Chapter 20 Off-track

It is a colorful boulder dozens of meters high.

The bumps and bumps are irregular and seem to be purely natural.

The boulder has many ‘holes’, and each hole is ‘inlaid’ with a black crystal. If Lin Feng is bound to recognize it, because… it is almost exactly the same as the black core of Black Fog Demon Dragon, transmitting pure energy aura, nourishing Black Fog Demon Dragon Clan.

Here is the foundation of Black Fog Demon Dragon Clan.


Spiral qi flow cover densely colorful boulder all around, more blurred.

Aura with black crystals, strong black mist emerges, compared to the concentration of the Black Fog Demon Dragon Valley, more than a hundred times.

These inner cores are left by the ancestors of the Black Fog Demon Dragon. As the years passed, in the Ancestral Tomb of Demon Dragon Lair, Black Fog Demon Dragon Clan’s cheekbones turned into ashes one after another. But these ‘inner core’, as if they have autonomous life, have remained.

Because of the existence of colorful boulders


A lot of things seem to have been doomed.

Although Lin Feng has never been here, Little Heavenly Dog is here.

Brought to the Black Fog Demon Dragon Clan is a truly devastating disaster.

“吼” Excited roar, Little Heavenly Dog can naturally sense the energy contained in these ‘inner core crystals’. In an instant, the mouth was open, and the sound of ‘哧哧’ continued, and countless ‘inner core crystals’ flew out of the colorful boulders and went straight into the belly of Little Heavenly Dog.

“pā dá , pā tà ” chews delicious ‘food’, and Little Heavenly Dog reveals satisfaction.

Inner core The energy contained in the crystal is quite strong.

After a while, I will eat.

The body became inexplicably big, but the little Heavenly Dog was hesitant, as if he had thought of something, could not help but sink a few times.

This is an intuition, or ‘branding’, reminding Little Heavenly Dog of the next ‘evolution’ direction. Although it is just an infancy stage, it is. If it is carefully cultivated by parents, the Infancy stage of Top Grade Bloodline has already…

Qualified to change form

Desolation –

Little Heavenly Dog blinked and the body went straight up.

The volley is stepping on the colorful boulder, and the little Heavenly Dog is staring at the ‘sink’ of the peak. A book book. It is the quiet ‘lie’ there.

“Ao” Little Heavenly Dog seems a bit excited.

In the feeling, it seems that I recognize this text, and I feel an ‘interest’ in this book.

From infancy to the infancy stage, some of the hidden bloodline memories of Little Heavenly Dog. It is already slowly ‘waking up’.

[ Change Form Secret Record ]

It was the Lian Ya that Lin Feng gave on that day.

It was then placed here by Lian Ya and became the ‘treasure of the town’.

I didn’t want to go around, but it ended up falling into the hands of Little Heavenly Dog.

The “哗” book is non-stop open, and I can see that some strange words, Little Heavenly Dog feels familiar. Whispered. I don’t know where it was was seen. Little Heavenly Dog’s eyes flashed with luster, see that one picture, in the mind non-stop open the hidden memory.

Suddenly, Little Heavenly Dog looks bright clear.

In an instant, as if I understood something, the body suddenly heard a sound of ‘噼里pāāā’.

It’s a singularly narrowing down, then shrinking

From that hundred meters long, to fifty meters, then to twenty meters, and finally…

A burst of anger in the roar. Little Heavenly Dog was surprised to narrow to the length of ‘ten meters’.

Whispering, Little Heavenly Dog is moving around, and the speed is as fast as the wind, far better than just now. The complexion is full of joy, and the little Heavenly Dog is so excited that it is screaming. Feeling the growth of strength, the strength of the body seems to be awakened.

Change Form Third Realm

Just an instant, it is to arrive.

This is the Top Grade Bloodline, which is the rare genius of ‘Heavenly Dog Clan’.

Even if it falls to other places. But the radiance of genius, but how can not cover it.

The loud voice of “吼” spread throughout Demon Dragon Lair.

The little Heavenly Dog’s eyes exude a sharp cold glow.

Soaring strength


The track of history. It is slowly deviating.

Nether Roar.

“Duo Duo, the last strength of Heavenly Dog in Illusory Realm, how strong is it?” Lin Feng controlled the ‘Fire of Devour’ burning a crystal fire drill, curiously asked.

“The equivalent of the Soveeign Level 9th-order demon beast is about the same as the Heavenly Martial Cultivator ‘Star River Level ‘2nd rank.” Duo Duo said freely.

“Only ‘Star River Level ‘2nd rank?” Lin Feng has a deep brow.

The scene of his fiasco in Illusory Realm is still vivid, when he faced the Heavenly Dog, he had no power to fight back.

But only ‘Star River Level ‘2nd rank ?

“The same level, the strength can vary greatly.” Duo Duo shrugged. “With Sovereign level Demon Beast, the Dragon Race at the same level is much stronger than the normal demon beast. There is no problem with picking ten. Grade Bloodline’s Heavenly Dog is the same for Dragon Race.”

Lin Feng nodded stunnedly.

Just like myself, although it’s just the ‘Star River Level ‘1st rank’s Heavenly Martial Cultivator, but the strength…

Far more than the normal 2nd rank, even 3rd rank Heavenly Martial Cultivator

This is the gap

Duo Duo looks bright, “innate talent, the Heavenly Dog’s control of the flame is quite terrifying.” Looking at Lin Feng, Duo Duo suddenly said with a smile, “but you have such a blood with Phoenix, control ‘Fire’ The little monster of Devour’ is also the Heavenly Dog bad luck.”

Lin Feng smiled, Heavenly Dog was stronger, and ‘only’ is Top Grade Bloodline.

But Phoenix is ​​the real Divine Beast.

“But…” Duo Duo’s voice turned, complexion is right, “Lin Feng, the most important thing you need to worry about is Heavenly Dog’s innate talent skill ‘Sun Devouring Heavenly Dog’. The attack gap across three levels will be your biggest Trouble and threat.”

Three levels of attack drop?

Lin Feng blinked and suddenly understood.

In other words, Sovereign Level’s ninth-order strength, Sun Devouring Heavenly Dog’s might…

That is the Sovereign Level ten 2nd rank

“No wonder I had no resistance at the last time.”

“The attack equivalent to Heavenly Martial Cultivator ‘Star River Level 5th rank ‘ does not lose.”

Lin Feng lightly thought in one’s heart , watched Duo Duo, his eyes are burning. “With my current strength, I can win it again. Can I win?”

Duo Duo shook his head, Lin Feng’s mood suddenly became heavy and depressed, but in the ear it was the voice of Duo Duo’s banter. “But with Lin Feng, your current progress, and the next four months later. Heavenly rate is enough to exceeding 90% ”

in other words–

Ninety percent sure

Lin Feng eyes suddenly shines, revealing a smile.

“Heavenly Dog is even stronger in the innate talent, and then enchanting, with Nether Roar’s intelligent projection, reaching the Sovereign Level is the limit of 1st rank.”

“Tin Feng, your strength in four months. There is also a win rate around 80%”


Duo Duo stopped. Lin Feng couldn’t help but be curious, “Unless what?”

With a smile, Duo Duo shook his head. “Unless this ‘Heavenly Dog’ grew from the infancy stage to childhood. Completely change form, but four months is almost impossible. According to Nether Roar intelligence, probability Less than one billionth.”

Listening to the voice of Duo Duo, Lin Feng smiled lightly.

Hey as if he thought of something, Lin Feng said again. “Can’t change the ‘Heavenly Dog’ of the infancy stage?”

“Can.” Duo Duo did not hesitate.

“But if you can successfully change the form, there is no one.” Duo Duo smiled lightly. “This is the premise of having a ‘parent’ teaching and growing up in Heavenly Dog Clan. But Heavenly Martial Continent this Heavenly Dog is completely ‘wild ‘Don’t say successful change form, even what ‘change form’ is, it’s probably not clear.”

“The chance of a change form is lower than from the inflation stage breakthrough to childhood.”

Lin Feng eyes shining. Nodded.

The Fire of Devour bright in your hand is shining and fierce.

The big stone in the heart fell completely, Lin Feng’s mouth was stroked, and the fists were clenched. The Fire of Devour was extinguished.

“After four months, I will definitely win” Lin Feng is confident.


Advanced Cultivation Space.

“chi” “chi”

Lin Feng held a long spear and continued to dance.

I saw a pair of fiery red qi flow. Now, the Fire of Devour is attached to the tip of the spear and condenses into a little.

Every time a stab. Can bring up space shocks.

Fire of Devour, extremely powerful

“Finally… adapted.” Lin Feng eyes shining bright.

This is a new long spear. It took me two thousand hours to upgrade the realm of ‘Man and Spear United as One’ to the same level as ‘Slaying Dragon Spear’.

Man and Spear United as One, perfect

“It’s a bit heavier than Slaying Dragon Spear, but a little more.”

“The spear tip strength is more condensed, and the spear body is much softer.”

“I don’t know what grade is enhanced by Duo Duo…”

Lin Feng muttered inwardly in one’s heart, holding the long spear of the fire in the handshake, feeling a sense of heart.

As if it is blended with your own blood, it seems to be in contact with every cell, holding the feeling of spear –

Quite comfortable

“烬魔spear.” Lin Feng stroking the perfect spear body, a flash of joy in his eyes.

Slaying Dragon Spear is good, but the grade is too low to withstand the intensity of the Fire of Devour and can only be eliminated. This ‘烬魔 spear’ is the best 5-star Corporeal Soul User weapon that can be purchased in Alkaid Hall. It has been continuously enhanced by Duo Duo for seven or forty-nine days.

Use the best molten material, perfect compatibility Fire of Devour.

This magical spear can make the most of its own Heavenly Martial Cultivator’s might.

For the Heavenly Martial Cultivator, the weapon is quite important

There are many Corporeal Soul Artifacts in the Tibetan mountains, but the ‘weapons’ only have a ‘dagger’.

It should be noted that refining weapons must be mastered.

How can you understand ‘spelling’ without practicing the spear?

“Continue to practice” Lin Feng’s eyes are deep.

“Early breakthrough “Man and Spear United as One ‘realm, strength, can be improved”

Lin Feng clasped the long spear and danced again, move towards Heavenly Martial Continent Spear Technique Realm…


Rising winds, scudding clouds.

Lin Feng, under tremendous pressure, continues to climb the strength.

The little Heavenly Dog, even the expected of Duo Duo, was inexplicably entered into the Black Fog Demon Dragon Valley.

The original track has changed completely.

The war in Illusory Realm on that day will not repeat itself, but the new war is a hundred thousand times astonishing better than that battle.

As time goes by, it will be –

Complete outbreak

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