Chapter VI: Arms as a car

Total anger!

Lin Feng is already hysterical at the moment.

I can’t resist my emotions at all, and I can’t resist it. How can this kind of thing endure!

Like a sunny day Thunderbolt!

“Zi Yao, there must be hardships!” Lin Feng looked cold and understood very well.

I never doubt Zi Yao’s feelings for herself. On the same day, she left herself because of Yue Yin. Today, she married the grandson of Great Elder, ‘Zi Xuan Yu’, and she must be forced by the situation. I don’t know why.

However, if Steward is not in the end, he will never care.

Zi Yao’s business is his own business!

What’s more, which man can endure his wife was taken away!

“xiu!” Lin Feng is like a lightning bolt, straight into the moon.

In fact, the might is not too big, really isn’t said that this month, the strong and the middle of the field, in fact, the monthly ‘utility’ is auxiliary, with absorbing Spiritual Qi, Life Energy as the main role, The rest are secondary.

Despite this, it is not that easy to decide if you want to fight.

But for now, I am very confident.

The ‘notes’ left by Elaine are enough to enter.

“Hey!~”surroundings A piece of hallucination, like a huge mirror house, all around is a mirror, it is like this on the top and bottom. The huge crescent, hallucination in the entire mirror, constantly changing, the Illusory Realm is fascinated, and if you don’t take care, you will get caught up in it.


This level of Illusory Realm is too pediatric.

“Give me a roll!” Lin Feng violent shout. The anger is round.

Countless crescents in front turn into ghostly illusions that confuse the mind. At this moment, I am more upset.

Clenched with both fists, Lin Feng’s heart was angry and could not be vented.

Peng! The illusion is broken like a cloud of smoke.

For those who are determined, the illusion is just a glimpse of the illusion, not to mention that Lin Feng’s strength and soul are too strong. Stepping on the Saint King Level means entering the real pyramid peak of Battle Spirit World, Saint King Level. How many illusions?

The phantom mirror ‘pā lā’ is broken. Not at all on one level, Lin Feng ** **, even the speed has not weakened by half.

The goal is very clear.

In the blink of an eye, a large six-sided mirror is conveniently placed in front of the front, and there is a direction mark on the top, pointing to the left. Extending in all directions. Like a labyrinth, Lin Feng did not follow the direction, and the eyes were cold, and the Fire of Rebirth appeared in the moment, mixed with the star power, in an instant –

“Boom!” Straight out. Lin Feng broke the six-sided mirror and then galloped forward.


It’s almost the end!

This is the simplest and most direct method, and it is also the note that Elaine notes on the parchment. Normal access is far more trouble than this. But as long as there is the amount of attack power of the Saint King Level, break the six-sided mirror. Is another shortcut.

All obstacles and virtual images are equivalent in the face of this attack power.

“Wait for me, Zi Yao.” Lin Feng’s bright glow flashed.

“With me, no one can move you.”

“You are the wife of I, Lin Feng, always!”


Deep mind tightly clench one’s teeth.

Strong killing intent, can not stop the explosion out, crazy extreme.

Purple moon family.

“What to do, Big Senior Brother?”

“Yeah, Big Senior Brother, what did the master say?”

A few handsome men and female women gathered around a formal man, the big Senior Brother ‘Purple’ that was previously told to Great Elder ‘Zi Fengtian’. It was originally under the jurisdiction of Great Elder, and the purple scorpion was executed, but now the Great Elder Purple is busy, and the purple scorpion carries a class of junior brother and junior sister, colleging opinions is of wide benefit.

Blind also sees that the human beings in the light curtain are not good at the moment!

The murderous aura whistling, and now people are blocking the killing, and the Buddha blocks the Buddha.

“The master wants us to deal with it.” Purple frowns, looking at Lin Feng in the light curtain, the heart is really taboo. The strength of this human is stronger than him. If he has already come forward to stop him, why should he struggle as hard as he does now.

“What!” “Ah?” “No!!”…

The junior brother and junior sister are in a daze, revealing the startled twilight, but I don’t know what to do.

This is very difficult to do.

“Three Junior Brothers, four Junior Brothers, you take a trip with me.” Zi Yan sighed, “The face should always face, can’t escape.”

“Others are waiting for orders here, if things get too much trouble…” Zi Yan looked at a tall, glamorous woman, said heavily, “Two Junior Sister, you immediately went to inform the master.”

“Yes, Senior Brother.” The glamorous woman arched.

In the purple eyes, the bright light flashed slightly, and then waved, and the three figures disappeared.

“5-star mirror.” Lin Feng’s eyes burned.

After breaking six six-sided mirrors in succession, there is a rather special 5-star mirror. Really isn’t has five horns, but it is similar to the presence of a pentagon. The flashing five-color brilliance is very strange. On the 5-star mirror, there is no sign for any direction, and there is no way for surroundings.

Here, like a dead end!

However, it is the essence of the array.

The 5-star mirror is a kind of ‘core’, really isn’t the true core, but the equivalent of the button axis.

Destroying it means destroying the moon.

“Irian’s commentary has a cloud, and there are three 5-star mirrors in total. If you choose to break straight, then the three 5-star mirrors must be completely broken.” Lin Feng eyes is translucent, his hands are flashing It oozes a point of Fire of Devour, which is extremely rich.

The Fire of Rebirth attack is just a prelude.

Six-sided mirrors, some of the Experts at the top of the Saint Level can be broken directly, but the 5-star mirror must have the strength of the Saint King Level, and must have –

The existence of the sign of the zodiac!

“Give me the broken!” Lin Feng blinked, Fire of Devour Soaring Dragon.

Like a fierce giant dragon, mixed with the flame of Phoenix, mixed with the rich constellation, and the fusion of the star source, 霎 time straight exploded towards 5-star mirror, the big array seems to severe tremble. The 5-star mirror instantly shattered from the center and was completely unstoppable.

Lin Feng’s strength is too strong!

Ordinary Saint King Level expert, maybe it takes a lot of effort to break open, but for Lin Feng…

No effort!


Despite breaking the 5-star mirror, Lin Feng did not move forward.

Because at the moment, after the 5-star mirror, there are three auras present, stopping themselves. Two Saint Level peaks expert, headed by one dressed in formal attire, with a gaze and a strong transmission of St. King aura, blocking themselves.

“Under the Great Elder, the first “Purple”, these two are under the Junior Brother ‘Zifu’ and ‘Purple’.” Zi Yan Gong Dao.

Behind the two handsome youth is also a slight hand, with a bit of caution on the face, but the bones are transmitted through the arrogance, normallyly also distinguished and noble.

“Let’s get out!” Lin Feng gaze as if a torch, cold and cold.

When you hear the words of Great Elder, you are like a needle in your heart. Killing intent is inexplicable.

Forcing Zi Yao to marry, one in eight is the so-called Great Elder of the Purple Moon! Love the house and Wu, hate the house is also the same, the three purple moon family expert, the Great Elder disciple, now appears here, it will not be a good thing!

However, he does not want to laugh at the face, and he does not want to kill.

“This…” The purple 烔 complexion has changed slightly, and it has to endure anger, said solemnly, “Can Xiongtai speak in one step.”

“I will say it again.” Lin Feng’s eyes are bright light transmission, killing intent, “Get me off!”

One word difference, difference between Heaven and Earth.

The three people of the purple scorpion are the discipline of the Great Elder. Normally, they have always been so pretentious, and they have been so insulted. The sable complexion is very ugly, and the purple scorpion behind it can’t help but burst out. “You know who we are! We are Great Elder…”

The voice has not fallen, the flame has started.

The boiling Fire of Devour, along with the hegemony of the Fire of Rebirth, reflects the moment of the space becoming hot.

“Hey!” “Hey!” Lin Feng burning like gaze,ududly mad, behind the rich blood phoenix strength whistling out, terrifying killing intent has long been unable to hold. At the moment, I don’t have so much time and these little vain, Zi Yao is waiting for myself!

“Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!” Lin Feng violent shout up, hands and flames puff like.

“Bonfire.” Drinking your teeth, if you don’t shoot, Lin Feng will never show mercy. Astonishing flame, as the Phoenix cry blooms astonishing might, straight exploded towards act recklessly, the purple scorpion in front of it.

“Well!” Purple 烔 complexion greatly change, even blocked.

The purple float and the purple sable are also the heart of the heart. I have thought that this human being, like a madman, said that he would fight and fight, and he did not care what it was.

Astonishing flame strength, Saint King Level’s strength suddenly appear, which is what they can withstand. Perhaps the strength of Ziyan can barely compete, but Zifu and Zijing are not in the same grade as Lin Feng. They are flustered to resist, and they are extremely distressed.


“chi!” A cold light appeared, just the escaping of the flames of the escaping flames, very incomparable.

The neck was framed by a large force, and it was crushed in an instant. The ka-cha sounded into the ear, not only the shock of the purple and purple floating hearts, but also the people who saw this scene in the Ziyue family. , completely dumbfounded.

No way! ?

However, what shocked them was just beginning.

After the purple sable, Zifu was also killed in an instant, and it was effortless. The three people in the purple moon family, normally can also be regarded as expert, purple 烔 is the existence of Saint King Level, but in front of the eyes like a car, can not compete with this youngster class.

Saint King Level, the first step, purple!

It also has the first heavenly treasure to protect the body.


In just seven seconds, he turned into a disgrace.

Lin Feng, like a god of the world, the hands of the fire, the bones are gone, the three major members of the Purple Moon are all awarded. In the most cruel facts, I told the people of the Ziyue family that he had come out and had already gone out for the purpose of

Anything he can do.

Only for Zi Yao!

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