Chapter 4

“Yes, Hunter Protector!” Thunderbolt complexion is awesome, even leaving.

There is no hesitation, no more problems. For Lin Feng’s orders, Thunderbolt is completely obedient.

“Laughing Buddha, prison.” Lin Feng glanced over.

“Yes.” The two looked a glimpse.

“With Thunderbolt, try to reduce casualties as much as possible.” Lin Feng closes his lips, eyes with a bloody glow.

Reduce casualties? !

Everyone in their hearts is screwing at each other, look at each other in dismay, let Lin Feng say the word, can imagine what kind of terrifying things will happen. To know, it is the only beast herd riot, Lin Feng is easy to put it, no half-point pressure, it seems that it has not used all efforts.

but now……

“Yes, Hunter Protector.” Laughing Buddha and prison said resolutely.

Lin Feng, already a veritable human leader.

As the three left, there were still newly promoted Heavenly Martial Cultivators such as Tian Qing, Blue, Bing Shuang, etc., with a dignified expression straight watched Lin Feng.

Everyone wants to know, in the end, what happened, can let Lin Feng, who has always been calm,

So abnormal!

“It’s coming.” Lin Feng said solemnly.

“It?” Everyone’s eyes widened, so it’s not clear.

“A monster that is enough to destroy Heavenly Martial Continent…” Lin Feng puts out a breath deeply.

Watched in the distance, the brow is deep.

Inside Nether Roar.

Lin Feng of the body is now using a ‘Fire of Devour’ to burn a set of transparent color armor.

“Chi!” “Chi! !” Flame fierce. Lin Feng looked a little anxious, in a confined space, the non-stop of the armor made a ‘beeping’ sound, as if it had vitality, but there is nowhere to hide.


“I want to be fast!”

Lin Feng tightly clench one’s teeth, made a crazy rush to the Valley of Fire of Devour.

However, it is already reaching the limit.

“Corporeal Soul Artifact, the armor of the reverse.”

“With your current strength, you can’t wear it.”

“The only possibility…”

In the mind, Duo Duo said that Lin Feng tried his best. The sustainability of the Fire of Devour has increased its ‘hope’ by a point. The anti-rotation armor is a combination of the ‘Dao of Space’ armor and has a strong fighting ability.

“Put it, although I can’t use it, but…”

“It’s enough to rely solely on the original features of ‘Reverse Spin’!”

Lin Feng looks bright. Nodded.

This is against the ‘Sun Devouring Heavenly Dog’. The only hope.

“Sun Devouring Heavenly Dog is a special space system innate talent.”

“Within the body has an infinitely different space to establish a close and subtle connection with itself.”

“But really isn’t no flaws, after all –“

“It’s just an innate talent.”

Innate talent. And the real attack ability is not equal.

More, it is a ‘day’ of bestow, although the end is infinite, but always based on its own strength.

“There is still a glimmer of hope. If it is the Heavenly Dog breakthrough Change Form Fourth Realm…”

“That’s really End.”

Lin Feng chest undulating, his eyes showed firmness and persistence.

No matter what, I will not give up, even if the strength is far less than that of Heavenly Dog, for the family, for Heavenly Martial Continent…

You must fight!

City in the Sky.

Martial Gods gathered together to keep an eye on that huge light screen.

“Is it it, Big Brother Lin?” Zi Yao’s eyes flashed. It’s more profound than before.

Great strength!

Now Zi Yao is second only to Lin Feng.

“Yes.” Lin Feng nodded.

Keep an eye on the little Heavenly Dog, which is only ten meters long in the light screen, and has entered the influence range of the Heavenly Martial Army.

Speed, too fast!

“People in Xiaoxiang Town have already evacuated ten out of ten.” Blue started talking.

“this little brat. Is the strength so strong?” Xiao Jian was a bit curious.

Everyone is also confused, watched Lin Feng.

At this time –

In the light screen, Little Heavenly Dog screamed and his body suddenly became bigger. Suddenly open the bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl. Suddenly, one huge Fireball spit out from the mouth, without any gathering time. The speed is amazing.

boom! boom! ! boom! ! !

Severe Fireball, crazy bombing of small towns.

Every Fireball’s fall, all bursts of violent bursts, affecting all around.


Hey! Hey! ! ~

The thick flame rises with the wind and is more fierce. The houses in Xiaoxiang Town are all ignited with raging fires, just for a while, the whole town has become a sea of ​​fire. The hoarse voice, the cry for help, but it was instantly submerged.

“my god!” Blue Zhang opened his mouth, startled and said.

“very awful.” Tian Qing is beautiful.

Everyone feels the heart, and after becoming Heavenly Martial Cultivator, there is a clear judgment on the strength of the strong or weak.

That astonishing flames are far exceeding their load range.


The monster, but it is effortless to play!

“This is Heavenly Dog.”

“One of the Five Great Top Grade Bloodline.”

Lin Feng watched everyone, said solemnly, “And… it’s just an ‘infancy stage’.”

Everyone is sucked in a cold breath, watched This terrifying monster is like a childlike madness, that feeling is like playing. Very fast, as the flame spreading the entire piece of Xiaoxiang Town, the fire was completely ruined, and the little Heavenly Dog was again vacated and disappeared.

“It went to Longfeicheng.” Zi Yao said softly, a flash of worry in his eyes.

“Xunfeicheng’s humans and 60% have not been able to evacuate.” Blue purse one’s lip, looks worried.

too many people!

Time is not enough.

Although Thunderbolt et al. have done their best, the Transmission Array’s ‘efficiency’ is limited.

“What to do?” Everyone is watched Lin Feng.

Shaking his head, Lin Feng was like a needle, but he could only wait anxiously.

“Lin Feng, you… are you sure?” Fang Ning hesitated and asked the biggest doubts in the hearts of the people.

“It must be defeated.” Lin Feng frowned, and he knew very well. If he didn’t wear the ‘reverse armor’, what would happen. Once this Heavenly Dog exhibits the Sun Devouring Heavenly Dog that is comparable to the ‘Star Sea Level’, waiting for one’s own will be the fate of death.

It doesn’t matter if you die.

But it will make the entire Heavenly Martial Continent ruin.

Everyone looked at each other in dismay, but I didn’t expect it to be such an answer.

“Then we…” is Tian Qing who is calm and calm. At this time, there are also six gods without the Lord.

“Hunter Protector, we’re fighting with it!” Blue clenched his fist and his eyes filled with the battle intent.

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was attached. Faced with this terrifying monster, everyone not only lost confidence. Instead, the battle intent is boiling. Stay here now. No one is a scorpion, all Martial Artist, in order to protect Heavenly Martial Continent, in order to protect all human beings –

Willing to pay for your own life!

“Wait.” Lin Feng spit out a word. Stop the blue.

“For it, the sea tactics are useless.” Lin Feng looked bright, “waiting for three more hours, I will be able to do the final battle preparation.”

“This battle, let me fight!”

The sound broke into the ear. There is sound on the ground.

Lin Feng’s eyes are cold and flashing, full of decisive aura.


Time, one minute and one second.

Heavenly Martial Continent, entering a new round of panic.

One town after another was destroyed, and countless human beings were horrified and stunned by the devour, Heavenly Dog’s terrifying. A big dragon flying city, in less than a minute, is turned into nothingness. Not even a blade of grass grows.

What astoning destructive power!

This is a real ‘devil’!

The paper can’t hold the fire, and the appearance of a monster like a demon is instantly spread throughout the Heavenly Martial Continent.

Everyone has a lot of arguments.

However, although I am afraid, I still have full confidence.

because. They have the guardian of ‘heroes’.

Even if the situation is more critical, it will be spent. Every time, their heroes will appear at the most critical moment, saving them from the fire.

This time. No exception!

“Almost a little!”

“It’s just a little bit worse!”

Lin Feng is tightly clear one’s teeth, eyes 粼粼 flash. Staring at the armor of the reversal.

At this point, the transparent color is already shaking, and it seems to be ‘weak’.

The sound is constantly!

“Come on!!” Lin Feng whispered.

I am already waiting for myself.

The towns that watched one after another were destroyed, and the heart seemed to be broken into pieces.

I can’t wait, immediately war!

At this time –

“Peng!” A soft bang sounded.

Lin Feng startled, the eyes are bright and ecstatic.

Finally finished!

“pā !” Fire of Devour blinked, Lin Feng appeared in front of the ‘reverse spine’, and the blood on his wrist dripped down.

Pā tà ,pā tà !

The dripping of blood seems to wake up a small life.

The swaying moment in my heart emerged as if it touched a strange feeling.

Time is fascinating!

Lin Feng slammed into the ground and felt that his body’s surface was covered by a layer of transparent colored armor. The special texture formed a strange and powerful energy, and it was very exceeding its own range of sense. The vain stripes have a special energy aura, which makes people feel tremble.

This is the armor of the reverse!

With a fist, the sense of change in the body.

Lin Feng eyes shining bright.

City in the Sky.

“This bastard!”


The people were anxious and witnessed the destruction of the town. The human being was devoured by the devour and the heart was heavy.


There is no way, just sit and wait.


No strength, just go and die!

At this time, Little Heavenly Dog once again destroyed a large city pool with lightning speed. Countless human beings died, and the entire city was burned under the blazing flame. And the little Heavenly Dog figure moves again, going west!

“not good!”

“It’s a week!”

One of the sixteen counties, with the largest population base under King City!

“Hunter Protector !”

“Can’t wait any longer, Hunter Protector!”

The eyes of the people were full of anxiety, and they stood up eagerly, and their looks changed.

Once Feng Zhou County was destroyed, Little Heavenly Dog must be **, aiming at Four Great King City!

By then, Heavenly Martial Continent is really over!

At this time –

“Okay.” Lin Feng stood up, his eyes filled with a ray of light, and the battle intent boiled.

Looking at Lin Feng’s body slowly disappeared, everyone was not surprised, holding the fists, eyes full of surprises.

Lin Feng, finally completed the battle preparation.

War Heavenly Dog !

(Start! 吼~)

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