Episode 12 Heavenly Treasure World Chapter 12

“Not good!” Lin Feng’s look changed.

It was too late to react. The little Heavenly Dog was already shot, and the right fist slammed out, bringing a touch of deep fire.

Peng! ! Astonishing a punch.

“Boom!” The head seemed to burst, and the pain of severe filled the whole body. The internal organs could not help but sigh. The heavy fists made Lin Feng completely suffocate. I haven’t reacted yet, my eyes are covered with sorrow, and the little Heavenly Dog appears instantly, the fiery red light, mixed with the big iron fist, from top to bottom!

“bang!” sound shocking cry.

Heaven and earth, are all eclipsed.

“噗~!” Blood violently spits, Lin Feng only feels completely numb.

The bones of the whole body seem to be broken, the pain of the chest severe, and the body seems to be not your own.

The gap in strength is too big!

Instant, serious injury.

An absolute silence.

The time of the entire City in the Sky has stalled.

Everyone has eyes wide open and watched in front of the scene, as if suffocating.

Lin Feng fell in the huge pit of the Fireball bombing, bloody, like a dead man. In midair, Little Heavenly Dog is overlooking him, his eyes are full of bloody glow, killing intent spreading and soaring, but it seems to torture Lin Feng, not killing.


This way, more terrifying!


“How could this be……”

“Hunter Protector, he… lost??”

Everyone only feels that the heart is broken, and the backbone sends out coldness, heavy.

Lin Feng’s strength is obvious to all, but in front of the little Heavenly Dog after the change form, he has not even had the power to fight back.

Blinking, serious injury lost!

“Big Brother Lin !!” looked at his sweetheart seriously, and Zi Yao burst into tears.

“Hunter Protector !!!” Martial Gods pinched his fists and exposed his blue veins on his forehead, hoping to fight for Lin Feng.

But they are very clear,

Your own strength, worse than a grade.

A world apart.

Really a bad grade!

Lin Feng only felt that his body was completely cracked.

gap. Too astonishing!

Looking at the little Heavenly Dog overlooking himself, Lin Feng saw contempt from his eyes, saw disdain, and saw a strong killing intent.

“It’s too strong…” Lin Feng was shocked.

Yourself. Not at all an opponent.

The little Heavenly Dog after the change form. The improvement of combat strength, more than a rank! The shiny eyes are obviously quite intelligent. Not only will you use your own advantages to defeat the enemy, but also know ‘retaliation’. Know ‘torture’ to vent and satisfy.

“Unfortunately, it is always too naive.” Lin Feng eyes flashed.

Although it was defeated, Lin Feng did not give up any hope.

At this point, the wind vortex on the right foot. The purple-black light is shining.

“pā !” Little Heavenly Dog’s eyes are shining.

Seeing Lin Feng still wants to ‘rebel’, the little Heavenly Dog complexion is cold, the left hand is condensed with a huge Fireball, the red light with a strong Heavenly Fire pressure, watched Lin Feng’s eyes with a bit of disdain, little Heavenly Dog suddenly complexion fierce.

Fireball, straight down!

“Go to hell!” Lin Feng from childhood Heavenly Dog’s expression, seems to see this message.


“Want to kill me? You have no chance.” Lin Feng’s weak corner of his mouth, the purple-black light on his right knee, puff like shines. Thousands of small holes of strength emerged in an instant, and the powerful qi flow instantly ignited ‘Brave Corporeal Soul’, an unusual astonishing strength slammed!

“Wind!” Lin Feng’s eyes are as bright as stars.

Speed, bursting out in an instant.

At the moment when the huge Fireball fell, Lin Feng turned into a virtual light. The blink of an eye disappeared.

A hundred times the speed of the explosion, is the ten little Heavenly Dog, can not catch up!

And at this time –

“Boom!!” astonishing terrifying Fireball burst.


“Do not!!”


Everyone hysterically squats, but…

But it doesn’t help.

Watching the huge Fireball fall. I watched Lin Feng have nowhere to hide, but everyone did not have the ability to help. Zi Yao burst into tears. The cry of a mess, at this time she can not care about identity, and then can not care about the manner, like a girl crying.

In fact, everyone is in great grief, no one cares about Zi Yao.

Heart hurts.

The body is even heavier.

I can’t move beyond the pace, and I can’t speak.

The death of Lin Feng is equivalent to the fate of Heavenly Martial Continent.

“No, he won’t die.” Xiao Jian’s mouth **.

“Yeah, how could Lin Feng die, ha.” Blue silly said with a smile.


In the watched light screen, there is nothing.

In the mist of the mist, there is a half shadow of Lin Feng.

Everyone’s heart is heavy and unattached. Only one person remains calm.

Fang Ning both eyes Blood red, hoarse voice, “Go, go to Martial God Monument!”

During the time, everyone raised their heads.

“sōu!” Fang Ning galloped, and instantly, Zi Yao, Xiao Jian, and Martial Gods followed. Everyone held a glimmer of hope and hope, prayed in their hearts, clenched their fists, and flew like a fight, everyone was tightening their hearts until they —


“The name of Lin Feng is still!!!”

Fang Ning said while loudly laughing, laughter spread throughout the City in the Sky, everyone suddenly smiled, long relaxed.

Zi Yao watched Martial God Monument The familiar name, like a sturdy iron skeleton, stands in a moment, and the beautiful smile is like a lotus flower after the rain. It is clear and pleasant. It is a smile from the heart, full of deep affection, true feelings.

The atmosphere of the original mourning was swept away.

Although Lin Feng was defeated mercilessly, everyone did not give up hope.

As long as Lin Feng is still alive, Heavenly Martial Continent –

Still life!

“Ah!” “Ah!!!”

Like a venting scream, Little Heavenly Dog shouted excitedly.

Killing Lin Feng himself, he tortured him and made the little Heavenly Dog grow a bad smell.

Change form Adults, the growth of strength, makes Little Heavenly Dog happy.

But it doesn’t know because of its negligence…

Lin Feng, escaped.

Nether Roar.

In the blue pool, Lin Feng once again accepted ‘treatment’.

Although seriously injured, it was much more ‘slightly’ than the last time.

Duo Duo hovered in the air. Hands holding the chin watched Lin Feng, lightly purse one’s lip lips, big eyes staring, shook his head and shook his head.

“This brat is stupid.”

“For some unrelated human beings, give up their lives…”

“Worth it?”

Duo Duo shrugged. There is a fascinating color in his eyes. Lightly mumble said, “However, it is a bit like the Master. The human ‘feeling’ is really unpredictable. Maybe…because I am a tool spirit?”

Watched The green light on the instrument. Duo Duo showed a touch of light smile.

“Fortunately, this brat is not stupid, it is not a rib.”

“No matter what, you can save your life.”

“But with his character…”

Duo Duo has a bunch of brows, but there is no way.

Take control of Nether Roar, strictly speaking. Lin Feng is already his master.

“Wait until you wake up.” Duo Duo sighed.

After two hours.

“pā !” jumped out of the pool, Lin Feng deeply exhaled.

Watched the familiar scene around, Lin Feng slightly smiled, in any case, he has always saved a life.


Thinking of the power of Heavenly Dog, Lin Feng’s smile disappeared.

Too terrifying!

Faced with it, he has no power to fight back.

“Two punches made me seriously injured.” Lin Feng shook his head.

In fact, if it is not intended to torture itself. Perhaps, I have no chance to escape from the ‘winds’.

“This time is in trouble.” Lin Feng frowned.

“How, right foot feels okay?” Light spots gathered, Duo Duo suddenly appeared.

A 罡 flow flow through the right foot meridians, Lin Feng nodded. “Almost, good bits and pieces, just… still don’t feel the presence of Brave Corporeal Soul.”

“Normal.” Duo Duo said slowly. “In the time you were in a coma. I have already treated you. Meridians are not a big problem. Together with the wind vortex, they will be restored for you. It will take about ten days to recover. It’s just that Brave Corporeal Soul is a bit more troublesome and takes half a year to fully recover.”

“Half-year?” Lin Feng shouted.

In other words, if you have half a year, you can’t use ‘winds’ anymore?

“The half a year is already good.” Duo Duo gave a white look at Lin Feng. “The use of the wind is based on the potential of the Brave Corporeal Soul. A hundred times the speed is released. This time, if you don’t consume less, no more than a few, dozens Don’t want to recover in the year.”

Lin Feng nodded, and at that time his own speed broke out, just being covered by the fire, it was luck.

Little Heavenly Dog didn’t find himself, and when he got to the safe area, he returned to within the Nether Roar via ‘Nether Mark’.

“Many thanks you, Duo Duo.” Lin Feng thanked.

Indeed, I have troubled Duo Duo again and again.

“A little thing.” Duo Duo waved his hand and lightly sighed. “This luck is really bad. If the Heavenly Dog just changed form, Lin Feng, your strength has been with no difficulty to kill it. Unfortunately, it is unfortunately……”

Lin Feng is also helpless, indeed, the chess is bad.

The result is completely different.

“Right, Heavenly Martial Continent!” Lin Feng looks like a transient, looking straight to Duo Duo.

“Fengzhou County was destroyed,” Duo Duo said frankly. “But the casualties are not big, and most of the humans are already migrating. The Heavenly Dog is now resting in the ruins of Zhou County. There is no other movement for the time being.”

Lin Feng was so relieved that he suddenly let go.

“What, have an idea?” Duo Duo said.

“With your current strength, go a few times and die several times without any chance.”

Duo Duo’s eyes, unrelenting percussion, “Ordinary Heavenly Dog in the infancy stage change form, the strength is around the Star River Level 3rd rank; in the childhood change form, the strength can reach the Star River Level 5th rank; but this Heavenly Dog, with ‘Heavenly Fire’ tempered, is comparable to Supreme Bloodline’s demon beast in childhood change form!”

Lin Feng was shocked.

Five Great Top Grade Bloodline Going up is the Four Great Supreme Bloodline!

Demon beast, the best bloodline!

“It’s Star River Level 7th rank.” Duo Duo looks right.

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