Chapter 18, yes, I won.

“’Special’ service?” Lin Feng startled.

Yinger smiled and immediately clap his hands, licking time –

Dozens of blushing red-breasted women take a squat dance, and the fragrant wind strikes straight, and it is a colorful, delicate and charming.

The ring fat is thin, the various beautiful women in the making, the seductive eyes are very teasing. In a blink of time Lin Feng, a red face, but also really isn’t never touched the female first brother, suddenly understand what the ‘special’ service pointed out by Yinger, embarrassed shaking his head, “I don’t need ,Thank you.”

Yinger sneered at it, and did not say much. He immediately clap his hands and the girls suddenly retreated.

At this time, the big room is empty.

“Sir, if there is no other command, Yinger will retire first.” Yinger nodded with a smile.

Lin Feng nodded, screaming as if he had thought of something, shouting, “wait a minute!”

Yinger’s lotus stepped up, turned around and was curious.

“Can you ask someone about you?” Lin Feng said with hesitation.

“Sir please.” Yinger smiled lightly.

“Wind Valley, Weihai Senior.” Lin Feng with a look of anticipation, watched Yinger. I saw that the eyebrows of the slender eyes were twisted, the brows of the brows with a mature woman’s charm, and the beautiful eyes lit up, said with a smile, “If you remember correctly, the sea senior should be a few days ago. Stay in one star suite.”

Lin Feng suddenly laughed.

Originally thought that in this vast green smoke city, it is very difficult to find the Sea Senior in the vast sea of ​​people, but I don’t want to go so smoothly.

It doesn’t take much time to get it!

“I don’t know which room the Sea Senior is in, can you…” Lin Feng asked. However, it is paused, with a slight hesitation in the eyes, pondered and said in one’s heart. “With the sea Senior, there must be other people in the wind and valley. Misunderstanding is so deep, more than one person has multiple troubles.”

“I don’t know if I can inform the sea Senior, come to a gathering?” Lin Feng looked bright.

Yinger smirked, “lift your hands.”

Spacious room, fresh air.

Look out from the window. The scenery of the entire Green Cigarette City is almost at the glance.

Here is the top floor of the reflection building, watched out of the window, there is a feeling of small mountains.

Overlooking the heavens and the earth!

“Sure enough, rich and no money, the difference is too much.” Lin Feng is lightly mumble.

If you are just coming to Battle Spirit World, you are penniless, not to mention the top floor. Staying in such a luxurious 7-star suite is a small wooden house of less than ten square meters. I can’t afford it myself. And now… ring watched this piece of luxury, Lin Feng slightly smile.

Difference in treatment. Too big!

“There are 11 battle spirit coins on my body, I am afraid it is not enough.”

“When you finish seeing the sea Senior, go out and stroll, and collect the Immortal Fruit for a little.”

“Oh… you can’t sell too much at once.”

Lin Feng secretly pondered in one’s heart. After this incident, the value of ‘battle spirit coin’ is understood to be deeper.

Quite precious!

“It’s good to have money, don’t know… can you buy a better ‘魄引术’.” Lin Feng purse one’s lip, secretly thought.

War God rank To breakthrough into Star Sea Level, three must be a guide. The most important one is the ‘魄引术’ that is currently lacking. Used for the presence of the body ‘Corporeal Soul’, the stronger the body, the more precious the sputum is, the greater the chance of the sense to the ‘Corporeal Soul of War God’!

In other words, the chance of a breakthrough is greater!

“And go and see.” Lin Feng lightly sighed, feeling a bit of a headache.

I am now completely “falling out” with Feng Yang Gu, even if Hai Senior believes in himself. The original agreement was also useless.

You must rely on yourself!

“Anmanager, are you kidding?” Weihai said blankly.

“How come, Sea Senior. It’s true.” Yinger smiled lightly.

“The guest who lives in the 7-star suite…” Wei Hai looked strange and inexplicable, a little bit fascinated, and his brows were deep. However, I didn’t understand why I had met these influential figures, and suddenly shook my head, and I was inexplicably inexplicable.

Pass through a layer of light gates and enter the top floor of the reflection building.

Eye watched This gorgeous to the extreme, the luxury is full of artistic beauty, Wei Hai marveled again and again.

Here, is the real influential figure where the area lives.

I live at least for ten days and hundreds of days. Can an ordinary person afford it and live for one day?

Don’t be kidding, saying that you are not afraid to be embarrassed…

Here 10battle spirit coins are paid.

“It is here, Sea Senior.” Yinger smiled lightly.

“Many thanks Anmanager leads the way.” Wei Hai nodded and thanked the beautiful woman in front of her eyes, but she was famous in the Green Smoke City. Although the strength is sparse and ordinary, but the daily reception is nothing but the power of the city, making friends throughout the green smoke city, the network is extremely broad.

“Polite, you talk slowly.” Yinger smiled and nodded. “I will retire first.”

Discontinued talking, it is gently bowed down, leaving only a fragrant wind.

Wei Hai was startled, but did not expect this famous An Yingan manager, he would be so pleasing to him.

“I know.” Wei Hai laughed awkwardly. “I am afraid that this manager will treat me as a friend of the 7-star suite’s innovative figure, so I respect him.”vision gaze towards the room, Weihai is full of curiosity and lightness. Push the door lightly. The footsteps are light and seem to be afraid of alarming this ‘influential figure’.

The eyes suddenly open, watched this beautiful environment, Weihai bone eyes flickering flash, straightforward surprise.

at this time–

In the ear The familiar voice sounded, “Come on, Sea Senior.”

The shock of Wei Hai’s head ‘peng’, the fragments of the mind suddenly combined to form a shadow. The brows were tightened, and Wei Hai’s eyes suddenly turned bright and suddenly turned back. The familiar face was completely coincident with the shadow of in the blink of time and in the mind.

Lin Feng !

“It turned out to be you, Lin Feng!” Wei Hai’s eyes were deep.

Watched In front of the complexion, the defender is trying to pull the sword, Lin Feng said hurriedly, “a misunderstanding, Sea Senior.”

If you are in the wind, you don’t want to repeat it again.

Seeing Wei Hai’s hand holding the hilt slowly, Lin Feng was long relaxed. The most feared is that the Sea Senior is indiscriminate. Like the group of people in the Fengyang Valley, they are completely confused by Li Ming, but they are rational and unclear.

At the moment, Hai Senior still believes in himself.

At least on the bright side, I will listen to my explanation.

“This is a long story.” Lin Feng complexion nodded, his right hand extended, “Sit, Sea Senior.”

“Well, I will listen to what you say.” Wei Hai looked stunned, in fact, at the beginning of his remarks. He is also suspicious. With his understanding of Lin Feng, the whole thing is too many doubts and unusual, but the sect master Senior Brother is very strong, but he is not good to say.

Intuition tells him that Lin Feng really isn’t the murderer, but now…

Lin Feng How can I afford the 7-star Suite if it is not a windfall?

Doubtful, Wei Hai himself is also confused.

Lin Feng trayd out the whole thing and did not hide it.

When it comes to the suspicion of your entire group. Weihai’s eyelids flashed and no-stop nodded. Thoughtful.

Indeed, Lin Feng said that there is no flaw, if that is the case…

Li Ming 80% is the murderer!

“And then?” Weihai complexion is slow, and the heart of Libra is gradually leaning toward Lin Feng.

Lin Feng continued to tell, when it was said that everyone was chased by more than two hundred men of the Witches, the scared Weihai eyes were white, but it was thrilling. Until the last millennium escaped, Wei Hai was a long breath, said. “It’s almost not scared to death by you.”

“Sea Senior believes in me?” Lin Feng was surprised to say.

I thought that Sea Senior had finished listening to the explanation. At most, I was suspicious, but I did not expect to believe in myself.

Wei Hai smiled. “If I didn’t guess wrong, Lin Feng, you are suddenly making a fortune. You will find many Immortal Fruits in the ‘spiritual qi land’?”

Lin Feng nodded and didn’t hide.

This is not difficult to guess. The more the spiritual qi is dense, the more Wood Spirit, the more Immortal Fruit is.

Just as human cultivating, in the dense qi intensive land. Cultivating is especially fast.

The same reason.

“Working hard for you.” Wei Hai patted Lin Feng’s shoulder.

“Hai Senior has entrusted my nephew to me, this is my responsibility.” Lin Feng smiled lightly.

“I have been strange since Li Ming came back.” Wei Hai brows tightly. “His strength is not much stronger than Wang Feng. Lin Feng, if you kill the killer, you will not make such a big mistake, let the tiger return to the mountain. Not to mention… come back After that, it didn’t take long for Li Ming to break into Star Sea Level. As everyone knows, Breakthrough Star Sea Level requires at least a hundred battle spirit coins!”

“Where did this huge sum of money come from?” Wei Hai looked deep. “So I came to Green Smoke City this time in advance to check this.”

Lin Feng lightly sighed.

Needless to say, it is the 4-star Immortal Fruit ‘Bodhi’.

The murderer who killed Wang Feng is indeed a fierce voice, no doubt.

“It’s a badard!” Weihai tightly clench one’s teeth, “for self-interest, even the side side fellow apprentices are killing!”

“This is a wolf-hearted person, the Senior Brother is still preparing to set him up as a sect master successor!” Weihai eyes deep like, angry, “No, I want to go back to the wind and immediately, tell the whole thing to the original sect master Senior Brother, debunking the fierce trick!”

Said, Wei Hai excitedly stood up and clenched his fists.

What he hates most in his life is this kind of ungrateful, insidious and poisonous person!

“Useless, Sea Senior.” Lin Feng shook his head.

Seeing Wei Hai in such a way, Lin Feng feels warm in the heart, no matter what other people, at the very least, Hai Senior believes in himself.

This is enough.

“I have been to Fengyanggu, Ding sect master only believes in Li Ming, will not believe me this ‘outsiders’.” Lin Feng said indifferently.

If he nodded, Wei Hai said, “Alright, Lin Feng, after all, I am not a fan of the Disciple, and Li Ming is very cunning and treacherous. I have already spread your business throughout the wind and made it. Preconceived illusion. With the character of sect master Senior Brother, it must be…”

Said, Wei Hai whispered, said. “Brother Lin Feng, sect master Senior Brother Since I believe in Li Ming, no reason will let you go, how come out?”

Lin Feng slightly smile, “Hit a fight.”

Wei Hai light, nodded abruptly, suddenly complexion greatly change, unbelievable watched Lin Feng, stunned. “What do you say? Lin Feng You played with sect master Senior Brother? Is it… …”

“Yes, I won.” Lin Feng’s voice was calm.

However, Wei Hai was wide-eyed and the whole person was completely smashed.

(The fourth is ~~~ A little over 0, and tomorrow will continue to break out!)

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