Episode 12 Heavenly Treasure World Chapter 11 change form

again and again.

Heavenly Thunder non-stop, Little Heavenly Dog did not give up.

As time passed, Lin Feng’s complexion became more and more dignified and anxious.

Once you have been thundered by Little Heavenly Dog, it’s really troublesome!


At the moment, there is no way for him to look at it. The heaven’s strong is simply unable to compete and block.

The cylindrical large light curtain completely blocks itself.

All that remains, only waiting!


“Don’t succeed in changing form!”

Lin Feng’s eyes are full of tension, worry, and deeper taboos. The original strength of Little Heavenly Dog has been terrifying, if it is a successful change form… What kind of terrifying will it reach? Can you compete? These are all unknown numbers.

However, in the midst of it, everything seems to have been doomed.

Thunder, a full fragrant time, a total of eighty-one anger under the strike fall.

Non-human torture!

If it is replaced by humans, it has already been made into a fine powder by this Heavenly Thunder.

However, demon beast’s body ‘innate talent’ is indeed far better than humans, quite abnormal. Especially the little Heavenly Dog, although injured, but the guardian of Heavenly Fire, invisibly reduced a lot of difficulty, coupled with the hatred and anger of Lin Feng, has been supporting Little Heavenly Dog, making it…

Completed a near impossible task!

It is still alive!

Almost dying, the light of Heavenly Fire on Little Heavenly Dog is so bleak, as if there is no more energy and no end.

However, it is still thundering!

“This time, trouble…” Lin Feng biting one’s lips.

The worst case has already happened.

Relying on perseverance and vitality, Little Heavenly Dog has survived the thunder!

“The luck is too bad.” Lin Feng clenched his fists and his eyes changed.

First, the Assassin Alliance smashed the water, making the war half a year earlier, more than a month earlier; and then the little Heavenly Dog adventure, the progress of strength is almost calculated at a rapid rate; and now … even more outrageous. It turned out to be a successful change form!

This is simply —

Heavenly Martial Continent!

“Hey!” A seven-colored light shines.

Lin Feng looked at the eyes, the eyes were stunned, and I saw the dying little Heavenly Dog. Under the seven-colored light, the physical injuries began to recover slowly, and the powerful life aura was far apart. I can have a clear sense of my own.

“pā !””pā lā !~”

body. Constantly being fixed.

As if the Life Level is improved, the old skin is continuously removed and the new skin grows.

After the disaster, wait for Little Heavenly Dog. Will be once –

Real transformation!

“Come back, Lin Feng!” Duo Duo’s voice rang.

Lin Feng suddenly startled, eye watched that is the little Heavenly Dog that accepts ‘baptism’, and the brows are tight.

Duo Duo rare have to talk to himself like this unless…

“From the long-term discussion. Heavenly Dog after the change form, not what you can resist!” Duo Duo said hurriedly.


Lin Feng purse one’s lip.

Duo Duo said, how can you not know?


Right now, there is no way out.

“Is there a way to come back?” Lin Feng started talking.

Duo Duo is silent, indeed, if there is a way, the first battle is already used.

Maybe there are a lot of treasures in ‘Tibetan Mountain’, but their strength is uncontrollable.

“Go back and talk.” Duo Duo paused. Said resolutely, “With your current strength, you can win less than one in ten thousand.”

Lin Feng showed a smile, “But at least there is still a chance.” Watched body is already beginning to change rapidly Little Heavenly Dog, Lin Feng eyes cold light radiate all around. “Hey, it’s not fully mastered, the strength can’t play 100%, my winning face will be bigger!”

If you go back, give Little Heavenly Dog enough time to get used to it.

as a result of. It will be more serious!

“Yes…” Duo Duo looked hesitant, but he also knew that Lin Feng could not be persuaded. Only long sighed then said.

“No matter what, Duo Duo, I will not give up!” Lin Feng eyes shining bright, “even if there is only a chance…”

“I have to fight together!”

Watched is a little Heavenly Dog, Lin Feng tightly clench one’s teeth, which is gradually becoming a ‘humanoid’.

Behind yourself, standing on Heavenly Martial Continent, all human beings are spread over vast expanses of land, and the responsibility on the shoulders is insignificant.

I have no way back!

City in the Sky.

“my god !”

“what is that?!”

With a marvellous voice from Martial God, everyone was surrounded.

The elite plan continues to open, and the number of people of the human Martial Artist becoming Titled Martial God is gradually increasing.

And most of them are members of ‘Hunting’.

“this is……”

“Hunter Protector ?!”

The Martial Artist, who was in charge of the investigation and inspection, bowed and shouted in excitement.

Very fast ——

The entire City in the Sky is boiling.

Lin Feng, who “disappears”, comes back safely!

These newly promoted Titled Martial God is extremely admired by Lin Feng, and the name of Hunter Protector is no one in Heavenly Martial Continent. One pass ten, ten pass hundred, City in the Sky is so big, in a blink of an eye, the news of Lin Feng ‘appears’ will spread to every corner.

After a while, ‘Beginning Star Level ‘Martial Artist is a collection.

Zi Yao, Huang Peng, Blue, Thunderbolt and others came in at the moment of getting the news.

Lin Feng in the watched light curtain, everyone showed a surprise smile, seeing him safe and sound, the heart of the big stone deep like settled.

“It’s okay, nothing.” Zi Yao smiled. Although he had already heard the news from Lian Long, he saw Lin Feng lively, but he was more convincing than anything else.


“What is that?” The crowd widened their eyes and watched the ‘people’ in the heavenly cylinder.

At this point, the Little Heavenly Dog change form is nearing completion.

The red fur on the body can no longer be seen; the tail has disappeared; the sharp claws are even missing. Instead, it is a ‘human’ look, a slightly reddish skin, transmitting a soft feeling, covered with a layer of light scales, like a suit.

“This is the change form?” Lin Feng took a deep breath.

Little Heavenly Dog is completely ‘human’, nearly two meters tall, exactly the same limbs. A slightly fascinating face, the flame mark on the forehead is still vivid. It has a pair of cold-blooded portal pupils, and the cold light is fierce.

It is watched yourself!

Full of hatred!

“Good!” Lin Feng’s heart trembled.

This is a deep strength, pressing…

Heavenly Dog after the change form. More than I imagined. More to be stronger!

“pā !” Outside the body of Little Heavenly Dog, a bright red glow emerges, filled with flame strength.

Heavenly Fire !

Lin Feng is in the heart.

“Astral Qi!” Lin Feng tightly clench one’s teeth.


The devil spear pulled out, and the sturdy battle intent boiled. A dazzling red flame condenses on top of the spearhead. Astonishing strength aura spread, twenty-two Fire of Devour, unparalleled attack power, no worse than Heavenly Fire.

Two pairs of sophisticated eyes eyes look at each other, sparks.

The second battle. Coming soon!

“Who is this?”

“No has seen it.”

Everyone showed a curious look and looked at the ‘Little Heavenly Dog’ of the new transformation.

Never seen it!

Indeed, before and after the change form, the difference is too large.

One is demon beast, and the other is human.

Zi Yao brows slightly wrinkle, bright eyes staring at Little Heavenly Dog. The faint feeling of its hostility to Lin Feng, the inexplicable feeling of a familiar feeling, but can not say. Seems where to see has seen. Aura seems to know each other, but…

In memory, there is no consistent existence.

Daddy, Zi Yao saw the flame mark on the head of Little Heavenly Dog, and turned pale with fright.

In the mind. That seemingly similar memory, in an instant –


“It is!!” Zi Yao startled and said.

“It’s the Heavenly Dog.” Fang Ning is already reacting.

At that time, everyone was stunned.

Watched this ‘person’, a little overwhelmed.

“It’s not dead yet.” Xiao Jian bit his teeth.

“And. Change form succeeded…” Zi Yao muttered to himself, and the beautiful face flashed a bit of white. That day war is still fresh in one’s memory. After a lot of effort, Lin Feng defeated Heavenly Dog and he was seriously injured.

But now, this Heavenly Dog is alive again? !

boom! ! !

The entire City in the Sky seems to burst.

Everyone’s face showed a faint expression, and the little Heavenly Dog’s Yu Wei still made them unforgettable.

I thought I was dead in Lin Feng, but I didn’t want to —

This demon, actually died and resurrected!

Why die and resurrect!

Lin Feng’s look is very dignified, the little Heavenly Dog in front of him –

It is fundamentally reborn!

“Chi!” The little Heavenly Dog moved, as fast as a meteor, and the speed increased by several times.

“Fast!” Lin Feng turn pale with fright, Astral Qi’s rapidly rush forth cover densely, the body is dodging. Black fog condensed, Lin Feng stepped forward and the whole person retreated to the side. However, the flexibility of Little Heavenly Dog is extremely astonishing, and there is almost no stop between, and the right foot is forceful, like an arrow of emptying, flying out!

Fast as lightning!

The red light flashes, and the little Heavenly Dog’s eyes are bloody glow 粼粼.

It is very vengeful!

“Not good.” Lin Feng is completely tight.

The little Heavenly Dog in front of the light is speed, it is one meter longer than the previous Change Form Fourth Realm, and it will be more than three times more!

Although my strength is also greatly improved, from Martial God Star River Level 3rd rank to 4th rank, but…

The extent of the improvement is not as good as the Little Heavenly Dog!

“Wind vortex!” aura rush forth, purple black light.

Lin Feng is very different, avoiding danger, and showing a certain degree of perseverance in his eyes, his heart is already making a decision!


Have no choice

When I was first battle, I couldn’t keep myself, let alone now?

The gap is bigger than the first battle!


There is also a lack of ‘Life Soul’ to help and help.

As Duo Duo said, his own winning face is so low that the only chance is to attack and attack, and when his position is not stable…

Kill it!


Many times, plan can’t keep up with change.

After the change form, the little Heavenly Dog, improved, is it more than ‘strength’?

Eyes flickering, little Heavenly Dog flies in the air, the left hand inexplicably appears a huge Fireball, crazy expansion, almost in the blink of an eye into a diameter of kilometers, no half-stop, straight exploded towards Lin Feng. The speed of agglutination is fast, the attack is fast, and it is far aheaded.

“Boom!!” astonishing gas explosion.

From top to bottom, like a meteorite landing, the flare covers densely.

“my god.” Lin Feng was completely shocked.

I can’t avoid it myself.

Only –

“Hey!” The right foot vortex flashed, and the sharp impulse brought Lin Feng’s body and leaped up.

Dangerously and dangerously avoiding the huge Fireball, just listening to the ‘bang’, the Fireball hit the ground and made a scream of severe. Lin Feng’s body has not yet reached the highest point, but in front of it, a red light and shadow appears, and the eyes are stunned…

Full of killing intent!

(Today’s three, the next more 21: 30!)

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