Chapter 5 Seeing Old Friends

A lively boil.

The scale of the wedding is unbelievable.

It was not held in the underworld or in the Imperial City, but in the Ziyue family. The Transmission Array was set up in the Tribe for temporary access. Countless Heavenly Spirit expert brings together the purple moon family, can be said to give the face, after all, it is said that even the emperor and the emperor have appeared, other expert who dares posing?

Lin Feng, the name of Lin Yun, now covers the second place in the underworld, Huang Quan, declaring Hehe.

Under the Three Emperors, it is both.

Ziyuan’s busy group turned around, but I didn’t know which one to accept. It’s not only busy, but also very busy. He was originally the shackle of Zimanlou. He had been able to get in touch with such experts, and now he is sure to keep his eyes open.

As for the other clansman of the Ziyue family, they are slightly nervous and arbitrarily arranged for the seats, responsible for the piecemeal work.

Not to mention Saint Level, it is the existence of Saint King Level, and it is also dedicated, who is afraid of offending.

Mixed with the envious eyes, Zi Yao smiles and stands, not covered with red cloth, but the light makeup is beautiful and suffocating. A purple dress, the crescent moon on the forehead shines like a fairy, like a fairy in the sky. This time, her face has no other than a smile.

She is very happy.

I finally waited for this day and waited for her Big Brother Lin.

“brat, don’t shake me.”

“How dare.” Lin Feng smiled slightly, “Sir is going to my kindness heavy as a mountain, I will return it.”

“Hmph!” The voice of the Emperor’s skull was pronounced in the crown. “This time you took a big trouble and took Laozi as a shield. I haven’t found you yet! Don’t think that there is something like this.” I can do it indiscriminately, I tell you…”

“It really irritated Sir, no one can hold me.” Lin Feng smiled and continued. “I understand.”

“Know it!”

Lin Feng smiled lightly. “Sir can rest assured that you and I are using each other, but since Sir is keeping your promise, I will say it is necessary.” Bright light flashes, Lin Feng said resolutely. “When the day Huang Quan used me to use it, I counted it in my heart and I will return it to him one day.”

The Emperor Shen Shen said: “That is still used to say, what kind of identity I am, how can I do the things that are under the three abuses, that is, Huang Quan is a wicked singer, and his son has no asshole!”

Smiled, Lin Feng watched, and he felt a bit like him.

some people. When you first touched, you think he is very good, but in fact it is two sides and three blades, the city is very deep, like Huang Quan. Some people, when they first came into contact, were influenced by their fame, thinking that they were unattainable, inaccessible, and even cruel. But in fact, after real deep dating, he will find that he is really isn’t like the appearance. Such as the Emperor.

Compared to Huangquan, the Emperor may not be deep enough, and the means are not too sinister, but…

He is more suitable as a ‘friend’ than Huang Quan.

Even if one day is contrary to his interests, he is in opposition. It is also inevitable that Zhengda Bright will fight against each other, instead of using it like Huang Quan to calculate the conspiracy, and squeeze the last use value. The Emperor, far more than the ‘righteous’ of Huang Quan!

“Hey.” The sound coming from afar, the moment the emperor startedled. Turn around.

Lin Feng also turned around and looked at it. The coming person was a cloud spear lord of martial clothes, carrying his hands like ordinary people, and he could not feel any battle intent or aura. However, the temperament is not changed at all.

This is the real ‘superior’.

“Hey, love.” The Emperor shouted his head high and shouted.

Hey? Love?

Listening to the name between the two, Lin Feng smiled dumbly and looked at the cloud spear, but it was the same face that seemed to be a little **, obviously not very fond of this ‘nickname’. Looking at the clouds, the cloud spear Lord nodded gently, “Congratulations, Lin Feng.”

“Thank you.” Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

The relationship with the cloud spear is like a teacher, a friend, and a confidant.

It is a feeling like a loved one. This feeling is very similar to that of Beilong Shou ‘霁龙峰’, but it is not with the Beibei King. I don’t know why, maybe because people in their hearts are worried about each other, and each other is addicted to spear.

“I said love, what wind can blow you today?” The Emperor mocked and laughed.

“Come and see an old friend.” Cloud spear The Holy Lord watched the Emperor, swearing, “Don’t come innocent, hehe.”

“Let me come to this set.” The black crown of the Emperor’s black eyes shining bright, “Do you have such a good relationship with this brat? It is said that before the Nanzhao Wang was married, you are not seen.”

Cloud spear The Holy Lord looks lightly, slowly said, “There is a fate.” Paused, cloud spear Holy Lord watched the Emperor, rare smiling smile, “Whether you believe or not, this time I really came to see an old friend.”

“What do you want to do?” The voice of the Emperor changed slightly, with some vigilance.

“Nothing.” Cloud spear did not answer the Holy Lord. Watched Lin Feng flashed a soft color in his eyes. “Let’s cherish the eyes of the people, Lin Feng.”

“I will.” Lin Feng nodded, with a slight doubt in his heart.

As the Emperor felt, the cloud spear Lord in front of the eyes seemed to have a different feeling.

Cloud spear The Holy Lord nodded gratifiedly, and the big hand patted Lin Feng’s shoulder, which was light and heavy, and seemed to contain many meanings. Wrongly passing, with a special aura feeling, the cloud spear’s back is lonely and lonely, Lin Feng turned to look at the back, the chest slightly ups and downs.

Today’s cloud spear lord, very strange!

However, it can’t be said.

“This fellow, what are you going to do?” The Emperor muttered.

doing what?

Lin Feng looked a little burning and thought about it again and again.

From the time when I entered the royal palace, the cloud spear sacred is some strange strange, inexplicable to teach myself spear move, inexplicable and self-speaking, plus now, inexplicably there is such a move, discourse, he really wants to do what?

do not know.

Even if you know it, it doesn’t work.

After all, today’s level is still one level away from the cloud spear.

“Call! ~” a light breath, Lin Feng eyes stunned.

Big marriage, going smoothly.

There were no people who didn’t have long-term eyes to come to the troubles, even Lou Lang, who had a bit of grievance against Lin Yun, did not appear.

After all, this time attending the wedding, there are not only the Giants such as the Emperor. Even the imperial expert, who didn’t ask the world, came to cheer. The Three Emperors did not, Lou Lanhuang was not interested in this time, eating in front of so many experts.

One-on-one, maybe evenly divided.

One pair two, that is courting death.

A new couple accepts the blessings of everyone. This is arguably the most luxurious wedding of Heavenly Spirit in millions of years. The Ziyue family, because of the famous reputation of the wedding, the death of Zimanlou certainly made the Ziyue family a big injury, but lost the sang sang to the east, now with Lin Feng this ‘female 婿’…

Everything is different.

Yu Yu Yuan.

“Nine turns to the fruit.” Lin Feng handed a beautifully packaged box.

The beautiful eyes of Qiansonghuang flashed, and the light tremble was picked up. The open box was instantly radiant, and the aura of the rich soul was mixed with life aura. Let the whole room be fragrant and fragrant, full of greasy taste, a strange fruit like a moon in the box, crystal clear and revealing a charming taste.

Pā ! Closing the box, Qian Lianhuang licks his lips, beautiful eyes are crystal clear, “many thanks you. Lin Feng.”

“Let’s raise your hand.” Lin Feng smiled slightly. “I asked Ning Dafu. The effect of the nine-turned fruit is better than the quality of the star that he recommended before, and the effect is better. Not only can you completely heal your old and injured It will make your physique a step up.”

“It is different from other intensive stars. The nine-turning fruit is a lower-enhanced star, and it is most effective for the Martial Artist with poor constitution.”

“We humans. It is the most suitable.”

Lin Feng eyes is light and sly.

“I originally planned to buy it for you. I never thought it would take any effort.” Lin Feng spoke openly, said with a smile. “The Heavenly Spirit expert at the wedding is really rich. Everything is sent, More valuable than the nine-turned fruit, I already have Zi Yao to help you pick it up, until you fully digest the energy of the nine-turning fruit, and restore the 100% peak state…”

“cultivating, you can start officially.”

“I can guarantee that within a month, your strength will increase by ten times!”

Lin Feng eyes Phosphorescent radiation all around, full of confidence.

The thorns are also good, and the thousands of loves are also good. Because of human physical reasons, the extent of improvement is still large. In particular, Qianshuanghuang is like 70%, and the innate talent aptitude is quite good. It is a true wizard for the rare sight of human beings. If you can break through the Saint King Level, he will help himself.

It is not enough to guard the southern domain and protect human beings.

Just as guarding Heavenly Martial Continent at the time, in addition to myself, there are Commander, there are Zi Yao, there are Moon Sovereign, there are Tian Qing, prison, blue, etc… In the second time Lich War, it is not only the cloud spear, but also The lord of heaven, the Supreme Emperor and other saints guard the human.

“Thank you.” The beautiful eyes of Qianghuanghuang are bright and light.

“You’re welcome.” Lin Feng laughed back.

Four eyes are opposite, no need to say more.

They are already the most tacit and most trusted partners.

too much!

Lin Feng’s ‘treasure’ is really too much.

In the past, when the Malays were acquired, the meteor rare treasure did not count. In the days of the rare treasure, the treasures obtained by relying on the ‘wings’ were not less than one hundred, and there were battles again and again, and the ‘spoils of war ‘, plus the accumulated accumulation before, and the gift received by this wedding…

The net worth is quite terrifying.

“It’s not used at all.” Lin Feng’s eyes are bright. “Help me sell it all.”

“Yes, Northwind keeps.” Lange arched.

As a north wind guard, Lin Feng now has more than a house, but also has a guard.

Lange is one of the four great guards. The mixed-race woman is both intelligent and brave. She is very good at handling trivial matters and is the guardian of the original Beilong. Together with Long Yong, Amber, and You Min, Lin Feng has already settled in the North Wind, and he has a high weight.

“Change to witchcraft, I don’t know how many.” Lin Feng blinks flickering, quite curious.

It’s also time for the rich to get rich.


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