The fourth chapter does my best.

Everyone has their own emotional side.

Whether it is a good person, a bad person, or a special group of people. Returning from the Emperor’s Palace, Lin Feng learned a lot of information and solved more doubts, but the pressure on his shoulders was even heavier. Sitting in the position of the Emperor, the spear lord knows the ‘secret’ is quite a lot.

The power of mastering is even bigger than I imagined.

“It’s no wonder that even if the Lich War is fierce today, the nine major domains of human beings are just a small fight, and there is no such thing.” Lin Feng said.

The nine major domains of mankind, not only the terrain is huge, but also the Martial Artist. The most important thing is that the terrain is flat and easy to find, which is arguably one of the most vulnerable targets. But human martial artist’s strength is not so strong. If the Yao national army marches straight into the army, human beings will suffer huge disasters.

However, at the moment, the Yaozu has not killed anyone.

Really isn’t bogey of the witches, not the heart and kindness, just because of the existence of a person –

Emperor Huang.

Heavenly Spirit has always had a very strong deterrent.

In particular, Emperor Huang, after all, is the giant of the Three Emperor City of Heavenly Spirit, the emperor of the Emperor. The Yaozu is not stupid. If it is not necessary, it will never provoke such a transcendental person. For them, there is no good fruit to eat, and the harm is greater than the benefit.

Emperor Huang, as early as the second time Lich war, it has been known as the battle spirit.

“He is to die for his wife.” Lin Feng lightly sigh.

In the Emperor’s Palace, the cloud spear the Holy Lord and his own understatement tells some past events. His wife is a human Martial Artist, who died in the second time of the Lich War to protect humanity. The huge blow made the cloud spear the Holy Lord almost crazy, such as the Shura-like slaughter of the democrat expert, and then lost to the public and seriously injured.

Of course, grinding spear for ten years, the cloud spear lord once again came out.

A spear, a person, even killing the hundred people Saint King expert, blood flowing into the river, invincible.

At this point, lay the name of the cloud spear.

The cloud spear is the Lord, and the Heavenly Lord is another legend.


“I didn’t expect that the Lord of Heaven would die.” Lin Feng felt sorry.

Such a senior, who has done his part, has always been respectful. Different from the cloud spear lord, the celestial lord is 100% human, perhaps he does not have too strong innate talent, but has a transcendental aptitude of the astronomical divination, has been silently contributing to humanity.

And he is saved for himself.

He is truly selfless dedication, even if it is the existence of ‘hundred waterfalls’, it is also to protect human beings and is willing to lose freedom.

“The two saints, I promise you will do everything you can.”

“Do my best to protect humanity.”

Lin Feng burning like gaze, firm and powerful.

There is no such thing as a reluctance, but a responsibility for the blood of one’s own loved ones.

I am now a ‘human king’.

Heavenly Spirit, finally calm down.

This huge equipment is isolated from the world, but it also affects the lifeline of Battle Spirit World.

Even if the Lich and the two races are more lively, it has nothing to do with Heavenly Spirit. No matter whether it is a witch or a witch, the demon is also good. Even if the soldiers are not able to capture the Heavenly Spirit. Of course, the loose power alliances of Heavenly Spirit can’t be merged into one, eight thousand neutral races, and how complicated.

It’s just a mess in the Imperial City, the Underworld, and the Loulan Kingdom’s three great imperial cities.

In the middle of the intrigue, repeated prohibitions.

In particular, the sudden rise of Lin Feng is like adding a screw to the equipment of Heavenly Spirit. Even a small one is breaking the cycle of Heavenly Spirit’s original stability and making it messy. First, North Dragon Shou, and then Toto Shou, and then spread to the underworld and even the Loulan Kingdom.

At the moment, the names of Lin Feng and Lin Yun can be said to be unusually loud.

In particular, Lin Yun has just succeeded as one of the four Great Giants in the underworld, and also killed the Loulan Martial Warrior ‘Zi Man Lou’, which is even more famous. Even the transcendental figures such as Lou Lanhuang and Emperor Huang are provoked.

Of course…

The initiator is the one who does not hear the window.

“Go?” Lin Feng was amazed.

“Not to go, but to experience.” Thousands of love with said a short smile.

“They both… nothing will happen?” Lin Feng brows in his eyes, a little bit worried in his eyes. After only a short period of seven days, I didn’t want to hear this news just after returning to the Royal Garden. The thorns and the sorrows were actually accompanied by one another, and went deep into the wild.

“They can all be Saint Level peak expert.” Qian Lianhuang lightly said.

“Yes.” Lin Feng smiled.

Indeed, it is time for the two to be independent.

All along, I have relied on myself and the thousand love kings, and I can never grow into a true expert. Perhaps there is a lot of chaos in the wild, but the more chaotic and the more fighting, for the cultivating of Martial Artist, this is a good thing, more tempering, more opportunities.

Especially the two, nowadays are the bottleneck of the breakthrough Saint King Level.

With painstaking cultivation comprehend alone, it is difficult to breakthrough.

“Don’t worry, the ‘unique skill’ of the two people’s hard work is full of might, even the ordinary Saint King Level expert, they are not necessarily their opponents.” Qianlianhuang’s eyes are scornful and smirk.

Unique skill ?

Lin Feng’s heart was moving and nodded.

Before entering the world of the witches, he noticed that the left hand back of the thorns and the right hand back of the heart had a strange and brand-like existence. The ‘burn marks’ of the two were very similar. Look at the left and right halves of a puzzle.

What Qian Qianhuang said, it should be this.

From her point of view, she has already been a unique skill for two people.

“Not to mention the benefits of the North Dragon Sword and the Witch, the physique has been greatly improved, and now the sole view of the combat strength, I am not inferior to me.” Qianlianhuang lightly, the eyes flashing a slight bleak, both I am happy for the thorns, but there is a little loss.

After all, her strength does not go backwards, and it will inevitably have some ripples in exchange for any expert.

Thousands of love kings, even if the mind is mature again, after all, it is still young.

“It doesn’t matter, I will help you.” Lin Feng smiled and watched the thousand love kings, and spoke openly. “I have been helping you all the time. I owe you so much favor. It is time to return. Zi Yao is back to me. By the side, the original goal of the witchcraft in this trip has already been reached in advance.”

Thousand love queen beautiful eyes flashing: “Really?”

There is no derogation and no need to deny it, because Qianghuang is very clear about Lin Feng’s personality.

Moreover, helping her to be a little help for Lin Feng, but for her own, it takes a lot of skill. She is really eager to improve her strength, eager to restore 100’s strength, eager to be stronger than before!

Because she is also a Martial Artist.

“Of course.” Lin Feng smiled and gave a thumbs up, but how could he not know what Qianghuang wanted.

“Do my best.”

There is no pressure, no burden, and everything is smooth and smooth for Lin Feng.

The heavenly treasures obtained from Zimanlou did not remain, but were returned to the Ziyue family. After all, the Ziyue family, who is so badly injured, urgently needs an expert support scene, which is in urgent need of the background and needs ‘replenishment’. People are deceived by people, Ma Shan is being riding, and neutral Tribe is not the case?

It is said to be a 8,000-neutral race, but now it can stand in the Battle Spirit World, and it is nowhere in the Malay world.

90% of the neutral race in the long years, or died in civil strife, or to avoid predators, enemies, scattered in the corner of Battle Spirit World. The same is true of the Ziyue family. The strength of Zimanlou’s life, although he let him up, inflated his ambition, also offended many neutral races.

Fortunately, Ziyuan is a wall-and-white grass, but it is sleek and exquisite. It is excellent in eloquence, and its ability to inflame is quite good.

Really isn’t Derogatory, in the eyes of the purple moon family, this is the behavior of ‘derogatory’.

Survival, in an experiential world, is not that easy.

Under the roof, people have no choice to bow.

“Is it heard? Yunwang officially announced the marriage with Zi Yao.”

“Stupid, the two have already been private for a lifetime, but this time they will look like other people, don’t understand it, this is a goodwill ‘warning’.”

“What is the warning?”


“The purple moon family is really amazing, and the long beauty is really good.”

“Forget it, envy does not come, people now have two big imperial cities to support, who will see the Ziyue family in the future will not be polite.”

“I thought that Zimanlou died, the Ziyue family had to be badly moldy, who thought that the background is harder now!”


Spread everywhere.

The storm bursts, but Lin Feng deliberately.

After another marriage with Zi Yao, really isn’t a kindly warning like the outside world, deterring the neutral Tribe against the Ziyue people, but the sincerely ‘reissue’ a wedding. In the Ziyue family, in front of all the relatives of Zi Yao, clansman, Zhengda’s brightly greeted her.

This is a ritual and a protection for Zi Yao.

After all, Zi Yao was forced to marry a sinister old monster and carried a ‘crime’, and this time the wedding banquet is held, there will be no rumors in the future.

“Many thanks you, Big Brother Lin.” Zi Yao smiled slightly.

“Hands over.” Lin Feng caressed the soft face, lightly said, “I just don’t want others to say a word to you behind the scenes.”

“Zi Yao doesn’t care.” Zi Yao smiled and shook his head.

“I care.” Lin Feng burning like gaze.

Looking at each other and laughing, the deep affection is not in the words.

After a lot of hardships, now it is the time to keep the clouds open to see the moon. This is the best answer and ending for both Lin Feng and Zi Yao.

“Zi Yao, after finishing the marriage, I will take you back to the country of hunting when I finish a little chores.” Lin Feng eyes scorned.

“En, Zi Yao understands.” A smile with a hint of softness, a small hand holding that big hand, Zi Yao watched Lin Feng, is completely different from before. With more responsibilities and more maturity, Lin Feng has become the real expert of Battle Spirit World.

“Thank you.” Lin Feng nodded.

There is a sense of heart and soul, and there is no need to say anything more between each other.

Happiness is already coming.

Of course, guarding happiness, but really isn’t inevitable.

Road, there is still a long time.


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