Chapter 26—The Blessing of Heaven

North Point King Hall.

Hey! ~ Aura came back again, and the king of Beibei was instantly suppressed.

阎皇, return!

“I can’t think of you, you will actually shoot it yourself.”

“The road to the sky, every Martial Artist can only experience once in a lifetime. I hope he can use all his strength instead of regretting it later.” The Emperor gently said, “My point is just a catalyst for him. Even if you don’t need me, he will understand sooner or later.”

“At the moment, it’s just a little ahead.”

Beibei Wang nodded, watched the light curtain: “Really comprehension astonishing, he already understands.”

“Yes.” The voice of the Emperor is quite satisfied. “Little brat is very clever and comprehension is very outrageous. Just because of the transformation of the ontology Phoenix constellation, it is preconceived. I have never thought that there are three days of strength in the constellation of the constellation, and the Phoenix constellation is only Only ‘Source of Fire’.”

“To breakthrough, it’s different.”

Lin Feng, changed.

Feeling, the anomalies are clear and profound, the aura and space of the surroundings are gone. Like a soul, he blinked away from the ladder and came to the Starry Sky. The long Starry Sky is full of mystery and mystery, especially the stars of aloof and remote are even more mysterious.

Here strength, powerful and aloof and remote.

The time and space are constantly changing, and Lin Feng is indulging.

“Hey!~” The white light in front of him is a big shock.

Consciousness, turning around, and blinking into the galaxy of the Great Bear.

“铮~” The seven stars appearing in front of the eyes are completely bright, that is the existence of the seven main stars, a little bit away from the gaze, thousands of stars will appear, the stars will be a little bit. One of them is bright and heart-warming, comparable to the color of the main star. But it’s just a ‘feeling’ of beauty.

Because I am very familiar with it!

Lin Feng’s eyes are watched, and consciousness is almost very fast.

“Mystery, killing.” Lin Feng is scornful, because of insight, so the sense is profound.

All the time. The invisible gap between yourself and the mystery is killing at the moment. More layers of ‘gold’ origin, more layers ‘Space’ strength. In the mind emerged from the Witch Emperor River and the Yaozu Commander ‘大圣’ that war, remaining fresh in one’s memory.

Especially the Demon Commander, the master of the Golden Way and Dao of Strength, and the same as the Big Bear.

Even so, there is a ‘Dao of Space’ in his strength, but it is suppressed by the Witch Emperor. From Saint Level to Saint King Level is a qualitative breakthrough. Just relying on the mystery ‘killing’, just relying on the source of power, how can we break this bondage.

Three Heavenly Dao strengths must be present!

“There is one ‘encognition’, and the second and the third can be used as ‘auxiliary’.”

“But you can’t give up on one side, if not…”

“It’s not the end of the game.”


The heart is scornful, and Lin Feng looks calm.

At the moment, I am really at the crossroads. Arrive at the intersection of Saint Level and Saint King Level. All the pressures are not here at the moment, including the Wanzhang ladder. It is also disappearing, leaving only himself and this piece of Starry Sky.

Under the reflection of the strength of the day, everything is so ‘small’.

Like sitting in the sky, even if you arrive at the Saint King Level, in Starry Sky, it is still the ‘frog’.

As long as you have this strength. Those so-called pressures…

What is it?

“Hey!~” The eyes flashed, and Lin Feng’s heart was calm.

Consciousness, perfect harmony with the constellation; the body is more so calm; the whole ‘individual’ is perfectly integrated with the outside world.

It seems to be part of this world.

“pā !” “pā !” “pā !” aura is full. The attack on the road of the sky is one layer after another, and the source is continuous, and the suction is extremely strong. However, Lin Feng at this moment is guarded by a mysterious and powerful strength, such as God bless.

Heaven’s strength!

Even if there is no defense, even if the Emperor Jiang, the Demon Commander comes in person, it is difficult to hurt him.

This is the blessing of heaven.

It is the protection and recognition of the natal constellation.

Big Bear!

At the level, it is a higher and more powerful existence than the Phoenix constellation.

Waiting for a long time, again and again, comprehend, cultivating, and finally, under the leadership of Emperor Huang, Lin Feng seems to have found the ‘road’ in this darkness, and found the light spot in the distance. No, it’s very good.

“Wait for a long time.” Lin Feng blinked bright light.

The body slowly recovers consciousness, and although the soul is exhausted, it is clear and unpretentious. In the distance, the Great Bear Constellation shines brightly and brightly, and it is like building a bridge with itself. The body suddenly changed, and the path of the constellation slowly descended.

“It’s finally here.” Lin Feng closed his eyes and relaxed.

Immersed in my heart, this feeling is not the first experience.

The ontology breakthrough is first, the breakthrough is behind, just different from the ontology’s ‘breakthrough’ breakthrough, and the breakthrough can be said to be hard work. Once and for all, the comprehend again and again, under the impact of the absolute strength, the moment is to keep the cloud open to see the moon.

“hu,xi~~” Lin Feng is in the sky, but is independent in this world space.

The strength of the constellation is paramount.

The strength of the heavens is irreplaceable.

“Shua! ~” “Shua! ~~” The constellation is the way to condense the essence of the constellation and baptize the body.

The constellation of the Great Bear Constellation is more powerful, more magical, and more powerful. Unlike the Phoenix Constellation, which only has the Source of Fire, the constellation of the Great Bear Constellation, the three ‘Dao’s are all in harmony, blending with the body and flawless.

“The Golden Way.”

“Dao of Strength.”

“And Dao of Space.”


Lin Feng’s deep sense.

The existence of the three kinds of Taos seems to enhance the sense in an instant, which is incomparably clear.

Originally, the clearest thing about avatars is ‘Dao of Strength’. However, the promotion of Golden Way and Dao of Space is also quite fast. Very fast is the sense of Dao of Strength before exceeding; and Dao of Strength On the basis of the original, it completed a process like sublimation.

The promotion of the Tao.

Sublimation of Life Level!

Lin Feng closed his eyes. Clear sense of every inch of skin changes, the rush of the constellation, the gift of the constellation of the constellation, the blessing of heaven, these are the ‘lifting’ experienced from Saint Level to Saint King Level. Cellular transformation activity is enhanced, transforming your body.

“strength. In recovery.”

“The soul is improving.”

“Everything is changing.”


Lin Feng’s mouth is slightly raised.

I really enjoy this feeling, it is a feeling of reaching the new shore.

Although the Saint King Level is just the foundation of Starry Sky Expert, it is completely different than the peak of Saint Level. The existence of the constellation, the clear comprehension of the strength system, and the transformation of the star source, everything changes abruptly.

It is simply the easiest upgrade of the soul. Physical changes can no longer be underestimated.

“The avatar, the soul is really isn’t strong, but more than enough.”

“The real strength is the body.”

Lin Feng shook his fist and immediately released it.

Just in an instant, your strength has increased by countless times.

What will happen later, it is difficult to predict.

At the same level as the Saint Level, the strength of the avatar has been a large number of exclusiveing ​​ontology. What happens when I arrive at Saint King Level? I don’t have to imagine, I already know the answer. The body of the seven-in-one, Starry Sky Expert’s physique, is the most proud of the avatar.

On aptitude innate talent, more than the body!


“Single star power, there is a lot of exceeding Saint Level peaks.”

“And the body, the eyes have been exceeding the body 1st grade. When it is fully absorbed, it is enough to be in line with the Witch River, the Yao Commander, even…”

“It’s still there!”


Lin Feng is contemptuous.

Confidence, the breakthrough is much stronger than you expected!

capital. More!

North Point King Hall.


“It’s time to break through, if not…” The voice of the emperor rang, but he did not say it.

The light curtain, like a ripple of water, continues to emerge.

Lin Feng’s aura deep sense, the eyes of the northern king of the king shimmering.


“His strength will become more terrifying?” Beibei Wang Xinzhi’s inwardly ponder, quite curious. Lin Feng at the top of the Saint Level has almost the same level of security, then what happens after the breakthrough? The northern king’s chest is slightly ups and downs, and the more he wants, the more shocked he is.

“Perhaps, the strength of Lin Feng can be exceeding away.”

“Do not.”

Lightly purse one’s lip lip, the inner shiver of the heart of the king.

Inexplicable, I feel that he is also threatened.

“What about the future emperor…”

“It’s not easy to make the emperor so valued.”

Beibei Wang’s eyes flickering, the heart is scornful, “Heaven’s strength is coming, the body and the soul can not only improve one level, but also return to the peak strength, the road to the sky has reached the eighth layer, if you regain all strengths Go ahead, then…”

“Lin Feng, which step can I finally reach??”

In the mind, the idea emerged, and the body of Beibei Wang trembled slightly.

Hard to estimate!

He didn’t even dare to think about it.

Lin Feng, it won’t be able to break through the legendary nine-story ladder, comparable to the emperor river, Heavenly Spirit, and the strongest! ?

“Maybe…” Beibei Wang muttered to himself.

Is it possible?

No one knows this answer.

Whether it is the Northern King or the Emperor, including Lin Feng, he does not know, the only thing that is known is –

At the moment, the strength of Lin Feng is very different.

“Call, suck ~” long breath, in just a few hours, the body has already recovered, to restore the peak state. Not only that, the advent of the heavens is almost completely absorbed, and no matter what aspect, it is fundamentally raising a level.

When the light stands, there is a terrifying momentum.

Lin Feng is wearing a thunder armor, and he is so powerful that his armor seems to have changed his appearance, more fierce, more powerful and more terrifying!

Perfectly blended with the host, the Thunder Blood’s inheritance is perfect.

Lin Feng, transformational.

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