Abnormal body

Heavenly Martial Continent, border.

It is not too far from Lin Family Village.

This is the source of the beast herd riot, where Commander is here to marry the Martial Gods against beast herd.

The gloom of the war!

At this time, although it is already in ruins, but after a few days, there is still a heavy bloody smell. A few days and nights of fighting, the corpse is everywhere, the smell is so easy to eliminate?

“sōu! ”within the sky. A meteor crossed.

The sound of the emptiness appeared when it was smashed, but it stopped abruptly.

Suspended in the air, Lin Feng’s eyes flashed with a hint of luster, watched with a skeptical look.

“Strange, it seems that there is aura fluctuation?” Lin Feng brows a cluster, and the mind is released, detecting the surrounding environment. Suddenly, Lin Feng felt a very familiar energy fluctuation, and his expression was very strange.

“Zi Yao?” Lin Feng said surprisingly, “How is Zi Yao here?”

“Oh, right……”

“Zi Yao should be afraid that I can’t catch up and can inform me the first time.”

Lin Feng smiled and even darted to the mind sense. “But why is Zi Yao not with ‘Lian Long’?”

The thoughts of in the mind are fleeting, and Lin Feng has not considered it.


At the speed of Lin Feng, the blink of an eye will arrive.

“Just in front.” Lin Feng muttered inwardly in one’s heart, shining.

Far away watched, looking forward to seeing the purple figure,ududly ——

Lin Feng complexion has changed.

Looking at it, I saw only the familiar figure in the distance. Actually lying in a pool of blood! Lin Feng’s booth eyes are very big, heartbeat stops almost in an instant, the body severe trembles, sees the horror of the picture, almost never fell from within the sky.

“Zi Yao!!” Hysterical screaming, Lin Feng’s face is extremely distorted.

Speed, in an instant, accelerates to the extreme.

The Urgent Fire Shuttle crossed a red light, and Lin Feng couldn’t see anything at all, and didn’t feel anything. Time seems to stop, the world is left with the red shadow lying in the pool of blood. Both eyes are full of thick bloody glow, and Lin Feng is crazy.

Completely, forget the existence of ‘Gui Purple Ring’.


At this time, how many people can remain calm?

People, people are people, because people have the most sincere feelings.

Whether it is positive, or –


“It’s hooked up.” Zhu Podi, who was hiding in the side, showed a smirk on his face.

Waited for a long time, arranged for a long time…

For now, this moment!

“The Azure Flood Dragon’s strategy is seamless.”

“This Lin Feng. It’s really a passionate seed, Hahahaha!”

Zhu Podi laughed wildly. Looking at the meticulous plan implementation, I think I can replace Lin Feng soon…

That feeling is very fast!

“Lin Feng, today is your death!” Zhu Podi’s bright glow appeared in his hand, and Aura’s complete cover made him look like a poisonous snake hiding in the dark corner. With the eyes cold light dripping, quietly open the bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, spit out the fierce letter.

“Hey!” The body is like a teleport.

Lin Feng’s time appeared beside ‘Zi Yao’, and the eyes were filled with endless blood.

“Zi Yao!” hoarse voice. The mood is very strong, and the left hand is trying to turn the purple figure over.

Suddenly, Lin Feng glanced at the ‘Gui Purple Ring’ and suddenly felt a shock!

“Not good!” Lin Feng just started.


It is already too late.

“xiu!” A golden light with a sharp aura, descending from the sky.

The speed is as fast as the lightning, and it appears instantly. It is a long rope with a golden luster. It seems to be life-like, and Lin Feng will be trapped.

“Dragon Binding Rope!” Zhu Podi eyes shining bright.

With both hands pinched, control with your heart, and pull towards two extremes ‘Shua’.


And this time. In front of the ‘Zi Yao’, like a scam, the body quickly turned over, and the black bright glow dagger appeared in the hand, straight to the Lin Feng belly!

The attack is extremely fast, and the angle is even more powerful!

Just at the moment when ‘Dragon Binding Rope’ played might, the mastery of time was perfect. Nearly within easy reach, even if Lin Feng reacts faster, it is not as fast and fast as this sudden attack.

“Death!” Zhu Podi’s eyes were cold and cold.

“Diamond Star Dagger is paired with Poison Refining Dragon Liquid, which is the strong giant dragon. They all have to die, let alone trifling humans?”

Zhu Podi is confident, about body strength, and the Dragon Race at the same level is ten times better than humans! Even the Dragon Race can’t resist it, let alone trifling Lin Feng?

If there is no confidence, how can he plan this ‘assassination’?

Dragon Binding Rope, Diamond Star Dagger, Poison Refining Dragon Liquid…

Commander’s family is quite rich.

“chi!” Diamond Star Dagger sneaked in.

Black poison, in a blink of time spread, a severe pain from childhood abdomen passed to Lin Feng body, 霎, Lin Feng complexion.

But really isn’t fear, fear, but


“Zi Yao is fine.” Lin Feng’s heart calmed down at this moment.

For himself, the importance of Zi Yao is undoubtedly already on the same level as his family.

For her, I can spare everything!

As for the attack?

“Childish.” Lin Feng’s mouth is coldly.

At that time, the Assassin’s complexion was already in vain. The Diamond Star Dagger tightly penetrated the surface of the skin, but it couldn’t even get into one point, as if it had penetrated into a wall of iron. It was unbreakable. A strong aura in a blink of time wraps him, and the fear from the bottom of his heart goes straight to the Heavenly Spirit cover.

As if, he is prey!

“Fire of Devour !” Lin Feng eyes bright.

With the heart moving, Lin Feng became a fireman almost in an instant. Heart of Source’s riots, every inch of the skin is a flame that condenses that devour, terrifying aura is spread all over the body, and will be ‘Dragon Binding Rope ‘devour…

“Oh?” Lin Feng’s heart is successfully startled.

In the sense, the Fire of Devour seems to enhance a little aura.

But now, really isn’t looking at this.

Astonishing flame devour after ‘Dragon Binding Rope’. Continue devour ‘Diamond Star Dagger’, almost in no particular order.

Blinking, it is clean!

“heavens!” Zhu Podi complexion transient, staying in place.

Unexpectedly, the seamless strategy of Tianyi not only failed to make Lin Feng die, but was also understated by him.

“What is that flame?!” Zhu Podi scared soul flies away and scatters.

At this moment, he deeply understood his weakness. Lin Feng, who is inconspicuous in front of her eyes, has absolutely the strength that she can’t reach, and her body is trembled. Looking at Lin Feng and grabbing the assassin, Zhu Podi didn’t dare to delay for half a second, and even fled like crazy.

“Who are you?” Lin Feng coldly said.

The aura of the awe shrouded the purple figure in front of him, and Lin Feng’s eyes were full of murder.

Dare to pretend to be Zi Yao to assassinate yourself –

There is no sin!


The assassin’s mouth was bleeding out of black water. Before Lin Feng’s cross-examination, he was already poisoned.

If you are unsuccessful, you will become a person

Any assassin clearly understands what the consequences of failure will be.

Instead of being tortured to death, it would be better to break it off.

“It’s magical.” Lin Feng watched the purple figure. Gradually turned into a strange face, the body flashed with brilliance. Slowly change the figure. Lin Feng eyes couldn’t help but reveal a touch of surprise, and at this moment, his eyes stared in, and a white brilliance flashed before the chest of the figure.

“Is this what?” Lin Feng reached out and took it out.

It is a milky white ball that exudes shining bright brilliance.

Obviously, this assassin used this ‘disguise’ to dress up as Zi Yao’s ‘face.’

“Aura can even imitate.” Lin Feng deeply exhaled, but I almost didn’t scare myself to death.

Seeing the most beloved person lying in a pool of blood. Life and death are not…

That kind of piercing feeling is too uncomfortable!

“Hey!” The flames picked up.

Lin Feng waved his hand, and the between burned the assassin into ashes, and the eyelids passed through a cold.

Do not hate!

“Fortunately, my body has raised two ranks.” Lin Feng glanced, watched the pierced wound, which had already healed. There wasn’t even a scar at all. “The treasure of Divine Beast Phoenix is ​​really magical. Not only does the Heart of Source change, but even the body… is strengthened to such a degree.”

Compared to the dagger. The black venom of severe is more lethal.

At this point, you can still see your own belly, and there is a flash of black light.

The severe’s toxin is crazy ‘harming’ the body cells, but the speed at which the body recovers is more terrifying. The cell’s ability to regenerate is extremely strong, and the skin’s resilience is far beyond the degree of human beings. The speed of venom erosion is simply not as fast as the body’s ‘regeneration’!

“tch 啧.” Lin Feng is very satisfied.

This sharp contrast, just let yourself know clearly, how strong the body is now!

Simply metamorphosis!

The heart is free to move –

“Hey!” within the body pick up a touch of Fire of Devour.

In an instant, the black venom devour is clean.

“I don’t think anyone will be playing my idea at this festival.” Lin Feng frowned and his eyes were cold light.

Knowing that he is important to Heavenly Martial Continent, he is still doing the assassination.

“Scum.” Lin Feng snorted.

Just for one’s own desires, I would rather let hundreds of millions of humans fall into trouble!

“Who is it, and I have such a deep hatred?” Lin Feng both eyes bright light, in the mind, a figure emerged, the memories of the past emerged, the face of fierce let himself until now, still remains fresh In one’s memory !

“Is it you, Chi Lie?” Lin Feng looked cold.

“I didn’t look for you to settle the bill, but you are not lonely?”

Laughingly smile, suddenly seems to think of something, Lin Feng both eyes suddenly big.


“There is another person who just used the ‘rope’!” Lin Feng said with a shock.

The assassin who was killed by himself was completely focused on assassination in his actions, and how could he be distracted.

Inevitably, there are competing parties waiting for opportunities.

“Good, it doesn’t cost a skill!” Lin Feng’s mouth is coldly drawn.

Urgent Fire Shuttle appeared, Lin Feng jumped up.

(Second ~~ Third, I have to wait until the morning, Brothers)

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