Fire God Forbidden Land Chapter 4 Black Fog Demon Dragon’s Counterattack

Black Fog Demon Dragon Valley, really broke out!

Lian Meng and refining are obviously not simple. If you don’t shoot, you will be thundering!

Determine the area, carefully check the missing areas of the missing Black Fog Demon Dragon, step by step analysis… can stand out among thousands of Black Fog Demon Dragon, successful change form, Lian Meng and refining / even though the talents of Lian Ya But also a leader in the Black Fog Demon Dragon Tribe, with considerable ability.

Especially wisdom.

Very fast is to determine a rough range.

Among them, Stalactite Cave is in the range!

Thousands of Black Fog Demon Dragons act together, with a hundred heads as a team, by 6th rank Black Fog Demon Dragon Commander.

Digging three feet in this range, made a mad look for the trace of the human. Over and over again, the Black Fog Demon Dragon group finally broke out!

The participation in the cofferdam is almost 80% Black Fog Demon Dragon, far ahead of the first two times.

The black pressed piece fills the sky, and the XuraXth rank, 5th rank, and even 6th rank Black Fog Demon Dragon’s aura are filled with madness.



“hong long long ~~”

The huge hills were constantly destroyed, and a dark black ball of light bombarded the hills into fine powder.

This is the real anger of the Black Fog Demon Dragon Tribe!

Carpet type search to defend Dragon Valley dignity!

At this time, Lin Feng is still in the painstaking cultivation.

Although the energy of each inner core will be divided, half of Life Soul Core and half of Human Soul Core.

However, the speed of cultivating has not changed.

It’s as if one person was eating a cake, but now it’s changed to two people eating a cake. “The amount of the cake is equal. As long as the number of cakes is enough, the cake that can be eaten will not be reduced. Fifty-five “Sovereign Level 3rd rank inner core” is really enough.

If you refining one by 8 hours, it will take 220 hours to refining.

But now, only 110 hours are needed.

Less than ten days.

This time, as the ranks of Human Soul Core and Life Soul Core grow, they will continue to shrink.

Especially the Human Soul Core, the foundation is low, and the natural speed is fast. In less than two days, the Human Soul Core has been upgraded to “3rd rank” and absorbed even faster than the 4th rank Life Soul Core!

“The intensity of the Golden Dragon Astral Qi is determined by the “Human Soul Core.” ”

“The stronger the Human Soul Core, the bigger the bigger the Golden Dragon Astral Qi can play!”

Several times the upgrade!

Equivalent to attack power, multiplied.

“Unfortunately, there is no time to comprehend the first layer to a higher level.” Lin Feng feels sorry in his heart.

[ Golden Dragon Astral Qi Art ] Each layer is divided into several layers, but it takes five days for comprehend to be 3rd layer. And for the comprehend fourth layer, five days is obviously not enough.

In the race against time, there is no time left.

“But with Golden Dragon Astral Qi’s restraint on Dragon Race, and innate talent “black fog, perfect combination, my attack power is enough! ”

“The day of the “Human Soul Core”, only 1st rank can kill 5th rank Black Fog Demon Dragon, and now…”

Lin Feng laugh indifferently, very confident.

3rd rank is just the beginning, really isn’t ending.

Heavenly Martial Continent.

Eastern region, Heavenly Martial Army range.

“haha, Hahaha!!” The loud and proud laughter was ringing around.

The laughter is full of indulgence, with a feeling of reincarnation, mixed with strong aura fluctuations. It was with Thunderbolt and Azure Flood Dragon that Commander eyes suddenly shine on the Heavenly Martial Army. In a blink of time bright light, the serious face showed a smile.

Thunderbolt and Azure Flood Dragon are also looking up and their looks are slightly different.

A very powerful “control, emergence, strong Heaven and Earth Energy surge!

And “Commander, the aura is very similar.

“Hey!” Outside the door, a handsome and straight figure slowly entered, with a proud point in his footsteps and a smile on his lips.

Young Commander, Zhu Podi!

“Good, breaking the enemy.” Commander nodded with satisfaction.

The progress of his son made him very satisfied.

Breakthrough, earlier than expected!

Thunderbolt and Azure Flood Dragon King Watched Young Commander “Zhu Podi” flashed a bit of envy, as Commander’s two great assistants, how can they not understand the tricky. Obviously, Commander will be the “Heavenly Treasure Crystal Stone” that will be treasured, all to his son.

This makes Zhu Podi able to break through “Titled Martial God!” in a short time!

“has seen Young Commander.” Thunderbolt and Azure Flood Dragon shook hands to show their attitude.

Although they used to sit on the same level as Young Commander, they are very different.

Breakthrough Titled Martial God, that is a human strongest!

“En.” Zhu Podi responded casually and arrogantly.

“Hey, can you have Lin Feng news?” Zhu Podi’s eyes sparkled with a strong hostility.

Lin Feng?

Thunderbolt and Azure Flood Dragon thought in one’s heart, complexion, but also know the grievance between Zhu Podi and Lin Feng.

But now, at this time, is it a time to be fascinated by personal grievances?

Commander’s eyes couldn’t help but flash an inexplicable lament.

It is a character that is destined to be extremely difficult to change.

“Lin Feng should still be trapped in “Heavenly Treasure World” although it is not dead, but it is also estimated to be inauspicious.” Commander faintly waved and waved “Go out, let’s stabilize the strength, adapt to the new feeling, I will come later. Looking for you.”

“Okay.” Zhu Podi was lazy and didn’t even look at Thunderbolt and Azure Flood Dragon, even if he turned his head.

That handsome face is full of hate, scornful coldly snorted “Hey, dog luck! You have to dare to come back, see how I humiliate your mind this time is still remembering that day “Battle Arena, battle, plus On the “horizon blind” to win love, the enemy.

For Lin Feng, Zhu Podi hates it.

“唉~” Commander sighed insignificantly.

Young Commander is still young and will grow up slowly. “Azure Flood Dragon slowly said.

“En, when he takes over the Heavenly Martial Army in the future, he will naturally be more responsible.” Thunderbolt is also attached.

With Commander for so many years, how can the two people not understand what Commander thinks?

A generation of males, but gave birth to such a son.

“Hope.” Commander looked old and stared at Azure Flood Dragon and Thunderbolt and nodded. “I’m afraid I will bother you later.”

“Commander is heavy.” Azure Flood Dragon and Thunderbolt said hurriedly.

“Okay, let’s continue.” Commander said solemnly “Just just “End Plan, is there a problem with the last step?” ”

“Yes.” Thunderbolt said resolutely “I think the last step “bloodline continuation should be done early.

“Oh?” Commander blinked.

Heavenly Martial Continent rising winds, scudding clouds.

Black Fog Demon Dragon Valley is also thunder and lightning!

The black pressed sky is occupied by the Black Fog Demon Dragon group, and terrifying pressure is constantly impacting.

boom! boom! ! ~

A huge dark black ball of light struck directly to the earth, and countless mountains and hills were blown into fine powder, which was a mess. But the Black Fog Demon Dragon is nothing more than a non-stop, but the evolution is more severe. Under Lian Meng and the Commander of the smelt, the vast sweep of everything in the scope.

The determination of the Black Fog Demon Dragon group is quite astonishing.

If you don’t achieve your goal, don’t give up!

Within the Stalactite Cave.

Lin Feng sits cross-legged, outside the body, with a strong “black fog” that wraps around the body.

Aura’s energy is far better than “Sovereign Level 3rd rank inner core”. At this time, what Lin Feng absorbed is “Sovereign Level 4th rank inner core ,!

Fifty-five 3rd rank inner cores are already exhausted. That is the fifteen 4th rank inner core, and now it has absorbed the fourteenth.

The ninth Heavens!

Within [Body], Life Soul Core and Human Soul Core have changed a lot, and nine days are like reborn. Especially the Human Soul Core, which is not inferior to the Life Soul Core, the pitch-black fog surrounds the Soul Core, forming a black glow and a brilliant color.

The energy radiated by inner core, the absorption of Human Soul Core is more than 50% of Life Soul Core!

From the beginning of the phase balance, now a Human Soul Core has an advantage!

But really isn’t Human Soul Core is stronger, just “black fog, the “intimate” energy compatibility between the inner core and the inner core makes the Human Soul Core not need to transform the inner core aura, directly absorbed, and Life Soul Core But there is still a complicated “transformation, process.”

The efficiency is different.

“Finally, all break through 5th rank.” Lin Feng laugh indifferently.

In the nine days, the short is not too short, but the long is not long.

But my own strength, but with the improvement of advanced by leaps and bounds.

The Soul Core, which is condensed by soul power, is huge and pure. Soul Core’s nebula aperture is like a misty bind, flashing the powerful Heaven and Earth Energy aura, which protects Soul Core in a dense manner.

It is dominated by the ball of light originally condensed by soul power, supplemented by Heaven and Earth Energy.

Up to now, the two have been balanced. In the faint, the aperture nebula condensed by Heaven and Earth Energy is one point over the soul power.

It’s like the alternation of the times…

It seems that there is something in it.

“hu~~” Lin Feng exhaled a heavy breath.

As the inner core aura gets weaker, it’s like a piece of cake is being divided, and absorbing and refining comes to an end.

I felt a slight shock when I was inexplicable.

“Hey!” Lin Feng opened his eyes, bright light 璀璨, a deep pond one point more than nine days ago.

“What happened?!” Lin Feng brows up.

Although the feeling of vibration is very slight, as if from a very distant place, but with his current strength, it still has a clear sense!

Like the Mountain Range collapse, the world startsling fire!

Standing up, Lin Feng mind squirmed like a spider web. As the strength improved, the mind’s sense became clearer and wider, but this time it was half-pointed without sense, and it seemed to be calm.

But is that really the case?

“Hey!” Lin Feng stood up and his eyes flickered.

There is danger!

Intuition tells myself that there is nothing like the mind’s sense.

It’s like a torrential rain, there is a strange feeling in the air, and there is a chilling taste.

“Go and see!” Lin Feng vision are bright.

Just like a sharp arrow piercing, it is time to leave the Stalactite Cave. Lin Feng’s expression is extremely dignified, and Min is constantly looking for the source of the danger. Take care makes Wannian ship, in this strange environment, Lin Feng is quite take care.

Black Fog Demon Dragon group, not so good.

“No?” Lin Feng looked flickering.

Speeding up again, Lin Feng was filled with doubts.

Suddenly, in the ear, the sound is still weak, but it is much clearer than it was just now!

“Sure enough!” Lin Feng both eyes shining.

The reason why I didn’t have the sense just now is just because the distance is too far!

“Go and see.” Lin Feng secretly thought, the bonfire edge crossed a curve in the air, and suddenly rushed to the source of the sound.

A glimpse!

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