Episode 12 Heavenly Treasure World Chapter 16 Devils Coming

“The first cultivating, directly to the first layer?!” Duo Duo has wide eyes.

It looks a bit funny, Duo Duo hasn’t closed for a long time, even though Lin Feng has been extremely ‘overvalued’, but…

It is far beyond expected to be expected.

“The temperament and perseverance of this little brat is really strong.” Duo Duo exclaimed.

“Wait for 330000 years, I really waited for a good seed.” Duo Duo shook his head and revealed a pity.

Perhaps in Battle Spirit World, aptitude and innate talent are extremely important.

But to be a true Starry Sky Expert, temperament and perseverance are also indispensable!

“I hope that there will be room for change.”

“Even if you die, as long as a trace of Soul remains, it will still be alive.”

“It’s a big deal, millions of years, even thousands of years!”

Duo Duo sighed a little, Master’s dead soul flies away and scatters, completely degraded, there is no way. But the strength of Lin Feng is still weak, and the Heavenly Dog is not the most powerful ‘Starry Sky Expert’. Everything has a chance!

Life Soul Pavilion.

“First layer, practiced?” Lin Feng shouted.

I really didn’t think of it. I only practiced for the first time, even if I didn’t have an hour, I already practiced the first layer.

2% of the mind!

“Good start.” Lin Feng smiled with satisfaction.

Feeling a bit of my body, there seems to be no ‘weakness’. Just now everything seems to enter the Illusory Realm, just dreams of grandeur. Lin Feng closed his eyes, took a long deep breath, and had several ups and downs on his chest. Suddenly ——

Pā ! Open your eyes.

Lin Feng opens the next page of 10-layer.

“Hey!” A glimpse of white light, Lin Feng was once again ‘inhaled’ in the pages of the book.

Second layer !

An hour is fleeting.

From the ‘Life Soul Pavilion’, Lin Feng’s face was dignified.

“How do you feel?” Duo Duo asked.

“No.” Lin Feng shook his head. “The second layer is hard.”

Although the first layer was practiced in one go, the “thinking tower” of the second layer failed one after another.

“Slow down, your progress has been great.” Duo Duo said with a slight smile, “Dian Li, is the energy cohesion of Life Soul, really isn’t out of thin air. But it is owned by you with the body. The strength of 10-layer is actually using a potential squeeze method to adapt you to the ‘strength’ control as soon as possible.”

“As long as you continue to practice, the promotion will be very fast in a short period of time.” Duo Duo said resolutely.

“I will work hard.” Lin Feng eyes burning.

Duo Duo meant to understand it, just like Yugong Yishan.

You only need to go step by step!

“Let’s go.” Duo Duo smiled.

“En.” Lin Feng responded.

The close cultivating started.

The time is arranged very densely, the mustard space, the Life Soul Pavilion, each occupying an hour. It is divided into twelve hours every day.

It is just right.

After a ‘cruel’ cultivating of Life Soul, enter the mustard space to ‘enjoy’. It hurts and is happy. After all, if it is under a painful pressure for a long time, even if it is only Illusory Realm, even if the willpower is strong, it will collapse.

Now, it’s a bit of a ‘work and rest’ taste.

As the mustard energy ‘nourish’, Life Soul slowly recovers.

In the first time of Life Soul, Lin Feng developed the first layer of 10-layer. On the first day, he became the second layer of 10-layer. As Duo Duo said. This is a process of continuous increase, as long as you work hard, you can always accumulate more.

One point of pain, one point of strength!

12 month 23 day.

Lin Feng was defeated by Heavenly Dog the next day.

Feng Zhou County, a loud roar shattered vault of heaven.

In the ruined land, a man in a scales is shining with eyes. Bare one’s fang.

The devil, wake up.

I slept for two days and one night.

Moved the body, twisted the neck, and the little Heavenly Dog felt a full spirit. The nose is lightly sniffed. The eyes full of sharp cold light look around, with a coldly killing intent. In a blink of time , figure rises into the air and turns into a phantom light that disappears.

It starts looking for food!

City in the Sky.

“Oh no!”

“The devil woke up!!”

Among the temple, everyone gathered together.

Everyone’s complexion is all dignified, eye watched light screen, the ‘devil’ is open-mouthed, crazy devour everything. Many people who have escaped in the future have fallen into their stomachs, and everyone’s eyes are full of anger and bloody cover densely.

“This bastard!!” Thunderbolt took a heavy shot on the table.

Pā tà ! The table with golden light was broken, but…

No one cares.

Everyone’s heart is in pain.

After Fengzhou County, the second County City in Tianwu King City, Huxiao County, also ended.

“I want to kill him!!” Thunderbolt gas gnashing teeth.

As the commander of the Heavenly Martial Army, watching his people being slaughtered, Thunderbolt’s heart was cut like a blade, which was extremely uncomfortable. I can’t wait to fight this ‘demon’, but he understands that his strength is in front of this demon, just like an ant.

Strong as Lin Feng is defeated, let alone him?

Not reconciled! ! !

“Calm down.” Zi Yao sounds a little hoarse.

“Yes, Thunderbolt, the most important thing at the moment is to reduce casualties.” Tian Qing also advised.

Laughing Buddha lightly sighed, gaze at everyone, scared and said, “Even if we add up, it’s not enough for it.”

“The big picture is heavy. The most important thing for us at present is to resist the beast herd riot.” Blue nodded and said, “As for this ‘demon’, only after Lin Feng’s injury is over, and then long-term discussion.” said in between, blue is also Sighed.

There is no way to do it.

However, it is already the best way.

12 month 24 day.

On the third day, Lin Feng practiced the third layer of 10-layer.

Fast speed. The astonishing of efficiency makes the Duo Duo amazing.

The original ten days, but did not want Lin Feng to be completed in just three days.

“This little monster.” Duo Duo said while being speechless.

Hovering outside the ‘Life Soul Pavilion’, watching Lin Feng just sighed a few times, even if there was no half-time break, he entered the fourth heavy cultivating, and Duo Duo’s heart was lightly tightened. How can he not know what Lin Feng is thinking and what he is doing.

Because of the obsession in my heart, in order to protect!

Lin Feng. Do your best! !

“Will win, little brat.”

“Must!” Duo Duo clenched his fist and burned in his eyes.

Unconsciously, Duo Duo couldn’t help but be touched by the spirit and courage of Lin Feng.

Although he is still very weak, his ‘heart’ is very powerful and quite powerful!

The heart of a man.

A true expert heart!

And at this time –

What shocked the entire Heavenly Martial Continent happened.

One of the Four Great King City, the oldest and oldest ‘Tianwu King City’, the symbol of the Heavenly Martial Army.

Was destroyed.

Really isn’t that hundreds of millions of beast herd army. Really isn’t those powerful Dragon Races that are tens of meters long and are just a ‘person’ who is less than two meters tall. Light red skin. There was a faint glow of flame on the body, and a scales were worn.

It is coming.

Single handed, such as the ‘devil’ in hell.

The entire Tianwu King City corpse was everywhere, the house collapsed, and the flames of the sky burned.

This incomparably huge ancient city has become a sea of ​​flames. Suspended in the air, Little Heavenly Dog is crazy devour human, devour all the energy objects. Supplementing the energy of the body, the eyes are full of violent aura.

Cruel, killing!

The demon’s aura enveloped the entire Heavenly Martial Continent.

Although Thunderbolt does his best, there are too many humans in Tianwu King City!

Together with those who do not want to leave, Heavenly Martial Continent, the number of human deaths since the beginning of the beast herd riot.


Sad madness.

It’s just a ‘devil’, but it’s more than the endless herd army. More terrifying!

The news was spread ten, ten pass, although the drama was not played in Heavenly Screen, although Martial Gods has tried to hide it. But… there are no impenetrable walls in the world. The news, or spread out, is mad at the limit.

In less than a day, it is well known.

Heavenly Martial Continent is caught in an unprecedented fear.

People, praying on the street, calling for the arrival of a hero.

Waiting in tears, looking forward to watched.

Where are their heroes?

12 month 25 day.

Little Heavenly Dog left Tianwu King City with satisfaction.

It is full; it is cool; but… it is still not satisfied.

Cruel nature, tending to ‘destroy’.

Demon beast The hostility of human nature, coupled with the continuous and Lin Feng’s killing, makes the little Heavenly Dog hate for human beings, even more!

Crazy revenge!

It must be done to kill.

12 month 26 day.

Continue to advance!

Terrifying speed of galloping.

In less than a day, Little Heavenly Dog crossed the entire Tianwu King City area and entered –

Hunter Organization influence range.

Here, there is a one-third of the people of Heavenly Martial Continent!

The entire Heavenly Martial Continent is boiling.

Extreme fear is pervading the hearts of everyone in the Hunter Organization. City in the Sky, very busy, under the action of Zi Yao and Thunderbolt, Martial Gods did their best to evacuate the crowd, but…

The population base of the Hunter Organization is too big.

And Little Heavenly Dog, it’s too fast, too fierce!

Like the autumn gale sweeps away the fallen leaves, like a thunder!

12 month 27 day.

On the sixth day, Lin Feng became the fourth heavyweight of 10-layer.

Shocking cultivating speed!

Looking at Lin Feng’s desperate appearance, Duo Duo’s heart felt a deep and heavy.

Under extreme pressure, Lin Feng broke out of an unprecedented strength, and the more frustrated and brave, the more brave and crazy!

In six days, I became the fourth heavyweight of 10-layer.

It’s hard to imagine!

After completing an hour of cultivating, Lin Feng stepped out of ‘Life Soul Pavilion’. Although it is a smile, but can not hide the tired, mental labor in the eyes, the six-day “Tianta” cultivating, one day is more important than a day, the pressure is huge!

However, Lin Feng has no complaints.

It’s never been a break, lazy and half-pointed.

“What happened, Duo Duo?” Curious watched Duo Duo, Lin Feng never had seen Duo Duo so “deep” look.


What happened?

The heart was suddenly twisted, and Lin Feng changed.

“Lin Feng, there is something, I have to tell you.” Duo Duo deeply exhaled, said solemnly, “Be prepared.”

(The third is more complete, the previous big bedding will be unveiled.)

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