Episode 12 Heavenly Treasure World Chapter 3 The worst situation

Nether Roar.

Lin Feng watched The huge light curtains gather and look dignified.

Seeing from the gaze, it was a ten-meter-long fiery red monster. The lion, like a dog, looked confused and was moving around. Pair of claw cold glow flashing, stepping on the air, without any partial resistance. The twin cold eyes are filled with a deep cold blood.

Cold, cruel!

How similar is it! ! !

Deeply branded in my heart, Lin Feng has never forgotten.

It’s almost identical to the Heavenly Dog in Illusory Realm, just…

One is 100 meters long, and this head is only ten meters long, but the mark of the flame on the forehead is more profound and more astonishing!

“How does it appear in advance?” Lin Feng frowned, and heartbeat quickly accelerated.

“Look at it yourself.” Duo Duo changed his hands, the light screen in front of him changed the picture, Lin Feng vision are bright, only the cave in front of him seemed to be similar, he seems to have seen it, suddenly look lookled, Lin Feng surprisedly Said , “heavenly treasure ancient ruins ?”

The voice has not yet fallen, and the original empty space has five figures.

“Oh?” Lin Feng looked bright, but it was a Martial Artist who had never seen it. I was stunned and stunned to see the mark of one of the Martial Artist’s shoulders. I felt awkwardly, and my eyes were cold and tight, “Assassin Alliance ?!”

Too familiar!

The mark of the imprint made the heart deeply touched.

Before hitting Titled Martial God, he had an inextricable hatred with this ‘Assassin Alliance’.

Until now, it is still a bitter and deep enemy!

Suddenly ——

A burst of space, five shining lights shine, Lin Feng eyes, suddenly understand what the five people want to do.

Go to Heavenly Treasure World and get Heavenly Treasure Crystal Stone!


What does this have to do with the appearance of Heavenly Dog?

Lin Feng complexion dignified, only five people have entered the light spot, the white aperture slowly shrinks, becoming a slit. in a blink. One by one disappeared, however, when the last light spot…

“pā tà !” The crack of the crescent that is about to disappear is slowly expanding.

That feeling, it seems to be supported by a strong strength, a tiny figure of fiery red. It was a glimpse!

Little Heavenly Dog!

Landing. It gets bigger and is almost done in an instant.

From less than one meter, the blink of an eye became the ten-meter-long astonishing figure.

“my god, Change Form Fourth Realm ?!” Lin Feng is intuitive and dry. Heartbeat accelerates.

I used to read [Change Form Secret Record], and Lin Feng knows very well about demon beast’s ‘change form’. Only when you reach Change Form Fourth Realm, demon beast is free to change the figure, big or small. And this realm. Almost reached the complete change form!


“How is it possible!” Lin Feng was shocked by Watched Duo Duo.

According to Duo Duo, the Heavenly Dog has no ‘change form’ at all.

“It’s already Change Form Fourth Realm.” Duo Duo looked dignified. “Although I don’t know how this Heavenly Dog will change form, the truth is in front of me.” Watched Lin Feng, Duo Duo’s voice is a bit low, “It should be through That time and space crack came.”

“Damn!” Lin Feng tightly clench one’s teeth.

I did not expect that the original good situation would be a mess.

The worst situation has emerged.

Heavenly treasure ‘ancient ruins ‘.

The cave is large. Very broad, but the road is complicated, like a maze.

Little Heavenly Dog non-stop swayed, but seemed to be in the circle, and looked a little impatient. The silhouette of the speeding is only a glimpse of the illusion. Little Heavenly Dog looked cold, and from time to time roared a few times, clanging voice spread throughout the cave, echoing bursts.

“Hey!!” astonishing flame ball of light condenses.

Little Heavenly Dog finally lost patience. Strong strength condenses in the mouth, in a blink of time ——

“Boom!” The huge Fireball broke out.

boom! boom! ! boom! ! !

One by one bombing. Little Heavenly Dog Hysterical.

Heavenly treasure ancient ruins How can it be so devastated, suddenly a piece of gravel flying, the cave was bombarded. Large boulders are constantly scattered, but not close to the Little Heavenly Dog, they have been burned to ashes. Standing still, the little Heavenly Dog’s eyes sparkled with a cold glow, and the teeth of the dense looked fierce.

Hong long long ~~

The cave collapsed.

In the midst of a cloud of smoke, a fiery red figure floated in the air.

Little Heavenly Dog, come out!

“áo hǒu ~!” seems to vent the unhappiness in the heart, the little Heavenly Dog is madly screaming, the eyes of fierce are watched around, and there is some doubt about this area. The tip of the nose sniffed, as if the sense had arrived, the little Heavenly Dog looked up, instantaneously –

Stepping into the air, disappearing without a shadow.

“Not good!” Lin Feng complexion greatly change.

Heavenly treasure ‘ancient ruins ‘ is the inner region of Heavenly Martial Continent, the Heavenly Martial Army influence range.

Although the humans of Heavenly Martial Continent are now concentrated in the Four Great King City, there are nearly 50% distributed in various towns. In particular, the Hunter Organization and the Heavenly Martial Army are geographically excellent and have barely been attacked by beast herd. Unlike the Five Great Sect Alliance, in addition to ‘Five Source King City’, the others have long been razed to the ground.

And now…

The direction of Little Heavenly Dog is the Heavenly Martial Army influence range!

With its destructive power, once it enters and waits for humanity, it will be a baptism of blood!

“Hey!” The body is rushing, Lin Feng tightly clench one’s teeth.

No matter what, I can’t watch the humans of Heavenly Martial Continent, so I am being slaughtered!


At this time –

Duo Duo’s body flashed and blocked at the gate.

“Duo Duo?” Lin Feng expression changed, stop and fall.

“Don’t be impulsive.” Duo Duo complexion condensed, the white little hand unfolded. “You are going to die.”

Lin Feng bit his teeth and shook his head stubbornly. “No matter what, I can’t watch the tragedy happen, even if there is only a little hope, I will not give up. Don’t stop me, Duo Duo, my thoughts will not change. ”

The thoughts in my heart have always been firm.

In order to protect Heavenly Martial Continent, for the name ‘Hunter Protector’.

Lin Feng has been working tirelessly.

“Worth?” Duo Duo’s eyes changed.

“It’s worth it.” Lin Feng resolutely and decisively said.

For yourself, this is responsibility, a man’s vow.

Guardian Heavenly Martial Continent!

With a long sigh, Duo Duo also seemed helpless. Suffering with a smile, “I chose you as ‘inheritor’ that day, it is because you have a flesh and blood, a feeling of affection. Matter of this day, although unexpected. But in fact is also expected.”

Lin Feng is a bit silent. But it is also able to understand the words of Duo Duo.

Even if this Heavenly Dog doesn’t appear today, it will come here again after more than a month.

Although the historical gear is slightly deviated, it should happen…

It will always happen!

“I will help you.” Duo Duo’s voice fell in his ear. Lin Feng’s momentary eyes brightened, and the urgent heart slowly subsided.

With the words Duo Duo, no doubt, it adds another hope.


“Is there a chance to win?” Lin Feng purse one’s lip, who wants to get a positive answer from Duo Duo’s look. But it was disappointing, Duo Duo indifferent expression shook his head, slowly said, “only can do my best, the strength of this Heavenly Dog, has been far outceinging the original estimate.”

Lin Feng looks like like, indeed, Change Form Fourth Realm.

This is unexpected in advance.


“But if you go now, you will die.” Duo Duo looked bright clear.

Lin Feng’s heart is sinking.

But my heart is very clear. What Duo Duo said is the truth.

Change form, each promotion of a realm, equivalent to a level of strength improvement.

Change Form Fourth Realm is equivalent to upgrading Level 4!

Heavenly Dog of the infancy stage. The strength is around the 9th order of the Sovereign Level. Change Form Fourth Realm is the strongest 2nd rank for the Exceeding Sovereign Level, reaching the ‘Heavenly Martial Cultivator ‘ Star River Level 6th rank. The innate talent ability ‘Sun Devouring Heavenly Dog’ is a three-level attack gap.

Equivalent to –

Star Sea Level 2nd rank attack!

Take your own strength. How can I resist it?


Lin Feng jerked his head up and looked at each other with Duo Duo. Eye contact is more sure of what I think.

“Only the ‘Sun Devouring Heavenly Dog’ that blocks it, there is a chance!” Duo Duo eyes bright clear, “External assistance, strong is all false. Block ‘Sun Devouring Heavenly Dog’, take Lin Feng, your present Strength, perhaps barely able to compete against this Heavenly Dog.”

“Maybe there will be a miracle…”

Duo Duo’s words went straight into the heart, and Lin Feng heartbeat instantly speeded up.

But the foundation of everything is based on a big premise –

Block ‘Sun Devouring Heavenly Dog’.

Heavenly Martial Continent, border.

Under the leadership of Lin Feng Secret Clone, the human Martial Artist has won a great victory.

Huang Peng, Laughing Buddha, Thunderbolt and others triumphantly returned, with a smile on their faces and a heartfelt smile. Once upon a time, they all thought that Heavenly Martial Continent would be destroyed, but they didn’t expect it to happen. After Lin Feng arrived, everything changed.

“Hunter Protector.”

“Hunter Protector !”

The return of the people, with the reverence from the heart, watched Lin Feng.


It is found that today’s Lin Feng is very different.

In the past, after a big victory, Lin Feng always had a slight smile, but today, it is very abnormal!

“Thunderbolt.” Lin Feng looks bright.

“Yes.” Thunderbolt responded, his face was right.

“Immediately evacuate all humans within the Heavenly Martial Army influence.” Lin Feng looks dignified, even shouted, “Immediately! The sooner the better!!”

“Ah?” Thunderbolt startled.

Everyone is stunned, including Blue, Prison, and Tian Qing, and it’s a bit unclear.

“Fast!!!” Lin Feng gritted his teeth with red blood in his eyes.

Time, you need enough time, but there is no way.

Although knowing that casualties are inevitable, but … can be a point is a point, can save one point is a point! As Duo Duo said, he is the only hope of Heavenly Martial Continent. To kill the Heavenly Dog, you must be prepared, but you can’t!

This embarrassment, even if it pays a big price –

Must win!

(The next chapter, the battle is open! The battle of Little May is also open! Desperate!!!)

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