Chapter 21—Three-Dimensional Fire

First of all, the first step.

It is also a step that must be completed now to master all the tool refining techniques on parchment.

If you want to do something good, you must first sharpen your tools. Even the tool refining skills can’t be mastered. What is the refining of the Star Treasure? It’s just a waste of these rare and precious materials. The six unique tool refining techniques described above, the following three in Saint Level, and the above three in Saint Level.

“I have mastered the fire technique.”

“The other two techniques below Saint Level are as good as I am.”

Lin Feng nodded.

These three techniques are actually not that difficult, especially now that they are able to play with the strength of the Saint King Level. The flame in the hand changes dramatically, from small to large, and then from big to small, like a toy.

“Ladder technology is actually the evolution of fire control.”

“As with spear move, the more complex spear move is actually the basic spear move.”

What’s really hard is three tool refining skills above Saint Level!

Especially the hardest one –

Three-dimensional fire!

“With the star source force as the axis, integrate the three-dimensional fire.”

“One-dimensional Heavenly Ya Crystal, two-dimensional extremely silkworm, three-dimensional Divine Beast blood essence, the three linked to detonate three-dimensional fire.”

“Xingbao’s 圂” is self-contained.”


Lin Feng looked sly.

The three-dimensional fire is undoubtedly the most complicated and most crucial.

It can be said that it is the last step of refining the star treasure ‘圂’, as if a different level of objects, such as three-dimensional cubes, length, width, height, and three parts are combined to form a new and perfect ‘body’ Existence.

“Summary, only here.” Lin Feng slightly ponder in one’s thought.

On the sheepskin sheet, the formation of the three-dimensional fire and the cultivating word are mentioned, three tool refining techniques above Saint Level. It is the most mysterious of this ‘three-dimensional fire’, seemingly simple, but the most complicated.

“Is it possible want me to ponder?”

“This tool refining technique. It’s too general, too weird.”

The brows are clustered. Lin Feng is very helpless.

After all, only the numbers are recorded above.

“Try it first.” Lin Feng secretly thought.

Although I don’t understand, but have no choice to try, this is the last step after all. If the refining fails in the end, it can be said that it has been abandoned.

I am losing money!

One heart and three uses.

Lin Feng eyes stunned and pressed his lips.


From one heart to two use to one heart and three. It is a qualitative breakthrough, just as tool refining climbs from the ground level to the heavenly order. The most fundamental problem is that the flame is controlled by the hand, especially the ‘three-dimensional fire’. The flame must be combined with the star power, which is the root of the Holy Spirit.

With one hand, only two sets of flames can be controlled.

Already the limit!

“The third flame, how to control?” Lin Feng brows up, feeling a headache.

Is it possible First to ignite a flame. Control two flames with one hand? In principle, it is feasible, but the root of the three-dimensional fire, in the end is the need to ‘coincident’, overlap in an instant, to complete this step… too difficult.

“This fire control technology. The requirements are not generally high.” Lin Feng was scornful.

I know clearly that even if I control the three flames with one hand, it is possible to directly integrate them. With the advancement of strength and the improvement of fire control technology, nothing can be achieved. At the moment, I have to break through the bottleneck of this ‘control fire’, and really isn’t between the day and night.

How to do?

Lin Feng frowned.

If this problem is not solved, refining cannot begin at all.

The eyes are shining and Lin Feng is indecisive.


“Yes.” Lin Feng’s eyes are light, since muttered, “Maybe… this method works.”

In the heart, lightly said, Lin Feng’s eyes flashed, and the whole body gradually split like an overlap, and it appeared in front of the eyes. “From!” Lin Feng shouted, the rich flame is mixed with the power of the star source, such as a fierce Fire Dragon suddenly appeared.

“Hey!~” The golden star source is shining, and the look is condensed.

Really isn’t fire element Martial Artist, only with a simple star power to temporarily fix the flame.

At this time, the left and right hands of the body are worn, and the three clusters of flames are mixed in the time. In the most ‘basic’ way, the simplest way is to form a cluster of extremely strong flames. Lin Feng’s mouth raised a smile of joy, but the biggest problem was solved.

The rest, slowly research is.

“The so-called three-dimensional fire, one-dimensional, two-dimensional, three-dimensional, is actually an independent existence.”

“The existence of the main material wrapped in fire is actually giving each other a chance to coincide with each other. The existence of a ‘same’. With the fusion of the flames, with the change of the ‘Dao’ of the heavens and the earth, the three main materials are merged and the tool refining The mystery is revealed.”

“In fact, the level is the difference between ‘star technology’ and ‘mystery’.”

Lin Feng’s eyes are clear and my heart is clear.

It is just this high-level man who wrote ‘Parchment’, which disassembles the mystery and simulates the mystery and the root of the mystery with the tool refining method. It’s hard to imagine, just as civilians can’t imagine Martial Artist, ordinary Martial Artist can’t imagine Saint Level Martial Artist.

Not knowing yourself does not mean that it does not exist.

Just sitting on the ground and watching the sky, the strength has not arrived.

“Two methods.”

“One, the mystery of the parchment comprehend, and then refining the star treasure ‘圂’, no benefit. Not only the refining effect is better, the refining method is more familiar with the heart, the quality is bound to be better. The most important thing is that you can make the best use of the material, no waste.” Lin Feng eyelid flickering, my heart is very clear.

Of course, this method is not suitable for you.

“Second, according to the text, with the energy of the body of the pupil pupils, the perfect reproduction of the possibility of refining.”

“While it wastes a lot of materials, it is more likely to have nothing, but…”

“I do not have choice.”

Lin Feng nodded.

The most lacking thing in my eyes is time.

During the six months, it is getting closer.

Lin Feng’s patience cultivating in the fire cave is not only the integration of every basic tool refining step, but also the six unique ‘tool refining skills’. The three Saint Levels and above are quite complicated, especially the ‘three-dimensional fire’, until now Lin Feng is a fog.

There is absolutely no grasp at all.

“How do you fuse? How many ratios, how many stars control?”

“Whether there is a need for a different ‘dose’ between fire and fire. Or in order?”


Lin Feng’s brows are tight.

The description of 3D Fire is the most general compared to the other two Saint Level techniques. It is also the most rudimentary, as if only the three flames mixed with the main material are combined, and everything will come into being. But, how simple is it, the entire refining process itself is a complete memory, and the most difficult –

This is the last step!

“The other two tool refining skills, I have 70% to grasp.”

“Only this ‘three-dimensional fire’. I don’t even have 30%.” Lin Feng secretly thought, very clear. At this moment, the importance of ‘Teacher’ is revealed. If someone teaches it, there is no need for such painstaking research. Estimate.

However, the heavens treasure, no one in the entire Battle Spirit World has been refining.

Only rely on yourself!

“Three days.” Lin Feng secretly thought.

“No matter what the outcome, in three days, we must start refining.”

“In the three days, try to increase the success rate. Let the refining process be perfect and reduce the main material loss.”

The material is fundamental.

At the moment, the main material is too rare and too precious, and there are only 20 refining opportunities.

Can’t squander practice. Therefore, it is especially cherished.


Compared with the entry into the witches’ environment to find Zi Yao, tool refining is only aside.

Southern domain.

A piece of boiling water.

Lin Feng’s ‘disappearance’, whose whereabouts are unknown, has alleviated the mood of the people to some extent, especially the Taoyuan sage. And the appearance of five rare first-class heavenly treasures makes everyone red-eyed and completely boiling.

Among them, there are two first-level heavenly treasures of the black level!

In the human territory where the legendary existence is the legend, the black level first heavenly treasure, which is the ultimate of the heavenly treasure!

Which saint does not want to have it?

It is the King of Fire and the King of Lu, both of which are bright eyes.

The auction went crazy, giving all the saints plenty of time to mobilize funds, and the auction ended with a rather eye-catching result. Two pieces of black-level first heavenly treasures, each of which has almost reached the price of nearly 10 billion stars, is quite shocking.

It is a white level first heavenly treasure, and the price of three billion stars is taken.

Emei opened his eyes and smiled, but it was a collection of two billions of stars, and it was enough to appease the huge number of people in Xiaoquanzhou!

At one time, the voice of the people was boiling.

The entire Xiaoquanzhou has been elated from a mournful atmosphere. The deceased has been paralyzed, and people are always very forgotten. When this huge money storm falls, every citizen selectively forgets their troubles and enjoys the fruits of joy.

Money can make a ghost push.

Lin Feng, using the ‘sin’ money to whitewash his own pitch-black ‘bottom’.

Although the throne of the first landlord in the southern region was frustrated and suffered heavy losses, at least… gradually transitioned and slowed down. The troubled southern regions have changed things. Now, with the efforts of Lin Feng and Yan, they have gradually calmed down.

At this moment, Lin Feng ushered in a crucial moment.

In the collection of fire caves, Nangong Madam, Wang Shi is invited to come, Lin Feng said it must be done, not only promised two people, naturally no words. Moreover, the two can be said to be the best tool refining division with the best technology in the South. Bystanders are clear, maybe they can help themselves a lot, and solve problems.

In addition to the two, Yumo is also involved, there is a benefit Lin Feng naturally will not forget his wife.

Feather ink, can be described as a soft spot for tool refining.

Close to the lips, Wang Shi back hands, complexion is extremely dignified.

Including the always-stricken Nangong Madam, the forehead is also a little cold sweat, really isn’t hot, but really feels nervous.

What they want to witness will be the legend of the tool refining division, a miracle that has never been successful.

The refinement of the heavenly treasure!

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