. Fire God Forbidden Land Chapter 6

Reflection Building, 2-star Suite.

“Sister, I heard that, today, the martial field of Jiulongdou can be lively.” Talking is a pretty woman, the face of a goose egg, and a beautiful woman at the corner of her mouth.

“Hey, are you not cultivating and ran out to play?” The voice was lightly blamed, Ding Brows slightly wrinkle.

“In any case, I can’t enter the top 100.” Ding Yi didn’t care, whispered, “Sister, you don’t know, cripple Zong has a fool and Li Family Young Master, he even injected a full 150battle spirit coin, buy Win the first game yourself!”

“What?!” Ding complex complexion changed.

“Impossible, cripple Zong, how much money?” Ding’s brows tightened.

Ding Hao shrugged. “I heard that a big head spent 150battle spirit coins to buy the fool’s ‘orange if peach’, hey, luck is good.”

“3-star Immortal Fruit ‘orange if peach’?” Ding sentoned then said.

Ding Hao nodded and danced instantly. “Sister, I also bet on 50 geese!”

“You are crazy? Hey!” Ding complex complexion.

Ding Wei curled one’s lip, “I am afraid of anything, anyway, the cripple can not win, sister, you do not know, his opponent is a ‘butcher’ who has a ferocious name. Everyone expects this ‘butcher’ will definitely enter The top 100, not to mention the idiot is still a newcomer, how to fight with the experienced ‘butcher’ and win.”

Ding Qing’s eyes flashed slightly, just want to talk, slamming –

“You are lazy again! Hey.” Heavy screaming, the voice is very serious.

Ding Qing and Ding Yu suddenly complexion change, I saw a white hair old man sitting in a wheelchair instantaneously appeared. With a cold glow in the eyes.


“Grandfather, how come you?” Ding was surprisedly said.

“I came over with the sect master.” The white-haired old man looked at him and shouted, “Hey, you still have the heart to play! Your strength is the weakest among the three, this luck is good, just let you Get the last quota, so don’t cherish it! I don’t care if you lose your face, don’t throw away our Ding Family’s face!”

The white hair old man sounds like a Hong Zhong, although the legs are broken, but the momentum is not reduced.

Feng Yang Valley Great Elder. Ding Ding.

“Yes, Grandfather.” Ding Wei bowed down, she was willful, but she did not dare impudent in front of Grandfather.

“Do not worry, Grandfather, I will urge her.” Ding gently nodded.

Ding Ding complexion is awe-inspiring, light ‘hmm’, “love you too, although your strength is inferior. But really isn’t no chance. I have seen your battle table, your schedule is more favorable than Li Ming. If you are lucky, you may be able to enter the top 100 and get the title of ‘Excellent Martial Artist’.”

“Yes, Grandfather.” Ding sentimental flickering.

“Work hard, don’t lose the face of Ding Family.” Ding Ding said coldy, his eyes watched like Ding Wei, “especially you, nephew!”

“Yes, Grandfather.” Ding Yuzui. Do not dare to say anything.

“Senior Brother, have you ever thought that Lin Feng may be really innocent,” Wei Hai said.

“That Junior Brother, you mean, my judgment is wrong, Li Ming is lying?” Ding Hong’s expression was calm, straight watched Weihai.

Wei Hai’s brow is deep, “No. I mean, the whole thing is now fixed, will it be too early?”

“Hu~~” Ding Hong exhaled a heavy breath, Wen Fury said, “I should say what you are good. Junior Brother! What is your relationship with Lin Feng, it is worth your help? The whereabouts of your niece is unknown, maybe Already dead in his hands, I was even more troubled by him, and I lost my face, you actually… Hey!”

“No, Senior Brother, I am just…” Weihai said hurriedly.

“Sect master is right!” A thunderous violent shout sounded like a red bell. Ding Ding was like a raging lion, angered. “This Lin Feng regardless of the law and of natural morality, depending on my style.” Nothing. If the day is not in the wind, I will get this yellow hair brat so arrogant!”

“Great Elder, how come you?” Weihai startedled.

“I won’t come again, Feng Yanggu’s face has been lost by you!” Ding Ding yelled. “I came to the Green Smoke City this time to come to the old friend to tell the old, by the way, look at the details of Lin Feng. Remove this child, I will wind up the face!”

“Great Elder…” Weihai complexion stop and change.

“Less nonsense!” Ding Ding coldly shouted, vision gaze towards Ding Hong, said, “Hurry up, try to improve the strength of Li Ming!”

“Okay, Great Elder.” Ding Hong nodded and said.

Although they are in the same reflection room, Wei Hai does not say that Ding Ding naturally does not know that Lin Feng lives in the 7-star suite.

Three 7-star suites, where you can live in a non-rich, expensive price, starting from 10 days, 1battle spirit coins per day, which can be afforded by the extraordinary Martial Artist.

But Lin Feng doesn’t care, even if there is only 1battle spirit coins left at the moment, it doesn’t matter.

Because as long as you have passed tomorrow, you can make a lot of money.

In the martial arts hall, Lin Feng is sweating, and the spear in his hand seems to be turned into a long whip. In the mind, there is a blushing blushing method, and the heart feels the same, as if there is a vague shadow dancing in memory, turning into a set of spear technique.

It seems to be awkward, but it is like a real thing.

Lin Feng closed his eyes and was immersed in the body feeling, infiltrating the spear intent of the second woodcarving.

“Compatibility is extremely high.” Lin Feng’s mouth is slightly stroked, and the spear shadow in his hand gradually slows down, slows down, and is soft.

Wrap! !

The essence of spear intent.

“Although it is still a lot worse, but compared to Ding Hong that spear, but a lot of compatibility.” Lin Feng nodded, soft movements, to make the spear intent.

It is incredible to melt the whip method into a spear technique.

But Lin Feng is brave enough to try.

“If I can practice, my strength will have a great breakthrough.” Lin Feng secretly thought.

I remembered the picture of the day when I was fighting with the blushing red blade. The blushing whip method was yin to soft, and the whip was more than the spear intent of my own. Only the daughter body, lack of strength, plus the strength itself is not good, so it is lost to yourself.

Sole view, you are not an opponent.

“Colored sects, cripple sect…”

“Is there really a ‘waste’?”

Lin Feng slightly smile, no longer think about it.

Right now for yourself. Wutong this ‘second spear’, more important!

The next day, dawn.

The weather is beautiful and the weather is pleasant.

The three women of blush are all excited and expecting, ready to go.

Even the thunder blade is left seclusion early, back that is bigger than him, wait patiently.

Today is a big day!

The big day when the elite competition is really open!

Despite being truly isn’t three women, the three women are obviously much more nervous than Lin Feng. Blushing is restless. Constantly swaying to the martial arts hall, anxiously paced, frowning from time to time, watching time.

“Hey!” The heavy door was pushed open, and Lin Feng smiled slowly and stepped out.

Watched is already ready to go, especially the eager look on the cheeky face, Lin Feng can not help but laugh.

“Let’s go!” Lin Feng inserted the devil spear into the spear sheath and nodded lightly.

The crowd gathers!

Kowloon bucket martial field. Crowded.

The vast bottom layer was squeezed out, and many of the Martial Artist secretly thoughts that had already entered the market were lucky.

Lin Feng doesn’t need to be crowded with other people. The contestants have their own special passages, which are the ‘same side’ of the blushing green, and they also have preferential treatments, which can enter with Lin Feng ‘dip’. Through the long passage, very fast ——

Everyone came to the ‘6 area’.

“It’s a coincidence, the last time was the ‘6 area’.” 裴青said with a faint smile.

The blush complexion is red, but it is remembered that last year’s own disastrous scene, looking at Lin Feng with a stunned look, he seems to be nothing. Sitting on a chair and enjoying yourself.

“The first time you participate, are you not nervous?” The sigh of redness is constant, one is to others will only make one angry. When she first participated, she was restless. The whole person felt that something was wrong. Can’t play at all, fiasco!

“What is nervous?” Lin Feng is good surprisingly.


Lin Feng suddenly smile. I smiled and looked at all around.

Here is the rest area for the contestants, and there are quite a few Martial Artists.

There are some talks and laughter, and there are some nervous things like sitting on a blanket, and the reactions are different.

Each of them has tremendous pressure. Representing their respective sect influences, but Xu Sheng is not allowed to lose. Entering the top 100, entering the thirty-two strong, entering the top ten, each breakthrough is also good for itself, and has great benefits for sect influence also good.

To survive in this highly competitive Green Cigarette City, you must be 1st grade!

And at this time –

A bully arrogantly appeared in front.

Lin Feng was amazed, looking at it, only to see that the three-female complexion is stop and change.

It was a robust man with a height of two meters. The muscles seemed to burst like a burst. Dark skin, bloody eyes, the whole person is like a hairy bull. Behind him, many very similar burly robots followed, and the arrogance was astonishing.

Dish blade door, butcher!

“What do you do, butcher!” blush bites shouted.

“Nothing.” The butcher grinned and smiled with a madness, his eyes smashed through the blush, and finally fell on Lin Feng. When I blinked, I walked up and blush wanted to block it, but it was pushed open by a large force and almost didn’t fall.

“You are the Lin Wen?” The butcher is condescending, cold with a smile.

Gently close your eyes, Lin Feng hands his chest, his mouth with a faintly discernable smile.

“I heard that you pressed 150battle spirit coins to buy yourself to win?” The butcher’s eyes were cold light radiate all around, cold and boneless.

Lin Feng still does not move, I don’t care.

“I am talking to you, I heard no brat!!!” The butcher suddenly shouted, and the big door suddenly provoked the Martial Artist in the rest area.

Peng! A mad tyrant aura suddenly spread, oh oh oh –

Hey! ! ! The giant blade pulled out and made a sound of startling fire, which caused the surrounding people to exclaim. The three women were scared by the madness of the aura, but Lin Feng was still like the old man, not to mention the move. Half a point, that is, even half of the expression is not.

“damn it, one of them!” The butcher vomited and looked sullen.

“I thought it was awesome. It really was a cripple sect. Let’s go!” The butcher waved with a big hand and left the dish with a dishblade.

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