Chapter 11 Dragon Frame

Powerful aura energy!

“Strange, this should be demon beast, no, it is the aura of Black Fog Demon Dragon, but…” Lin Feng tightened his eyebrows.

Sense is very clear, the aura energy is very powerful.

But just, there is no feeling of life!

“What happened?” Lin Feng looked a little bit.

Go and see!

Thought in one’s heart , Lin Feng Even if it is galloping out, the surrounding fog is becoming more and more intense. The sides of the passage are similar to the ‘dragon egg caves’. Lin Feng’s heart flashes a look of hope, faint It seems that I feel that there will be something good.

“sōu!” broke through the air.

Two consecutive bends, in a blink of time ——

It’s suddenly clear.

“Lin Feng sucked in a breath of cold air , eyess shining bright.”

Seeing from the gaze, is a huge piece of ‘bone bone’, the eleventh chapter overwhelming? Dragon Frame!

“I don’t have a blind eye?” Lin Feng said while not believing. In this vast expanse of caves, I saw one after another ‘Dragon Frame’, the largest of which was nearly 10,000 meters long, mostly a few kilometers. The smallest ‘Dragon Frame’ is around a kilometer.

There is no flesh, no blood, and some are pure bones and the thick black fog.

“It turns out… this is the energy aura that I have sensed.” Lin Feng looked stunned.

Suddenly realized!

The energy is strong, but the feeling of lifelessness is because this is just the dead Black Fog Demon Dragon.


“It’s weird to still be able to keep aura after death.” Lin Feng purse one’s lip, this phenomenon is very rare.

“So many ‘Dragon Frame’, don’t waste it.” Lin Feng has a glimpse of it, with thousands of them. It’s just that you don’t take it, you still have such a powerful aura after you die. It can be seen that the former Black Fog Demon Dragon must be out of the ordinary.

As for how to use it, it is not too late to go back to Heavenly Martial Continent.


The Gui Purple Ring flickers, but it is impossible to put the ‘Dragon Frame’ into it, as if there is an invisible block, standing between the two. Lin Feng bowed, his mind stopped and rise doubts, his brows gently clustered, and immediately came to another ‘Dragon Frame’, and then tried.

However, it is still the failure of Chapter 11? Dragon Frame.

“What happened?” Lin Feng dumbfounded.

Is the Gui Purple Ring full?

“No, really isn’t insufficient energy.” Lin Feng knew clearly.

I tried it myself when I installed Heavenly Treasure Crystal Stone. If it was not enough energy, it was a feeling of ‘can’t fit.’

But now, it is the feeling of ‘rejection’.

“Strange things.” Lin Feng lightly said, paused for a while, but there is no way.

Immediately give up, Lin Feng is going forward. The ‘Dragon Frame’ in the cave is majestic. The energy aura is still quite strong after death, but it is still the Black Fog Demon Dragon that fights with him that day. animal.

“Hey, in terms of size, these dead Black Fog Demon Dragon didn’t succeed in ‘change form’.” Lin Feng lightly mumble.

Black Fog Demon Dragon’s change form, the first realm is to condense body length to a kilometer.

And the ‘Dragon Frame’ here, the smallest is also in kilometers.


What it means.

“The energy aura of these ‘Dragon Frame’ is different, but it is similar.” Lin Feng stunned, “It’s a bit stronger than 6th rank Black Fog Demon Dragon, and I’m a little worse than Change Form First Realm, as I expected. Nothing, these Black Fog Demon Dragon should have died of a ‘change form’ failure.”

Lin Feng thought about it, read the [Change Form Secret Record], and did not speak proficient about the ‘change form’ of demon beast.

But at the very least, I know a lot.

Demon beast’s ‘change form’ is very dangerous, especially Black Fog Demon Dragon, clearly written in [Demon Beast Record], the change form is extremely difficult!

“But the ‘change form’ should be natural. In [Change Form Secret Record], the change form is a kind of ‘enlightenment’. It is natural to realize that the change form is unlikely to be defeated.” Lin Feng I don’t understand, these ‘Dragon Frame’ feels like…

Forced ‘change form’!

“It may also be a secret technique.” Lin Feng secretly thought.

Lightly thought in one’s heart, Lin Feng went on, and the eyes were shining.

Through the first ‘Dragon Frame’ gathering place, the second ‘Dragon Frame’ gathers, the Dragon Frame has a smaller body proportion, but the energy aura is even stronger!

Hundreds of ‘Dragon Frame’, the largest near the kilometer, the smallest hundred meters.

“I really didn’t guess wrong.” Lin Feng lightly smiled.

“Here, it should be Change Form First Realm to the second realm, the advanced failure of Black Fog Demon Dragon.”

In my heart, Lin Feng immediately went forward.

As expected, there are only 12 ‘Dragon Frame’ left in the third cave. The largest is nearly a hundred meters, the smallest is only ten meters, it is difficult to be called ‘dragon’. Except for the skeleton, there are still scales on the body, but it has already lost its luster and looks more like a decorative ornament.

“Energy aura, out of the Black Fog Demon Dragon of ‘Change Form First Realm’.” Lin Feng both eyes bright clear.

“Here, it seems to be the Black Fog Demon Dragon that failed ‘change form’ in the past -“


Lin Feng’s muttered, but shook his head.

Anyway, it seems to have nothing to do with yourself.

I don’t know how to use it. It is a headache to bring it out.

And at this time –

In the mind sense, in the deepest part of the cave, the three-pole terrifying aura exists. Although there is no life aura, but the feeling of energy gathering is self-sufficient, creepy, terrifying!

Lin Feng vision are bright, the body is teleported.

In a blink of time, the eyes are bright.

That’s three ‘Dragonian’! From the big to the smallest, the first Dragonian is covered with lustrous scales, and the thick tail is full of strength, similar to the ‘illusory armor’ on his body; the second dragonian’s head and body The scales have disappeared, about five meters high, and only a short tail has not completely disappeared.

And the third Dragonian…

It is a deaf.

Two meter high The big cockroach, the deep black hair in the bones, the empty eyes make people feel lost. This deaf has no characteristic character of ‘dragon’, and it is a person who is completely real from the bone structure.

The three ‘Dragonian’ condensed by black fog has a strong energy aura.

There is no doubt that the former must have the strength of abnormal terrifying.

“Hu” Lin Feng put put out a breath.

Shining bright luster in the eyelids, reaching out, Lin Feng caressing the cockroach that is closest to his body shape, Blackstruck’s bones are permeated with a point of strength, really isn’t life, but a kind of ‘aura’, Like a brand of the soul.

Lin Feng blinks, and my heart is sure.

“I understand… these ‘Dragon Frame’, really isn’t pure ‘dead’.” Lin Feng suddenly realized.

In the Dragon Frame, there is a trace of ‘Lifemark’ in front of the Black Fog Demon Dragon, and objects with ‘Life’ cannot be loaded into the Gui Purple Ring.

“It’s a pity.” Lin Feng lightly said.

Other ‘Dragon Frame’ and don’t mention it, just the three ‘Dragon Frame’ in front of you, the value is already very impressive. ‘change form ‘demon beast’s corpse, and is Change Form Third Realm above, even one of them is infinitely close to the full ‘change form’…

“Hu” Lin Feng took a deep breath, lightly tsk’d and said.

However, it is impossible to take it away from the Gui Purple Ring.

Just so violent?

“Go to Alkaid Hall and try your luck and see if there is any way.” Lin Feng secretly pondered in one’s heart.

In the hands of the Dragon Star Mark flashing, the between Lin Feng disappears.


Spirit Treasure Hall is full of ‘spirit treasure’, the sight of Lin Feng.

But I don’t dare to buy it at random. Nowadays, in the Dragon Star Mark, only 7oo million starlight points are left. The last time I absorbing and refining ‘inner core’, I purchased a full three-digit Pure Heart Fruit to ‘neutralize’ side effects. If I don’t have a 1 million starlight points, I am afraid I have already gone bankrupt.

And this is less than 7oo’s starlight points, and 5oo is never allowed to move.

This 5oo million starlight points yourself to buy ‘time and space transmission gate’, back to ‘Heavenly Martial Continent’.

“Storage type Spirit Treasure ……” Lin Feng thought lightly.

From 1-star Spirit Treasure to 3-star Spirit Treasure, 3-star Spirit Treasure is back to 1-star Spirit Treasure.

But the Storage type Spirit Treasure has been watched several times. Although the details are different and the functions are different, all the spirit treasures have the same ‘characteristic’.

Unable to put a ‘life’ object.

Even a little bit of life aura.

“It seems that I can only give up.” Lin Feng regretted.

There is still no way to do everything in their power, only to show that they are ‘out of bounds’ with them.

Lin Feng smiled, but didn’t care. Both eyes looked at the other spirit treasure casually, waiting to leave, suddenly looking at the eyes, and the eyes fell on a pale white round ball. It was a small ball of the size of a palm, with a faint lustre, and it looked quite ‘cute’.

“Spirit Beast Ball.” Lin Feng whispered, his eyes falling and looking towards summary.

Spirit Beast Ball, 1-star Spirit Treasure, for the Puppet Master refining seal spirit beast…

Price: 10000 starlight points.

Puppet Master?

Lin Feng eyebrows slightly lower , in the mind suddenly emerged memories. Father once mentioned to himself that Battle Spirit World’s Martial Artist is divided into Heavenly Martial Cultivator and Heavenly God Cultivator. Heavenly God Cultivator is divided into Heavenly Spirit Master and Heavenly Soul Master.

And Puppet Master is one of the branches of Heavenly Soul Master!

“He said, Heavenly Soul Master lineage has many branches, but it is only because the focus of combat cultivating is different.” Lin Feng nodded. “The essence is the manipulation and utilization of ‘Life Soul’. Nothing will change.”

“Since I can control ‘Aurora Cone’, it means it is already ‘Heavenly Soul Master ‘lineage.”

“Puppet Master, I can do it naturally.”

Lin Feng’s eyes are at the bottom of the summary, clearly writing the limitations of the Spirit Beast Ball, which can seal –

Any unchanged form demon beast!

“However, what is the existence of Puppet Master?”

“What special cultivating is needed, or…”

“What conditions?”

Lin Feng lightly muttered, immediately gazing, if nodded, “En, go to ‘Secret Book Hall’ to see, there should be ‘Puppet Master’ Heart Technique Cultivation secret book.”

Lightly thought in one’s heart, instantaneously, Lin Feng is like a wind.

The second is more!) ! !

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