Chapter 23 is killing!

Hope, completely lost!

The phoenix in the hands of the fire, now with the kill of a demon expert but added a new scar, the chest is touching, but the most painful. The bloody pupil pupils think of the red-browed ancestors and the elders to protect themselves and make a bloody path for him and the elite of the family…

But what about the results?

“Ah!” “Oh!!” The screaming voice, mixed with the sound of the violent beast, constitutes this cruel bloody slaughter.

Unlike the elite expert of the Qifeng ancients, although the demon expert is constantly being killed, the number is increasing a little. On the contrary, the elite expert of the Fengfeng ancients will not be much, only less and less, as for other ancients. Experts are self-concerned, how can they come to reinforce?

Only rely on yourself!

However, at the moment, there is no way to rely on it.

“桀桀桀!!” 嚣 狂 狂 狂 狂 狂 狂 狂 狂 狂 狂 狂 狂 狂 狂 狂 狂 狂 狂 狂 狂 狂 狂 狂 狂 狂 狂 狂 狂 狂 狂 狂 狂 狂 狂 狂 狂 狂 狂 狂 狂 狂 龙 龙 龙 龙 龙 龙 龙 龙 龙 龙 龙I smiled and enjoyed the thrill of killing.

At his feet, there are dozens of deaths of the Fengfeng ancient elite.

Every one is dead without a whole body.

“Damn!” Feng Yan is stunned, but it is completely inseparable.

Surroundings, the demon family has a batch of batches, and he is surrounded by him, so that he can not help. In fact, his strength is not the opponent of the Saint Xiang expert of the dragon tortoise, but it is heartbreaking for him to watch the clansman being killed one by one.

Heart, as if in drop of blood.

Tears have long been drained.

For the ancient Feng dynasty, for the southern ancient domain, it is undoubtedly a disaster, an unprecedented disaster.

“Hey!” “桀桀桀!!!” is a big laugh. The Saint King Level expert of the Dragon Elephant Turtle is another elite expert who grabs a phoenix. The giant tortoise in the emptiness of the sky pressed the Phoenix underneath, like a mountain top, and the prestige was impossible.

The water in the hands is used as a sharp-edged shackle, and it appears again.

“No!!” The phoenix screamed and the flames broke out, but it didn’t help.

But when

Saint King Level expert of the dragon tortoise family. It is stared wide-eyed. Turning like a conditioned reflex, it is the phoenix that is also shocking to see, only a brilliance flashing from the sky, it is a golden starlight, with a strong radiance, killing aura’s bloom, every Martial Artist is The heart is trembled.

“Chi!” A spear of arrogance and arrogance.

The Saint King Level expert complexion of the Dragon Elephant Turtles has changed dramatically, but the best resistance is like a slap in the arm. The twilight ray completely destroyed his defense, and the smirk’s face was shocked. There is a lot of fear in my eyes.

“peng!!” severe exploding cry, bloody splashes.

The Saint King Level is not an expert, but it is a smog in an instant.

The occurrence of these changes is too sudden, and suddenly the elite experts of each of the Fengfeng ancients are stunned, including those of the Yaozu. However, this is just the beginning, the stunned spear shadow of the twilight ray, and the blink of the eye is filled with spears, such as meteors.

Chi! Chi! Chi! !

A spear of strength. Unstoppable.

Saint Level, the demon expert of the Star Territory Level. It’s all the first, it’s not a level contest. A corpse, the fierce screaming beast roar, let the whole battlefield suddenly change suddenly. Before that, there were a huge number of demons, and in just a few seconds, there were countless deaths and injuries.

And slaughter. Still continuing.

The phoenix is ​​completely dumbfounded.

I was watched in front of the spear’s light and shadow, although I didn’t see the front clearly, but the figure, the outline of the face, and the aura. He is familiar with it. Didn’t think of it at all, it would be his nephew, Lin Feng.

What shocked him the most was…

Lin Feng’s strength, terrifying to the extreme.

A spear, kill Saint King Level expert, a person, sweeping countless demons, such as as the autumn gale sweeps away the fallen leaves!

“It’s Lin Feng!”

“Senior Sister’s son!”

“Heavens, how could he be so powerful!”


The surviving elites of the Qifeng ancients are all stunned and watched. It is hard to imagine that they were still being slaughtered just now. At the moment, Lin Feng alone, facing thousands of demons, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, there is no one demon expert can survive.

One person, a spear, invincible.

Star Territory Level, a spear; Saint Level, a spear; Saint King Level, or a spear.

As for Lin Feng, the strength or weakness of the demon expert is not important at all, such as the arrogance of ants. The publicity of the Zhongyufeng ancient elites gathered together and did not help them. It was just a mess to their strength.

In just a few tens of seconds, the demon expert will only have a few rare ones.

Dead death, escape, as terrible as seeing the devil.

“Call ~” “hu ~ ~” gently gasp, Lin Feng’s end spear flashed away.

Surroundings, can’t see a demon expert.

These battles are not a major event for themselves, but the injuries suffered before are serious, and there are still some side effects. However, no matter how the situation is still pretty good, although the elite expert of the Qifeng ancients died a lot, at least the grandfather is fine.

This is more important than anything else!

“Hey!~” The figure flashed slightly, Lin Feng came to Feng Biao, watched the pale face, and smiled apologetically. “Sorry, grandfather, I am late.”

Surroundings The collection of hundreds of eyes is mixed with excitement, reverence and admiration. Lin Feng’s strength makes them feel shocked, and many of them are even more shy, but there are several bloodline pure clansman in the family who are still laughing at the birth of Lin Feng, but now…

They are saved by such a ‘human’.

“Feng’er.” Feng Yi’s eyes are moving, and a thousand words want to say but can’t say.

All kinds of emotions mixed, turned into a long sigh, nodded, Feng Xiao showed a happy smile.

“Grandfather, you can’t stay here, we must hurry to leave.” Lin Feng has a bright eye and a calm look.

“Leaving?” Feng Wei slowly startled, brows smashed, “Transmission Array is blocked, space energy is turbulent, we have no way to leave, Feng’er.” Watched Lin Feng. The phoenix phoenix said, “For the present, only the natural dangers of the southern ancient areas, try to delay the time and wait for the witch rescue.”

“No, grandfather. It’s too risky.” Lin Feng shook his head.

Others may not be clear, but they know how many terrifying the army is.

Even if there is a natural danger in the southern ancient domain, the hope is pinned on the unreliable witches, and they are pinned on the word ‘procrastination’.

“I know, but there is no other way than that.” Feng Wei is lightly sighed.

“Yes.” Lin Feng smiled lightly, and the bright light flashed in his eyes. “Look at your grandfather, you don’t believe me.”

Feng Yan looked deep, watched Lin Feng. Without the slightest hesitation nodded: “Of course.”

“That’s good.” Lin Feng nodded in a positive color, appeared in the end of the world spear, sorghum cry, gazing all around, Lin Feng killing intent undisguised full release: “I don’t know if my grandfather can follow me…”

“Kill it out!”

The sound is powerful.

Lin Feng is magnificent and shocks all the elites of the Fenggu people.

Feng Yan’s eyes are also shining.

Kill it out!

What a timid, what an adventure!

You must know that killing is equivalent to re-turning back. Go ahead to dangers.

but. Feng Qi chose to gamble.

Although he is also very trembled, in fact all the elites of the Fengfeng ancient elite are afraid of it. After all, they are finally able to break out from the encirclement of the Yao nationality army, but now they have to turn them back, why not send the sheep into the tiger’s mouth?

However, the strength of Lin Feng shocked everyone.

Feng Wei. Choose to believe in Lin Feng and choose to rely on Lin Feng.

It turns out that his choice is correct. The strength of Lin Feng is much stronger than he imagined!

“Boom!” “Boom!!” Fire exploding cry, Lin Feng completely ignores the demon expert. Separated in the pre- and last-generation spear, the body is infinitely flame-blasted, and all the way to kill the demon is more than tens of thousands. Only one person, the demon who killed will be scared.

Ontology, the power burst.

I haven’t let the ontology appear, and I’ve deliberately saved my strength, right now.

The seriously injured avatar is simply unable to bring everyone out. In the face of the inexhaustible demon expert, I am afraid that it will be exhausted in less than halfway. But the body is different, as long as the Yaozu is not deliberately targeted, then under the protection of the body flame, killing a bloody road is nothing.

Go all the way!

Not only the Yaozu is deeply shocked, but the Fengfeng ancients are also the five-body cast of Lin Feng.

This kind of strength, too terrifying!

Blood is spilled over the land.

A mess, corpse is everywhere, the war is so cruel.

Under the lead of Lin Feng, the elites of the ancient phoenixes and the phoenixes are finally born, even if the surrounding area of ​​the southern ancient areas is still surrounded by the demon expert, but the strength of Lin Feng is there, but It is just a death.

Finally, kill it!

The ancient ancestors of the phoenix phoenix experiencing the rest of their lives, and they were very happy.

They were also shocked by the bold plan of Lin Feng, and now they have tasted the sweet fruit. It seems impossible. However, many things are done by people. God shut down all the doors, but there will always be a window and a road to them.

Lin Feng is their window.

“I didn’t expect it, I didn’t expect it…” Feng Xiao lightly mumble, the tragic battle still appears in my eyes, unbelievable.

Lin Feng, really killed them!

What about astonishing!

“Feng’er, this time thanks to you.” Feng Xiao’s face showed a gratifying smile, looking at Lin Feng, but the complexion was changed, the brow was screwed up, “what happened, Feng’er?” Lin Feng rubbed his hand on the chest, and the cold sweat dripped on his forehead, which was very unusual.


It broke our hearts.

The heartache that comes more than ever before.

Lin Feng rubbed his hand on the chest, only his mouth was dry, his heart seemed to be twisted into pieces, and his eyes were bright light deep pond, tightly clench one’s teeth.

What exactly is going on!

I obviously saved my grandfather, but why…

This feeling of heartache has not only disappeared, but has become increasingly fierce!


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