Episode 4 of the Fourth Episode of Dense Fog Beast

Good luck, not always.

Although very fast won the first ‘Heavenly Treasure Crystal Stone’, but the next hour, Lin Feng is empty.

“Sure enough, as Sect Master Chi said, it still depends on luck.” Lin Feng smiled and flew slowly.

Heavenly treasure points may be important to other Martial Gods, but for them, it’s just a ‘icing on the cake’ thing. Martaial God Auction House’s treasure is no better than ‘Alkaid Hall’? Not to mention the other, just this 3-star Soul User weapon ‘Qilin Fire Zither’, it has already exploded all…

Really good things, no one will be stupid to sell.

Desolation –

“Oh?” Lin Feng both eyes.

Mind sense, there is a light spot in front, it is flying to yourself!

“呜” wind sighing and cranes calling.

In front of the eyes, a monster appears instantaneously, with a huge head occupying 13 in proportion to the body and a long lion like a head. But the body is small and small, like a big dog that has not been developed. The horse’s iron hoof is wrapped in a thick white film, and the short tail is tilted up.

“Dense Fog Beast.” Lin Feng recognized it at first sight, exactly the same as described by Zi Yao.

The big eyes of the ominous light are not half-splitting, so the demon beast of the Beast Soldier level is more intelligent than it comes.

Controlling the Cloud Shuttle, Lin Feng is on the sidelines and instantly avoids the Dense Fog Beast’s slam. At the speed of Dense Fog Beast, you want to attack yourself unless the sneak attack succeeds.


Is it possible?

“1st rank Dense Fog Beast.” Lin Feng very fast is the glimpse of Dense Fog Beast’s body, with a layer of white strange aperture.

In sense. The white aperture is similar to the fog.

“Looks like it seems to grow with dense fog as food.” Lin Feng secretly pondered in one’s heart, in a blink of time. Understand what Zi Yao said to himself. Dense Fog Beast is indeed a demon beast but not a demon beast. Without wisdom, it is not a kind of ‘biological’.

“1st rank Dense Fog Beast. In other words, its defense is-“

“1st rank Sovereign level Demon Beast !”

Lin Feng both eyes bright, Cloud Shuttle galloped back. Very fast is out of the scope of Dense Fog Beast’s attack.

“Hey!” Lin Feng complexion is a positive.

At the time, the Consciousness Clone in the Heavenly Treasure World surrounding dissipated like a cloud of smoke, and Lin Feng’s eyes were suddenly bright light. For the use of Consciousness Clone. Lin Feng has already mastered the transparency, as long as the avatar and the subject can get each other’s sense, they can recover instantly.

Without Life Soul, Lin Feng is just the peak of the Martial Emperor.

Even the weakest Titled Martial God can kill him.

But with Life Soul as the lead, the strength of Lin Feng –

It is a earth-shaking change!

From Heavenly God Cultivator, the difference is just a Heart of Source, and a transformation of the body. The Heavenly God Cultivator is divided into two branches, compared to the Heavenly Spirit Master. Lin Feng lacks Source Energy as well as a Body; compared to Heavenly Soul Master, Lin Feng is only a physical transformation!

And this is not the most important thing for Heavenly Soul Master!

Soul Core sudden turn. Heaven and Earth Energy are coming crazy.

In an instant, Lin Feng’s left hand is red!

Qilin Fire Zither exudes astonishing aura, the dragon must be gleaming, and the bloody dragon eye is even more radiant. In an instant, Lin Feng felt a very powerful strength emerge from his left hand, the deep green with a sense of life. The fireball seems to have a flaming flame burning in the puff like. ,

Source Energy of Fire !

“Origin Fire Ball!” Lin Feng eyes, like electricity, staring at the huge Fireball.

This is my first time, using real Source Energy!

“Strong strength!” Lin Feng was shocked.

I used to see Fire Source used ‘Source of Fire’, but the difference between might and self is not that big. Source of Fire is an increase, strength of the increase, and Origin Fire is a cardinality. When the base is larger, the strength of the Source of Fire can be stronger!

It’s like this now!

“Not at all!” Lin Feng brows.

Strength is too powerful!

out of control!

However, once again out of control, the Origin Fire Ball is also a linear exploded towards Dense Fog Beast.

The direction has not changed.

Dense Fog Beast’s defense is strong, but it is only the strength of 1st rank King level Demon Beast.

Even more ridiculous is that it does not evade at all.

I don’t know if it’s self-confidence or…


“Boom!!” Astonishing bursts into a fiery mushroom cloud.

There is no screaming, not even the burning of the flames, only the ‘bang’ sound, as if by devour.

Equivalent to the defense of 1st rank ‘Sovereign’ level demon beast!

At Heavenly Martial Continent, there isn’t any defensive defense that Titled Martial God can smash…


Lin Feng looked at it, the 1st rank Dense Fog Beast was turned into nothing, not even corpse. With a faint smile on his lips, Lin Feng is quite satisfied with the Origin Fire Ball’s might, and with Source Energy of Fire, he can finally play the true strength of Heavenly Spirit Master!

This is the might of the ‘weapons’.

3-star Soul User Weapons –

Qilin Fire Zither !

“Oh?” Lin Feng suddenly lightly exclaimed.

The body moves instantly and comes to Dense Fog Beast ‘disappear’.

In the void, a white, innocent crystal is suspended, emitting a faint energy aura.

“Heavenly Treasure Crystal Stone?” Lin Feng stunned.

However, I didn’t expect Dense Fog Beast to be killed and left ‘Heavenly Treasure Crystal Stone’. Such a strange discovery suddenly made Lin Feng puff like.

“I understand!” Lin Feng both eyes shining bright.

“The original Dense Fog Beast’s core, really isn’t inner core, but Heavenly Treasure Crystal Stone !”

“No wonder it doesn’t have any wisdom, and there is outside the body, the white aperture carries Heaven and Earth Energy…”

Lin Feng nodded heavily, and the corner of his mouth slid a touch of light. “In other words, I no longer need to try to find ‘Heavenly Treasure Crystal Stone’, just go hunting Dense Fog Beast, I can also get a lot of money’ Heavenly Treasure Crystal Stone ‘spoils of war.”

Things suddenly become much simpler.

From pure luck, it became a game of hunting.

“The more you go. The more Dense Fog Beast!” Lin Feng’s eyes wide open.

Time to go, galloping away.

Consciousness Clone cultivating, the body looks for Dense Fog Beast.

Lin Feng distributes the tasks fairly evenly without wasting half a minute.

Sure enough, looking for ‘Heavenly Treasure Crystal Stone’ compared to headless flies, finding Dense Fog Beast is much simpler.

Since hunting the first Dense Fog Beast, Lin Feng has entered the border of ‘Dense Fog Beast’. Very fast, a head of Dense Fog Beast came one after another. Less than an hour later, Lin Feng harvested twelve ‘Heavenly Treasure Crystal Stone’. Although there is no one piece of exclusive 10 heavenly treasure points, it adds up, but it is already a very astonishing number.

60 heavenly treasure points !

Normal Ordinary Martial God enters Heavenly Treasure World. The harvest is probably between 510 heavenly treasure points.

Lin Feng, just one hour, has been exceeding several times.

And this is just the beginning.

“It’s just that you can earn heavenly treasure points and be familiar with ‘Qilin Fire Zither’.” Lin Feng shook his left fist, and the light aura spiral of the body outside the body, igniting the ‘Qilin Fire Zither”s might, the whole The left hand was densely covered by a red light, and it looked extremely ghostly.

“But it’s enhanced by Source Energy of Fire. The control is more than ten times more difficult!”

“Only through combat, slowly familiar.”

Lin Feng smiled lightly. For other Martial Gods, Dense Fog Beast is like a solid iron, and it can’t break the defense.

But for myself. Dense Fog Beast, just…

Live the target only.

Time, minutes and seconds.

Lin Feng galloped all the way to the center of ‘Heavenly Treasure World’.

As time passed, Lin Feng became more and more proficient in the manipulation of ‘Qilin Fire Zither’, although he still couldn’t control the astonishing Source of Fire, but at least it was free. It’s like looking at a book. Although I can’t recite it, I have already begun to understand a little about it.

Step by step, slowly improve.

Cultivating, it is impossible to ascending to the heavens in a single leap.

After six hours…

“Oh? Aura is getting stronger.” Lin Feng looked bright.

In mind sense, a Dense Fog Beast is approaching!


Cloud Shuttle flies backwards, Lin Feng complexion is instantaneous, “hehe!”

In an instant, the body is turned into a virtual fine powder, Lin Feng’s body is like a residual light tremble, close.

In an instant, the eyelids are shining.

A larger, more energetic aura Dense Fog Beast is printed on the eyelids, with two white apertures on it, as if from childhood to the back, it is set in two white rings and looks very strange. Lin Feng astonished, “2nd rank Dense Fog Beast ?”

2nd rank Dense Fog Beast with 2nd rank Sovereign level Demon Beast defense.

Compared to the 1st rank Dense Fog Beast, the defensive power is doubled!

“I don’t know if I can break it?” Lin Feng’s brows are light and clustered. The bust intent is instantaneously puff like. The ‘Qilin Fire Zither’ on the back of the left hand is like alive, and the red light is shining. Familiar energy feels like a heart, a deep and incomparable emerald Fire Fire Ball, slamming.

“Go!” Lin Feng eyes!

At that time, the Fireball was like a meteor bombardment, and the lightning fell.

Dense Fog Beast is not at all, like a fearless warrior, colliding with the Fireball clanging.

“Peng!” The two balances of strength collide!

“Can’t kill?” Lin Feng startled.

Dense Fog Beast flew away and was not “live” by the Origin Fire Ball devour.


“Aura is a little weaker.” Lin Feng eyes flashing, mind’s sense is very clear, “Origin Fire Ball really isn’t no lethal, just not strong enough!”

carry on!

Time –

Lin Feng’s left hand re-emerges, the dark green Origin Fire Ball with a burst of horror flames, again exploded towards Dense Fog Beast…

“Peng!” “Peng!” “peng!!”

After more than ten bombings, the 2nd rank Dense Fog Beast turned into a virtual light and disappeared. Leave a white crystal stone, ‘solitude’ suspended in the air. More than double the ‘Heavenly Treasure Crystal Stone’ left by 1st rank Dense Fog Beast!

“There are almost 15 heavenly treasure points.” Lin Feng grabbed the crystal stone, glanced at it and earned it in the cubic ring.

Although it is indeed more than the 1st rank Dense Fog Beast, there is not much excitement. After all, in the cubic ring, the heavenly treasure points have already been exceeding the 400 mark.

“My current Origin Fire Ball can only deal with 2nd rank Dense Fog Beast?” Lin Feng frowned.

Obviously, the defense of 3rd rank Dense Fog Beast will double again. Dealing with 2nd rank Dense Fog Beast is so ‘tired’, just relying on the Fireball’s ‘quantity’ to force it to kill. In the face of 3rd rank Dense Fog Beast, 90% can’t break the defense.

“With Source of Fire, Life Soul control, is it my strength?” Lin Feng slightly ponder in one’s thought.

(Second to adjust the schedule, first strive for stable update time, third is in 0: 02_). . )

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