Chapter 15: Killing you, do you need evidence?

“Hey!” The mind spread like a spider web.

With the Urgent Fire Shuttle on the foot, Lin Feng’s eyes are like a sheathed war blade.

Cold light

Thin senses Surroundings every inch of fluctuations, Lin Feng suddenly found that the strengthening of the body, especially after the light spots left by Phoenix, the sense of the air is not much clearer, the mind sense is the same!

Any slight fluctuations can be clearly discerned.

“No aura?” Lin Feng brows slightly and immediately relieves.

“Yes, if it’s so easy to find, I should have sense just now.”

Even if his emotions are out of control, but before the loss of control, they have been paying attention to the surroundings, not sloppy.

If there are other aura, you must not escape your ownense.


“The spirit treasure has a similar function to ‘Concealed Fog Talisman’.” Lin Feng both eyes.

I have used ‘Concealed Fog Talisman’ myself very clearly, if it is still, it is difficult to be found; but if it is moving, there must be subtle energy fluctuations. Even if it is hidden deeper, carefulense will surely have flaws, unless the strength difference between the two is great.

“Where!” Lin Feng very fast is to find.

Life Soul and Human Soul are not able to reach 5th rank, Lin Feng sense is strong, but what can Zhu Podi expect?

“Want to escape?”

“Have you escaped?”

Lin Feng’s mouth is coldly stroked, and the body suddenly bursts out!

“sōu!” disappeared without a shadow.


Zhu Podi, has already scared the courage.

Desperately fleeing. I didn’t dare to go back, for fear that the terrifying fiend star would catch up.

However, what happens will eventually happen.

If Zhu Podi is stronger, the flight treasure is a little better, perhaps this time he has escaped Lin Feng’s mind sense range. But he…just the ‘Beginning Star Level 1st rank” of Heavenly Martial Cultivator, and Lin Feng’s strength gap is not a bit!

“Boom ~ ~” came behind the astonishing broke, Zhu Podi scared soul flies away and scatters.

Still, catch up!

Tightly clear one’s teeth off. So far, Zhu Podi is also have no choice desperately. Clench one’s teeth, the body suddenly ‘wears’ a layer of black giant armor, the right hand of a rectangular box ‘Shua’ opened, only the organ started, the sharp cold glow shot.

There are eighty-eight!

Chi! chi! !

Direct flight to Lin Feng, like eighty-eight poisonous snakes, come.

“Is it useful?” Lin Feng’s expression was light.

The eighty-eight special silver needles are indeed fast, but now. What is the speed of your own reaction?

This is not the same as before!

According to rank, the current ‘body’. Even exclusive 5th rank!

“Fire of Devour.” With a left-handed stroke and a foot on the Urgent Fire Shuttle, Lin Feng is half-speed.

A fiery red huge light curtain appeared in front of him, and the devour’s flame swallowed the eighty-eight silver needles in the blink of an eye.

‘Hey! ‘Half points do not exist.

And at this time –

Lin Feng is already seeing each other.

Wrapped in the pitch-black armor, the defense is rigorous, but the face is not clear.

It feels very strange, like a ghost wearing armor.

“Good magical’s hidden treasure, even his own body can hide.” Lin Feng was amazed.

My own ‘Concealed Fog Talisman’ is a good one, but it is inferior.

Lin Feng is ignorant. ‘Reigning’ Heavenly Martial Continent Three hundred years, Commander’s family is rich, even Heavenly Treasure World can find, not to mention some spirit treasure?


“Dead end one!” Lin Feng’s eyes are bright.

The fast-moving body brought a horrible wind, and the Fire of Devour in Lin Feng’s hands started again. The terrifying Chi Lie’s intimidating Zhu Podi complexion was pale, with a meteor flying straight out. In order to save lives, Zhu Podi is already doing everything.

“Zi ~ Zi ~ ~” Meteor gallop.

Wherever it goes, the air does not burn into a fine powder.

Astonishing Fire Element fluctuates, apparently really isn’t ordinary spirit treasure.


“Fire of Devour.” Lin Feng fired out. Astonishing Origin Fire sensitivity Completely erupted. In contact with the meteor of the fire meteor, the Fire of Devour slammed into an unprecedented fierce, as if a supple sheep suddenly turned into a violent tiger, and the fire meteor was prey.

Instant devour!

“si~~” A strange energy fluctuates and spreads with the body, and Lin Feng both eyes shine.

“Curious feelings.” Lin Feng feels that the body is clear and cool, and the Heart of Source seems to be nourishing, and the energy is quite abundant.

“It turned out that this is the improvement brought by ‘Devour’?” Lin Feng smiled.

Before the devour golden rope is also good, the dagger is also good, even the eighty-eight silver needles, it feels like eating a rice grain. Although there is ‘food’ in the stomach, it is not feeling hunger and satiety. But now it is different, the devour of the fire meteor is like swallowing a small loaf!

Quite ‘rich’.

“Is it the relationship of ‘Fire’?” Lin Feng lightly thought in one’s heart.

It is the moment to hide it in the bottom of my heart, because at this time, another cold light appears.

“Spirit treasure is more.” Lin Feng’s mouth is light.



Zhu Podi has long been a heart, soul flies away and scatters.

The original plan was not realized, and I did not expect that even my own existence was exposed.

Why can’t he understand why Lin Feng is so strong!

“After more than a month, his strength is clearly comparable to me!!” Zhu Podi’s teeth biting loudly, his eyes full of fear, Lin Feng behind him is like a demon following him, let him imitate Such as suffocation.

Especially the flame of the touch, but the spirit treasure that is touched by it…

Nothing is gone!

Although Zhu Podi feels sad, but more concerned about his own life, the result… will not be like the spirit treasure.

Suddenly ——

A terrifying to the extreme temperature, wrapped in a blink of time. Zhu Podi looked back in the dark and saw the presence of the bright red. It was so dense that he surrounded himself completely. The terrifying aura burned the entire sky, and the black figure was not known when it was in the forefront!

Time is like walking in the sea of ​​fire!

“I still want to go?” Lin Feng deep like started talking.

Watched The ‘ghost’ wearing black armor, with a sly look, aloof and remote.

Just wait for ‘Fire of Devour’ and you can turn it into nothing at any time.

Real life control!

At this moment, I am the master!

“No, don’t!” The sound of fear rang from the black armor. Lin Feng couldn’t help but squint a little, very familiar voice, but really isn’t ‘Chi Lie ‘. Thought in one’s heart, Lin Feng is in retrospect, and at this time, the figure in the black armor is also revealing the original.

“Is it you?” Lin Feng eyes cold light.

I didn’t expect it, the conspiracy to calculate my own, would be ‘Young Commander ‘Zhu Podi!

“Zhu Podi! Dare to assassinate me? You are so tired!” obscure fire rise one’s heart. Lin Feng’s Fire of Devour brilliantly emerge.

Deep fierce!

“wait, wait. Lin Feng!” Zhu Podi complexion is afraid of sorrow. “Is there any misunderstanding? Although I am not at peace with you, I have not done anything like this. There are twists and turns in this matter, maybe… Yes, maybe someone wants to provoke from it, fisherman catches both !”

Lin Feng coldly smiled. “Is it finished?”

Cold look, killing intent astonishing. Lin Feng will naturally not believe that this set is empty.

Zhu Podi’s heartbeat is as fast as a broken, with deep fear in her eyes, even shaking one’s head and said. “Really, I really didn’t do it, Lin Feng you… Do you have evidence?”


Lin Feng’s gaze, the Fire of Devour condenses into a Fireball. “Killing you, do you need evidence?”

But too lazy to talk nonsense with Zhu Podi, Lin Feng left hand waving, and the time devour Fireball is galloping out. The lightning-fast speed broke. Zhu Podi is like a frightened bird. It has long been scared, but I didn’t expect Lin Feng to be so ruthless.

“No, no!!” Zhu Podi yelled.

“I am the son of Commander, Lin Feng, you can’t kill me…”

Almost roaring shouted, astonishing terrifying flaming rays crossed an arc, completely devour the side of the huge black armor. The bloody right arm touched the heart, Zhu Podi’s heart was still jumping in the ‘怦怦’, just now, just a little bit, he did not have a burial site.

Good terrifying strength

“If Commander knows that you have this son, you will be dying with a grievance.” Lin Feng complexion deep like.

Think of Commander’s great deeds, and for Heavenly Martial Continent’s human beings to persuade them all and sacrifice.

Looking at the appearance of Zhu Podi’s ‘disintegration’, Lin Feng was insulted for a moment of sorrow.

“I am sorry, I am wrong!” Zhu Podi burst into tears and fell to the ground.

“I am a ghost, Lin Feng, you…you look at my share, give me a way to live!”

“I will definitely be rehabilitated, please!”

A big man, so he fell to the ground.

In order to survive, Zhu Podi did everything, and even the final self-esteem was discarded.

Only for drift and live without purpose!

“Waste.” Lin Feng cold and cold.

Watched Zhu Podi, Lin Feng is full of spit and disdain.

If you change to someone else, you have already killed him without mercy.


Confronting Commander The only bloodline, but it can’t be done.

In any case, Commander is a respectable real man, a real man!

And myself, also really isn’t iron blood ruthless.

“Hu~~” Lin Feng exhaled a heavy breath, shook his head.

Always, I owe Commander a love. If there was no Commander on the day to resist the beat herd riot, perhaps not waiting for him to return, the entire Heavenly Martial Continent has been destroyed. My family, Zi Yao, is hard to survive.

“You listen to me, Zhu Podi!” Lin Feng said solemnly.

“Today I look at Commander’s love, give you a life, only once!”

“But…” Lin Feng paused, coldly said, “I will leave the Heavenly Martial Army immediately, and you are not worthy of inheriting the clothes of your father. How far it is for me to stop, let me see you, if not-“

“kill without mercy !”

(fill the third more ~)

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