Episode 12 Heavenly Treasure World Chapter 17 Death and fear!

Holding your breath, Lin Feng’s heart slammed.

Just the fourth joy of breaking “10-layer Nyta”, has long been tossed the topmost clouds.

Can make Duo Duo’s expression so dignified, it must be a very major event!

Have you made yourself mentally prepared? !

“Is it…” Lin Feng dilated.

“It’s coming.” Duo Duo’s voice is heavy.


Lin Feng is naturally clear, what Duo Duo said… who is it!

“Sweeping the county of Qingluo, its next goal, pointing to the broken King City!” Duo Duo’s voice fell in Lin Feng’s ear, like a sharp blade pierced into the heart.

Heaven Breaking City, one of Four Great King City!

The main city of the Hunter Organization, which gathered half of the entire Hunter Organization’s thought beyond!

Among them, there are countless friends, companions, and…


“How come so fast!” Lin Feng turn pale with fright.

However, I did not expect that he was only six days old, and Heavenly Martial Continent was changed.

That Heavenly Dog, not in the county? Not in the Heavenly Martial Army influence range? How can it be inexplicable in the Hunter Organization area! ! !

“Original… I don’t want to interrupt you cultivating.” Duo Duo shook his head. The most taboo of Martial Artist in cultivating was being ‘interrupted’, lightly sighed, Duo Duo said awkwardly. “But this thing you have The right knows that it will arrive after another hour.”

“Bloom slaughter Heaven Breaking City!”

Nine words, clearly falling in the ear of Lin Feng, 霎 time complexion whitish.

When the body is awkward, Lin Feng only feels that the heartbeat is stopping. The head humming constantly.

Bad news!

“Unless, Lin Feng, immediately pick up your family and enter Nether Roar.” Duo Duo said resolutely.

Lin Feng nodded and just wanted to leave. He turned his attention to Duo Duo and his brow was deep. “What about the other people in Heaven Breaking City?”

Intertwined, deep like no words, Duo Duo just looked at Lin Feng.

The atmosphere has become a bit oppressive and breathless.

answer. Lin Feng already knows.


It is hard to accept.

“They are going to die?” Lin Feng had a heartache.

As the Deputy City Lord of Heaven Breaking City, as a member of ‘Hunting’, he feels deeply weak.

“Can’t escape.” Duo Duo shaking one’s head and said, “Although human movements have been extremely fast, even the migration, but the Heavenly Dog is too fierce. From Tianwu King City to Heaven Breaking City, just less than a day, There is no chance to prepare at all, but in fact…”

Duo Duo paused. Said heavily, “At such a speed. It takes less than three days, Heavenly Martial Continent -“

“It will be destroyed.”

The sound echoed in the ear, and the Lin Feng complexion changed rapidly.

Just stepping out of the footsteps, the ups and downs of the chest are enough to prove Lin Feng’s mood at the moment.

Chaos! Worse!

It seems to have knocked over the five-flavored bottle, and it has a lot of taste.

“So fast? It’s so fast…” Lin Feng muttered, completely unprepared.

“Really, I didn’t think of it.” Duo Duo looked dignified.

Plan, can’t keep up with the changes.

I thought it would be procrastinating for ten days and a half.

but now……

“Three days. How come!” Lin Feng tightly clench one’s teeth, clenched his fist.

This feeling of powerlessness is very good.

My heart seems to be screwed together and it is difficult to breathe.

“It’s too late.” Duo Duo burning like gaze, “You are now a good recovery of Life Soul, but it takes about five days to fully recover. Plus cultivating “Three Ways of Thinking.” Conservative estimates, all need It will take seven days to fight.”

Seven Heavens!

This is already the fastest plan.

But now, three days later, Heavenly Martial Continent will be completely destroyed.

Four Great King City was destroyed. Humans have no counterattack, and hundreds of millions of beast herd army ** will ravage the entire Heavenly Martial Continent with the attack of crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood.

Bloody slaughter!

How to do?

What should I do! !

Lin Feng complexion is constantly changing, tightly clench one’s teeth.

Countless thoughts emerged in my heart, anxious like an ant on a hot pot.

It is already at the time of decision!

Take a deep breath, Lin Feng’s changing eyeburn has become the final decision.

“Duo Duo, I want to fight.” The voice was calm and Lin Feng’s look was firm. At this moment, I remembered Commander and remembered Moon Sovereign… They didn’t like themselves. For humans, they knew that this was a dead end, but…

Still going on.

For what?


For the deep shackles in the depths of my heart, for the blood flowing on my body.

Human beings have the most sincere feelings.

“You will die.” Duo Duo watched Lin Feng, slowly said.

“I know.” Lin Feng smiled.

When I made this decision, I already expected this result.

With his current strength, it is not a small Heavenly Dog opponent.


Can’t back down.

Behind yourself, stand with Heavenly Martial Continent all humans!

Perhaps, he can save a life; perhaps, the family can survive this disaster.

But in this life, I can’t lift my head anymore.


“Dead, what terrifying?” Lin Feng said with a smile, in the mind can not help but emerge the Commander’s appearance, remembering that for the Heavenly Martial Continent humans, it is hard to burn life to fight, just for a delay of even half a day.

It is so similar and similar to myself now.

As Commander said, beast herd army to enter Heavenly Martial Continent –

Then, first step over from your own corpse!

Drift and live without purpose! !

“唉~~” sighed long, and Duo Duo’s eyes were a bit lonely.

“Actually… I guessed it. It’s not unexpected to make such a decision with your character.” Duo Duo’s faint watched Lin Feng smiled casually. “Speaking, it’s like being destined. You will be the last discipline of the Master. From your body, I vaguely see the shadow of the Master.”

Lin Feng smiled.

One word. Almost mysterious.

Inextricably linked, it seems that there are double invisible big hands in control.

Duo Duo slightly smile, just to the depths of Nether Roar, said indifferently, “Come with me.”

“Good.” Lin Feng followed.

Passing through the light gate, as the Duo Duo goes deep into the Nether Roar, Lin Feng blinks.

“Here is…” The look is slightly changed. Lin Feng in the mind can’t help but emerge the structure of ‘Nether Roar’. The memory seems to be the ‘top’ of the airship, which is the deepest. There is a mysterious strength guarding. I can’t see through myself.

Suddenly, Lin Feng lightly exclaimed.

“The top cabin.” Duo Duo slammed started talking, “It is the energy source of Nether Roar.”


Lin Feng thought thoughtfully.

“Nether Roar, driven by ‘Star Source’, the entire airship control is based on ‘Xingyuan Power’.” Duo Duo looked back and looked at Lin Feng, said with a smile. “As you know about energy equipment. There must be an energy stone to drive it.”

That’s it!

Lin Feng suddenly realized.

“It’s no wonder that the energy of the Thirty Three Layer Heaven is inexhaustible,” Lin Feng said. “It turns out. It is driven by ‘Star Force’.”

When I implemented the ‘Martial God Tempering ‘plan on that day, I was always curious. Other energy equipment would run out of energy. However, Thirty Three Layer Heaven seems to have inexhaustible energy. It turns out that this is the reason.

“Then we are now?” Lin Feng is good surprisingly.

“Get the alternate ‘Xingyuan force’.” Duo Duo started talking, “The Crow Nether Star was the same day, the Master was miserable, and tried to break through the Star Space to escape. Nether Roar’s energy is already very expensive. The loss of this 330000 years is even more stretched.”

“This spare ‘Xingyuan Power’ was originally to help you grow up.”

“but now……”

Duo Duo’s gaze was smoldering, and when he was in his hands, he converges and volleys.

Time –

The sound of “Ding”, a light gate opened, exuding the radiant light, Lin Feng felt a shock. Suddenly felt the powerful energy aura surging.

“Come in.” Duo Duo took the lead in the light gate.

Lin Feng nodded lightly, although he didn’t quite understand the meaning of Duo Duo, but he followed it up. The gleam of light flashes through a strange energy channel. The virtual mirror space, under the lead of Duo Duo, nine songs and eighteen winding, Lin Feng blinked in front of his eyes.

“Nether Roar’s settings, here, only ‘Master’ can enter.” Duo Duo pointed to the front.

Lin Feng understands that receiving the ‘first heritage’ of Teacher is already the new Master of Nether Roar. The white light column in front of the watch is similar to the upper main cabin room. Lin Feng looked at Duo Duo and didn’t ask, even stepping in.

This is a kind of trust.

For Duo Duo, unconditional trust!

In the white light column, Lin Feng’s figure gradually disappeared, Duo Duo lightly sigh sighed. “Unconsciously, I was also affected by him…”

When the voice fell, Duo Duo disappeared.

“Ask you again, decided?” Duo Duo eyes bright clear.

“Decision.” Lin Feng slightly smiled.

I don’t have too many choices.

Right now, there is only this way.

“Alternative ‘star source power’ is not much. If it is used to protect ‘Heaven Breaking City’, it may… use more than half, even exhausted.” Duo Duo watched Lin Feng, slowly said, “Without ‘Nether Roar’ Help, if you enter Battle Spirit World on the day, the road will be a lot of rugged.”

“It doesn’t matter.” Lin Feng’s voice was calm.

From childhood, the way to go is not flat, as Father said…

The blade does not wear badly, people can’t make it up!

“As long as you can hold Heaven Breaking City and delay enough time, it’s worth it!” Lin Feng shook hands.

I will say later, without the help of ‘Nether Roar’, I am not step by step to the present?

Now, the most important thing is –

Hold Heavenly Martial Continent!

“Since you have decided, then it will follow you.” Duo Duo whispered exhales one breath saying, “After all, as the Master’s last closing discipline, Nether Roar’s new Master, Lin Feng, you do have this right.” Duo Duo smiled helplessly.

“Sorry, Duo Duo.” Lin Feng looked stunned and gently started talking, “And…”

“thank you.”

(first more ~!)

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