shao, the expert of the top 100 last year.”

“Wow, this is not what you are, the XexpX strong super expert last year.”

“si~~” was a breath of inspiration.

With the arrival of an empty robe youth. The entire ‘6 area’ is quiet.

Thin face, vertical hair, a pair of eagle eyes with a proud light, his appearance, the other amartial artist’s aura suddenly cover up.

Lin Feng curiously blinked, and immediately greeted the sharp eagle eyes, and his heart slammed.

Another expert that is threatening to yourself!

“Tiger, last year’s semi-finals. Unfortunately lost to the white god.” 裴红 gently started talking, with a reverence in his eyes. “His strength is even better than last year’s runner-up Greedy Wolf, but… but a little less luck, 29 is over, this is his last chance to win the ‘Anonymous’ identity token.”

Lin Feng watched blush, she saw her voice soft. The cheeks were a little red, and my heart suddenly understood.

In Battle Spirit World, expert is admired by women, which is normal.

And at this time –

A burst of foul-mouthed sounds, Li Liang appeared with the crowd. The face is black.

While walking, it was reprimanded and sentimental. With the appearance of Li Liang, everyone was whispering hot, and the eyes slammed into Lin Feng from time to time.

Yesterday’s business was too sensational, and both parties are present.

What will happen to each other?

Unexpectedly, Lin Feng and Li Liang seem to be ignorant, and they don’t even call ‘greeting’.

In fact, Li Liang did not dare to look at Lin Feng. The 150battle spirit coin has already been rumored. The ‘big talk’ he said on the same day was also spread.

Double bet? That’s 300battle spirit…

I can’t sell him.

Lin Feng’s expression is still calm and calm.

For himself, Li Liang is just a clown.

“The 6 area, there should be a Martial Artist in the wind,” Lin Feng said slightly.

The Kowloon Martial field has a total of ten districts, each district 160 Martial Artist, in the knockout mode, four rounds in the first two days, and the top 100 players. According to the competition table, it is easy to know the contestants in each district.

Hey! A shimmer of light.

Everyone looked at it and saw a girl in a yellow dress slamming on the face, the face of the goose egg, and the beauty of the mouth. Accompanied by her is an ordinary Chinese character face man, who looks loyal.

Lin Feng’s mouth is lightly stroked.

Ding Wei, Wei Hai.

“It turns out… this is the 菅Senior Sister mentioned by the nephew.” Lin Feng pondered in one’s heart.

“Sure enough, people can’t look at each other. The long clear and pretty show is a snake-like heart.”

Shaking his head, Lin Feng vaguely remembered why he first saw his nephew, and it was indeed swayed by this shackle. If it is not timely, the child may have been torn into pieces by the witches.

As if Sensing to Lin Feng’s eyes, Ding Yi looked over and saw Lin Feng with a stranger, but saw the three women in the red, but the eyes lit up instantly.

“Uncle Haishi, look, this is the cripple sect I mentioned with you.” Ding Yi looked proud, and the little finger did not have a bit of jealousy to Lin Feng. “It is the fool who pressed the 150battle spirit coin at the gaming place, you said Is he stupid?”

Wei Hai light ‘oh’, and looked in the direction of Ding’s fingers, licking that –

The expression is completely sluggish.

“Illusion?” Weihai shook his head.

The front of you is extremely familiar, Wei Hai blinked and then widened.

Peng! Weihai’s head was shocked.

Lin Feng ! ?

How did he appear here? ? ?

A series of question marks appeared in Weihai in the mind, which is like a thousand lines of bind, hit one after another.

“Lin…” Wei Hai opened his mouth and wanted to say hello, but found that it was not so ‘right’ in front of him, Ding Xiao chuckled. “Uncle Haishi, you know him too. He should be the newcomer of the cripple sect. “Lin Wen.”

“Lin Wen?” Weihai lightly mumble a few times, but also licked Lin Feng a few eyes.

How to see, are the same person!

Time, slowly.

It didn’t take long before all the 6 contestants in the ‘160 area’ arrived.

“When ~ when! When!!” The crisp and loud bell clanging sounded. The martial field of the Kowloon Bucket broke out with a deafening shout and cheers. When the tens of millions of spectators broke out in unison, the sound could be shaken all day long.

A lively boil.

In the various areas of the Kowloon martial field, the huge light screen flashed the information of both sides.

Four buckets of martial field in each zone form a square shape.

And at this time –

“Hey!” Lin Feng only felt his identity card vibrate and shimmer.

I snorted and took out the identity card. I saw a bright ‘3’ shining, lively and lively.

“Come to you. Junior Brother, go!” crimson shouted nervously.

“Come on, Big Brother Lin!” 裴青said with a slight smile.

“Must win, Big Brother Lin.” Xiaolu held a small fist.

Lin Feng smiled and stood up. The right hand holding the identity card slammed tightly, and the vision gaze towards blush, the latter being nervous and shaking, Lin Feng gently nodded and said. “Do not worry, I promise you something. I will do it.”

Stopped talking, it is to step forward.

The sound is not heavy, but it is powerful and there is sound.

Watched Lin Feng The back of the declining, bright brilliance in the blushing eyes.

Somehow, I feel a sense of confidence.

“Hey!” The volley jumped.

Wear the lounge. The loud and deafening sound of the scene suddenly appeared.

Lin Feng’s eyes are as if he is innocent, and there are four huge ‘martial field’s in front of him. They form a square shape and a thin film barrier at the surrounding. There is a slight energy fluctuation.

“It should be for fear of strength venting, affecting the audience.”

“It’s thoughtful to consider.”

Lin Feng nodded and there was already a Martial Artist in every martial field.

Among the martial field, which is numbered ‘3’, the familiar huge figure is already standing like a Optimus Prime.


“Shua!” penetrated the light curtain and Lin Feng entered it.

The noisy sound of in the ear is like a closed one, and no more than half of it can be heard. The colors of the surroundings are all covered, leaving only the martial field, and the light film that flashes with faintness. Fighting martial field, giving Martial Artist a perfect combat environment.

“Slowly swallowed.” The butcher’s bell-like eyes glanced.

Lin Feng smiled lightly and ignored it.

“Hey, brat! You are stunned or dumb, I will talk to you and hear no!” Butcher roared, like thunder piercing the ear.

“It’s so hard to hear a big voice,” Lin Feng lightly said.

“You!!” The butcher suddenly got angry.

“The bigger the voice, the more virtual your heart is.” Lin Feng laugh indifferently, “Are you nervous, or afraid?”

“What?!” Butcher’s blood was red-eyed, and the anger of the fire took off.

And at this time –

“Hey!” A white shadow appeared.

Wearing a uniform and a white clothed man, the butcher closed his mouth.

“Retreat to their respective positions!” The white clothed man snorted.

Lin Feng nodded and his body leaped, as if fluttering in the wind, falling straight into the established cylindrical aperture at the edge. Since I participated in the ‘Essential Competition Conference’, I am familiar with the rules. However, I have been talking about it all the time. I don’t know how many times.

“Hmph!” The butcher stared at Lin Feng, his eyes blinking.

“The rules are simple, defeating the opponent, or hitting the opponent out of the martial field is a victory.”

“When you stop, you can’t kill when the other party loses its resistance. The murderer will be disqualified and punished.”

White clothed men watched Lin Feng and butcher, said resolutely, “There is no problem.”

“No.” “No!” Lin Feng and the butcher replied.

“Okay, the game officially started after the bell.” The white clothed man nodded, just follow the example.

At the time, one step back, the white clothed man disappeared like a ghost, accompanied by his disappearance, and a clear bell clanging sounded.

“dang!” Lin Feng’s eyes suddenly brightened.

Fight, open!

(Not much to say, make up, Xiaoxiao to see the peak of the war, today is normal three ~ ~) (.)

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