. Fire God Forbidden Land Chapter 19 is close

“Zi Zi, noisy.”

Swallowing the Heavenly Fire ball, the little Heavenly Dog has a radiant glow in his eyes.

Not the same!

That is the kind of ‘wisdom’.

The ingenuity of the beginning, like a human six-year-old child, the little Heavenly Dog both eyes look at the surrounding environment, appearing ‘mature’ a lot. This is also because it is in a strange area, if it is in Heavenly Dog Clan, at this time, it has already grown up under the guidance of parents.

And now…

It is completely self-sufficient.

Very fast, the huge Heavenly Fire ball was eaten.

Little Heavenly Dog licked his stomach and sniffed his nose, as if the sense had arrived, and the eyes were gaze deep.

Time –

“s艒u!” stepped into the air and galloped like a wind.

From infancy to the infancy stage, not only is the change in ‘intelligence’, but the body is even more intensive.

Now the little Heavenly Dog, the strength has already reached Star River Level like Martial Artist.

And once you show innate talent skills ‘Sun Devouring Heavenly Dog’…

Migh , more terrifying !

Less than three hours.

All the way to the Black Fog Demon Dragon, the little Heavenly Dog finally entered the Black Fog Demon Dragon Valley ‘deep’.

There, where Lin Feng has been.

Demon Dragon Lair !

Strong energy fluctuations gather, and Little Heavenly Dog is soaring and sullen. The Black Fog Demon Dragon, guarding the mouth of the cave, was desperately attacking. After the last Lin Feng battle, the guards were more rigorous. However, in the face of the powerful attack of Little Heavenly Dog, only the Fireball burst attack, it has completely engulfed everything.

Equivalent to the strength of Martial Artist ‘Star River Level’, how can these shrimp soldiers and crab generals resist?

Very fast 鈥斺€?/p>

It became the ‘birst meal’ of Little Heavenly Dog.

鈥滃惣~鈥?watched the gloomy hole, the little Heavenly Dog鈥檚 eyes were cold, as if the sense had arrived.

The body jumped and suddenly entered the nest.

Black Fog Demon Dragon Clan suffered a truly devastating disaster.

The importance of Demon Dragon Lair is beyond doubt. Even if Lian Ya dies, even if the 5th rank and 6th rank Black Fog Demon Dragon are all swallowed, as long as Demon Dragon Lair does not fall. Black Fog Demon Dragon can continue the bloodline, tens of thousands of years and even hundreds of thousands of years, to restore the ‘prosperity’ of the past.

But now…

It is the rhythm of entering ‘death’.

Hundreds of dragon eggs, all swallowed by the little Heavenly Dog, turned into delicious nutrition.

Grumpy belly. Little Heavenly Dog reveals a satisfying look. Both eyes are slight. The sound of 谩o h菕u circulated in the cave, echoing, but like a wolf screaming in the flock, the time caused a huge **.

To the north of Demon Dragon Lair. Countless Black Fog Demon Dragon’s young dragons have a lose one’s head out of fear.

It is a natural fear, a fear of expert.

Bloodline level, decide everything.

鈥減膩 !鈥?turned his head and the little Heavenly Dog erected his ears as if he had heard something. Eyes shining bright.

In a blink of time, go straight to the deepest point of the nest. With the emergence of this terrifying fiend star, Black Fog Demon Dragon Clan’s last ‘Holy Land’ –

Declared to fall.

In just over a minute, Little Heavenly Dog entered.

Like the tiger entering a flock of sheep, watched the delicious food in front of him, the little Heavenly Dog was so excited that he shouted.

Just the body of the transformation, the most needed ‘energy’ supplement. Zhang Dazui, a huge suction moment appeared, the eyes of Little Heavenly Dog exudes a burning glow. Over and over again, the Black Fog Demon Dragon is suffering from devour, and the ‘parts’ in the stomach are getting more and more full, and the face of Little Heavenly Dog is so happy.


For Black Fog Demon Dragon Clan, this time. It is a real disaster!

The weak are prey to the strong.

This is the case since ancient times.

Inside Nether Roar.

“hu,xi~~” Lin Feng has a long breath.

Hovering in a strong qi mist, Lin Feng’s figure looks blurred. The surging Qi of Heaven and Earth is combined with Astral Qi. Into the body, turning between the various veins. From the upper limbs to the chest. From the chest to the lower limbs…

When it penetrates the right foot, it is completely visible that the qi flow is rushing and smooth.

That feeling is like a horse running wildly, without any hindrance.

“Sure enough, Astral Qi speeds up a lot.” Lin Feng is dark.

Although it only speeds up in the right foot meridians, it is equivalent to speeding up in a cycle. It鈥檚 just a glimpse of one of the ‘Corporeal Soul of War God’, and it鈥檚 almost imaginable that when the strength is getting stronger and stronger, the Corporeal Soul of War God will be more and more exciting.

“This “Yu Huang Ce” is really extraordinary.”

“Only 1st layer first layer is a large section of “exceeding [ Golden Dragon Astral Qi Art ] 3rd layer.”

Lin Feng’s mouth is slightly scratched and he smiles with satisfaction.

Replace War God Heart Technique and start cultivating again. Although it takes a lot of time, the effect is quite good.

“Yu Huang Ce” is his own Teacher, left for himself.

鈥淎ccording to Duo Duo, Teacher is a Starry Sky Expert advanced from ‘War God’.鈥?/p>

“There is no doubt that in the ‘War God together’, I can go much faster!”

There are teaches by Teacher, and there is no teacher to teach, the speed of cultivating is far worse.

At this point, Lin Feng is very clear.

鈥淭he strength of the Star River Level can cultivating the 1st layer all twelve.鈥?/p>

鈥淭he key is how comprehension, according to Duo Duo, the first three are the foundation and not too difficult.鈥?/p>

“But the fourth start, the difficulty is gradually improved. Every triple is a step, and the 10th layer is the twelfth, almost no one can cultivating.”

“Even with the Teacher, I have never arrived.”

Lin Feng was amazed at the mystery of this book, “The Emperor”.

Star River Level can only be cultivating, and each time a Corporeal Soul of War God is activated, the next layer can be cultivating.

1st layer First Layer Heaven is just like the 6rd layer of 3-star Heart Technique [ Golden Dragon Astral Qi Art !

“For more than four months, Duo Duo gave me the task…”

鈥渃omprehend to 1st layer Sixth Layer Heaven !鈥?/p>

Thick white fog bind, the heart has a firm goal, very fast 鈥斺€?/p>

Lin Feng is completely immersed in cultivating.

Twelve hours a day, it was completely divided into four large blocks.

Enhance ‘Fire of Devour’, cultivating ‘movement technique realm ‘, comprehend “鑸滅殗绛?#8221;, and…

Practicing the spear !

Each piece is three hours.

Like a cake, it is neatly cut into four large pieces.

Beast herd riot third stage, still in the ongoing attack. But there is the guardian of Secret Clone. Aurora Cone kills the enemy, the sword blade fragments are endless, and the Heavenly Martial Continent is like a wall of iron, without any threat. Coupled with one after another human Martial God breakthrough, the burden on Lin Feng is getting smaller and smaller.

Just rely on the ‘rest’ time. Secret Clone is also near ‘breakthrough’.

For Heavenly God Cultivator. The biggest ‘barrier’ of the breakthrough is the body, not strong enough to withstand more Heaven and Earth Energy.

This is ‘elbow’. How many Heavenly God Cultivators are discouraged.


For Lin Feng, the exception is.

There is no bottleneck at all, just wait until the strength is up, you can breakthrough!

“Unfortunately, Teacher is not good at spear.”

“If not. I am sure to bring it up a level to the comprehend of ‘spear’.”

“But there is no shortcut to the spear technique.”

In the Advanced Cultivation Space.

Lin Feng practiced the basic spear move over and over again.

Very boring, very boring, but it is the only indispensable part of practicing the spear.

“spear, the most important thing in all weapons.”

鈥淭he stronger the basic spear style, the deeper the comprehend of spear.鈥?/p>

The voice of Duo Duo remains in the mind. Lin Feng remain fresh in one’s memory. Despite the knowledge of Duo Duo, one of the ‘spear’s, it has been in the endless Starry Sky for so long, it has been eaten pigs and has seen pigs running, Duo Duo is rare, and there is some understanding of ‘spear’.

“There is a chance. I can actually practice the ‘decapitation’.” Lin Feng secretly thought.

My own Teacher, the best thing about it is the double shackles, which makes you fascinated and matched. Can play close combat to the extreme.

“I have innate talent ‘black fog ‘, the closer I am. The faster I am, the slower the enemy is.”

“And the dagger is easy to learn, it can be very fast, with long spear, one long and one short, can match the tacit understanding.”

“But now…”

Lin Feng deeply exhaled, immediately concentrated.

All the thoughts are placed on the ‘spear’, and you must sprint to the spear technique fifth realm with maximum energy.

Back to Basics!

Demon Dragon Lair.

It鈥檚 shocking and unbearable.

The appearance of Little Heavenly Dog ruined all the hopes of Black Fog Demon Dragon Clan.

More than three hundred dragon eggs were swallowed, and thousands of young dragons were slaughtered and turned into body energy.

Little Heavenly Dog is naturally not as kind as Lin Feng, and it acts instinctively to play the most essential element of character… brutality, killing. As Duo Duo said, the little Heavenly Dog is like a hangman, madly harvesting life.

The car can be seen in the past, in time, Heavenly Martial Continent is also true!

“p膩 t脿 , p膩 t脿 .” Little Heavenly Dog sharp teeth, biting the flesh.

The broken cheekbones, astonishing blood, dyed this ‘holy land’ into a blood red color.

No dragon has been spared, and all of them have been confided. Here, it has become a bloody hell.

And the little Heavenly Dog is the devil.

Very good appetite!

Just a little Heavenly Dog of transformation, the appetite is far better than infancy.

After eating the Heavenly Fire ball, dragon egg, and the dragon, but the stomach is still not full.

Little Heavenly Dog snorted and seemed to be extremely dissatisfied, protesting the number of ‘young dragons’ so little. The nose is sniffing, and the little Heavenly Dog still wants to look for ‘food’, but the suddenly complexion changes, as if the sense has reached a special existence, and the eyes flashed a little hesitant.

But still go deep into the cave.

Quite daring!

Keep moving forward and move on!

Little Heavenly Dog is very cautious, for fear of touching the trap.

Arriving at the infancy stage, the sensible newborn, the little Heavenly Dog seems to have become ‘mature’ a lot.

Will think, will choose.

The more you go, the thicker the black fog is, and the shattered ‘Black Fog Crystal Stone Heart’ is everywhere, and these incomparable precious ‘crystal stones’ are as unconventional as ordinary stones. Suddenly, in front of a severe’s energy hovering, Little Heavenly Dog was stunned, but still slowly approaching step by step.


Arrive at the end!

鈥淗ey~!鈥?raised his head, and Little Heavenly Dog snorted.

In the eyes, there is a shimmering light.

(Great war, coming soon!)

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