Chapter 22—Best State

Hey! The flames picked up.

It is like a light shining through the sky, illuminating the entire collection of fire points.

Nangong Madam three people hold their breath, and even the atmosphere does not dare to breathe. It seems that they are afraid of affecting Lin Feng. Such close-up spectator tool refining tool refining is actually a kind of ‘taboo’. After all, for the tool refining division, many techniques are unique and unwilling to share.

However, Lin Feng does not care.

Some of them are already owned.

Today, the lifeblood of the entire southern region, the wave is the billions of stars. Status, money, what is missing?

“Get up!” Lin Feng looked bright.

In the self-state, the pound pupils shine through the wise light.

Star Sky and Stars, has long been a clear memory of the Star Treasure ‘圂’ every refining step, in the in the mind ‘drilled’ thousands of times. Every time the flames are picked up, the subtleties of each movement are familiar with the heart, as if experiencing the temperament of endless years.

Very fast !

The speed of refining is unimaginably fast.

The higher the star treasure, the more it surpasses the level of existence, the more difficult it is to refine. The rapid refining method can not only make the whole set of movements in one go, but also reduce the loss of materials in the refining to the lowest point, and the details are more subtle.

The entry of the state!

“It’s that feeling.” Lin Feng lightly purse one’s lip Lips, the chest is slightly ups and downs.

Mood, very pleasant.

This is a kind of enjoyment, a pleasure.

The tool refining is a real isn’t burden for itself, but a pure hobby. As for success or failure, there is no need to put too much pressure on it. Even if you didn’t make it into a star treasure ‘圂’, it is not a loss to yourself. It has never been owned.

Heart, extraordinarily clear and quiet.

Lin Feng has a bright eye and is getting faster and faster. But every point is caught correctly.

The first refining, it will enter the best state!

“Great!” Wang Shi secretly thought.

He also saw the contents of the parchment, but how can he not know the difficulty of Lin Feng refining the Tianbao Star Treasure?

Compared to the refining of the prestige star treasure, it is completely exceeding a level.

“Good fire control, fast speed.” Nangong Madam eyes are burning, not even squatting, staring at Lin Feng every movement. For her, this is a ‘teaching’ class that really really has. Looking at the entire southern domain, it is more powerful than her tool refining ability, only one person.

That is Lin Feng.

This tool refining speed is ten times faster than when she is refining at full speed!

Just look, it is the scalp numb. In exchange for the ordinary level of tool refining division, even Lin Feng’s movements are not clear, such as feather ink. Little girl Despite the beautiful eyes, the little face of the fascinating fragrance is full of surprises, but can barely see the movement of Lin Feng.

Too fast!

Lin Feng strength. Great progress.

In the air, there is a strong fire.

The three people held their breath and watched the thrilling scene in front of them. At this moment, they were much more nervous than when they were refining.

Can it be successful?

The answer is obviously no.

For the first time, ‘Lifting Skills’ was applied and Lin Feng failed.

Fire of Rebirth melts the material directly into a small hole. Although it is inseparable, it is a fatal mistake in the finest and most refined Star Treasure. Nothing can be neglected. Lin Feng eyes Oh, although it is a pity, but it is not half annoyed.

Failure, as early as expected.

“Sure enough, the refinement and geography of the heavenly treasures are still very different.”

“In the mind of the simulation, really isn’t 100% copyable.”

Lin Feng nodded slightly.

Real refining requires too much detail and sudden changes in the field.

The material is uncontrollable.

Refining is even more impossible to copy.

Just like ten thousand eggs. There will never be a repetitive, seemingly identical refining, in fact every time there are nuances. For example, the same square material. In fact, the shape will be more or less different; for example, the same metal, the purity will be different.

The subtlety of it requires the tool refining to adjust itself.

Almost, maybe it is a lot worse.

“Come back.” Lin Feng didn’t want to think about it, it was just to start again.

The status is just right. If it is disconnected, is it a pity? Rightly isn’t what a fatal mistake, no need to summarize, no need to change.

This is the way to cross it.

Second time.

the third time.

the fourth time!

Even if the situation is excellent, Lin Feng has taken three full opportunities to cross this first step.

Nangong Madam, Wang Shi and Yu Mo, looked at the side and pinched the sweat. But every time it fails, it doesn’t cost Young Master material ‘Heavenly Ya Crystal’, but it is extremely rare 7-star crystal stone, even if the fingernails are so small, it is worth a lot of money.

Now, Lin Feng has refining four times, and he has used his fist-like Heavenly Ya Crystal.

What a luxury!

Nangong Madam and Wang Shi were deeply shocked, but they were also impressed by Lin Feng’s calm.

Such huge consumption is that they are all guilty, but Lin Feng’s expression has not changed a bit. From the perspective of refining techniques and speed, it is unaffected at all, and the mentality is excellent! The two people are more admired for one point, and their mood will definitely be affected.

However, the two did not know that Lin Feng was just a long time ago, and the two billions of stars were directly scattered.

In contrast, this fist big Heavenly Ya Crystal, what is it?

Even if all the materials here add up, it is only one hair from nine oxen compared with the huge one.

How much strength, how much gas field!

Indeed, Lin Feng is not worried at all.

The three main materials are the most intense silkworms, only only twenty, meaning only 20 times. However, the consumption of Heavenly Ya Crystal is not within these twenty times, because the number of Heavenly Ya Crystal is quite large, and the number of farceeding is twenty. Refining continues, every second undergoes complex and extreme changes, and the people watching are dazzled.

However, Lin Feng, the mind is very clear.

Very good condition!

Waiting for a long time, saving for a long time, I am waiting for this refining today!

Regardless of success or failure, complete it!


“Finally found the rhythm of refining.”

Lin Feng has a bright eye.

With several failures, I slowly found the rhythm of tool refining. This is quite a key.

Because today’s refining is like the evolution of ‘mystery’, there is actually an invisible line that exists and will be implicated. Finding this rhythm point can help you find the line more easily and easily, and complete the connection between the point and the point.

The chances of success are even greater.

“It’s almost complete the refining of the 1st rank segment.” Lin Feng’s eyes narrowed.

The refinement of Xingbao ‘圂’. It is divided into four stages, one of which is the main material ‘Heavenly Ya Crystal’; the second is the main material ‘very fire silkworm’; the third is the main material ‘Divine Beast blood essence’. Until all three phases are completed, they will be merged with a three-dimensional fire to complete the final 4th stage.

Although he successfully ended the first stage, he was not happy at all, but his heart was even more intense.

The 2nd rank segment is the real headline!

In the first phase, the healing of Heavenly Ya Crystal is like warming up. Master the rhythm. Familiar with the refining process, even if the failure does not affect the self, after all, the three main materials, the most you are the ‘Heavenly Ya Crystal’, consume nothing.

But in the second stage, it is to bake the ‘very fire silkworm’!

Not a joke. Not only is the difficulty higher, but the consequences of failure are also greater.

This 1st rank segment, each failed. It is necessary to deduct one of the few ‘twenty’ failures!

Quite terrible.

“pā !” The right fist clenched, and Lin Feng shook a minute.

But very fast is calming down, the flame of the left hand is flashing, and the healing of Heavenly Ya Crystal is coming to an end, and at this moment, the melting of the extremely hot silkworm is officially opened!

Hey! ~ Shining like blood.

The emergence of extremely hot silkworms, with a strong fire aura.

The blend of flames and the flames over the Fire of Rebirth, Lin Feng’s brows are slightly clustered, and the hard tooling refining technique keeps the two flames at a constant point. It is always the first time that it is truly displayed. In addition, the mentality of the previous mentality was slightly tense, and the preparation was insufficient. Aura fallen.

“pā !” clenched his fists and Lin Feng’s eyes burned.

The flame disappeared and the fire was smashed into ashes.


“Call~” Wang Shichang put out a breath and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

At one breath, he was still nervous than Lin Feng. He looked at the South Palace, and he was also relieved. The two men looked at each other and could not help but smile. Indeed, Lin Feng’s tool refining technology has already given them a level, just the ability to ‘control fire’, the difference is more than a little bit.

Perhaps at Battle Spirit World, the refinement of the ground level is already the limit of the tool refining division.

But in the distant Starry Sky world, the tool refining division’s path is endless!

Just Lin Feng’s series of refining, far exclusived Battle Spirit World, the so-called tool refining division’s ability range, such rapid tool refining, change, too difficult, really isn’t engraved painstaking cultivation can be done, but needs true Saint Level Strength.

At this moment, Wang Shi and Nan Gong Madam, including Yu Mo, have opened a new page in their hearts.

And this page is quite critical.

Who said that the tool refining division strength is enough to reach the Star Sea Level?

The three talents just breathed a sigh of relief, and Lin Feng’s refining began again. Wang Shi and Nan Gong’s Madame complexion changed slightly, and the eyes were gathered again. At this moment, Lin Feng eyes bright light flashed, and the mind was condensed, but it still maintained its best.

In one go!

The crunching of Heavenly Ya Crystal is more precise and more direct.

After successfully completing the 1st rank, Lin Feng is more confident at the moment, and he is becoming more and more proficient. As time passed, the refinement of the 1st rank segment was very fast, with a familiar rhythm, Lin Feng left hand flame just fell, and the right hand flame instantly picked up.

Extremely hot silkworm, reappear!

“Hey!~” The dazzling fire is full of fire, and the aura of the extremely hot silkworm is unusually superior.

Hey! Hey! Blending with the flames of Lin Feng, such as the double dragon fighting, it is difficult to distinguish. Take care Maintaining the balance, Lin Feng bites his lips. This feeling of tightrope makes him feel inexplicably nervous, like a tight string.

The tighter and tighter the tighter the more tight.

When you reach the limit, you can hear a crisp one –

Pā ! The break of the string.

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