The seventh chapter is to block people from killing, and the Buddha blocks the killing of Buddha!

Shocking abnormal!

At this moment, the Ziyue people who are staying in the main hall are all exposing the gods, and the air seems to solidify. Despite the radiance of the outside, a beam of joy and enthusiasm, but the hall is filled with a terrifying death aura, the Great Elder are like petrochemical.

He has been seen these scenes!

Big Senior Brother ‘Purple’ strength is not to mention, three Senior Brother and four Senior Brother are not soft-footed shrimp, but…

In front of this human, it is brittle and struggling.

Everything that happened in front of me was vividly in sight. If they didn’t see it with their own eyes, they couldn’t believe it. In such a short period of time, the three majors were all slaughtered. The human expert is not astonishing, but the strength is terrifying like a devil, and the murderous aura spreads through the light curtain to the entire hall.

The air is like icing.

“No, it’s impossible.”

“Just kidding!?”

“Great Senior Brother, is that dead?”


A shocking sound, it is hard to imagine the big Senior Brother ‘Purple’ who had talked to them before, and the eyes were killed, soul flies away and scatters. This strange atmosphere enveloped the entire hall, and everyone’s back bones were chilling.

“Second and two Senior Sister!” I don’t know who shouted, the glamorous woman was restored, the pale pretty face recovered a little luster, and then I remembered the purple swear.

If things get too much trouble…

Immediately go to inform the master!

This discourse has now become a swan song and has become the last words of Zi Yan.

In an instant, the glamorous woman lightly tremble her body, as if the snow and ice melted, slamming her body and slamming out of the temple door, the face of panic is full, very incomparable. In the mind emerged just now. That amazing flame, Phoenix’s bright cry, everything…

It’s like a nightmare!

People block murder, and Buddha blocks the Buddha!

For Lin Feng, the clansman of all the purple moons seems to have become enemies.

It is indeed an enemy!

“Shua!” Lin Feng complexion is cold and kills the three Saint Level experts. But even half of the movement is not. For yourself, time is everything, and no one can tolerate that Zi Yao is forced to marry someone else, no matter what the reason.

In the past, I could only watch Zi Yao leave.

But today, today, for no reason, any excuses let Zi Yao leave.

Regardless of who dares move Zi Yao, you must pay a heavy price!

An angry woman is red.

“sōu!” Lin Feng is galloping again.

In the middle of the month, three dying purple moons expert. It is too underestimating Lin Feng and overestimating himself. The reverse scale of the dragon, how can it touch, they should not block the way of Lin Feng, and now Lin Feng is equivalent to the infernal Shura, only the road is left in front of him.

Who dares block, that is the enemy!

Kill without mercy !

“Peng!” “Peng!” Lin Feng is like a broken bamboo.

One after another six mirrors were shattered, and the second 5-star mirror was also shattered into pieces. One after another mirror broken. Not only did the whole month tremble like a tremor, but it also made the outburst of the Ziyue people who were out of the array.

It is not a move. Retreat, not even!

Seeing what Lin Feng crushed the second 5-star mirror meant that they were too clear.

The devil is very close to them!

The complexion is pale and weak, and the purple moon family expert thinks of the bloody picture just now. I feel chilling and my legs are difficult to move. Perhaps their aptitude is very strong, but they have always been neutral and not good at fighting, why have they experienced such life and death. He has faced such killings that grew up in the bloody battle!

Lin Feng, in the killing, step by step to the present.

Combat strength, unfathomable!

“Second Senior Sister!”

“Two Senior Sister, I don’t know how.”


Everyone is now in the mind, leaving only the only hope, the only life-saving straw.

Two Senior Sister ‘Minmin’.

Of course, their second Senior Sister ‘Yuemin’ is anxious like an ant on a hot pot.

At the crucial moment, I can’t find Great Elder!

I have been in contact with the master before, it is Zi Yan, this time the Great Elder banquet, everyone in the banquet came to the wedding, a lively and boiling, crowds crowded together, everywhere is crowded, Yue Min looked around, which I am looking for a master.

What’s more, her heart has already been chaotic.

In the family, I have encountered such a thing and encountered such a big trouble.

Although she is a second Senior Sister, she is too shallow.

In the mind has always emerged that a bleed picture, the terrifying demon human appearance, and the flames of the sky. The chest can’t stop the ups and downs, Yue Min only feels a sullen look in front of her eyes, but the search around is like hitting the wall everywhere, letting her turn around, nowhere to land.

She, dumbfounded.

“Peng!” The third 5-star mirror was finally broken.

Eyes red, Lin Feng mighty standing, no anger in the eyes, and some just terrifying anger. I have been depressed for a long time, waiting for a long time, at this moment my heart has already boiled, my feet are like the vibration of severe, the light tremble can not stop, it is anger, even hate!

Never forgive!

“Boom!” The big battle, broken.

Really isn’t completely broken, but one of the ‘roads’ collapsed.

With the strength of Lin Feng, it is impossible to break through the whole month, but one of the channels is broken, but there is not much problem. A bright light in front, not out of the line, has been able to sense to the intensive spiritual qi, oozing a touch of Life Energy.

Everything is exactly the same as I expected.

“Purple Moon family.” Lin Feng eyes shining bright.

At the moment, there is no such familiar feeling. Without returning to the hometown of Zi Yao, I feel a kind of disgust, a profound stagnation.

Here, it is like a poppy to yourself.

tread! tread! Lin Feng suddenly took a big step and saw a beautiful view.

The fragrance is pleasant and the scenery is beautiful, but in my own eyes it is gray and dark. In front of the emergence of several purple moon family’s expert, with a shocking horror, as if to want to block themselves. Of course…

“Hey!” The flames of the hands of the sky ignited instantly.

In an instant, the few people who tried to block the purple souls expulsive flies away and scatters, escaped faster than rabbits.

Faced with the threat of death, they are paralyzed.

Lin Feng, come.

What is brought. No one knows.

But you can know that the Purple Moon family will never be calm.

This is not a big Tribe, who lives in tens of thousands of years. Of course, there are many purple people who are married to other Tribes. After all, the women of the Purple Moon family are notoriously beautiful, aptitude is also good, and countless other races are favored.

The Great Elder, who guarded the moon, was far away.

They are not stupid, even the strength of the big Senior Brother can not go three strokes. What’s more, they?

If you raise your hand casually, they will probably step into Huangquan.

Blocking delays is a brave man.

There is a head, a debt has a master, since this devilish human goal is really isn’t them, why bother to bring about one’s own destruction, send it to the door? Anyway, everyone is jealous, and there is nothing to be self-respecting. At this moment, everyone has already slammed the two Senior Sister from head to toe, but it has not been a movie for so long!

How do you know that Moon is right now. Anxious like an ant on a hot pot.

Of course, who will control her?

Finally found!

When I saw the Great Elder, who was smiling and laughed, Yue Min felt that the moment was like a slap in the face, so she was sober, and she didn’t cry. Normally, the master can be seen almost every day. But it has never been as urgent as it is now.

“Master!” Yue Min hurriedly rushed over.

At this time, Great Elder ‘Zi Fengtian’ is exactly the same with Patriarch ‘Zi Yuan’. Yue Min is trembled, but now he is a little worried, I don’t know what to do.

In her status. How can I bother the master at this time?


The situation is in a hurry and cannot be disturbed.

All sorts of entanglements, the month’s anxious cold sweat on the forehead, biting the lips, I do not know what to do, only one knee kneeling, arched. Great Elder has noticed the variability of Yuemin, brows slightly wrinkle, just chatting with Patriarch, and seeing the discipline is so uncomfortable.

However, his heart also knows that something must happen, otherwise it would not be Yuemin, not the first person.

“Let’s stay with you, Patriarch.” Great Elder apologized.

“Nothing, let’s talk about it later.” Patriarch ‘Zi Yuan’ picked up a smirk of smile and nodded quietly.

Just ready to leave, the complexion of the earth has changed slightly, Ziyuan seems to be what the sense has arrived, suddenly looked up, watched half empty, eyes.

“What!” Great Elder said with displeasure.

“Master!” Yue Min looked up, lightly tremble his body, tears suddenly fell, just to speak but stopped.

boom! ~

The sky is like a burst.

A fiery red cloud suddenly appeared, the light of the flames drove the huge bloody Phoenix, appeared in the sky, and the whole sky seemed to be dyed red. Moon Min looked up at the sky with a stunned look and trembled non-stop. It was already impossible to say anything. In fact, there is no need to say anything.

Great Elder ‘Zi Fengtian’, Patriarch ‘Zi Yuan’ complexion is a dignified, but also raised his head.

Including all the guests at the moment, all the members of the Purple Moon family stopped talking, and all eyes were shocked by the huge bloody Phoenix at high altitude and the expert aura of terrifying.

A person!

There is only one person.

High suspended in the air, but like the emperor, standing upright, unattainable.

The momentum is tempting, and the people are small.

Lin Feng !

When it comes, it is clean and degenerate.

Seeing this piece of joy, seeing laughter and laughter, Lin Feng’s heart is extremely resentful, and the clenched fists can’t stop shaking. One minute and one second are not willing to waste. It’s better to go straight to the point and look straightforward when it’s hard to find one by one.

Anyway, I am not good at coming!

“Zi Yao!” Lin Feng’s eyes are shining bright and stunned.

Astonishing arrogance, instant exploding cry, the flame of the sky accompanied by the deep like loud yell, shocked the entire purple moon family.

At this moment, Lin Feng’s momentum reached its peak.


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