Chapter 21, Call for a truce in the cave!

2nd rank Dense Fog Beast Although the defense is comparable to 2nd rank Sovereign level Demon Beast, it is just defensive!

Really isn’t strength.

“attack power is always stronger than the defense. If it’s true 2nd rank Sovereign level Demon Beast, I’m afraid it’s hard to deal with. It’s enough to offset my Origin Fire Ball might. Even… at its speed, you can’t turn the control of Origin. The Fire Ball simply can’t hit.”

Lin Feng knows very clearly that Dense Fog Beast is easy to deal with, it is only because of –

It has no wisdom.

The real demon beast, especially the ‘Sovereign’ level demon beast, its wisdom can completely compare with humans, how can it be silly to kill?

“Yes, even with ‘Qilin Fire Zither’, I am still not Heavenly Spirit Master.”

“The Source of Fire of ‘Qilin Fire Zither’ is a fixed amount, unlike the Heavenly Spirit Master, which grows with strength.”

“In addition, the improvement of physical fitness will also make the Origin Fire Sport improve again.”

Lin Feng nodded and carefully analyzed it.

Originally thought to have ‘Qilin Fire Zither’, his strength has been similar to Heavenly Spirit Master.

But in fact, there is still a big gap.

“It’s almost time.” Chi Lie’s eyes showed a bright glow.

The flame shuttle under the foot suddenly glazed, and the sound of ‘嗖’ was galloping.

The locator on the left hand flashed with a lustrous luster. I saw the white dot representing ‘Chi Lie’, and it was approaching a red dot. For this moment, Chi Lie has been crouching, neither close to Lin Feng nor too far away.

Yes, it is waiting for the opportunity to come.

It’s now!

“Oh?” Lin Feng eyes shining.

Just hunted an 2nd rank Dense Fog Beast. Mind has a sense again.

But the energy response of really isn’t Dense Fog Beast, but the energy aura of Martial God, is quite powerful.

“Sect Master Chi?” Lin Feng is thoughtful.

At ‘Heavenly Treasure World’, Martial God each looks for their own opportunities. Rarely encountered. After all, the distance is too close, which is equivalent to overlapping a region, and there are fewer opportunities to get ‘Heavenly Treasure Crystal Stone’, but no one will be willing.

Obviously, Sect Master Chi must have something to find.

“sōu!” broke through the air.

In an instant, Lin Feng saw Chi Lie, a pair of faces with a slight excitement, full of surprises.

“Go. Lin Feng, do me a favor!” Chi Lie eyes flashed.

“Oh?” Lin Feng is lightly surprisedly said.

“There!” Chi Lie pointed his right hand, nodded and said. “I found a cave with a lot of foggy energy. There are countless Heavenly Treasure Crystal Stones, and there are thousands of heavenly treasure points! But inside Dense Fog Beast is too much, plus the cave is too small, I can’t cope with it alone.”

“Sect Master Chi means…” Lin Feng lightly oh’ed.

“I am going to bring these Dense Fog Beast out.” Chi Lie started talking, “Lin Feng, you enter the cave to take Heavenly Treasure Crystal Stone. 50-50 split!”

Lin Feng is slightly hesitant, although Heavenly Treasure Crystal Stone is really precious.

But if you hunted Dense Fog Beast, you can get thousands of heavenly treasure points with no difficulty. There is no need to take risks.

“How. Lin Feng?” Chi Lie looked forward with a look, and Lin Feng was still hesitant. At the moment, said hurriedly, “If you don’t, you can do it.”

Lin Feng shook his head and said with a smile. “That’s not necessary, just five or five points, Sect Master Chi.”

Chi Lie said while loudly laughing, “Good, refreshing! Let’s go!”

Stopped talking, Chi Lie is turned into a fire, galloping away. Lin Feng is light exhaled, even if it is closely closely from behind. In any case, the self-conduct should be reciprocated, and he is both a Firmament Yang Martial Sect and a Svent Master Chi.

Moreover, this is nothing but a little effort.

And you can earn a lot of heavenly treasure points, why not?


“Is it here?” Lin Feng watched this inconspicuous cave, surprisedly said.

“Yes, go in.” As if he was afraid of Lin Feng’s fear, Chi Lie took the flame shuttle and it was the first step.

Lin Feng nodded and followed.

The cave is very spacious, but it is a bit smaller than the entrance of the heavenly treasure ‘ancient ruins’.

“A strong energy aura.” Lin Feng was amazed, in the mind sense, indeed, as Sect Master Chi said, the fog here is much stronger than elsewhere. It is so far apart that I can deeply feel this astonishing aura.

“It seems that Sect Master Chi is really true.” Lin Feng secretly thought.

The thicker the fog, the denser the Heaven and Earth Energy, and the natural, the vastness of the Heavenly Treasure Crystal Stone and the Dense Fog Beast.

The heart of the defense is indispensable. Although Sect Master Chi was promised, Lin Feng did not care about it.

The more you go forward, the deeper the energy aura’s sense is.

Daddy, Lin Feng’s brow is twisted, in mind sense, that Heaven and Earth Energy aura seems a bit different…

More violent, less soft.

Very strange!

The fog is getting thicker and the sense is getting stronger.

In the thick white mist, Lin Feng found something wrong. “The color of the fog seems to be a little deeper. It seems that there are still some black spots. Is it my illusion?”


At the time, Lin Feng’s heart was a slam.

Complexion transient!

In the mind suddenly emerged before Zi Yao said to himself.

In the deepest part of ‘Heavenly Treasure World’, there is a thick and invisible pitch-black fog!

Pitch-black fog? !

Lin Feng’s eyes suddenly became big. “No, ‘Heavenly Treasure’ Ancient Ruins have been around for a long time. Although it is quite hidden, how can this kind of Heaven and Earth Energy be never discovered? There are ghosts here! Sect Master Chi is lying !!!”

At the time, Lin Feng turned his head.

In the opposite direction, Chi Lie’s eyes blink bright light.

“Hey!” After the body rushed, Chi Lie’s hand, a five-foot war blade like Fire Dragon fierce was squirted!


“Chi Lie !!” Lin Feng screamed in the cold, no need to say anything, everything in front of him had already told himself.

From head to toe, it is a conspiracy!

boom! !

The strength of Lin Feng broke out in an instant. The left hand ‘Qilin Fire Zither”s red cold glow is fierce, like a dazzling Fire Dragon severe roar, Lin Feng is very angry. In the blink of an eye, the flames skyrocketed. Glittering with Source of Fire, ignite the entire cave!

“Origin Fire Ball!” Lin Feng screamed.

The horrible flame burst and Chi Lie had a light in his eyes.

“Can’t hide!” Chi Lie knows very well that Lin Feng’s Fireball will ‘turn’!

Moreover, he does not need to hide.

Chi Lin is very clear about the strength of Lin Feng.

“Do you think I am the ancestor of the second generation?” Chi Lie’s mouth is coldly, time. Aura, which is not inferior to Lin Feng, is bursting. The powerful Heaven and Earth Energy gathers outside Chi Lie’s body, making the five-foot war blade clanging cry!

“Breaking the Blade!” Chi Lie’s aura is completely integrated into the war blade.

Extremely fierce!

The Qi strength of the behemoth is mixed with the tyrannical Heaven and Earth Energy. In an instant, it collided with Lin Feng’s Origin Fire Ball.

“Peng!” Terrifying’s reaction force caused Chi Lie to simmer, but it completely smashed the huge Origin Fire Ball.

Chi Lie’s mouth smeared a deep like smile.

He is now beyond the existence of Titled Martial God!

Lin Feng?

What kind of.

But Chi Lie’s smile just stopped for half a second…

A more terrifying than a just aura. Just like the god of death opened the eyes, the bright cool glow flashed.

“my god, what is this?!” Chi Lie complexion greatly change.

Aurora Cone !

6-star Soul User weapon!

Lin Feng’s eyes are extremely cold and powerful.

The strongest trump card. Open!

“Aurora Arc!” Lin Feng shouted coldly.

The bright silver flashed out of the air, and the metal cutting sound of ‘嗞嗞’. Let the qi flow of all around completely scatter, completely covering the narrow cave. Echo bursts. Like a huge 镰blade cutting the stone wall of the surroundings, with the sizzle of Lin Feng, the sound of astonishing exploding cry.


For example, Heavenly Thunder hooks Earth Fire.

Lightning crosses!

The silver light swells and the circular arc expands across the cave.

Extremely shocking attack!

“No!!” Chi Lie both eyes are very large, and the war blade in the hand is exhausted with slashed body. Outside the body, it is covered with a layer of golden armor, and the thick and sharp shield is in front of it. In the face of Lin Feng’s shocking attack, all the treasures at Chi Lie’s bottom of the box are exhausted!

“Go to hell!” Lin Feng looked cold and raging Heaven and Earth Energy pervaded the body.

Absorb that milky white with a black mist, violent aura into the bottom of my heart, Lin Feng’s eyelids more fierce.

In the face of the enemy, you will never be soft-hearted.

Aurora Arc’s might is far better than the Origin Fire Ball!

“Hey!!” Aurora Arc cut the war blade in Chi Lie’s hand into two pieces in an instant, and the cover densely whole space attack was inevitable. The powerful Qi strength recoils the heart, Chi Lie’s internal organs severe, and the sharp shield in front of the war blade is also smashed into pieces when the war blade is cut!

Aurora Arc’s might, extremely terrifying!

“I, I don’t want to die!!” Chi Lie’s expression was extremely hysterical.

The defense in front of you is completely ruined, leaving only a thick layer of thick gold armor that looks like a strong defense.


In front of Aurora Arc, it is like the emperor’s new clothes.

Chi Lie, facing the dead.

However at this time –

Behind Lin Feng, an astonishing terrifying suction came instantly, squeezing everything.

Time, Lin Feng complexion greatly change.

Just for a moment…

“Hey!” The body is completely out of control, Lin Feng flies away, disappears in a blink of time.

Pu tōng !

Feet weak, Chi Lie sat down on the ground.

The face is still horrified, he never felt himself, so close to death.

Tick, ticking!

The blood dripped from the chest, and the long mouth was shocking. After discovering Chi Lie, I felt my injury and felt the pain of a heartbreaking suffocation. The chest was almost completely cut, and the golden armor had already become a fragment.


He is still alive! !

Lin Feng, however, has been inhaled into the bottomless abyss.

“haha.” Chi Lie smiled twitching, “Hahahaha!!”

. . )

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