. Fire God Forbidden Land Chapter 10 Demon Dragon Lair

A piece of blood flows into the river, and the corpse is everywhere.

At this time, outside the cave of the black fog aura bind, the eyes of the thirty Black Fog Demon Dragon’s dragons disappeared.

“There are thirty more spoils of war.” Lin Feng laugh indifferently.

The ‘black fog’ outside the body is lightly recycled, and Lin Feng’s gaze is “The fifth form of ‘Meteor Shower’ can be used in single attack and group battles, but with my current Life Soul strength, even 16 pairs of silver glow concentrated attacks. At most, you can only kill 5th rank Black Fog Demon Dragon.”

Lin Feng gently nodded, just fighting –

The three-headed 5th rank Black Fog Demon Dragon was seriously injured, and the 6th rank Black Fog Demon Dragon was unscathed.

Meteor Shower’s attack, the dispersion will be weakened, and the concentration will be enhanced.

However, the sole view attack power is much more powerful against the Black Fog Demon Dragon and Human Soul status. The perfect combination of Golden Dragon Astral Qi and innate talent ‘black fog ‘, plus the advanced of ‘Slaying Dragon Spear’, one-on-one, you can easily slaughter an 6th rank Black Fog Demon Dragon!

“Unfortunately, the Black Fog Demon Dragon in the ‘Chang Form’ first realm world is still fiasco.” Lin Feng lightly sighed.

The biggest weakness of oneself, or the body, if it has the same physical fitness, how can it be defeated?

The key is speed, and…

“The movement technique realm must be upgraded. If it is to fight with rank, it is difficult for me to play an advantage.” Lin Feng both eyes.

“My ‘Man and Spear United as One ‘realm seems to improve a lot. I don’t know [ Vault of Heaven Spear Art ] last layer, can you cultivating?” Lin Feng secretly pondered in one’s heart, that day with ‘change form’ Black Fog Demon Dragon war remain fresh in one’s memory. If your own attack power is a little stronger on the day, maybe the result will change.

Failure is sometimes more valuable than victory.

Can find their own deficiencies and improve them.

Strength, you can improve!

“I don’t know what’s in this so strict ‘cave’?” Lin Feng’s mouth smudged.

With a curiosity, with the slightest hesitation stepping in.




At this time, Black Fog Demon Dragon, two kilometers long, was bloody and red-eyed. Lian Meng and Lian Long abandoned the big forces and rushed to Demon Dragon Lair as quickly as possible. It was not possible to deplete the physical strength for the demon beast, especially the ranks of Lian Meng and Lian Long.

But at this time, Lian Meng and Lian Long are gasping heavily, really exhausting the full Mercedes!

Other Black Fog Demon Dragon don’t know, but they know very well how strong the damn human being!

Lian Long suffered from minor injuries because of his enemies.

At the moment in Demon Dragon Lair, except for Patriarch ‘Lian Ya’, no Black Fog Demon Dragon can stop the ‘robber’!

In the nest, it is the root of the Black Fog Demon Dragon Tribe!

Stepping into the cave, Lin Feng eyes shining.

The quite large caves are tens of thousands of meters long and wide, and the largest Black Fog Demon Dragon is with no difficulty.

The Aura of Black Fog Demon Dragon is everywhere in the air. Obviously, Black Fog Demon Dragon is often found here. In the ear, I could hear some inexplicable sounds. It seems to be coming from the deepest part of the cave. Lin Feng’s eyes flashed and I became very cautious.

Danger often breaks out inadvertently.

“my god, a strong black fog!” Lin Feng was shocked.

At this time, my mind sense can only expand beyond the range of kilometers, completely obscured by this terrifying black fog.

More than ten times the black fog of the small mountain valley that produced the ‘Black Fog Crystal Stone Heart’!

“Where is it here?” Lin Feng is more curious, with so many Black Fog Demon Dragon guards, which is obviously not ordinary. Coupled with strong black fog spreading and soaring, there must be something strange, lightly thought in one’s heart, in an instant –

Lin Feng eyes change.

The light shines, bringing a touch of light.

Life Soul, change to Human Soul!

“哗~~” The rotation of the Soul Core brings a black fog to spread.

At the time, Lin Feng felt a joy of heart, as if returning to the embrace of mother, warm and incomparable.

The black fog outside the body is tightly bound to the black fog in the cave. Lin Feng’s look is full of surprises, black fog energy absorption crazy rush forth himself [Body], strengthens the Human Soul Core, keeps turning, the speed of growth is no slower than the absorption of the inner core.

Quite strange!

“mind.” Lin Feng eyes flashes.

Sense Instantly zooms in and blinks over ten meters.

The black fog of the Human Soul Core is unrestricted here, and even increases.

“There is…” Lin Feng’s gaze, in the mind sense, is not far from the front, and the intensive energy source is in the heart. At this time, Lin Feng figure suddenly started, changed, like a hurricane, scraped into the cave.

Pass through layers of obstacles and penetrate through a small mountain hole.

Very fast ——

Lin Feng came to the heart of the sense, watched everything in front of him, and took a breath.

“Here is?!” Lin Feng eyes 璀璨, looking at it, it was a milky white giant. Lying quietly, large and small are different, some are even slightly vibrating, and there is a transparent light, with plenty of life energy hundreds of dragon eggs! !

Lin Feng stopped, slammed laughed heartily up.

Unexpectedly, under the accidentally, I came to Black Dog Demon Dragon Clan’s ‘dragon egg’ storage place.

“No wonder the guards are so strict.” Lin Feng smiled lightly, and then completely realized.

On that day, only one dragon egg has benefited a lot, and right now, these hundreds of dragon eggs…

How much more tonic?

Think of the heart, Lin Feng took a deep breath, his eyes flashing shinning ze, the current Gui Purple Ring flashing, began to ‘sweep’, a dragon egg heavy, full of strong life aura, Lin Feng couldn’t help but reveal the expression of Xing Yi Fen.

This harvest is too rich!

The army of Black Fog Demon Dragon Valley is rushing back into the nest.

Suddenly ——


“ao wu !!”

From the sounds of dragon roaring, the vault of heaven, with extreme sadness and indignation.

Countless heads Black Fog Demon Dragon screams in the sky, the bloody red eyes, the feeling of bloodline connected, let them know what happened. In a blink of time, the whole piece of Black Fog Demon Dragon’s anger in the hysteria, the violent dragon roar keeps ringing, as if the sky will be shaken down.

Lin Feng, ‘doing’ is too embarrassing!

Blinking is a search.

Hundreds of dragon eggs fell into the ‘Gui Purple Ring’, and Lin Feng smiled.

Your own ‘wealth’ adds another layer.

Need kindness to demon beast?

Lin Feng’s mouth is coldly, it’s not a fellow traveler. The difference in race makes a huge contradiction between them. Black Fog Demon Dragon is very hostile to his arrival, even if he doesn’t make a move, is it possible Black Fog Demon Dragon Will you let him go?

Undoubtedly it is an idiotic dream.

Heavenly Martial Continent A decade-old beast herd, which shows the relationship between demon beast and humans.

It is impossible to stop.

To put it bluntly, it is actually a sentence –

Expert is respect.

“The black fog is so strong, this cave must be weird!” Lin Feng looked stunned.

“Go and see!” Curiosity drove Lin Feng, and the condense felt inexplicable. In the direction of the black fog source, the mind’s sense was completely shielded, as if a huge wall blocked the transmission of aura.

Lin Feng, standing far away.

It was a huge light curtain, black light curtain.

It is exquisitely translucent, black and bright, and the strong black mist is emitted from the black light curtain.



“It’s very dangerous.”

Lin Feng’s lightly tremble is moving, and the eye is flashing with the severe light.

Oneself, inexplicably felt a repression, and the fear in his heart made him stop.

Biting his teeth, Lin Feng looks different.


Still not going.

Lin Feng, caught in awkwardness and hesitation.

People always face different choices at different stages.

“Believe here.” Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief, and according to his own chest, couldn’t help but think of what Fang Ning said to himself.

From the heart, you can make the most correct decision.

Do not enter.

“No need.” Lin Feng forcibly suppressed curiosity, shaking one’s head and said “danger and opportunity coexist, now I have everything, just wait for meditating and cultivating to improve the strength rank, why should I take such a big risk? If you go back after six days of influence, then you will lose more than you can get.”

A firm temperament must be able to suppress oneself.

Calmly analyze and make the most correct decisions.

“Go.” Lin Feng blinked.

Galloping, and time, Lin Feng is moving out, with a smile in his mouth.

This time, I have earned enough.

Demon Dragon Lair’s most 〗 〖Central Cave.

It is a huge ‘fudi’ of 10,000 meters long and wide.

Astonishing black fog Pervades the entire cave, the dense fog density of pitch-black is far ten times better than that of the cave, which is more than a hundred times better than the outside world.

In the dense fog, a ‘Dragonian’ with a height of only ten meters is cultivating. The whole body’s scales are bright and radiant, exuding the incomparable light, and the huge dragon tail hovering outside the body. The horn on the head symbolizes his identity and is so noble.

Black Fog Demon Dragon Clan Patriarch – Lian Ya!

The detachment of Change Form Third Realm.

Closed eyes paintaking cultivation, he is completely immersed in cultivating, shielding all interference.

Right now, it is a very important moment.

In the all around of this cave, there are three passages, and the dense black fog seeps through the three passages to form a huge black light curtain.

One side is the place where the ‘dragon egg’ is stored.

Lin Feng, still searching in the cave.

Although the other side of the black screen in the mind sense seems to feel the danger, it does not mean that the entire cave is a danger.

If it is a danger that can be solved by its own ability, what is fear?

“The black fog here is so strong, it doesn’t make sense to find ‘Black Fog Crystal Stone’.” Lin Feng muttered inwardly in one’s heart, in the Black Fog Demon Dragon Valley for so long, he is also a long-term illness, can guess that no less. The spread of mind, guarding the danger, looking for the ‘treasure’, Lin Feng is constantly surrounded by this cave.

Go through one cave after another and walk through one channel after another.

Desolation –

“Hey?” Lin Feng complexion startled a change.

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