. Fire God Forbidden Land Chapter 17 Green Tobacco City

Lin Feng didn’t know how much shock he had made.

For him, the 3battle spirit coin is really just a ‘small’ number.

The 2-star Immortal Fruit ‘Chrysanthemum’ that was given to the deaf was worth 9battle spirit coins.

The money on the body is sufficient.

“The last time the Sea Senior sold for me, the ‘snow deer’, sold a full 24battle spirit coin.” Lin Feng smiled lightly.

A ‘Zhuju’ 9battle spirit coin, for the Sea Senior ‘running toll’ 1battle spirit coin, plus the 3battle spirit coin just sent.

Just now, 11battle spirit coins are left.

“It should be able to help them a lot.” Lin Feng nodded gently.

Although I don’t know the price of Green Smoke City, from the perspective of what I saw in Fengyang, 3battle spirit coins should not be too small.

At least, enough enough to ‘lead’ the favor.

Lightly sighed, Lin Feng closed his eyes and sensed to a lively aura, which was ‘popular’. The density of the spiritual qi in the Green Cigarette City is not high, and it is weaker than the wilderness of the surroundings. After all, the population base is too much, the cultivating Martial Artist is more, and the demand for the absorbed spiritual qi is naturally more.

“No wonder the average sect is outside the Green Smoke City.” Lin Feng secretly thought.

“There are also advantages and disadvantages. After all, the danger is not greater in the city.”

“The city has the benefits of a city pool. There are at least a lot of people and lots of things. It is a lot more convenient than cultivating.”

Lin Feng slightly smiled, watching around as you walk.

It is exactly the same as Heavenly Martial Continent. I lived in Firmament Yang Town for a while and lived in the villa area quite comfortably.

But here, the crowdedness is hard to imagine, and there are crowds everywhere, which is just the most common people walking in the streets. The real Martial Artist is no longer in the air, at Heavenly Martial Continent. Must be Titled Martial God to be able to ‘control’, fly in the air, and here…

Too common.

Martial Artist arrives at the ‘Star Glow Level’, or Apprentice level, and is able to fly.

There are some children who are even under ten years old, all in the air. Lin Feng feels a bitter smile.

If you are seen by the Martial Artist of the Martial Emperor level of Heavenly Martial Continent, I am afraid that the Face is red.

But even children are not as good.

“The difference in Martial Artist strength is too big.” Lin Feng nodded lightly.

Martial Artist in the air, hundreds of thousands of moments, most of them are Star Glow Level, Beginning Star Level is also a lot, and often see Star River Level.

If this is placed in Heavenly Martial Continent, what concept?

I want to be the two strongest of Heavenly Martial Continent, Commander and Moon Sovereign. But just stepped into the Beginning Star Level.

Here, it is like a civilian in a civilian population.

It’s mediocre.

“But there aren’t many Martial Artists on the street at Star River Level, and Star Sea Level hasn’t seen it yet.” Lin Feng nodded, everywhere, Martial Artist strong or weak presented in a pyramid shape, powerful, peaked There will always be only a small number of people.

“Beginning into the Green Smoke City. It seems… a little confused.” Lin Feng smiled.

“First find a place to settle down.”

Reflection building.

An extremely exotic restaurant.

Lin Feng looked up and was amazed.

“It’s fun.” Lin Feng nodded. This restaurant has been seen long distances. In this green smoke-stricken city, all the buildings are built to the ‘high’. The ordinary 100-meter high-rise buildings are completely sparse and ordinary here, layered everywhere.

And this ‘reflection building’, which is nearly a thousand meters high, is also a crane in a flock of chickens in this high-rise building. Quite conspicuous.

It’s like a stack of two identical trapezoidal buildings. If you look at the middle layer as a lake or a mirror, this ‘reflection building’ is worthy of the name. A black and white, constitutes a simple and contrasting contrast.

In the reflection building, people come and go. Quite lively.

“Here, it should be regarded as a relatively large restaurant in the Green Smoke City.” Lin Feng lightly mumble.

Looking at this scale and momentum, it is extraordinary.

“Just here.” Lin Feng nodded.

Seeing the pleasing to the eye, anyway, I know nothing about the Green Smoke City. I will find a place to settle down and then slowly plan not to be late.

Going into the gate, there was noisy inside, Lin Feng brows slightly.

What I want to find is a slightly quiet accommodation.

“Hello guests, dinner or accommodation?” A woman with a delicate and pretty face greeted her with a professional smile.

“Accommodation, help me find a quiet room.” Lin Feng started talking.

“Okay, please, please.” Delicate and pretty The woman made a gesture of please.

As the delicate and pretty women walked through the hallway, looking inside, the number of people in the noisy hall was quite large and the business was excellent. After a while, the delicate and pretty woman took Lin Feng to a place where the light gate gathered. Through one of the light gates, Lin Feng came to a different area.

“Oh… it’s much quieter here.” Lin Feng showed a smile.

Compared to the crowds on the first floor lobby, it is a lot quieter, although you can still hear a lot of sounds, but only because your ‘ears’ are too sensitive.

The rooms are separated by a large number, and the delicate and pretty women are very fast to bring Lin Feng to a small room.

“Can it be here?” delicate and pretty asked the woman.

When I walked in, Lin Feng couldn’t help but frown. It was a very small room, only ten square feet in size, a wooden bed, a table and chairs. The room even had a faint musty smell, which was worse than the first time I lived in Lin Family Village.

This… is also too pit.

“Nothing better?” Lin Feng started talking.

I can’t figure out how to make a room like this, the room would look like this.

It’s a far cry from my own imagination.

Delicate and pretty The woman still maintains a professional smile, not salty and not light, “It is the annual elite competition, the room is scarce, this is already the cheapest room, guests, only 10 green smoke every day currency.”

Lin Feng shook his head. “Money is not a problem, I need a better environment.”

Delicate and pretty woman paused, watched Lin Feng naked appearance, hesitant, euphemistic, “sorry guests, our ordinary and deluxe rooms have been fully booked, and then up is the Star Level room, even the cheapest ……”

The voice fell to half, and the delicate and pretty woman opened her mouth and couldn’t speak.

Watched Lin Feng The small round spot in his hand, as if suffocating, lightly covering the lips delicate and pretty women stunned.

Is that…battle spirit coin? !

“Enough?” asked Lin Feng.

See the delicate and pretty woman does not say anything, Lin Feng immediately took out a few battle spirit coins, “Is that enough?”

Money is not a problem for yourself. In the Gui Purple Ring, there are countless immortal Fruits, a single 4-star Immortal Fruit, and at least thousands of pound spirit coins.

“Enough, enough!” Delicate and pretty The woman even nodded, with a little panic in her face, and glimpsed Lin Feng’s appearance as a deep ninety degree, fearful, “I’m sorry, distinguished guest, have I am slow, please include more.”

“It doesn’t matter.” Lin Feng’s expression is light, and he is not so stingy.

“Please, please.” Delicate and pretty The attitude of the woman is extremely respectful and does not dare to be half-hearted.

The right hand hurriedly pressed the waist button, with a bit of heartbeat panic, you know, you can take out the battle spirit coins, each one is an influential figure!

How can she offend a little waiter?

A penny, one point of treatment.

When Lin Feng crossed several light gates and entered another completely different area, he realized it deeply.

The splendid decoration, the jade jade is full of surrounding, the floor is covered with gorgeous carpets, and the welcoming maids dressed on both sides of the carpet are all deeply and respectfully. A beautiful woman in a Chinese dress greeted her with a bright smile, but she did not even look at the delicate and pretty woman next to Lin Feng.

“Respected Sir, please here.” In the action of the women’s clothes, the glamorous charm is revealed.

“Good.” Lin Feng nodded.

This is completely different from the area just now.

The wide passage, no half-noisy sound, fresh air, full of comfort and pleasant feeling.

The level of improvement is more than one!

“I am the manager here, An Ying, Sir can call me Yinger.” Huafu woman suddenly with a slight smile, with a touch of aroma, full of mature woman charm, especially the eyes of the soul It is more colorful flickering.

Lin Feng nodded and did not say much.

Seeing Lin Feng doesn’t make a sound, Yinger’s beauty is even more curious. In front of the 20-year-old youth naked, exudes a faint Martial Artist aura, it seems difficult to be associated with wealth or a famous door. But just… the shot is the battle spirit coin, quite wide!

People can’t be seen!

“Sir, here is the 7-star suite, which costs 1battle spirit coins every day.” Yinger gently opened her mouth and saw that Lin Feng had no mood swings, but the heart was a big shock. The reflection building has received countless Martial Artists, even the Star Sea Level’s expert, can’t stand the 1battle spirit coin so expensive, but it doesn’t look like an ashonishing youth…

What is his origin? !

“Sir is the first time to come to the reflection building?” Yinger asked as he walked.

“En.” Lin Feng responded softly.

“No wonder.” Yinger stunned with a smile. “Generally, people like Sir are directly into the positive layer, not the reflection layer.”

Positive layer, reflection layer?

Lin Feng looked bright and suddenly understood.

It’s no wonder that the waiter just took himself to such a small room. Think of a lot of Martial Artist flying directly into the front floor, and Lin Feng couldn’t help but smile.

It is his own problem and lack of experience.

“Come on, Sir.” Yinger smiled and stood aside.

Lin Feng walked into it, his eyes shining slightly, and here, it really looked like a room.

The expansive space, luxurious furnishings, bright colors, and noble aura everywhere.

Obviously, it is for people who have enough ‘identity’ to live.

And most importantly, it is very quiet here.

“En, yes.” Lin Feng nodded with satisfaction. “Just here.”

Yinger smiled slightly. “That doesn’t bother Sir. Rest, I don’t know if Sir can need ‘special’ service?”

(The third is ~~ continue, there is one more!) (.)

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