Chapter 5 traps!

“my god !”

Lin Feng is completely dumbfounded.

The look is a bit frustrating, and in the mind sense, there are hundreds of Black Fog Demon Dragons coming together.

And this is just the edge of the sense.

tip of the iceberg!

In the broader surrounding, I don’t know how many Black Fog Demon Dragons will be…

“4th rank, 5th rank, 6th rank!” Lin Feng took a deep breath.

In the ear, there was a slight turbulence, and the earth seemed to be shaking, even if it was so far apart, it would be clear to the sense.

“It’s a dark black ball of light attack.” Lin Feng burning like gaze, with his own experience with Black Fog Demon Dragon, in a blink of time is guessed, in the mind very fast emerged a picture… … as if immersive, the sound of a bang is one after another.

Angry roar, long whistling.

It seems as if it is venting, as if to achieve a certain purpose.

The Black Fog Demon Dragon army constantly launched an attack, and the distance with itself slowly approached, and the shock was more and more clear.

Lin Feng walks back and forth, always maintaining a ‘safe’ distance.

“What are these Black Fog Demon Dragon doing?” Lin Feng frowned slightly.

Very abnormal!

How can demon beast destroy his place of residence?

Lin Feng is thoughtfully mumble, transient complex greatly change “heavens, will not be looking for me?”

Inexplicable thoughts picked up, between, Lin Feng nodded, eyes flashed.

The more you think, the more likely you are!

Look at the ‘frame’ of the These Black Fog Demon Dragon, completely as if you were killing the enemy. It is true that they have slaughtered so many Black Fog Demon Dragons, and if they don’t even react at all, it’s too abnormal.

“What awkward!” Lin Feng lightly sigh.

In order to find out, I used such a ‘stupid way’ to destroy my place of residence.

But it is undeniable that the stupid method does have a certain role here, and it is very close to the Stalactite Cave!

According to the speed, the Black Fog Demon Dragon army will find the huge waterfall in less than half an hour.

At that time, the current “violent behavior” will inevitably destroy the Statalite Cave, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, not even a blade of grass grows!

“Go!” Lin Feng made a decision in an instant.

Staying there will only be a lifelong change, and…

There is no need to fight with these red-eyed Black Fog Demon Dragon.

“xiu!” Urgent Fire Shuttle quickly turned around and turned sharply, turning into a red light disappearing.

After half a musk time.

“not good.”

“This is troublesome.”

Lin Feng’s brows were slightly clustered, controlling the Urgent Fire Shuttle to turn around the entire circle, only to find that

I am surrounded by myself!

The densely-packed Black Fog Demon Dragon army formed a huge fishing net, and it was the one that wrapped the entire Stalactite Cave tightly and dripping. Black Fog Demon Dragon is in every space, and you can estimate it by thousands.

“The handwriting is really big.” Lin Feng deeply exhaled.

“It seems that these Black Fog Demon Dragon is already hateful to me.” Lin Feng gave a smile.

It is a smile.

I am a small step late.

“If I can detect it early, I will definitely find a gap to escape.” Lin Feng shook his head gently, but it was a pity. These Black Fog Demon Dragons are surrounded by a large circle, which is shrinking. The smaller the range, the more dense the defense is, and it may be able to break through one of the defenses.


Just like a chain, it will definitely attract the attention of the Black Fog Demon Dragon army.

At that time, it is troublesome.

When thousands of Black Fog Demon Dragons surrounded themselves and thought about the shocking scene, Lin Feng felt a sigh of relief.

Too much astonishing!

Even if you can kill XFFXth rank and even 5th rank of Black Fog Demon Dragon one by one, but can you deal with thousands of Black Fog Demon Dragon?

Don’t say thousands, that is, hundreds of Black Fog Demon Dragon, enough to kill yourself several times!

“My physical strength is too weak after all.” Lin Feng is very clear.

Even with the illusory armor bodyguard, with the defense of 5th rank Black Fog Demon Dragon, but not condensing into the Heart of Source, the body is like a fragile porcelain bottle, broken when touched. Pure body strength is only equivalent to 1st rank Sovereign level Demon Beast.

Blocking the attack may not stop the impact of strength.

“What to do?” Lin Feng brows slightly.

Besieged on all sides!

Astonishing aura approached, pressure continued to go up, Lin Feng was close to the lips, eyes look changing, in the mind thinking about various ways.

Escape is inevitable.

The key is how to escape, how to avoid.

The safest and most trouble-free.

“Go to the other side and see if there is a chance.” Lin Feng nodded secretly.

You must look carefully and never miss a possibility.

“sōu!” The Urgent Fire Shuttle crossed the sky again.

“The defense is really strict.”

“Land, sky, no half gaps.”

Lin Feng is galloping, and the mind is sense, but disappointed.

Compared with the other side of the defense is not weak, like a chain of nebula, the entire space is locked tightly.

Once you are strong, you will die very well.

“These Black Fog Demon Dragon is not easy.” Lin Feng sighed.

I feel amazed at the heart, as if Yugong moved the mountain, and it is a kind of wisdom to apply the ‘stupid method’ to this extent.

“It seems that there is only another way to find it.” Lin Feng secretly thought.

The current situation looks very dangerous, but after all, the enemy is dark, and I still occupy a large part of the advantage.

Compared to the previous two pursuits, it is undoubtedly a small witch.

“There must be a way.” Lin Feng nodded.

The Urgent Fire Shuttle galloped, Lin Feng was leaving, and the cluster eyes were bright.

Mind sense –

Suddenly found a gap!

“That is…” Lin Feng was amazed.

Even the gallops, bringing a whirlwind of whistling, Lin Feng came to the sense not far away. There is a ‘bright’ in front of it, although there is a thick black mist, but no Black Fog Demon Dragon is all around, forming an empty space.

“There is a gap!” Lin Feng was very happy.

“Black Fog Demon Dragon is under the inescapable net, but it is still a hundred secrets.”

“The gap is not big, but at my speed, it can penetrate without being discovered!”

Lin Feng smiled a little.

Controlling the Urgent Fire Shuttle, he immediately rushed forward.

This ‘pull chestnuts out of the fire’ feels quite good.

Just pass this gap and you can escape the encirclement of the Black Fog Demon Dragon army.

Lin Feng is happy, suddenly –

The heart was suddenly shocked, as if there was a strange feeling spread throughout the body, the spear sheath ‘Slaying Dragon Spear’ whispered and shook slightly.

Weapons have a spirit!

“What happened?” Lin Feng’s expression changed.

The body stopped and stopped, and the eyes were flashing with the luster of startled, and the bones of Lin Feng’s brain were shocked.


It’s totally wrong.

“From the ‘battle array’ of this strong-walled wilderness, the ‘Commander’ of the Black Fog Demon Dragon army is quite capable.”

“Not only analyze my area, but also lay inescapable net, layer-by-layer advancement. So take care cautious, how can it leave me a gap?” Lin Feng secretly thought, between the hair erect, the back spine cold, the brain is cold.

I myself fell into the trap unconsciously!


“A deep mind!” Lin Feng complexion has changed, and it is full of cold.

The Black Fog Demon Dragon army deliberately created this situation, forcing himself to flee and flee. When he found this gap, he would be delighted by the great gap.

But completely imaginable, behind this gap, a bayonet is already shiny!

Take your own life!

“Go!” Lin Feng turned around and left without hesitation.

The Urgent Fire Shuttle broke out at an incredible speed, in a blink of time red glow.

And at this time –

“aoooo!! !” astonishing dragon roar sounded, screaming in the sky, falling in Lin Feng’s ear, and the heart was even more chilly.

Sure enough, I didn’t expect it!

This is definitely a well-arranged trap.

Within the sky, the dragon roar of the shocking cry sounded, and even the earth was shaking.

Behind Lin Feng, a Black Fog Demon Dragon, which is only a kilometer long, shines, and the cold eyes are shimmering and screaming.

Lian Long, Change Form First Realm!

Demon beast, only to enter Change Form Realm, has the ability to ‘hide aura’.

At that time, the black fog of the beyond spilled out.


Lian Long’s huge figure was wrapped in black fog in the blink of an eye, and the pitch-black scales looked even more enchanting! The whistling turned into a black spot, and the direct attack to Lin Feng, the speed is only a short time, it is the distance with Lin Feng.

“Fast!” Lin Feng local shaking in one’s heart.

More terrifying than the second time to chase your own Sovereign Level 6th rank Black Fog Demon Dragon!

It is the same aura, it is completely different.

Very heartbroken!

The aura behind it is extremely strong, and fierce rises.

With a heavy gasping, the black fog of the beggar spread around.

“not good !” Lin Feng complexion greatly change.

The heartbeat sharply accelerated, and the horrifying dragon roar sounded in the ear, affected by the ‘black fog’, and his speed was once again weakened. And because Life Soul controls the Urgent Fire Shuttle, Human Soul can’t use it at the same time, so the innate talent ‘black fog’ might not show up.

The distance was narrowed in the blink of an eye.

“Deceleration Space !” Lin Feng both eyes shining.

Life Soul Core sudden turn, astonishing Heaven and Earth Energy gathered together, accompanied by the violent strength qi, broke out in an instant!

“Aoooor~~” angry roar sounded.

Lian Long’s eyes are even colder, and ‘black fog’ is trying to withstand the madness of Heaven and Earth Energy, and the pressure on the body doubles! Although the speed is declining, Lian Long’s strength rank is far better than Lin Feng. With the addition of ‘black fog’, the distance is still approaching.

Lin Feng tried his best to escape, and he was able to see the distant Stalactite Cave.

Close at hand!

But at this time –

The giant roar behind the anger sounded, and the distance between the two reached a freezing point.

At your fingertips!

It’s too late.

“Puzzle!” Lin Feng’s eyes burst into a strong cold glow.

“I’m going to have a look, how powerful you are!” The Urgent Fire Shuttle slid quickly and a red glow appeared.

Hey! !

Lin Feng’s hand holding ‘Slaying Dragon Spear’ is like Heavenly General.

Battle intent puff like !


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