Chapter 22 finds!

Looking around!

Lin Feng’s speed is extremely fast, and the first demon army has entered the chaotic battlefield one step at a time.

Of course, it is not easy for so many aura to find a grandfather. Watched the overwhelming demons expert, the ancients expert bloody battle, Lin Feng brows deep, the figure flashed around, did not aid the ancients, but with their own power can not change the war scales.

Moreover, he is also injured.

“Peng!” smashed a few long-sighted Saint Level demons, Lin Feng high and steep, and thought a lot.

Surroundings, the genius expert has a red eye, but there is still some rationality to survive. Seeing the Saint Level’s genie expert is like a tofu cut into pieces, which dare to provoke Lin Feng and other fiend star. With fear in my eyes, how far is it to run.

For a time, Lin Feng surroundings has a lot of ‘clean’.

“The ancient Feng dynasty is one of the important branches of the southern ancient domain. I believe that other ancient folks may know.” Lin Feng has a bright eye.

The situation is more complicated than I imagined. It is obvious that the ancients broke out and the Yaozu was intercepting. Scattered to the ancient ethnic expert in all directions, how difficult it is to find someone! As the heart moved, Lin Feng turned into a stream of smoke, and time disappeared.

Hey! Hey! ! ~

The fire is pervasive, and in the surroundings, a severe blue and white flame is set up. It is a middle-aged man. The strength of Saint Level is running out, and the complexion is pale. Surrounded by countless demons, they did not give him any breathing space. The attack of three hundred and sixty degrees was not dead.

Peng! !

Hōng lóng! ~

The flame is burning, the corpse of the Yaozu is increasing, but the silence and despair in the eyes of middle-aged men are increasing.

He has no way to go.

In addition to the death of the force, there is no second type possible.

But his look was calm, because his post-attack attack created an escape opportunity for the elite Martial Artist. Being an elder in the family, he is worthy and self-respecting. Moreover, kill so many Yaozu, even if he is next to Huang Quan, he will not be lonely.

Hey! ~ ~ Flame is getting more and more bleak.

The image of the weakness of middle-aged men is getting more and more, and the exhausted strength is naturally impossible to recover. Seeing hundreds of demons expert surrounded, as if to grab prey, the middle-aged man’s mouth smirked and smiled. Suddenly closed his eyes.

He died without regrets.


The heart of a middle-aged man is very quiet.

However, this moment of waiting is so long, it is so long that he is inexplicable, a few seconds is as long as centuries, and the attack of the Yaozu has never fallen on him. It seems to be an illusion, and like a illusion, it is extremely unreal.

He, is it dead?

The middle-aged man opened his eyes. Brows lightly.

“Hey!~” The blink of an eye is bright, bright light 璀璨, but see a bloody glow flying, the twilight glows in Starry Sky. One Man One Spear, so small, but with the golden light, the spear will kill all the monsters expert kill.

Peng! Severe exploding cry.

Surroundings, time is quiet.

Just a short moment. Hundreds of demons expert turned into nothingness, all died.

Middle-aged man horrified watched ahead. The blood-stained spear youth, with a cold color in his eyes, like the devil of the world. The golden star power is around, and the star print on the forehead shines, reflecting the absolute strength of the Saint King Level.

Who is he?

The middle-aged man’s in the mind can’t help but emerge this question.

“Hello, I know where the phoenix went?” It was like moving in an instant. Lin Feng blinked in front of the middle-aged man, and the complexion was calm but with hope and desire.

“Feng 焯?” middle-aged man startled, his eyes lit up with a vigilant, “Who are you?”

“Clansman of the ancient phoenix.” Lin Feng nodded lightly and looked at the middle-aged man. “Lin Feng, Patriarch is my grandfather. Not long ago, I informed the entire southern ancient domain.” At that time, the grandfather did not hesitate to plead guilty to defending the temple. Others may not know, but this middle-aged man is Saint, there is no reason not to know.

“Hey!” The middle-aged man blinked and nodded.

I thought about it, watched the black clothed youth, the vigilant heart suddenly disappeared, and I felt a little more affectionate. “It turned out to be you, you are coming…”

“I want to save my grandfather.” Lin Feng is not hiding.

The floor was heard, and the middle-aged man understood his nod. If Lin Feng had said this before him, he wouldn’t believe it, but now he saw the strength of Lin Feng terrifying, but he felt that it was so normal from Lin Feng’s mouth that he didn’t boast.

“Feng Yu should go with the clansman to the Jedi.” The middle-aged man was thinking about it and slowly said.

“Jesus Heavenly Insurance?” Lin Feng’s eyes lit up.

“Yes, it is the deepest part of the southern ancient domain, and it is also the residence of the ancient god of Fengfeng.” The middle-aged man burned nodded. “In the southern ancient area, the defensive power of the Jedi is the strongest, and the location is more suitable for the fire element Martial Artist. Give full play to the strength and be able to withstand the Yaozu for a while.”

“Go straight in this direction.” The middle-aged man pointed his finger at the back.

“many thanks.” Lin Feng eyes bright, when the hand was smashed with a splendid star fruit, handed over, “alkaloid, top grade star fruit.” Stopped talking, ignored the big eyes shocked The man, Lin Feng, departs like a meteor.

There are only so many things that I can help.

Although the alkaloid is one of the most top grade stars, it is worth a lot, but what the money can buy is not a big deal for itself. Perhaps this middle-aged man still can’t escape death, but it is also his fate. He saved him once and could not save him for the second and third time.

In fact, I am very clear that the ancient ethnic expert in the southern ancient area may not escape this time.

The difference is in how many elite bloodlines can survive.

“Jesus natural danger.” Lin Feng both pupils slightly bright, move towards the middle-aged man in the direction of speed. The swaying of the chest is getting more and more, as if it is about to jump out of the throat, the feeling of the bloodline connected, the kind of heart touch is absolutely not wrong.

Grandpa, really there!

“It should be fine.” Lin Feng both pupils bright, the last spear clanging cry.

The speed is once again accelerating, affecting the body injury, but the painful heart attack is far from the deep touch.

Crazy to hurry!

Although the limit speed has not broken out, the speed is not slow at the moment, almost one-third of the limit speed, and has reached the maximum load of the body. It’s still a problem to change the body of Martial Artist to be so serious, but it’s still a problem for yourself.

The injury is constantly increasing in the road.

It doesn’t matter!

“As long as you can save your grandfather, it doesn’t matter if you hurt and focus again.” Lin Feng both pupils.

If the body itself is still somewhat worried, but the body is strong and strong, you don’t have to worry about it, even if you are hurt again, as long as you are still alive, you will not be able to survive for a long time. The vitality of the cells, the ability to regenerate the body, and the look of Battle Spirit World are the strongest!

none of them.

“chi!” “Chi!!” The end of the world spear open, Lin Feng both pupils cold.

The number of Martial Artists in front has not been reduced, but it is increasing. These signs make it even more worrying. Obviously, the Yaozu also knows the direction of the escape of the ancients, and the large forces flock to the natural and inferior land, which is the game of catching a turtle in a jar.

The main force of the demon family is slowly spreading like a dark cloud behind itself.

“Let me go all out!” Lin Feng’s killing intent 粼粼, the end of the spear 靛 的 伴随 伴随 伴随 伴随 伴随 伴随 伴随 伴随 伴随 伴随 伴随 伴随 伴随 伴随 伴随 伴随 伴随 sp sp sp sp kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill Still tyrannical!

These demons, damn it!

Seeing that some of the escaped ancients expert was caught, they were madly slaughtered by the Yaozu. Seeing this scene, I seem to see the grandfather’s ending, so that I can’t stop the pain of the heart.

A little closer.

One-third of the ultimate speed, what astonishing.

Lin Feng’s speed is far away. The ordinary demon expert, the figure of the ancient ethnic expert in front is also falling into the eye. All the way to witness the tragedy constantly happening, Lin Feng heart is like a blade cut, aura sense 澎湃 澎湃, my heart is both hopeful and a little scared.

I want to sense aura to my grandfather, but I am afraid to see a picture that I don’t want to see.

Of course, everything is doomed.

“Peng!” The shock of the heart, Lin Feng complexion suddenly changed, the body slightly tremble, even with the end of the spear seems to be humming.

Sense is here!

Sudden happiness, as if lying on the head, Lin Feng surprised.

It is a grandfather of aura!

My own sense is clear, although a little weak, but the grandfather’s aura still exists, this is already the best news! Even if I get a little hurt, as long as I can leave alive, there is always a cure, and there is always a day to recover.

“Boom!” Lin Feng shot like a cannonball, with bright light radiate all around.

Finally found! ! !

Struggling to resist!

The Fengfeng ancient tribe expert, led by Fengqi, was also attacked by the Yaozu.

The entire southern ancient area seems to be a demon expert everywhere. Despite the breakout, the loss of the expert of the Fengfeng ancient elite led by Fengxi is increasing. The demon’s block is stronger than once, and the strength is sharply sublimated.

“Boom!” “Hey!!” is another two Fengfeng ancient elite expert fell in the pool of blood, Fengqiboth pupils completely blood red.

These elites are the best bloodline of the Qifeng ancients, the most promising Martial Artist. From the breakout to the present, only half of the total is left. Moreover, this is really isn’t ending, but only at the beginning, the number of demon people intercepted this time is quite large, and the strength of the strength is more difficult to resist.

Dragon Elephant Turtles!

The demon king, the existence of one of the five royal families.

“Peng!” “peng!!” Fengqi tightly clench one’s teeth, resisting it with great force, but it is a state of mind, more and more powerless.

The situation is quite not good.

If you go on like this, let alone kill, whether you can break through is a big problem!

The elite expert in the family is constantly injured and dying.

His heart seems to be in drop of blood.

“Don’t I have a phoenix ancient family to plant here today?!” Fengjing complexion is ugly, and the eyes are extremely unwilling.


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