The twenty-fifth chapter is unpredictable

?? North King Hall.

“Eight thousand layers.”

“Beyond the record of your North.” The sound of the sound sounded, and the emperor slowly said.

The eyes of the Northern Kings are slightly shivering, said heavily: “Although… some tricks, but it is.”

“Not convinced?” The voice is splendid, and the emperor is stopped and squatting. “The facts are facts, or the strength is worth it. Anything that matters is the result. If you fight, win is win, lose is lose, take advantage. Not tricky… heavy or not?”

The Northern Kings complexion has changed slightly, and the present is with a bow. “The lesson of the Emperor is that Yubei understands.”

“Let’s keep watching.” Emperor said indifferently, “I may even be overtaken by me even if I stay.”

“This…” The northern priest vision gaze towards the water fog-like light curtain, the bright light flashes, “Yu Huang is too modest, in the state of Lin Feng, the eight thousand two hundred to eight hundred and three hundred layers should be almost, There is still a long way to go from your record.”

The hall was uploaded with a slight smile, and the emperor looked good.

“The world is unpredictable.” The Emperor lightly said, just four words, do everything, and it seems that there is no deep meaning. The northern king of the king is not a stupid person, and his heart snorted, and he remembered the ‘abnormal’ before the emperor. He thought of Lin Feng’s independent avatar and couldn’t help thinking.

Is it possible , this human Lin Feng has not yet reached the end! ?

Eight hundred and one hundred floors.

Eight thousand two hundred layers.

Eight thousand three hundred layers!

“Peng!” If you step on the eight thousand three hundred layers, a rich energy package, Lin Feng is like a cloud in the fog. Close your eyes, the body muscles that are collapsing are relaxed, and the feeling of bathing like a spa is integrated into the body. The strength of the soul is also added in the time.

At the moment. The recovery speed is much faster than the consumption.

“The Wantian ladder, a small layer for every hundred layers, a large raft for every thousand layers.” Lin Feng’s inwardly ponder.

Climbing up one level, I have a clear understanding of this. For example, from the eight thousand two hundred and ninety-nine layers of the previous eight, three hundred and three hundred layers. It takes a lot more effort than any previous layer, of course. The same is true of the income.

Right now, it is already on the limit.

As early as the eighth and second hundred layers, he could not support himself. This hundred layers were completely supported by the will.

It seems to have only one hundred layers. However, this hundred layers is completely different from the previous one hundred layers.

Do your best!

Moreover, I am almost here.

“Mystery is killing.” Lin Feng lightly purse one’s lip Lips, I feel that I have touched the essence of the mystery, the ‘heart’ is there, but the deviation is a little bit, or… it feels a little worse. The heart is quiet. The Great Bear Constellation seems to be close at hand, but it can’t break through the barriers and can’t touch the new level.

What is it?

what exactly is it! ?

Lin Feng’s brows are tight, and now the rich energy aura in the blink of an eye is bleak. They all infiltrated into their bodies and slowly disappeared. The strengthening of the body and the soul has undoubtedly added another stroke, but at this time the ‘suction’ on the ladder has appeared again.

It should be said that it has always existed, but it was only temporarily hidden by the powerful energy field.

Right now, completely released!

“Silk ~” “咝!~” Lin Feng complexion suddenly changed, slightly pale.

Right now, only grit your teeth and go up. There is no way out for yourself. Although I don’t know what the consequences will be if I can’t climb the ladder, I can only do my best. Do your best, other…say later.

Exceeding eight thousand three hundred layers!

“Come on again!” Lin Feng was dull and still reluctant to admit defeat.

Will and perseverance are far more powerful than those predicted by the Northern King.

“Human, rarely have such strong willpower.” Beibei Wang said resolutely.

The voice is full of admiration, he is not a stingy person, Lin Feng’s performance, he sees only the heart of love, no wandering.

This is exactly the same as the Emperor.

“The future emperor, but also the general generation?” The emperor’s voice is calm, and he has long understood Lin Feng.

“It’s a pity that it’s not a good time, it’s just a matter of chaos, I’m afraid that his strength can’t be played out.” Beibei Wang lightly sighed, watched the exquisite light curtain, lightly mumble, “willing strength, perseverance, However, the strength is ultimately limited, and ten steps will be taken. He will fall down undoubtedly.”

Ten steps!

The Northern King can make such a judgment, and he is not targeted.

In fact, every step of Lin Feng is a torment. Even if the avatar is strong, it has withstood a full multi-step ladder consumption, and it is the ladder after the seven thousand layers. It is not easy to achieve this level with the strength of Saint Level.

“Is it?” The faint voice is an unquestionable feeling.

“Yes.” The Northern Dragon King also landed with sound, but the bright glow flashed like he understood something, and his eyes lit up slowly. “Yu Huang, you mean…”

“The best of the world, but also Bole.”

“The jade minerals are good, and they need to be polished.”

“The potential is good, and it needs enough strength and strength…”

“Bring it out.”

The voice is ringing, falling straight in the ears of the North King, the heart of the heart.

The eyes are bright and colorful, and it feels like the surroundings aura seems to disappear in a flash, and the light curtain in front seems to have a slight change, and everything is clear.

Emperor Huang, I have to shoot.

Eight thousand three hundred and five layers!

Lin Feng, who really reached the limit, the cold sweat dripped down on his forehead, and the huge pressure was so tight that he could not breathe. The body is as heavy as 10,000 tons, and if you want to take a step, you can’t move. The front is blurred and distorted, just like entering the Illusory Realm.

Even if the willpower is strong, the perseverance is big, but now…

The consumption of your own ‘soul’ is too big.

“Can you only be here?”

“Would you like to end?”


In the mind, there is a thought.

Lin Feng tightly clench one’s teeth, trembled in the body, the eyes are full of unwillingness, but at this moment their own state is clear, it can not be described as ‘the end of the road.’ As if losing all strength, moving together is a luxury, really reached the limit.

It’s over.

heart. It has gradually cooled down by the heat.

Consciousness is almost confusing.

But at this time –

“哗~~” An inexplicable terrifying strength appears slyly.

The originally dense space seems to be bound and is suppressed by a larger and stronger space strength. It is like the feeling of being covered with a pair of hands. The difference is. The suffocating really isn’t breathing, but the body. The existence of the whole ‘soul’.

Abnormal terrifying!

The feeling of death suddenly hit my heart, and the cold sweat on Lin Feng’s forehead dripped down. Although I didn’t know where this strength came from, the vague consciousness suddenly woke up.

Facing death. There is always an incredible strength, especially those who are persevering.

This is instinct!

Whether it is demon beast also good, human beings are also good, they all have this instinct.

Who is not afraid of death?

In the face of death, instinct will go against it!

What’s more, Lin Feng has always struggled on the death line, again and again from the edge of Huang Quan. Come back to the edge of hell. Even if the body has no more strength at the moment, it is only the exhaustion of the soul, not the body.

The body of the seven-in-one is much smaller than the consumption of the soul. To recover more!

Right now, nature will resist!

“Ah!!!” Lin Feng shouted in the sky, and the remaining stars came out.

The exhaustion of the soul, as if it has become a secondary, Lin Feng complexion fierce, the rapid flow of blood drives the activation of the cells, the change is extremely fast. The strength of a share of gold breeds in the body, Lin Feng’s body seems to split, and the thunder light shines.

That is the ancient Divine Beast ‘Thunder’!

Although this time did not use Amethyst spear, but Lei Lei armor has emerged, the emergence of self seems to protect the Master. On the forehead, the horn is flashing, and the thunder light is shining. At the moment, the explosion of strength, aura is like a Thunder.

Blood inheritance!

Lin Feng’s blood has thunder energy.


One of the five Source Energy sources is also one of the sources of energy in the Big Bear constellation. Turned into the elements of Ray, turned into Rayman roar, not only offset the suction of the ladder, but also counterbalance the more terrifying sense of pressure.

“I will never die here!” Lin Feng is extremely determined and has a deep blood in his eyes.

The strength that surges like a wave, against the pressure of the outside, the Source of Metal is rich and extreme. Lin Feng complexion is pale. Although there are a lot of strengths, the current self is still like a car, just reducing consumption and reducing strength loss.

That terrifying strength still exists.

It is more like crushing, to trap yourself here.

How half! ?

Lin Feng’s eyes are cold and the heart is shocked.

Reluctant, not willing to admit defeat, but this strong sense of space suffocation makes it difficult for them to compete. The original consciousness of being lost is now at stake. Faced with strong pressure, there may be resistance to the ability to return to the light, but there is no continuous strength to compete.

Heart, as if to close your eyes.

The strength of the space is very familiar, non-stop suppression, non-stop makes you lost.

Like a mountain, pressed on your shoulders little by little.

“Can’t you do it…” In the heart, the thought came to me, and Lin Feng was about to collapse. But the reluctance from childhood is reluctant to give up, even if the chance is only one point! Strong will, strong, and the world of surroundings is getting blurred.

Desolation –

“Space, space energy!”

“How can I forget this one!”

“Source of Metal, the mystery of the killing, it turned out to be like this…”


Lin Feng muttered to himself.

The whole person seems to be stunned.

Under the ‘threat’ of this extreme pressure, it seems to be sluggish now, but the two eyes of the light light flickering are not really stunned. But under this huge pressure, or under the ‘pointing’, gradually understand, and suddenly, it is Wutong.

“I finally understand.”

“Why, the avatar has always missed the Saint King Level.”

“It turns out!”

Lin Feng is finally a big realization.

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